Date But Not a Date

Like the Lotus

A/N: Gwaenchanh-a? means "Are you OK?" in Korean; Gomawo is an informal way of saying thank you.

Jan Di had been up late studying the night before. She had passed out in the living room on a book. She awoke with a start and rubbed her sore neck.
Ahh, that was not a good position to fall asleep in…

She got up and groggily stumbled across the room. She looked at the time. "Oh!" She suddenly remembered that she was meeting Ji Hoo Sunbae in an hour. She rushed into her room and thumbed through her closet. What to wear? She kind of missed the days of just putting on a school uniform every day. It took away the hassle of choosing a suitable outfit. She wasn't sure what Ji Hoo had in mind, so she wasn't really sure how to dress. It wasn't as if it was really a date, but still…she didn't want to look too casual in case they went somewhere nice. Why am I obsessing? Sunbae has no reason to take me out somewhere nice… After all, I'm the one who owes him for helping me…

She finally decided on an outfit that was in-between. It was nice, but not too nice. She chose a skirt and sweater. She tossed on a jacket and smoothed out her hair. She noticed the red mark on her face, likely from falling asleep in such a position. Jan di never wore a lot of makeup, but she decided to put on a little powder and blush. She did so quickly. Then, she grabbed her purse and jacket, slipped on her shoes at the door, and headed out.

She was glad that Hye Jung had gone out early to meet some friends. She hadn't told her that she would be hanging out with Ji Hoo today, even though it wasn't really a date. She didn't know why she felt guilty. She felt bad that Hye Jung liked Ji Hoo and he didn't seem to reciprocate, but she'd also been surprisingly relieved. With a deep breath, she headed toward their meeting place.

Jan Di met up with Ji Hoo at the agreed upon location. He smiled warmly upon seeing her.
"Good morning." Ji Hoo was always so fresh in the morning. Definitely one of those annoying morning people, she thought.

Jan Di smiled. "Good morning." She noted two coffee cups in his hands.

He handed her a cup. How nice he had the foresight to anticipate her need for coffee that morning.

They stood there for a moment, looking at each other. It felt a bit awkward, which seemed useless. She sipped at the coffee.

After a moment, Ji Hoo took a breath and asked if she was ready. She nodded, and he put an arm around her shoulder, as they walked together.

"Where are we headed?" She asked curiously.

"You'll see." He smiled and continued to lead her. Ji Hoo had actually put a lot of thought into where he would take her. He was careful to avoid any places that he was aware she'd been with Joon Pyo. He knew in his heart that this wasn't really a date, but he felt the need to make the most of his very precious time with Jan Di. He knew it would only be a matter of time before she would be married to his best friend and would likely have no time for spending with him. Four years or not, the impending marriage hung over his head like a dark cloud.

Jan Di was a little surprised when Ji Hoo took her to a baseball game first. She'd never been to one before, though she'd seen them on TV. He explained that this was one of the teams that he now owned. They were given the royal treatment upon arrival, including being handed a ton of free souvenirs and being escorted to Ji Hoo's private box. Jan Di continued to be overwhelmed by the scope of the wealth that the men in her life possessed. However, she was not a girl who could be seduced by wealth. She did not long for riches like many women, or like her mother dreamed for her. In actuality, she preferred a simple life.

Jan Di decided to dress the part and slipped on the home team's jersey. "You look cute," Ji Hoo sweetly commented. He was dressed casually but not in team attire. She smiled innocently.

Jan Di had to admit the game was fun. She had never really considered herself a sports fan, but she got into the excitement of cheering for the home team. She also couldn't deny that she enjoyed all of the good junk food that was provided, and she pigged out a little. She found the hot dog and nachos especially addictive. Ji Hoo was no stranger to her scary eating habits. He simply smiled and encouraged her to eat whatever she wanted. He truly accepted her for who she was: the good and the well, not so good.

"Sunbae?" She inquired after finishing her hot dog.

"Hmm?" He asked, looking upon the game intently.

"This is great, but I feel so secluded up here."


"Yes, I feel like all of the action is going on down there."

"Well, let's go then." He grabbed her jacket and drink and escorted her from the private box. An usher took them to a seat along the third base line. Apparently, this was a prime spot.

Jan Di looked around at the huge crowd. It was a sea of people, more people than she'd seen shoved into one place, even more than at the department store during a sale. Fans really got into the game. Some even wore face and body paint. She found herself cheering loudly. Ji Hoo would shout out here and there in encouragement, in his own casual way.

Midway through the game, Jan Di experienced something she hadn't quite been ready for. A fly ball came whizzing past them, just over their heads and out of reach. "Whoa!" She exclaimed, unaware that she'd gripped Ji Hoo's arm tightly in surprise. She blushed at her unwittingly girlish reaction.

He grinned at her. "Don't worry. That happens sometime. I'll catch it if it comes close."

She smiled. There he was protecting her again…

Amazingly, another foul ball came flying toward them not long after. True to his word, Ji was able to reach up and snag the ball that came zooming by. Jan Di had to admit that it was pretty impressive. The crowd cheered for the catch.

"So, do we throw it back?" She asked.

"No. You're going to keep it." He tossed the ball lightly to her and she caught it and smiled.

Jan Di was enjoying the game and learning that a lot more went into attending a baseball game than actually watching the game. There were all kind of special cheers, the wave, and various points when cameramen would go around the audience and put random fans on the big screen. Jan Di silently prayed that no one would put a camera on her.

As if inevitable, Jan Di and Ji Hoo did wind up on one of the big screens with bright pink letters stating it was a "Kiss Cam."

"What?! Unbelievable. Are we in a drama or something?" Jan Di couldn't believe they were in such a situation once again. She recalled that time in the park, the wedding contest. Though it was a fond memory for her, she still recalled the awkwardness of the crowd urging them to kiss. They both felt an overwhelming sense of déjà vu as a crowd, albeit a much larger crowd, was once again cheering for them to kiss. Jan Di felt herself blushing. She and Ji Hoo looked at each other, much like that last time, not sure what to do.

It's OK. I'll just give him a peck on the cheek like last time… Jan Di thought.

Ji Hoo studied Jan Di, waiting to see if she'd make any movement toward him. She appeared to be weighing out the situation. The crowds continued to chant for them to kiss. Ji glanced to the crowd and then back to Jan Di. He visibly took a breath. Jan Di met his eyes then looked down in embarrassment.

Uncertainty continued to wash over them for a few more seconds. Jan Di appeared frozen, gazing slightly downward in front of her. Ji Hoo shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Both finally came to a decision simultaneously. Ji Hoo began to slowly turn to the side and lean toward Jan Di to give her a kiss on the cheek. Having come to the same conclusion, Jan Di turned toward him. The ill-fated timing led to their lips lightly colliding in the middle. Wide-eyed, their eyes met, surprised by the outcome.

Neither of them repelled from the kiss immediately. As if immobilized, their lips remained touching, and the kiss lingered for a few seconds. Shock gave way to impulse, and Ji Hoo felt himself begin to press ever so slightly harder. Dazedly, Jan Di's lashes fluttered and began to instinctively close.

The awkward kiss elicited a "Woooo" from the crowd that brought both back to their senses. The two were quickly reminded of where they were and what they were doing. They each abruptly ended the kiss and turned in their seats. Jan Di shrunk down and clutched her jacket.

Ji Hoo glanced over at a clearly uncomfortable Jan Di. He could tell that she was freaking out on the inside and likely beating herself up mercilessly. He mentally berated himself for his stupidity. He exhaled sharply and put a hand to his head. They continued to watch the game in silence.

They didn't speak throughout the rest of the game and barely paid any attention. It was lucky that no more foul balls came at them. Neither could have given the final score. Both spent the rest of the time wracking their minds over what had just happened. After getting past the initial emotion, Ji Hoo could accept that it had been an accident. He knew better of Jan Di, though. She would be unforgiving of herself for such a slight indiscretion. At the end of the game, Ji Hoo led a clearly still dazed Jan Di out of the stadium. He glanced over at her cautiously here and there. He decided to break the unbearable silence.

"Gwaenchanh-a?" He asked softly.

She looked at him and nodded. He could tell she was still a bit in shock.

"Jan Di…"

He could see her look at him out of the corner of her eye without making eye contact.

"I'm sorry."

She turned to look at him.

"I didn't mean to…" He said, sincerely, meeting her gaze.

She nodded, took the breath she'd been holding, and released it. "I'm sorry, too."

He wasn't certain if she was simply apologizing to him for the slip, or if she was truly sorry that it had happened. She probably was. Guilt washed over him for not feeling sorry that it had happened. Sure, he would have preferred a desired rather than accidental kiss. And sure, he would have preferred a more private setting, one in which he could have further deepened the kiss, while holding her close to him. He shook himself from this thought.

It had happened, though, and he realized he wasn't sorry at all. Still, he was afraid. He was afraid that he may have hurt her, that he may have pushed her away, that she would be punishing herself for this. And he feared the ramifications of not stopping more quickly. How would she respond to this? Would she be awkward around him for a long time, or worse, would she avoid him? Still, had his imagination and emotions gone wild, or had she allowed him to deepen the kiss ever so slightly? Was he crazy, or had she begun to give in and close her eyes?

He studied her, as she walked on next to him, still quiet. "Jan Di, it's OK. Don't worry. It was an accident."

She continued walking, taking in his words, but not responding. He stopped her, taking her shoulders in his hands and leaning down slightly to look into her eyes. She flinched noticeably, and he winced at this.

"Jan Di, please, let's just forget it happened."

She stared at him for a few seconds and put her head down with a nod. He reluctantly released her and urged her to get on his motorcycle with him to head to their next destination. As he rode with her arms lightly clutching his sides, he fully expected her to ask to be taken home. Ji Hoo questioned his choice for their next activity.

Next, Ji Hoo took Jan di to Daehan Cinema, and they rode the elevator to the top. Jan Di looked around in wonderment to see the Sky Garden Café, a beautiful café atop the skyscraper covered in roses. She'd never seen anything like it. The sun had just begun to set and the lights were glowing over the city. The waitress showed them to a small table.

Ji Hoo watched as Jan Di looked around her. The atmosphere was very…romantic, she thought. She began to feel a little uneasy. She wondered if he intended this to be romantic, or if it just happened to be the sort of place with a romantic feel. Jan Di thought of Joon Pyo. She hadn't realized her loneliness until today. She had been keeping busy and spending a lot of time with Ji Hoo Sunbae, but she hadn't experienced romance in a while. It wasn't something that she had felt deprived of, but recalling her accidental kiss with Ji Hoo earlier, she began to question. She was not one to justify or make excuses for her actions. She wasn't upset by the accidental brushing of their lips, but rather the fact that she gave in to it. She didn't pull away nearly as soon as she should have. And she felt incredible guilty. She wondered if Joon Pyo could ever forgive her. She felt confused. Had she allowed the kiss to continue out of loneliness, or had she simply been so shocked that she didn't react as quickly as she should? Or, was it something more than that…? She agonized internally.

She noticed Ji Hoo's concern. She was certain that he was blaming himself and could tell that he was very worried about how she was feeling. He had asked her to forget about it. She didn't know if she could forget about it, but she was going to pretend to for his sake.

She recalled her first night with Jun Pyo on the Namsan Ropeway, looking at the stars or "satellites." She felt the tears welling, tears of missing him and tears of guilt over her lack of faithfulness.

Ji Hoo noticed this and gently asked once more. "Gwaenchanh-a?"

She nodded and mustered her best smile. It still came across as sad. The waitress came over, and Jan DI was relieved for the distraction. They both ordered lattes.

"Did you have fun today?" Ji Hoo asked quietly, his tone somber and a little sad.

Jan Di nodded and smiled sincerely. "Yes, I did. Gomawo, Sunbae…" She paused, her mind still reeling. "You…didn't have to do all of this."

"I know. I just wanted to give you a nice day. You've been working so hard." He said, plainly.

Jan Di smiled and looked at him endearingly. "What about you, Sunbae? You work hard, too! You do just as much as me, if not more. And you always make time to help me study…I owe you so much."

"You don't owe me. I just…," he paused. "…Enjoy being with you. It makes me…happy."

Jan Di looked at him, but all she could respond with was a simple, "Sunbae." The purity of his friendship for her was touching. Yet, perhaps it came from another place, too. She recalled her conversation with Ga Eul. Had she been right? Was her Sunbae still in love with her? She struggled to believe this, but the signs were there. She recalled Ga Eul's words, "You've never led him on." She felt the tears coming again. Was she actually leading him on after all?

Ji Hoo looked at her and could see the clear signs of her distress. He could feel the emergency bell ringing loudly in his own heart. He wanted so badly to hold her and kiss away any signs of tears. But he couldn't. And he was actually afraid to touch her at all now, for fear of scaring her away. He recalled his dream. He recalled the note and when she left before. He feared the day when she would once more bid him goodbye.

Perhaps Jan Di had begun to pick up on his emergency bell, too. She could sense his sadness and trepidation. She tenderly put her hand over his. "I'm happy when I'm with you, too." She said, sincerely. She would make the most of the time she had.

Surprised at the feel of her touch, he looked at her. It wasn't the first time their hands had touched but it remained electric for him. He wondered if she felt anything at his touch. Had she felt anything during their kiss? Absently, he put his other hand atop hers and lightly ran his fingers across hers. Jan di felt her heart skip a beat ever so briefly.

The moment was broken by the waitress bringing their drinks. Brought back to reality, she put her hands in her lap. What am I doing?

They thanked the waitress and began to sip their lattes. She welcomed the distraction. She resolved to make conversation at a desperate attempt to break the palpable tension.

"Sunbae, it's really beautiful here," She mused, looking around her and taking in the view.
"Have you been here before?"

Ji Hoo gave a small sigh. "Yes, with Seo Hyun." She hadn't heard him call his former love by name in a long time.

"Oh, have you heard from her lately?" Jan di wondered if he still had contact with her or thought of her. He never spoke of her, but she was sure that he certainly must think of her sometimes.

"Yes. A few months ago. She's going to be visiting here soon." He said matter-of-factly.

"Really?" Jan Di had always admired Seo Hyun and thought it would be nice to see her again, yet she found herself torn. She was curious about how Ji Hoo might be feeling about this. Was he excited that she was coming? Did he still see her as a possibility, or had he truly moved on from her?

"Yes. In two weeks."

"That's great, Sunbae!" She exclaimed, more over-the-top than she planned.

He studied her.

"Are you…excited to see her?" Jan Di asked hesitantly.

Ji hoo recalled her trepidation about asking about her roommate Hye Jung. He wasn't sure why Jan Di seemed so timid when asking him about other women.

Ji Hoo thought about this for a moment, unsure how to answer the question. He wasn't particularly excited, but he still felt a closeness with Seo Hyun. She had been a big part of his life for so long.

"I suppose so. It'll be nice to see her." He answered, emotionless.

Jan di nodded.

"Would you like to go with me to pick her up? I'm sure she'd love to see you again." He asked.

Jan Di was caught a bit off guard. "Oh, well of course, if I can. I'd love to see her, too. But, I won't…"

"Won't what?"


Ji Hoo shook his head and smiled. "Of course not."

The rest of the evening was relatively uneventful. They went to a movie at the cinema. It reduced the need for making conversation and was a good distractor. They were able to laugh and whisper an occasional comment about the movie, but it remained platonic. No inappropriate, accidental touching occurred while reaching for the popcorn or anything like that, so Jan Di was relieved.

The two stayed away from any unsafe topics afterward and managed to keep things casual and superficial. Ji Hoo dropped her off outside of her dorm, and they said a friendly goodbye. Ji Hoo rode away, his head still spinning a bit.

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I loved writing "Like the Lotus," but in a way, I enjoyed its sequel (Like the Lotus: The Continuing Story) even more.


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grammey #1
Chapter 34: I have read this story several times and enjoyed it every time.
liSSie #2
Chapter 1: As promised, I'm reading now.
jesuisx #3
Chapter 41: Hands down, the best fanfic I've ever read :') you are beyond amazing and I appreciate how all your fanfics are so detailed, precious and beautiful. Thank you so much for keeping Ji Hoo and Jan Di's story alive.
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 41: *sighs* bucket of happy tears falling down my face. Yes, the whole name thing gets confusing to write about, especially when they are minor characters.
seamusmommy #5
Chapter 40: Aigoo, just when I think things will go smoothly. Aish, these 2 dorks and what took JunPyo so long? I found myself shouting back at Jihoo when he asked JunPyo if he should have beat up his Mom's henchmen. Lol. So now what twists will authornim throw at me, tying my stomach in knots?
seamusmommy #6
Chapter 39: I really do hope this isn't JunPyo's doing. He should know by now he won't be getting anywhere this way.
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 38: A very distracting and jealous Jihoo is hard to ignore. Kekeke
seamusmommy #8
Chapter 37: Aaaahhh....aptly named chapter...but really...a giddy JiHoo is just a little too much, don't you think? And yet, my smile is stretching as wide as the table. LOL. I love Harabeoji...yes, Harabeoji, you make sure that boy remains a gentlemen and doesn't lose his head. ;) Phew! I made it. Still cringing at the beginning of this chapter and then grinning like a dork by the end. Resting for a bit and then I'll continue.
seamusmommy #9
Chapter 36: Aish!! JanDi,'re tying my stomach in knots!! Jihoo, my friend...that WAS an ultimatum. And Alex, I already told JunPyo that a few chapters ago, LOL. I told authornim I was cringing. Poor JunPyo, he just hasn't had a chance in all this. Well, focus on capturing the bad guy, JunPyo. That will make you feel better - a little.
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 33: I love Woo Bin. Everyone should have a loving and noble mafia guy in their life.