
Like the Lotus

Jan Di awoke several hours later. Her hospital room was filled with flowers, balloons, and a teddy bear. Joon Pyo was still by her side. She assumed that all or most was from him. He'd gone a bit overboard.

She blinked a few times and opened her eyes. "Geum Jan Di? Gwaenchan-ha?" Joon Pyo asked, bolting upright.

Jan Di nodded slowly, but she truly was anything but OK right now, at least emotionally. Immediately upon waking she recalled the circumstances that had brought her here and was instantly reminded that Ji Hoo lay unconscious a few doors down.

"Goo Joon Pyo…" she mumbled drowsily. He took her hand and gave it a light squeeze. Her hand remained limp in his.

"How's Ji Hoo Sunbae? Any change?" Her mind was on one track right now.

Joon Pyo released a sigh. "No change. His vitals are stable, though, and the doctor said that he doesn't appear to have any permanent damage. His prognosis is good for making a full recovery, as long as he wakes up..."

Jan Di breathed a fleeting sigh of relief, but she knew that she wouldn't be at ease until he awoke. She was still terrified, anything could go wrong.

"The doctor said you could get out of here in another day," Joon Pyo said. "And I talked to your family. They are coming."

Jan Di nodded. Joon Pyo put a hand to his forehead and rubbed it.

"Why don't we go see him?" she suggested, more calmly this time. Joon Pyo nodded and helped her out of bed.

They entered Ji Hoo's room. Woo Bin and Grandfather were there.

"Yi Jeong took Ga Eul home, Jan Di, but she said she'll be back to see you tomorrow," Woo Bin said.

Jan Di nodded. She slowly approached Grandfather at Ji Hoo's bedside. "Grandfather, I'm so sorry…" She reached for him, and he pulled her into a warm embrace. "Jan Di-yah," he patted her on the back.

She pulled back slowly and gazed upon Grandfather's withered face. "Grandfather, you look tired. You should go home and rest. Joon Pyo?" Jan Di turned to him.


"Do you think you could take Grandfather home?"

Joon Pyo nodded.

"And you'll make sure he's cared for and has something to eat? And will you make sure my dog, Fluffy, has food and water and goes out?" She hated asking all this of him, but she kept coming up with things that needed done.

Joon Pyo simply nodded.

"Oh! It would be nice to have some things for Ji Hoo Sunbae…like some music and pictures, maybe some books I could read to him…" she stood there thinking about what all he should have.

"Don't worry about any of it. And I'll bring some things for him," Joon Pyo interrupted.

Joon Pyo took Grandfather home, completed Jan Di's errands, and went to gather some things for Ji Hoo. Joon Pyo went to Ji Hoo's room and looked around, recalling many a time hanging out in there, watching TV and talking. Well, it was usually him doing most of the talking, while Ji Hoo listened and offered a comment here and there. He felt a bit emotional, but he refused to give into it.

Joon Pyo grabbed a boombox and a few CDs, classical. Not his thing, but he knew Ji Hoo enjoyed it. He looked around again. He wasn't quite sure what to bring. He knew Ji Hoo well, but Ji Hoo couldn't really use any of these items right now. He'd appease Jan Di, though. He went into Ji Hoo's office and scanned around for anything else Jan Di might think Ji Hoo could use in his hospital room.

He noticed Ji Hoo's pictures on the table near his desk. He glanced at them. He picked up the family portrait with Ji Hoo as a child and stacked it atop the CDs. There was a recent picture of Ji Hoo and his Grandfather together by a lake with Grandfather holding up a spoon. He stacked that one, as well. He noticed a framed picture of Jan Di smiling on Ji Hoo's desk. He picked it up and stared at it for a long time before clenching his jaw and setting it back down on the desk.

Joon Pyo glanced around the room and went to the book shelf. He grabbed a few books and a box to put the items in. He opened the box to find that it wasn't empty. On the top was a pair of mittens with lambs on them, definitely not Ji Hoo's style. He laughed at the mittens. The box was filled with random items: ticket stubs, pamphlets, notes… He noticed Jan Di's signature on the bottom of one of the notes. He knew he was being very meddlesome right now. He was able to fight the urge to read the note.

He caught sight of a few pictures sticking out from a book. Curiosity overcame him this time, and he picked up the pictures. They appeared to be pictures of Jan Di and Ji Hoo posed together in wedding attire. Joon Pyo squinted hard at the pictures, bewildered by what scenario would have elicited such photos. He thumbed through them a few times, flustered. In one picture Jan Di was kissing Ji Hoo on the cheek. He tossed the pictures back in the box and shut it, deciding no good could come of further snooping through Ji Hoo's box of Jan Di keepsakes.

Jan DI's family arrived at the hospital and rushed loudly into her room, crying out for her and asking if she was OK. Her father poured over her and mumbled, "My poor Jan Di-yah, my poor Jan Di…," he her hair.

"I'm fine, really," she assured, as they gushed over her.

Joon Pyo returned about an hour later. It was close to the end of visiting hours and the others had left.

A few doors down, Joon Pyo took Ji Hoo's belongings and set them on the table beside his bed. He sat in the room alone beside Ji Hoo's bed. He put a hand to his forehead.

"Ji Hoo-yah…," Joon Pyo began, looking over at his best friend lying peacefully next to him. "Mianhada…"

Joon Pyo paused and rubbed at his temples. "Aish!" He slammed his fist against the arm of the chair. "This is all my fault! If I hadn't given you the car, if I would've dealt with Kim Hyun-Woo properly…this wouldn't have happened! Can you forgive me?"

Joon Pyo tightened his jaw and continued to look upon Ji Hoo. "Don't worry, though. We'll take care of him for you!"

Joon Pyo released a heavy sigh. He recalled the items he'd seen tonight in Ji Hoo's box. He was reminded of their fight in New York and of the numerous other times he'd witnessed Ji Hoo's love for Jan Di firsthand but had chosen to dismiss it.

"And about Jan Di, I understand how you feel... I've been so afraid for awhile now that she might feel the same way…the idea has been driving me insane… I've been trying to deny it…" Joon Pyo tightened his jaw. "…I guess I never realized how strongly you felt… I acknowledge those feelings… Mianhae for all I put you through with Jan Di…"

Joon Pyo paused for a long moment. "…Ji Hoo-yah, you're my best friend, and you always will be… I love you as my brother… I'd do almost anything for you, but I don't think I can give her up, even to you... Mianhada…"

Joon Pyo leaned forward and buried his face in his hands. He sighed and turned back to Ji Hoo. "Ya, Yoon Ji Hoo! I know you like to nap, but you need to wake up, already! Goo Joon Pyo commands it!"

Visiting hours had ended. Being a patient herself, Jan Di was allowed to stay but was encouraged to stay in her own room in bed. She asked for a few moments with him before going back to her room. She sat next to his bed in her hospital gown and looked upon him. She'd actually been dreading this moment. She didn't feel quite ready to acknowledge his condition as reality. Her eyes wandered up and down him, taking in the sight of him lying there. She noticed the purple bruises on his face.

"Sunbae," she spoke softly. "It's me, Jan Di." She remembered being told that it was good for family members and friends to announce who they were and to talk soothingly about familiar things. She didn't know if she could.

"I don't really know what to say right now… But, thank you… You protected me again…and you got yourself hurt again… Why did you do that?" she sniffed and wiped away a tear with her hand.

Jan Di searched desperately for something interesting to say. Should she talk about school or some other mundane topic? Should she talk about old times? Nothing she could come up with seemed good enough. She recalled her dream about him.

"…Oh, I had a dream about you one time…" she paused and decided to just say it, since she was not able to come up with anything better. "…I swore I'd never tell you because it was way too embarrassing…" she gave a small smile. "But, I had a dream…that we were married…" she practically whispered. "And we had two kids, a boy and a girl." Jan Di laughed. "Funny, right?

She took a deep breath. "It was right before Grandfather collapsed and went to the hospital… It was very surprising, but…it was actually kind of…a nice dream… The boy looked like you, and he was already an amazing violinist at 6, no surprise." She smiled. "The girl was about 4, and she was playing with a doctor's kit. She looked kind of like me, but there was a bit of you in there, too…" Jan Di blushed, imagining the co-mingling of their genes. "You came home from work…and you…k-kissed me…and you hugged the kids and me…it felt nice…it felt like a real family. It felt like…we were really happy together…"

She felt the tears begin to come. "Sunbae, you babo… You need to wake up!" She poked his arm lightly. She looked down at his hand lying there perfectly still. She slowly reached out for it and took it in both of hers. She caressed his hand with her face.

A nurse entered the room. She was slightly older than Jan Di, with a doll face and raven-colored hair styled in a pixie cut. Jan Di turned, startled, still holding Ji Hoo's hand. Jan Di's eyes were moistened. She quickly wiped away any signs of tears. The nurse approached Jan Di. "Excuse me. I'm sorry, but I need to check on him."

"Do I need to go?"

The nurse studied Jan Di for a moment. "You can stay a bit longer."

The nurse lifted Ji Hoo's eyelids and began to shine a small flashlight in them to check his pupils. She checked his pulse and then his respiration. The nurse mumbled the numbers to herself. She jotted them down on the sheet attached to her clipboard.

"His vitals aren't too bad," Jan Di commented.

"No, they're not bad at all. You know about this?"

"A little. I'm a med student."

"Ahh," she said.

"We both are actually. I'm a 2nd year and he's a 3rd year."

The nurse nodded and smiled. "What's your name?"

"Geum Jan Di."

"Geum Jan Di, nice to meet you. I'm Park Eun-Ji."

"Nice to meet you," Jan Di gave a short bow of her head.

"Well, his vitals seem to have improved since the last time I checked. So, whatever you did, keep it up." Eun-Ji smiled.

Jan Di smiled weakly back at her and then glanced downward. "I'm sure it had nothing to do with me… He's just strong."

Eun-Ji smiled at Jan Di. "I see you're a patient, too," Eun-Ji noted the gown.

"Oh. Yes. We were in the car accident together."

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry. Is he your…boyfriend?" she asked gently.

Jan Di pursed her lips and looked down. "Oh, no…we're just close friends." Jan Di realized she was still clutching Ji Hoo's hand possessively. She set it down gently.

"I see… He certainly is handsome…" Eun-Ji gazed upon his face. "He's definitely the cutest patient I have!" she smiled. Jan Di suddenly felt very uncomfortable. "What's he like?"

Jan Di pondered for a moment. "He's…wonderful…," she mused. "He's really kind and considerate and selfless… Hmm, he's really smart and talented, too. He's a great musician, and he's already so knowledgeable about medicine, even though he's still a student. …He knows just how to make me laugh…and he always makes me smile when I'm down…" Jan Di said with a far-off look. She chuckled nervously. She hadn't meant to speak so freely.

Eun-Ji had listened intently. "Seems like you two are very close," she said.

Jan Di nodded. "Yes. He's my best friend…"

Eun-Ji smiled at Jan Di then turned back to Ji Hoo. "And this is Yoon Ji Hoo," she said the name she'd seen on the chart. "I hope you wake up soon, Yoon Ji Hoo." Jan Di smiled weakly and nodded. Me too…

The next day, F3 and Jan Di sat in Ji Hoo's room. Joon Pyo gave a short laugh. "Do you remember the time…" he began to tell a story about Ji Hoo. Yi Jeong and Woo Bin smiled, recalling the story. They gave their accounts. And then F3 began to reminisce, telling more stories about Ji Hoo. Jan Di looked between them somberly. She hadn't cracked a smile at one of the stories.

"What's the matter with you guys?" Jan Di suddenly shouted at them.

F3 looked at her flabbergasted, not sure what they'd done wrong.

She stood and her arms tensed and stiffened at her sides. "You talk about him like he's dead or dying! He's going to be fine, so just stop getting so nostalgic!" Jan Di shot out of the room, rubbing her eyes with her sleeve as she exited. F3 looked between each other stunned. Joon Pyo watched after her and began to get up, then looked to the other two for confirmation about what he should do.

"I'd give her a minute, and then go," Yi Jeong suggested. Woo Bin and Yi Jeong exchanged a sympathetic glance.

Joon Pyo caught up with Jan Di at the entrance of the hospital. They were near the bench where she and Ji Hoo had kissed. She stared at the bench. Joon Pyo approached her.

"I'm sorry, Joon Pyo…" she mumbled, turning away from him. "…I'm sorry for snapping at you." She knew there was much more that she should be apologizing for. She considered telling him of her feelings for Ji Hoo, but doing so while his best friend lay in a coma just seemed like horribly bad timing. And she wasn't in the right frame of mind either.

Joon Pyo sighed. He moved closer and stood behind her. "It's alright. We're all having a hard time with this, OK?" Joon Pyo said, with a slight edge to his tone.

"I know," she replied. "I know everyone deals with this sort of thing in their own way. I guess I'm not dealing with it very well." She sighed. This was the second time she'd gone through this. The first time had nearly destroyed her, and this was threatening to finish her off.

"I didn't want to ever go through this again…"

Joon Pyo understood. He tightened his jaw and turned her to face him. He held her arms firmly and pulled her against his chest. She allowed him to wrap his arms around her and hold her, while she remained stiffened against him.

"He'll be OK. I know him…" He felt Jan Di sink into him. She slowly put her arms around him and lightly clutched at his suit jacket. He felt dampness against his shirt. "I know I've been selfish," she said. "I know I'm not the only one that this is affecting, and I'm sorry, Goo Joon Pyo."

Joon Pyo remained silent for a moment and squeezed her tighter. "It's OK. I know how…close you two are," he said delicately, looking out over her head. And he left it at that. Jan Di softly cried into his shirt, and they held each other.

Jan Di had visited Ji Hoo every day in the hospital for the past two weeks. Joon Pyo, Yi Jeong, Woo Bin, Ga Eul, and Grandfather had been there often, but she was the most frequent visitor. Alex had been there occasionally, as well. F3 had once again taken up their mission to bring Hyun-Woo to justice, with renewed determination. Alex had insisted that the whole thing was her fault and demanded to be involved. She'd suggested the crazy notion of using herself as bait to Joon Pyo, who'd laughed at her and called her an idiot. He'd argued that it wouldn't work and that they didn't need her anyway.

It would not be long now. Woo Bin and Yi Jeong had taken the reigns on finding Hyun-Woo and persecuting him. Yi Jeong's plan was to see Kim Hyun-Woo put away for life. Woo Bin wanted that, too, but also hoped to have the opportunity to get him alone and rough him up a bit. Joon Pyo had been adamant about being involved and had demanded that it was his responsibility, but Yi Jeong and Woo Bin had gently explained that he should be there for Ji Hoo and for Jan Di.

Meanwhile, Jan Di had practically taken up residence at the hospital in the role of Ji Hoo's semi-full-time caregiver. She still went to class but had arranged to do some classwork remotely, and Master had given her time off from the restaurant. He didn't fight it when F3 arranged for a lovely temporary replacement for Jan Di. Grandfather wanted to be there constantly but was reliant upon Joon Pyo driving him. Jan Di still ate frequently with Grandfather, sometimes at home, often in the hospital cafeteria. And they would go together daily with Joon Pyo to visit Ji Hoo. Joon Pyo had been amazingly supportive, actually.

Jan Di would frequently visit Ji Hoo on her own, whenever she had the chance. During those times, she would talk to Ji Hoo, read to him, play his favorite music for him, and help with his daily care. She'd been assisting Nurse Eun-Ji with stretching his long, lean limbs daily to keep the blood flowing and to keep them from stiffening. He'd seized once, which had terrified her. She'd first thought he was waking and became hopeful when he suddenly clutched at the bed rail, but then he'd shaken violently and the staff rushed in to restrain him and medicate him. He'd then collapsed and become completely still again and hadn't moved since.

It was a day like any other since his accident, and Jan Di was with Ji Hoo. She gently wiped his face and hands with a damp cloth, while Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, one of Ji Hoo's favorites, played softly in the background. She recalled the many nights they would study while listening to classical music. She'd never really listened to much classical music before, but Ji Hoo had said that classical music improves concentration and short and long-term memory, so it was perfect to study to. He'd explained how it also increases the production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for feelings of happiness. He'd been convincing, and she had to admit that she developed a liking for it. She knew the current piece well, and her head began to sway, as she hummed along and closed her eyes.

She opened her eyes and glanced to Ji Hoo. She pushed back his bangs that fell lightly over his closed eyes. "Your hair is getting long," she sniffed and smiled. "I think you could use a trim. I'd do it for you, but I wouldn't want to mess it up…" She'd shaven him once hesitantly, but this was a whole other level.

"I don't think I could cut yours as well as you cut mine…" she chuckled halfheartedly. She brushed his bangs aside once more and his forehead.

Eun-Ji had arrived to check up on Ji Hoo. She stood outside the door for a moment. She smiled tenderly before turning to leave. She'd come back later.

Jan Di sighed and pulled out her book bag. She pulled out the book she'd read to Joon Pyo's father while he was comatose. "There's an excerpt in here that I really wanted to share with you because it reminded me of you," she said.

She turned to the page. "The most beautiful encounter is like a handkerchief…because when you exert yourself the sweat is wiped away, and when you're sad…the tears are wiped away…" She read the familiar passage and felt herself tearing, reminiscing upon the many times Ji Hoo had been like a handkerchief for her. She felt a few tears roll down. The book slipped from her fingers and fell into her lap. She covered her face with her hand and cried.

Visiting hours were approaching their end. Yi Jeong and Woo Bin were taking their leave. Joon Pyo prepared to take Jan Di home. His phone rang. "I'll be back in a bit," Joon Pyo said to Jan Di and touched her arm. He left the room with Yi Jeong and Woo Bin. Jan Di was left alone once more with Ji Hoo. She knew she would be forced to leave for the night soon.

She sat beside his bed. "Sunbae, how are you feeling tonight?"

It was becoming increasingly difficult for Jan Di to remain strong, despite Joon Pyo's support. The last few weeks had been pure torture. She didn't know how she'd had the strength to go through it again. She sighed and gazed upon Ji Hoo's face.

There were things she wanted to say to him, but what was the point? Some say that people in comas can hear what others are saying around them, but she wasn't sure if she believed this or not. Perhaps now was the perfect time to get a few things off her chest.

"Oh, why haven't you woken up yet?" she felt herself growing misty-eyed, as she adjusted his blanket to cover him. "I miss you... You know, I wish it was me lying in this bed instead of you…" she began to whimper slightly and then the tears began to run down her face.

She wiped them and composed herself. "I keep thinking about that night when we went for the ride on your bike… I feel like I'm stuck in that moment in time. I keep thinking about what I should have said that night… If I could go back…" She took his hand and held it in both of hers. Her emotions churned within her like lava within an active volcano and continued to bubble toward the surface. "What I wanted to say…what I was afraid to say before…was…that I…love you…" Her words erupted from within her, "I love you so much! Please come back to me!" She dropped her head to his bed and released a string of short, insistent cries.

Joon Pyo stood outside the room and leaned against the wall. He'd heard the last part of her speech. He'd had his suspicions about their relationship, but her confession had been the final nail hammered into his heart. He closed his eyes and his head fell back and lightly banged against the wall.

What is this thing between them? He searched for every rationalization he could.

The word love could mean a lot of things. Perhaps she was just telling him that she loves him as a friend, or an older brother… But no, you don't kiss your older brother… Perhaps she had just become emotional in the moment and didn't really mean it? She definitely hadn't been thinking straight lately…

Despite the true form and extent of their love, it devastated Joon Pyo. It devastated him that the woman he loved could have such an emotional connection with his best friend. It was ravaging him to be sharing her heart. He was confused, hurt, and angry… Still, his words before the unconscious Ji Hoo had been true. He wasn't planning on giving her up. He couldn't. Though it may be selfish, he had to do his best, without any regrets.

Despite their continued rivalry, there was no part of him that didn't desperately desire for his best friend to wake up. He felt his anger melting away and being replaced by genuine sorrow.

After he'd composed himself, Joon Pyo entered the room. Jan Di was sitting there silently, holding Ji Hoo's hand. She turned to look at him, with slightly reddened eyes that were now dry. He looked back at her somberly. She softly placed Ji Hoo's hand back upon the bed. A nurse entered and told them politely that visiting hours were over. Joon Pyo offered to take her home. She had a new place now, but moving had been postponed due to the accident, so she was still staying at Ji Hoo's. It was better this way. She wanted to be there for Grandfather.

The ride back was silent as a morning meadow. They both stared out ahead. Both had things on their mind. Both knew that they needed to have a serious conversation, but neither was prepared for that yet. They both internally justified that it was not the time for such a conversation, and perhaps it wasn't. But truly, they were both afraid.

They arrived back at Ji Hoo's, and Joon Pyo escorted Jan Di inside. Grandfather eagerly awaited any news. Jan Di reported no significant change. She gave Grandfather a hug.

"Would you like for me to stay?" Joon Pyo asked.

Jan Di smiled weakly at him. "No, it's OK. I have some studying to do. Thank you for everything Goo Joon Pyo," she said emotionally. She was truly so thankful for him these last few weeks.

He nodded. She approached him and hugged him tightly. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He touched her arm and took his leave.

Jan Di made some tea and spent the evening talking with Grandfather and studying as best she could, while Fluffy curled up beside her. Fluffy had appeared depressed lately, too.

That night, Jan Di tossed and turned, as she had frequently in the past few weeks. She fell asleep briefly but was woken by a nightmare about Ji Hoo. In the dream, she and Ji Hoo had once again been in a car accident. He'd died instantly this time, while she alone survived. He'd wrapped her up protectively, as his parents had done for him and as he'd done for her in reality. They lay on the concrete, and she'd disentangled herself and looked upon his cut, bloodied face and broken body. She awoke screaming. It was another in a series of similarly heartbreaking graphic mental images since the accident.

Grandfather had heard her screaming and stumbled to her door. He knocked and asked if she was OK. She opened the door to see Grandfather on the other side. He looked upon her and noticed the remnants of tears in her eyes.

"Jan Di-yah," he said affectionately and wrapped his arms around her. She hugged her surrogate Grandfather back warmly and cried in his arms.

Ji Hoo had been in a coma for three weeks now. Jan Di was once again at the hospital. She sat with him quietly. She had attempted studying, but now she was simply staring at the wall across the room.

Ji Hoo's finger twitched. A few seconds passed, and then it twitched again. Then, another finger moved. Jan Di finally noticed this and gasped lightly. She studied him closely. His leg began to twitch slightly. She continued to watch captivated, as his limbs began to move. Then, she saw his head just barely move to the side. His eyelashes began to flutter next, very slowly, and then more rapidly. Finally, he opened his eyes.

"Sunbae!" she called out to him and took his hand. He blinked his eyes and squinted at her. His eyes darted around the room before refocusing back on her. He swallowed, and his chest began to rise and fall. She continued to squeeze his hand, as it continued to twitch lightly, tickling hers. He blinked a few more times and stared blankly at her.

Jan Di suddenly had a horrible flashback to Joon Pyo's coma. Would he know her? She recalled the doctor saying that when he came out of it he would likely be very confused and might struggle to remember things and even speak at first. She knew that she shouldn't pepper him with questions and confuse him further than he must already be, but she couldn't stand the suspense for one more second.

"Sunbae, do you…know who I am?" she asked, in as calm a voice as she could muster, but her whole body was shaking.

He studied her face, expressionless, and blinked a few more times. She watched the corners of his mouth curve upward ever so slightly. It was likely a reflex, but it appeared to her that he was attempting to smile. She felt him beginning to curl his fingers around hers as a newborn child. She watched his lips part slowly, apparently at great effort. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He attempted again, this time making a barely audible sound.

Finally, "Geum…Jan…Di..," escaped his lips. He pronounced each syllable slowly and purposefully to the best of his current ability, as he stared at her. Then, he closed his eyes again. He looked almost peaceful.

Jan Di broke down completely and cried tears of relief. She hugged his arm lightly with both of hers and cried against it. She wanted to wrap her arms around him entirely, but she didn't want to hurt him. So, she opted for this. She finally sat up and closed her eyes and released a heavy breath. She mumbled a thank you and went for the doctor.

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I loved writing "Like the Lotus," but in a way, I enjoyed its sequel (Like the Lotus: The Continuing Story) even more.


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grammey #1
Chapter 34: I have read this story several times and enjoyed it every time.
liSSie #2
Chapter 1: As promised, I'm reading now.
jesuisx #3
Chapter 41: Hands down, the best fanfic I've ever read :') you are beyond amazing and I appreciate how all your fanfics are so detailed, precious and beautiful. Thank you so much for keeping Ji Hoo and Jan Di's story alive.
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 41: *sighs* bucket of happy tears falling down my face. Yes, the whole name thing gets confusing to write about, especially when they are minor characters.
seamusmommy #5
Chapter 40: Aigoo, just when I think things will go smoothly. Aish, these 2 dorks and what took JunPyo so long? I found myself shouting back at Jihoo when he asked JunPyo if he should have beat up his Mom's henchmen. Lol. So now what twists will authornim throw at me, tying my stomach in knots?
seamusmommy #6
Chapter 39: I really do hope this isn't JunPyo's doing. He should know by now he won't be getting anywhere this way.
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 38: A very distracting and jealous Jihoo is hard to ignore. Kekeke
seamusmommy #8
Chapter 37: Aaaahhh....aptly named chapter...but really...a giddy JiHoo is just a little too much, don't you think? And yet, my smile is stretching as wide as the table. LOL. I love Harabeoji...yes, Harabeoji, you make sure that boy remains a gentlemen and doesn't lose his head. ;) Phew! I made it. Still cringing at the beginning of this chapter and then grinning like a dork by the end. Resting for a bit and then I'll continue.
seamusmommy #9
Chapter 36: Aish!! JanDi,'re tying my stomach in knots!! Jihoo, my friend...that WAS an ultimatum. And Alex, I already told JunPyo that a few chapters ago, LOL. I told authornim I was cringing. Poor JunPyo, he just hasn't had a chance in all this. Well, focus on capturing the bad guy, JunPyo. That will make you feel better - a little.
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 33: I love Woo Bin. Everyone should have a loving and noble mafia guy in their life.