Tough Love and Drinking

Like the Lotus

Joon Pyo held his phone in his hand, staring at Jan Di's message. He hadn't responded, despite the message being sent quite a few hours ago. He exited out of messaging and returned to his home screen. He stared at his wallpaper, a picture of Jan Di. He ran his thumb lightly over her face before tossing the phone down on his desk. Alex walked in and stood before his desk. She placed a hand on her hip. The other held a stack of documents and lightly rested against her pencil skirt. He looked up at her slowly. She was the essence of perfect timing. Hmph, why does she always appear at times like these?

"Joon Pyo."

He looked at her without a word, waiting for her to continue.

"When are you going to regain your senses?" She sneered. Alex was not one to be delicate with her speech.

He stared her down.

"I just have to say, the way you've been acting lately…it's not you…and it's bringing this company down."

"Maybe I don't care about this company," he muttered and put a hand to his head. "And what do you know about me?"

"I thought I knew you. But lately, not so much."

Joon Pyo scoffed.

"I thought Goo Joon Pyo didn't take things lying down. The Goo Joon Pyo I know is not this pitiful mess… You're being pathetic. It's embarrassing…"

"Why you-!" Joon Pyo began to rise from his chair in preparation for throwing Alex out.

Alex smirked. "That's better. I'd rather you get mad. I'd rather see the hot-tempered Joon Pyo…"

"Get out," he snarled, his breathing elevated.

"I'll go, but getting angry at me isn't going to change anything. If you're unhappy with your lot, then be a man and do something about it! Why don't you fight for what you want?" She chided.

He glared at her, his chest heaving.

"Or, at the very least go out and get drunk… Do something more active," she muttered haughtily. "Have a drink with me after work." She her heel and left before he could respond. He stared after her still writhing with fury.

Alex stormed out of Joon Pyo's office and made her way swiftly back to her own. She clutched the folder of documents tightly, crushing it slightly as she walked. She returned to her slightly less ostentatious office and lowered herself slowly into her chair. She tossed the documents onto her desk and stared out stone-faced. She released a sigh and returned to work. She'd get Joon Pyo's signatures later. She couldn't deal with him right now. She mechanically signed one document after another until there was a knock at her door.

"Come in."

A man in a cheap suit stepped into Alex's office. "Ms. Lee, here is a preliminary proposal for the publicity article you wanted."

Alex sighed and took the envelope from the man. She pulled out the items inside to find pictures from the Christmas dinner. She noticed several photos of the girl she'd met, Joon Pyo's girlfriend, Geum Jan Di, was it? She turned to the article. Her forehead crinkled as she read.

"What the hell is this?"

"Uh, the publicity you were looking for…"

Alex cut him off. "How dare you bring this to me? What do you think this is? Some trashy tabloid? His love life has nothing to do with this company!"

The man stuttered. "I'm sorry, Miss...I…we just thought that…"

"You print that garbage, and I'll see you ruined…" Alex snarled. "I'll be keeping these. Delete any others. Scrap the article."

The man gaped at her. "Ah, y-y-yes, Miss…. I'm very sorry…" The man bowed deeply and scurried from her office.

Alex exhaled sharply and tossed the pictures and article into her desk drawer. Her phone rang, and she picked it up. "Ah, yes Father?"

"What?! You must be joking!"

"There's no way! Have you learned nothing from the past?"

Alex scoffed on the phone. "I'm hanging up now. Goodbye."

She hung up the phone and sighed. "He's lost his mind…"

Alex walked with head held high to Joon Pyo's office. She fully expected to be kicked out, but she didn't care. When she reached his office, she noticed his door slightly ajar. She peeked in. Joon Pyo was still hard at work. She watched his forehead wrinkle slightly as he concentrated. A stray curl fell over his face. She smiled to herself and knocked at the door. He looked up.

Joon Pyo looked at her and pursed his lips. She walked up to his desk and stood there, confidently. "It's 5 PM. How about that drink?"

Joon Pyo scoffed. "You insult me, and then you expect me to go for a drink with you?"

Alex grinned. "Come on, surely you're not so sensitive…"

Joon Pyo sneered. "Hey, you wanna die?"

Alex gave a short laugh. "Ok, I'm sorry for what I said…"

"You don't sound sorry," Joon Pyo crossed his arms.

"Well, I am." She said shortly. "So, how about that drink? I could use one, and I know you could."

"Why you…!"

"Come on, I have some things to discuss with you anyway."

Joon Pyo's arms remained crossed and he continued to glare at her.

"Wherever you want, OK?" She continued.


Joon Pyo wasn't entirely sure why he'd agreed to have a drink with Alex. He was still highly irritated with her and wasn't at all in the mood to socialize. But then again, having a drink didn't sound like such a bad idea. Joon Pyo headed to the agreed upon location, a high-end bar near his penthouse.

Alex sat alone at the bar waiting for Joon Pyo. She was dressed in a little black dress and heels. Being Valentine's Day, it was one of the worst nights to be at a bar. It was crowded and full of lovers and singles angling for dates. He's late… I wonder if he'll come…

A man in a suit approached Alex. She looked at him, unimpressed.

"Hi beautiful…" The man grinned at her and leaned against the bar next to her.

Alex smiled. "Aw, was that the best you could come up with? No date on Valentine's Day, huh?" Alex feigned sympathy.

The man frowned and looked at her sheepishly for a moment before gaining renewed confidence. "What's someone like you doing sitting here all alone?"

"Someone like me? What do you mean?" Alex looked at him quizzically, continuing to torture her inept potential suitor.

He stared at her, slightly dumbfounded. "What I mean is someone as beautiful as you."

"Ah, I see." Alex nodded and turned from him, taking a sip of her drink. "I'm waiting for someone."

The man sat beside her. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"No, thanks. What part of I'm waiting for someone didn't you understand?"

"OK, OK, I got it." The man scoffed and walked away.

"Well, that was ruthless," Came Joon Pyo's voice from behind her.

Alex turned to see him. She instinctively smiled. "You came?"

"Yea. Still don't know why." Alex smirked and took a sip of her drink. He took a seat next to her and ordered a drink.

"That guy wasn't your type?" Joon Pyo commented off-handedly.

Alex sneered. "No. He wasn't bad to look at, but he was obviously an idiot."

Joon Pyo scoffed.

Alex sighed. "So, what's going on with you?"

Joon Pyo was silent.

"We don't have to talk if you don't want to, but if you decide to…" Alex went back to her drink.

"Let's just drink." Joon Pyo did a shot.

Alex nodded. They did several shots together and continued to sit there silently and drink. As the night wore on, the bar cleared. Alex watched Joon Pyo look at his phone throughout the night, obviously tormented. Alex decided to discontinue her drinking after a few, while Joon Pyo persisted.

"Jan Di," Alex muttered, slightly inebriated.

Joon Pyo turned to look at Alex upon hearing the name. "She's your…first love?"

"Mm. First and she'll be the last."

Alex's lips parted. She nodded. "First loves are intense. But what makes you so sure she'll be the last?"

"I just know. I'm a man who knows what he wants."

She nodded. "I was that way, too."

Joon Pyo stared ahead and continued to drink, as she continued.

"My first love was like that, too. But it was actually my second love that I still agonize over, even now."

Joon Pyo wasn't usually one to inquire about someone else's life, but tonight he did. Perhaps it was the alcohol. "What happened?" he mumbled, as he leaned against the bar.

"I drove him away…"

"I can't imagine that," Joon Pyo mumbled sarcastically. Alex gave him a dirty look and pushed him slightly. Joon Pyo wobbled due to his current state. Alex smiled. She paused, rubbing her shot glass between her hands.

"…My first love, it just didn't work out. But my second love, it could've been something…special…" She gave a short, sarcastic laugh. "But I was too stubborn." She grew pensive. Joon Pyo glanced over at her, surprised by her cryptic attempt at opening up.

"People break up for a lot of reasons…sometimes you're not compatible. Sometimes one person falls for another…" Joon Pyo tightened his mouth, as Alex continued. "Sometimes one or both persons are too stubborn, not willing to compromise, or not willing to do what it takes… And sometimes it's just not…meant to be." Alex gave a short laugh. "I know that sounds a little bit cliché, but it's true. And knowing when to let go, that's important, too. Sometimes it's not giving up, sometimes it's just wisdom."

"Who are you trying to convince? I don't give up," Joon Pyo assured.

"What is it that you've been doing lately?"

Joon Pyo was silent. He took another drink and slowly put his head down on the bar. Alex glanced over at him after a few minutes with no response. "Joon Pyo?" No response. "Joon Pyo?" She shook him lightly. "Hey, drunkard, wake up!" She teased. She recalled him calling her that and smiled at the memory.

"Guess we better call it a night," she said to herself. Alex paid the tab and called for her car to pick them up. She sighed and took Joon Pyo's arm and put it around her neck. She helped him out to her car. He groaned and half slid, was half pushed into the car by Alex. "Oh, you're so troublesome," she grumbled, fighting a smile.

Alex helped Joon Pyo to his penthouse, which was no easy feat, considering he was only barely conscious. She helped him to his bed, and he passed out onto it. Alex shook her head and covered him. She sat beside him on the bed for a moment. She gazed upon his face and smiled tenderly. She noticed a stray curl and reached out hesitantly. She tucked the curl back behind his ear and sighed.
Why do I always like the idiots?

She watched him lying there. Heedlessly, she reached out and gently his cheek. He twitched in his sleep, and she pulled back. He began to lightly toss and turn. "Jan Di, Jan Di," he mumbled.

Alex's mouth tightened, as she remained there.

"Jan Di, Jan Di…" Joon Pyo continued. Suddenly he reached out and grabbed Alex and pulled her against him, still unconscious and muttering Jan Di's name.

Alex froze, wide eyed. His arms were wrapped around her, and her arms were pinned at her sides. Her head rested gently on his chest. Despite his current state, his embrace was tight. She began to struggle but only half-heartedly. She gave in easily and rested there for a moment against his chest. He'd calmed and was no longer muttering Jan Di's name. She blinked several times, and then she felt herself close her eyes and relax into him. His breathing and heartbeat were steady, and he was warm. He fell into a deeper sleep, and Alex slowly freed herself, using caution to avoid waking him. She moved his arms gently to his sides and tucked him in once more. She sat up and sighed, realizing her own heartbeat was less steady than his had been. "Goodnight, Goo Joon Pyo."

Jan Di stirred in her bed and opened her eyes. She could feel the light slowly seeping into the room. She lay there for a moment. Her eyes moved to the roses that Ji Hoo had given her, and she smiled. But it was short-lived. She immediately thought of Joon Pyo. She still hadn't heard from him. He must be really mad…

Noticing the time, she sat up quickly, thinking she was late for school. She recalled that it was Saturday, and she was completely free today. She sighed and slowly lay back down and embraced her pillow. She'd briefly had hope when she noticed a message, but it was just more bad news, a maintenance worker informing her that they'd found other problems with her apartment and that it was going to take a lot longer than expected. She'd been advised to look into alternative housing. She sighed. She enjoyed being at Ji Hoo's, but perhaps it was best that she look for another place.

She finally mustered the motivation to get up and dress for breakfast. She wandered out into the living room and immediately smelled something delicious. She shuffled sleepily into the dining area. Ji Hoo was making pancakes, while Grandfather read the newspaper at the table. Was he feeling down?

Ji Hoo looked up and smiled at her when she entered. Grandfather likewise looked up and smiled. "Good morning, Jan Di!" He exclaimed.

Everyone seems to be in a good mood..., she thought.

Jan Di sat down in her place. Grandfather absently offered her a piece of the newspaper. She took it. "Um, Grandfather, could I have the classifieds?"

He shrugged and handed the section to her. She began to peruse it. Grandfather glanced over his paper at her. "What are you looking for, Jan Di?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing really…" She smiled uneasily.

Ji Hoo served breakfast. He noticed Jan Di looking at apartments. She saw him looking and put the paper down quickly. She smiled up at him. "Looks delicious, Sunbae!"

"So, what are you kids doing today?" Grandfather asked, as they ate. Grandfather always seemed to lump them together when asking about their plans.

Jan Di hadn't really thought about it. "Maybe I'll tidy up and do some studying."

"I thought I asked you to stop cleaning my house," Ji Hoo chimed in, good-naturedly. "I'm going to have to let my housekeeper go if you keep this up."

Jan Di gave a short laugh. "Well, I really don't know what else to do with myself. And I really feel like I should work for my stay here."

"I told you that you don't have to do that," Ji Hoo responded, tersely.

"Yes, Jan Di, what did I tell you about being family?" Grandfather interposed.

"Well, family helps each other out, right Grandfather?" Jan Di replied with a grin. "If I'm family rather than a guest, then I should definitely be pulling my weight."

"Ah, that's true." Grandfather chuckled. "Whatever makes you happy, child." They exchanged smiles. Ji Hoo smiled to himself.

After breakfast, Jan Di began clearing the table. Ji Hoo offered to help her. Jan Di did the dishes and began to put them away. She reached to put a plate away in the cabinet but couldn't quite reach. Ji Hoo moved to her side and took the plate from her. They exchanged glances, as their bodies pressed briefly against each other. "Thank you, Sunbae," she mumbled, her face suddenly feeling warm. He nodded and continued to gaze upon her. Feeling the heat of his stare, she looked away. He did likewise and put the plate away for her.

"Jan Di…" he began.


"Were you looking at apartments?" He almost sounded hurt.

She cleared , not sure why she suddenly felt guilty. "Ah, yes kind of…"

He furrowed his brow. "Why?"

"Well, my apartment is going to take a lot longer than expected, and they advised finding a new place, so…"

"Why do you need to find another place?" He asked, as if it was a completely ridiculous notion.

She sighed. "I don't want to continue to be a burden. I only came because of Grandfather, and I didn't expect to stay this long. I've been here too long."

Ji Hoo exhaled heavily. "You're not a burden," he replied, looking away.

She looked at him. His lips parted and he hesitated before continuing. "You've never once been a burden to me… I'm sure Grandfather feels the same…"

Jan Di looked down. "Thank you, Sunbae. But still…"

Ji Hoo cut in. "I like it. Having you here…" Jan Di stared at him.

"Knowing you'll be here when I get home…it's comforting…and it makes me…happy."

Jan Di smiled at him. "I like being here, too." Upon consideration, she loved it actually.

"Then you should stay… For awhile longer at least… There's no rush."

She sighed and pursed her lips.

"I'll put you to work if it makes you feel better," Ji Hoo grinned, and Jan Di gave a small laugh. "Yes, it would make me feel a bit better, actually." She grew pensive.

"Are you worried about Joon Pyo?" He asked.

She was silent.

Ji Hoo sighed. "I can make him understand."

"I think he'd have a hard time understanding right now."

"Well, I'll understand whatever you decide to do. But you're welcome to stay longer," Ji Hoo replied before leaving the room. Jan Di, I know it can't last forever, but I hope you'll stay a bit longer… I really wish you could be here always…

Ji Hoo returned to his room. The doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Jan Di called out. Jan Di went to the door and greeted the guest before noticing who it was. Sun-Young stared at Jan Di, stunned.

"Oh, Sun-Young, hello!" Jan Di exclaimed and offered Sun-Young a polite smile.

Sun-Young stared for a moment before plastering a fake smile on her face. "Jan Di, hello… Is Ji Hoo here?"

"Mm, come in please. I'll get him."

Sun-Young entered slowly and glared after Jan Di as she walked away.

"Sunbae!" Jan Di called. Ji Hoo came out. "Sunbae, you have a visitor."

Jan Di led Ji Hoo out, and he noticed Sun-Young.

"I'll be in the kitchen finishing up. Nice to see you, Sun-Young." Jan Di smiled awkwardly and made her exit. Ji Hoo nodded to Jan Di and then turned to Sun-Young. "Sun-Young. Can I help you?"

Sun-Young exhaled sharply. "I don't know why I came… I wanted to invite you to a concert, but I remember what you said last night…" She paused and glanced toward the kitchen. "Jan Di is here early…" She commented icily.


"She seems pretty comfortable here…"

Ji Hoo was silent.

"Did you meet up with her last night? Did she stay here last night?" Sun-Young blurted, breathing more heavily.

"I don't think that's really any of your concern."

Sun-Young scoffed. "Is that why you ended our date so early, so you could meet up with her?" Sun-Young insinuated.

"No. I didn't meet up with her." He paused. No use in hiding it or beating around the bush. "She's here so early because she's staying here."

"You live together now? That was sudden…" she replied scornfully.

"Again, it's not your concern, but it wasn't sudden. She has been staying here for awhile now."

"So, that's the type of girl you like, huh?"

Ji Hoo felt his chest tightening and his anger building. He felt as though he could explode. He glared at Sun-Young.

"You dare to speak of her like that? I have no need to justify anything to you! I am sorry that things didn't work out, but you speak ill of Jan Di, and you're not welcome here. Get out!" Ji Hoo shouted.

Sun-Young was taken aback. She felt herself welling up, so she turned quickly and left. Grandfather and Jan Di, having heard the yelling, had made their way into the room and stood there watching the end of the interaction. They looked to each other and then to Ji Hoo. Ji Hoo's fists were balled at his sides, his knuckles turning white. He sighed, as he slowly released the tension in his hands. He turned to see Grandfather and Jan Di staring at him. He looked to Grandfather and then to Jan Di, his chest still rising and falling heavily. He and Jan Di exchanged glances, and she looked downward. Ji Hoo sighed and turned to return to his room.

Joon Pyo shifted in his bed. He groaned as he returned to the world of consciousness and immediately felt the throbbing in his head. He opened his eyes slowly and quickly shut them, nearly blinded by the light. He made another attempt to open his eyes, as he clutched his aching head. His third attempt at opening his eyes was successful. He opened them to see Alex sitting in his chair across from the bed staring at him. She was still dressed in her black dress and bare-footed.

"Good morning, Sunshine," she greeted with smile.

Joon Pyo bolted upright. "Alex, what are you doing here?"

Hm, he doesn't remember… I wonder how much I should fill him in on…

"You don't remember?" She grinned.

He stared at her, confused, and groaned again. "I remember the bar."

"Nothing after?"

"No, why?"

"No reason. …Hmm, well you had a bit too much to drink, so I got you home and put you to bed."

Joon Pyo sighed and clutched his head. "Aish…"



"You really don't remember anything last night?" Alex smirked.

"I told you I didn't. What are you getting at?" Joon Pyo raised his voice and continued to rub his forehead.

"Oh, nothing. I'll get you some water and aspirin. Seems I'm developing quite the habit of doing this."

Joon Pyo watched after her with a scrunched forehead. What's with her?

Alex brought back the medicine and water and handed them to Joon Pyo. He took them and mumbled thanks.

"Why are you still here?" Joon Pyo asked, after swallowing the pills and taking a gulp of water.

Alex gave a short laugh. "That sounds grateful."

"Alright, thank you. Now, what are you still doing here?" he repeated sarcastically.

Alex shook her head. That's Goo Joon Pyo, alright… She seemed to be pondering her response. "Well, I suppose I wanted to make sure you were OK. You had a lot to drink, and you seemed pretty upset. So, I guess I felt obligated to take care of my colleague."

"There was no need."

She nodded and smiled. "I know. Goo Joon Pyo can take care of himself."


Alex grinned. "For awhile I wasn't sure I'd be able to physically leave…"

"What are you talking about?"

"You really don't remember?" She smirked at him. He squinted back at her, still baffled.

"I really don't like playing games. What are you getting at?"

Alex laughed again. "Well, last night you grabbed me and pulled me down onto your chest and held me against you."

"What?!" Joon Pyo squirmed in his bed.

Alex giggled. "Joon Pyo, are you blushing?"

"No, no way!" Joon Pyo stammered.

"You're stronger than I thought. I almost couldn't escape." Alex grinned at him. She was rather enjoying tormenting him. This is just too much fun…

Joon Pyo glared at her. Alex continued to enjoy the squirmy quality he had going on.

"Oh, don't worry. Nothing more than that happened."

Joon Pyo scoffed, doing his utmost to hide the embarrassment. "Of course nothing did!"

"Of course." Alex paused. "You were very upset, and you were calling Jan Di's name."

Joon Pyo tightened his mouth and looked away.

"Why don't you talk to her?" Alex asked.

He grew pensive. "I'm going to."

Alex nodded. "Good."

Joon Pyo thought of Alex's words the day before. "I only remember bits and pieces of what you said to me yesterday, but something really stuck with me," he said.

"What was that?"

"When you told me I should take action. I was furious with the way you spoke to me at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that you were right."

"Goo Joon Pyo is admitting that someone else was right about something?"

He scoffed. "Don't get used to it. But yes, you were right, leech."

"Leech?" Alex exclaimed. hung open for a mouth.

"Yes, leech." Joon Pyo smirked.

Alex glared at him and crossed her arms. "That's not a very cute nickname…"

"Well, you're not very cute…"

Alex scoffed and turned her head. "So, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to go to Korea."

"What?" Alex exclaimed. "But you can't…"

"I can do whatever I want."

"But I mean what about the business?"

"I'll be back. I just need to see Jan Di, talk to her…"

Alex rolled her eyes. "Well, that's very nice, but can't you just call her on the phone?"

"No, I think that this calls for a bigger gesture. What's the big deal anyway?"

Alex sighed. "Nothing. When do you plan to go?"

"I thought I'd just go today. There's nothing going on for a few days, anyway."

Alex sighed. "OK, well…good luck."

"Thanks." Joon Pyo moved to stand and wobbled slightly. He clutched his head. "Aish."

"Maybe you should have something to eat first."

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Thank you!
I loved writing "Like the Lotus," but in a way, I enjoyed its sequel (Like the Lotus: The Continuing Story) even more.


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grammey #1
Chapter 34: I have read this story several times and enjoyed it every time.
liSSie #2
Chapter 1: As promised, I'm reading now.
jesuisx #3
Chapter 41: Hands down, the best fanfic I've ever read :') you are beyond amazing and I appreciate how all your fanfics are so detailed, precious and beautiful. Thank you so much for keeping Ji Hoo and Jan Di's story alive.
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 41: *sighs* bucket of happy tears falling down my face. Yes, the whole name thing gets confusing to write about, especially when they are minor characters.
seamusmommy #5
Chapter 40: Aigoo, just when I think things will go smoothly. Aish, these 2 dorks and what took JunPyo so long? I found myself shouting back at Jihoo when he asked JunPyo if he should have beat up his Mom's henchmen. Lol. So now what twists will authornim throw at me, tying my stomach in knots?
seamusmommy #6
Chapter 39: I really do hope this isn't JunPyo's doing. He should know by now he won't be getting anywhere this way.
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 38: A very distracting and jealous Jihoo is hard to ignore. Kekeke
seamusmommy #8
Chapter 37: Aaaahhh....aptly named chapter...but really...a giddy JiHoo is just a little too much, don't you think? And yet, my smile is stretching as wide as the table. LOL. I love Harabeoji...yes, Harabeoji, you make sure that boy remains a gentlemen and doesn't lose his head. ;) Phew! I made it. Still cringing at the beginning of this chapter and then grinning like a dork by the end. Resting for a bit and then I'll continue.
seamusmommy #9
Chapter 36: Aish!! JanDi,'re tying my stomach in knots!! Jihoo, my friend...that WAS an ultimatum. And Alex, I already told JunPyo that a few chapters ago, LOL. I told authornim I was cringing. Poor JunPyo, he just hasn't had a chance in all this. Well, focus on capturing the bad guy, JunPyo. That will make you feel better - a little.
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 33: I love Woo Bin. Everyone should have a loving and noble mafia guy in their life.