Just Friends?

Like the Lotus

Jan Di delivered a pumpkin porridge to a customer at the porridge shop, with a thank you and a bow. She continued to work at the porridge shop 5 days out of the week, in addition to going to medical school. Ga Eul was also working there while going to university to become a teacher. Their boss was good about working around their schedules. Hal-abeoji continued to come in semi-regularly, but it had been less frequent lately due to his failing health. Jan Di decided she would take some porridge to him after work.

"Jan di, how is school going?" Ga Eul asked brightly. The lunch rush had just ended, and Ga Eul and Jan Di would frequently talk when things were slow.

"It's hard, but good. I have an exam coming up next week in Anatomy…I was really worried about it, but Ji Hoo Sunbae helped me to study last night, and I feel much better."

"He's been helping out a lot these days." Ga Eul smiled slyly.

"Yeah. He's a good friend." Jan di said casually, wiping down a table.

"Mm. Just a friend?"

Jan Di looked at Ga Eul with a shocked expression. "Ga Eul!"

Ga Eul smiled, amused.

"You know that I'm with Jun Pyo."

"I know that, and I would never think you'd be disloyal. But you did have feelings for him before. And you guys are really close and spend a lot of time together…I was just asking…I'm sorry."

"It's OK….I know we're close, but why do people keep asking if we're just friends?" Jan di blurted out.

"Who else asked?" Ga Eul asked incredulously.

Jan Di recalled her conversation with Hye Jung the night before. "Well, my roommate asked last night."

"Really? Why?"

Jan di sighed, "Well, Ji Hoo Sunbae was over last night, and she met him, and she thought he was cute and asked me about our relationship."

Ga Eul's eyes widened, "Oh, so she likes him, huh?" she raised her voice teasingly.

Jan Di nodded solemnly. Ga Eul studied her for a moment. "Does that bother you?"

Jan di feigned shock. "Ga Eul, why should it?" Jan di quickly began to wipe down more tables and avoided eye contact with Ga Eul. She didn't want to get into this again.

"No reason," she smiled and decided to stop tormenting her best friend. "How is Joon Pyo? Do you still talk a lot?"

"Fairly often, yes. He's good, very busy, but things seem to be going well."

"Are you planning to marry him when he comes back?" Ga Eul did have a habit of being blunt.

Jan Di gave a nervous laugh and paused. "I think so. But that's a long way off."

Ga Eul nodded and sat down beside her friend, who had finished thoroughly wiping each table. The place had emptied. Master eavesdropped from the kitchen, leaning against the counter with interest.

"What about you? How's your guy, Ga Eul?" Jan di gave a playful smile, glad to have the heat off of her.

A customer came in, and the girls looked up and simultaneously greeted him. Jan Di took his order and gave it to their boss, who poorly tried to hide the fact that he'd been listening in by quickly occupying himself around the kitchen when she came over.

After serving the customer, Ga Eul turned to Jan di to continue their conversation.

"He called me two nights ago," Ga Eul squealed.

"Ohh, how was that?"

"It was nice. I really miss him. He is planning to visit, though. He even suggested flying me out to visit him."

"Oh, wow. That's great, Ga Eul!"

Ga Eul smiled, blushing slightly. She thought of their near kiss. She'd regretted being interrupted and eagerly awaited another such perfect moment. She couldn't seem to stop smiling.

"And how is school and your pottery going?" Jan Di asked, bringing her back to reality.

"It's been good. I started taking some childhood education classes. And I think I'm really improving at my pottery." The girls exchanged smiles.

"Ah, yes sir." Jan Di responded to the customer's call for her.

After work, Jan Di had some time before her evening class, so she decided to deliver some porridge to Grandfather. He was at his and Ji Hoo's house currently and had a nurse who had been checking in on him when Ji Hoo was not around. Jan Di called the house to notify him that she would be dropping in. Grandfather grouchily stated that she could come over if she felt the need. Jan Di smiled as she thought of Grandfather. He'd been like an actual Grandfather to her. She was thankful to him for so many things: for introducing her to her new passion and life's work, for sticking up for her when the Chairwoman was bashing her, for giving her a place to live for a while, and for making it so Sunbae was no longer alone.

Jan Di knocked outside his door. Upon receiving the OK, she walked in, giving a bubbly hello and a bow to Grandfather, who lay in his bed. Grandfather smiled when she arrived. His nurse finished tending to him and stepped out.

"Jan di, child! What are you doing here in the middle of the day visiting an old man?" He gruffly asked.

"Grandfather, I brought you some porridge so that you can get well!" She smiled brightly and brought the food to his bedside table. Jan di uncovered the food and prepared it for him.

"Humph, well there was no need for that! But I'll eat it since you took the time to bring it to me!"

Jan Di smiled and put the food on his tray and put it over his lap. "Let me know how it is, so I can tell Master."

Grandfather gave a laugh and took a bite, swished it around. "Hmm, well it's not too bad today. You can give him a good report from me."

Jan Di smiled and sat in a nearby chair. "I will. How are you feeling, Grandfather?"

"Ohhh, I'm just fine. No need for such a fuss! What about you, Child?"

"I'm doing well, Grandfather."

"Is that Grandson of mine keeping you company?"

Jan Di smiled. "Yes, he is, Grandfather."

"Behaving himself?" Grandfather mumbled through a bite.

Jan Di gave a chuckle. "Yes, Grandfather."

"Hmm, good." Grandfather continued to eat his porridge. Jan Di looked down at her hands and smiled.

Grandfather gave her a sidelong glance and chuckled.

Jan Di talked with Grandfather as he ate his porridge. She had missed seeing the gruff old man and enjoyed visiting him. She had the suspicion that he enjoyed the company despite bringing up multiple times that it was silly of her to come.

After Grandfather had finished all his food, she collected the empty containers and decided to let him rest. She bid him goodbye and gave a bow.

As Jan Di left, Ji Hoo entered the house. "Oh, Jan Di. What are you doing here?" Ji Hoo responded upon seeing her. He was dressed in white, as he often was, and wearing a scarf.

"Sunbae!" Jan Di brightly greeted him. "I was just visiting Grandfather and bringing him some porridge. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was coming over. I did call to let Grandfather know."

"It's OK. Are you leaving?"

"Well, yes, I was going to." Jan Di suddenly felt a little awkward for a brief moment, for some reason.

"Oh. That was nice of you to visit, Grandfather. I was just going to check on him."

"I think he's sleeping now. And it wasn't really nice of me. I missed seeing him, and I want him to get well very soon, so I brought him some porridge!"

Ji Hoo smiled. "He really likes you, you know?"

Jan Di smiled. She thought briefly of the time he'd stated that she would be his granddaughter-in-law. She assumed it was just a ploy to get the Chairwoman off her back, but she wondered if he actually desired that. Either way, she was grateful and touched. "I know. The feeling is mutual!"

They exchanged smiles. "Do you have to go right away, or would you like some tea? And I have cookies."

Jan Di perked up at cookies. Ji Hoo knew of Jan Di's appetite and sweet tooth.

"Hmm, well, I suppose I can stay for a bit before my class…." She hemmed and hawed.

Ji Hoo put a hand on her back to guide her toward the living room. "Have a seat." He began to prepare the tea. He brought out the cookies and placed them before her and poured each of them a cup of tea.

Jan Di selected a cookie and began to eat it more slowly than she typically ate things. Ji Hoo glanced over at her. She was focused upon the cookie.

Ji Hoo broke the silence. "Did you fix your bike?"

"Not yet." She took a sip of tea.

"Would you like me to look at it for you?"

"Sunbae, I didn't know you were handy at fixing things, too!"

"Well, I don't know if I'll be able to fix it for you, but I can take a look."

Jan Di smiled. "That's Ok."

They continued to drink their tea. "Thanks again for helping me last night."

"My pleasure."

"I feel so much more prepared. I think I do need to practice more on the practical applications."

"Would you like a partner?"

"Sure," she smiled.

Jan Di moved the cup within her hands.

"Is something on your mind?" he asked, noticing this.

She looked over and gave a nervous laugh. "Not really…" She hesitated, unsure of whether or not to bring it up. "…I just had an interesting conversation with my roommate after you left…well, I don't know how interesting you'll find it…"

"Hm? What was the conversation about?"

"Well, Hye Jung asked who you were and asked about our relationship," Jan Di answered nervously.

"Oh. What did you tell her?" His face appeared expressionless.

"I told her we were just friends." Jan di stated with a nod, still looking down at her cup.

Ji Hoo nodded. "Well, I guess that's true." Not the most pleasant of reminders for him.
"Was there anything else?"

Jan Di gave a short laugh. "She also told me that she thinks you're cute."

Ji Hoo looked at Jan Di, who was still looking down and turning her cup within her hands. She grabbed another cookie and popped it.

"Oh," he said simply. He wondered if she was trying to fix him up or something… Would the thorn be further jabbed into his side? The idea of her arranging a set-up with her friend made him feel rather pathetic. Remaining stoic, he took another sip of his tea.

"Hye Jung seems interested in you, Sunbae."

"Oh," he uttered once more, continuing to wonder whether Jan Di was going somewhere with this or not.

Jan Di put a hand behind her neck awkwardly and looked over at him. He was looking down at his tea now, calmly. He seemed unimpressed by this information. She took another sip of tea.

Jan Di paused for a moment. "…So, did you think she was cute, Sunbae?" Jan Di mustered the courage to look at him, despite the terrible awkwardness of the whole thing. She waited for his response.

He paused and stared out straight, longer than she'd hoped he would, as if considering. "Why do you ask?" His tone had an edge to it.

"Oh, I was just curious." She gave a false laugh. "No reason, really."

He studied her for a moment. She was looking at the cookies now. His expression softened a bit.

He grinned. "If I said she was cute, would you try to fix me up with her? Do you feel that I need to date someone right now?

Jan Di looked at him, a little stunned. Is he angry with me for asking? Or is he challenging me? She'd wondered if she'd overstepped her bounds. Though, this couldn't have been bolder than when she took the liberty to move Grandfather into his home.

"Well, um, no, you can date or not date…that's your business. I just….uh…thought I would tell you about it." She stumbled through the words.

He thought for a moment, deciding to continue to torment her for this.
"Do you think we would make a cute couple or something?"

Jan Di opened to say something then shut it. She couldn't tell if he was toying with her or looking for approval. Was he pleased? She mumbled something incoherent, not sure how to respond to that. "Well, look at the time, haha." She looked down at her wrist despite no watch being there.

Ji Hoo laughed. "Jan Di." He looked at her with a sober expression once more.

She looked at him. His gaze seemed to bore into her. He stared at her, for what seemed like a very long time. Her face felt flushed, and she felt the urge to look away but remained frozen. What is he doing? Perhaps he took advantage of her noticeable embarrassment. And perhaps he was simply overcome by his own emotion in the moment. He inched closer to her on the couch, feeling drawn in by some invisible force. She shrunk down. His face was inches from hers now. She was suddenly very aware of his full lips. What's wrong with me? She could feel her heart begin to speed up. She could feel the shape of the armrest pressed into her back. He simply seemed to be studying her. He appeared ready to tell her something serious, but why was he so close? Should she put up her hands to keep him at bay and regain her personal space? This would make sense, yet her body functions seemed to be momentarily failing her. She couldn't understand why her heart was racing so. She gripped the side of the armrest, waiting for him to speak, or do…something…

"I want to be clear," he finally spoke. She nodded, still clutching the armrest. He continued in his typical calm, serious tone.

"I'm not really interested in your roommate. I don't really have time for those things." He put distance between them once again. Jan Di finally exhaled and attempted to regain her composure. She released her hold upon the armrest. Why did he have to do that?

He picked up his cup of tea and brought it to his lips. "Unless you really want me to date her…" he caught sight of her from the corner of his eye.

She opened to speak. Nothing came out at first. "No, I uh…." She blurted.

"Don't worry. You can just tell her that I'm not interested in dating right now." He stated plainly, picking up the tea tray and taking it away.

Don't worry? Did she seem worried?

Jan Di cleared . "Ok, Sunbae. I will. I'm sorry to get so personal. I just thought I would let you know…" She paused. "Well, I should be going. Thank you for the tea! I'll see you later!" She gave him a quick bow and exited rather hastily. She released her breath heavily once out of his sight.

Ji Hoo stared after her for a moment. He shook his head and sighed. Putting his hands in his pockets, he headed toward Grandfather's room.

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I loved writing "Like the Lotus," but in a way, I enjoyed its sequel (Like the Lotus: The Continuing Story) even more.


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grammey #1
Chapter 34: I have read this story several times and enjoyed it every time.
liSSie #2
Chapter 1: As promised, I'm reading now.
jesuisx #3
Chapter 41: Hands down, the best fanfic I've ever read :') you are beyond amazing and I appreciate how all your fanfics are so detailed, precious and beautiful. Thank you so much for keeping Ji Hoo and Jan Di's story alive.
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 41: *sighs* bucket of happy tears falling down my face. Yes, the whole name thing gets confusing to write about, especially when they are minor characters.
seamusmommy #5
Chapter 40: Aigoo, just when I think things will go smoothly. Aish, these 2 dorks and what took JunPyo so long? I found myself shouting back at Jihoo when he asked JunPyo if he should have beat up his Mom's henchmen. Lol. So now what twists will authornim throw at me, tying my stomach in knots?
seamusmommy #6
Chapter 39: I really do hope this isn't JunPyo's doing. He should know by now he won't be getting anywhere this way.
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 38: A very distracting and jealous Jihoo is hard to ignore. Kekeke
seamusmommy #8
Chapter 37: Aaaahhh....aptly named chapter...but really...a giddy JiHoo is just a little too much, don't you think? And yet, my smile is stretching as wide as the table. LOL. I love Harabeoji...yes, Harabeoji, you make sure that boy remains a gentlemen and doesn't lose his head. ;) Phew! I made it. Still cringing at the beginning of this chapter and then grinning like a dork by the end. Resting for a bit and then I'll continue.
seamusmommy #9
Chapter 36: Aish!! JanDi, Jihoo...you're tying my stomach in knots!! Jihoo, my friend...that WAS an ultimatum. And Alex, I already told JunPyo that a few chapters ago, LOL. I told authornim I was cringing. Poor JunPyo, he just hasn't had a chance in all this. Well, focus on capturing the bad guy, JunPyo. That will make you feel better - a little.
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 33: I love Woo Bin. Everyone should have a loving and noble mafia guy in their life.