
Like the Lotus

Jan Di had moved out and was temporarily staying with Ga Eul. Jan Di had been avoiding Ji Hoo lately, as she worked to make sense of her confusing feelings.

Ga Eul had noticed that Jan Di had been in a daze the last few days. She glanced over at Jan Di, off in her own world again, as they sat on her bed.

"Ga Eul," Jan Di moped. "I can't believe I actually told Ji Hoo Sunbae that I have feelings for him." She buried her face in a pillow. Ga Eul was aware of Jan Di's revelation and conversation with Ji Hoo. She patted Jan Di on the back.

"That took a lot of courage… What about Joon Pyo? Are you going to talk to him about it?"

"I don't know. I don't want to hurt him unnecessarily. It's not like anything is going to happen with Ji Hoo Sunbae…" Jan Di understood why Ji Hoo said what he did, but she couldn't help feeling a bit rejected.

Ga Eul pursed her lips. "Hm, it's a tough situation. I know you don't want to hurt him, but if you don't love him anymore you have to tell him."

"I do still love Joon Pyo... I care about him so much, Ga Eul. I care about them both so much. What do I do?"

Ga Eul grew pensive. "Jan Di, what is it that you really want? If Ji Hoo Sunbae hadn't dismissed your feelings and wanted to date, would you break up with Joon Pyo and go out with him?"

Jan Di sighed. "I don't know. It's so complicated, and I wouldn't want to come between them. They just reconciled."

"It will get better with time," Ga Eul encouraged.

"I guess you're right, ahh…" Jan Di buried her head again. "It doesn't really matter, though," she said, her voice muffled by the pillow. "Ji Hoo Sunbae clearly told me that it's not going to happen. He must not feel the same anymore…" But then again, the way he held me… She recalled the memory, the way his arms wrapped tightly around her stomach, his body pressed against hers, and his lips caressed her hair.

"Jan Di, I'm sure that Ji Hoo Sunbae feels very strongly for you. He just doesn't want to hurt Joon Pyo."

"And neither do I, but if we felt strongly enough we'd make it happen, wouldn't we? Ji Hoo Sunbae must not feel it's worth it. I thought Ji Hoo Sunbae and I might belong together, but maybe it's not meant to be…" She paused and sighed. "…Maybe he's right. Maybe we can only ever be friends... Maybe I just need to let go of these silly feelings." Or, maybe I just shouldn't be with either one of them... I don't know if I can continue to do this…

Ga Eul looked at Jan Di sympathetically. "Jan Di-yah, I want you to be happy. I hope that you can figure out who will make you happiest and tell them both how you feel. I'm sure that they'll understand, and whoever you don't choose will move on eventually."

"Thanks, Ga Eul." Jan Di smiled and gave her a hug. "Sorry to be such a burden lately."

"You're not," Ga Eul smiled. "Is Joon Pyo still here?"

"Yes, but Alex has been keeping him busy lately."


"Some business deal here. We haven't really seen each other much…"

"Ah, I see."

"In a way, I'm kind of glad. It gives me time to figure things out."

Ga Eul's phone rang. She picked it up and smiled from ear to ear. "Yi Jeong Subae! How are you?"

"Jan Di is here, too." Ga Eul brought Yi Jeong up on video chat.

"Oh, hello Geum Jan Di," Yi Jeong smiled, displaying that dimpled baby face that all the girls went crazy for.

Jan Di smiled. "Hello, Sunbae! How is Sweden?"

"It's nice here. It's been a good experience, and I've made some important contacts. How are you doing?"

Jan Di smiled weakly. "I'm good, thank you for asking Sunbae." Somehow Yi Jeong was not quite sure he believed her.

Jan Di smiled again. "That's great. Well, it's so good to hear from you, Sunbae! I hope we'll be seeing you again soon. I'll give you two some time to talk." Jan Di smiled at Ga Eul and left the room.

Ga Eul watched Jan Di leave and sighed. She turned back to Yi Jeong on the phone. He looked at her, concerned. "Ga Eul, is everything alright?"

Ga Eul chuckled weakly. "Of course, why wouldn't it be?" Ga Eul immediately knew that her weak poker face was no match for the perceptive Yi Jeong.

He pursed his lips, waiting for her to crack. Ga Eul put one hand to her forehead.

"Ohh, I'm just concerned about Jan Di."

"Why is that?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

He raised a brow.

"I can't really say… It's personal."

"Ah," Yi Jeong nodded. "What did Joon Pyo do this time?"

"Well, that's not exactly…"

Ga Eul didn't want to betray her best friend's confidence, but she had such a hard time keeping anything from that sweet, understanding face. And she truly felt the need to confide in someone.

"I don't want to put you in the middle, Sunbae…"

"Ah, does this have something to do with Ji Hoo?"

"How did you-?"

"Woo Bin and I have known for a long time about all that. Ji Hoo may be quiet, but he's not so mysterious to us."

"Ah," Ga Eul nodded.

"Has something happened?"

"I really can't say!"

Yi Jeong smirked. "I understand. But maybe I can help?"

"Oh, OK, OK, but you can't say a word to anyone, OK? Especially to Joon Pyo!" Ga Eul said in an urgent whisper.

"Hm, maybe you shouldn't tell me then if you're asking me to keep a secret from one of my best friends."

Ga Eul nodded. "Exactly. That's why I wasn't planning to tell you."

He nodded. She watched his usually cool and collected exterior beginning to falter, as the curiosity began to eat at him.

"Oh fine, just tell me…" He finally uttered.

"You promise you'll keep it between us?"

"Ok, I promise."

"Well, Jan Di is really struggling right now," Ga Eul commented sadly. "…She's…sort of developed feelings for Ji Hoo Sunbae."

Yi Jeong's lips parted and he grew pensive. "Ah, I see… Does Joon Pyo have any idea?"

"Well, sort of. Ji Hoo Sunbae kissed Jan Di a few months ago, and Joon Pyo found out about it."

"Really?" Yi Jeong exclaimed, doing his best to remain cool. "Wow. They are both really good at keeping secrets. I hadn't heard about it. I mean, I'm not surprised that Ji Hoo didn't say anything about it, but I'm surprised that Joon Pyo wasn't ranting about it to me or Woo Bin."

"Well, he was really mad for awhile, but I guess he and Ji Hoo Sunbae worked it out. Jan Di admitted that she was partially to blame, too, and asked him to forgive her. He said he didn't know if he could, but then he just showed up in Korea about a few days ago, and he told her that he forgave her."

"Wow. Well, I'm not surprised that Joon Pyo didn't give up on Jan Di. I'm sure he's going to hang onto his anger and hurt feelings for awhile, though. …But Jan Di is still struggling?"

"Well, yes. She's confused right now. She ended up telling Ji Hoo Sunbae that she had feelings for him, and he told her that they could only be friends."

Yi Jeong's lips parted. "…Hm, well, that sounds like Ji Hoo… How does Jan Di feel about Joon Pyo now?"

"She says she still loves him, but she's confused by her feelings for Ji Hoo. She's not sure what to do. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. …That's why you can't say anything! She needs to talk to Joon Pyo herself."

"I understand, and I agree with you. She needs to talk to him."

"But she doesn't want to hurt him, especially since it seems like nothing is going to happen with Ji Hoo Sunbae."

"Well, this must be really difficult for all of them. Ji Hoo isn't the type to stir things up. He's always struggled with being assertive about what he wants. He's always stepped aside for Joon Pyo, too."

Ga Eul sighed and nodded. Yi Jeong contemplated.

"Ultimately, it's going to come down to Jan Di. She's going to have to decide and be direct about it. It's not going to be easy, but with time it'll get better."

"That's basically what I told her, too. I hope she figures it out and that it works out for everyone. I want her to be happy. I don't want to see Joon Pyo Sunbae or Ji Hoo Sunbae hurt either."

Yi Jeong nodded.

"Oh, Jan Di was staying with Ji Hoo Sunbae for awhile at his house because of problems with her apartment. Well, Joon Pyo got mad about it, and Jan Di decided to move out. So, she's staying here with me until she finds another place."

Yi Jeong nodded again. "Yes, Joon Pyo's certainly the jealous type. Jan Di has been his only relationship, and he's inexperienced and immature. He definitely struggles to control his temper and jealousy. " Yi Jeong shook his head. "It's never going to work out if he can't trust her."

Ga Eul grew suddenly defensive. "Are you saying he can't trust her? Jan Di is very trustworthy and loyal! She's just confused right now…"

"That's not what I meant. I know Jan Di is trustworthy. I think a lot of her. I just meant that a relationship has to be built on trust. They both need to have trust in one another. And Joon Pyo is the type to hold a grudge, so I worry that this could cause problems for them in the future. She definitely needs to figure things out soon, though, before it gets any worse."

"I know," Ga Eul mumbled. "You're not going to say anything to anyone, are you?"

"No, I won't. It's between them."


"But you are turning me into a gossip," Yi Jeong teased.

"Sunbae!" Yi Jeong grinned and shook his head.

"But you're not mad at Ji Hoo Sunbae again, are you?"

Yi Jeong sighed. "No. It's between him and Joon Pyo. I'm planning to stay out of it. I'm sure he just had a moment of weakness. He's been pining for her for a long time. I feel bad for him actually. Even if Jan Di and Ji Hoo decide to be together, though, I can't see Joon Pyo giving in easily. He's not one to be able to let things go…"

"Oh, I just wish we could do something…"

"But we can't. We can just support them and let them make their own decisions."

Ga Eul sighed. "You're right…it's just so frustrating! Jan Di believes Ji Hoo Sunbae is her soulmate, you know. But she really cares for Joon Pyo, too. I can't imagine what she must be going through…"

Yi Jeong grew sober. "We just have to let them figure it out. Try not to think about it too much. I told you, we should talk more about us…"

Ga Eul blushed and smiled. "OK…"

Ji Hoo sat on the couch of the F4 clubhouse with Woo Bin. It had been awhile since he'd been there, and it took him back to simpler days. Woo Bin noticed that Ji Hoo hadn't been himself lately. Woo Bin glanced over at Ji Hoo, who had his arms folded and was simply staring out into space.

"Yo man, what's up with you?" Woo Bin asked, stirring Ji Hoo from his musings. "You've been weirder than usual lately." Woo Bin chuckled, but his attempt at humor didn't land.

Ji Hoo turned to him and dropped his hands to his lap. "Nothing."

"Is Grandfather doing alright?"

Ji Hoo nodded.

"Does this have something to do with Jan Di?" Woo Bin asked.

Ji Hoo was silent. He crossed his arms once more and tightened his jaw.

"Talk to me, man."

Ji Hoo sighed. "I don't feel like talking."

"Well, how about drinking?"

"You know I'm not much of a drinker."

"I know, I know. Just have a couple of Sojus with me."

Ji Hoo sighed. "Fine," he mumbled carelessly. The two headed out.

Ji Hoo and Woo Bin sat at a little downtown bar drinking. It hadn't been long before several girls approached and attempted to make conversation. Woo Bin smiled and greeted the girls. Ji Hoo ignored them entirely and continued drinking. It was clear that the girls were interested in them. Ji Hoo politely dismissed the one that had been hovering around him. Woo Bin looked to Ji Hoo then reluctantly sent his girl off, as well. This continued to occur sporadically throughout the evening.

"Stop making eye contact," Ji Hoo mumbled and took another drink.

Woo Bin chuckled. "I don't have to."

Ji Hoo rolled his eyes.

"Would it be so bad to meet someone here?" Woo Bin asked.

"Is this why you brought me here?" Ji Hoo accused, rather sharply.

"No, man, no. I just thought we could relax, have a couple drinks, and talk."

"How can I do that when all these women keep coming around?"

Woo Bin sighed and took a drink. Ji Hoo certainly wasn't the wingman that Yi Jeong was. "So, what's going on with you?"

Ji Hoo was on his second Soju and was becoming less inhibited by the moment. He sighed audibly.

"Ahh, Jan Di told me she has feelings for me…" He took another drink.

"Whoa, what did you say?"

"I told her we could only be friends."

Woo Bin nodded. "I think you did the right thing."

Ji Hoo scoffed and took another drink. "Yea, I always do the right thing, don't I?"

Woo Bin gave him a pat on the back. "I know how you feel about Jan Di, but maybe you just need to meet someone else."

"I don't want to meet anyone else," he replied, jaded.

Woo Bin sighed. "I know you feel that way now, but maybe in time when you're ready... You know you could easily get just about any girl you wanted."

Ji Hoo scoffed. "Except the one I actually want…"

"I know things didn't exactly work out with Sun-Young, but I do know a lot of other girls…"

"I don't want to be fixed up," Ji Hoo exclaimed, harshly and continued to drink.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. "Do you know what it's like to be in love?" Ji Hoo mumbled wistfully.

Woo Bin was silent and let him continue.

Ji Hoo sighed. "When I'm with her…everything is better. I think about her all the time. I want to be with her all the time…it doesn't matter what we're doing…" He put his head down and mumbled, "I miss her, Woo Bin… I didn't want her to leave… It's only been a few days, and I already miss her so much…"

Woo Bin furrowed his brow. He'd never seen Ji Hoo like this. Perhaps it was the alcohol talking, but he'd never heard him express such strong feelings, even for Seo Hyun.

"Man, you got it bad."

"Yea…. Figures, doesn't it?" he replied cynically, sitting upright as best he could. "…I'm hopelessly in love with my best friend's girl. And the kicker is, she has feelings for me, too, but I can't do anything about it. I've been trying to get over it, but it's not going away… And don't tell Joon Pyo about her feelings…" He pointed a shaky finger at Woo Bin.

Woo Bin tightened his mouth, as Ji Hoo fumbled with his drink. Ji Hoo slumped forward slightly against the bar. Woo Bin gave him a sympathetic pat on the back. Several more girls came over. One of the girls started flirting with Woo Bin. Another turned to Ji Hoo. He said nothing when she introduced herself. The girl looked to Woo Bin.

"Don't mind him. He's just a little lovesick, girls," Woo Bin said.

Ji Hoo glared at Woo Bin.

"Awww," the girls exclaimed in unison and crowded around Ji Hoo. "You poor guy," one said and began his arm. Ji Hoo appeared completely oblivious, as the girls fawned over him and complimented him. A few minutes later he lay his head down onto the bar.

Later that night, Woo Bin helped Ji Hoo home. Woo Bin helped Ji Hoo to his room and assisted him onto the bed. Ji Hoo collapsed onto it, semi-conscious and mumbling Jan Di's name and something about loving her and needing her. Woo Bin stood over him. He crossed his arms and looked down at him sympathetically. Woo Bin sighed and covered Ji Hoo up.

Joon Pyo and Alex finished a meeting with Mr. Lee and his associates. A dinner had been planned for the following night to honor their new business partnership. Joon Pyo prepared to leave the boardroom. Everyone else had left but Alex, who was sitting at the table, staring out into space. He watched her for a moment. She began to bite at her nail. He hesitated briefly and then approached her.

"Are you coming?" Joon Pyo asked.

"What?" She looked up at him in surprise.

"The meeting is over."

"Oh. Yes." She looked around the room, as if just noticing that everyone had left.

"You've been quiet the past few days," Joon Pyo commented. He sat next to her when she made no move to leave.

She sighed. "It's nothing."

Joon Pyo studied her. She glanced over and noticed him staring at her. She released a heavy sigh. "…My father wants to marry me off again," she finally said.

Joon Pyo's lips parted. "Oh, I'm sorry. What did you tell him?"

"Well, I refused, of course. He's really insistent, though."

"That hasn't stopped you before," Joon Pyo commented.

"Well, it's more complicated…" she said.

"Who's the guy?"

Alex hesitated. "…My first love."

Joon Pyo's lips parted once more. "How long has it been since you've seen him?"

"Five years. His name is Kim Hyun-Woo. We knew each other when we were younger. We went to school together in the United States. And we dated for a few years when we were older."

Joon Pyo nodded. "How do you feel about him now?"

"I want nothing to do with him," she said without hesitating.

Joon Pyo blinked and continued to listen.

"He's…a bad man," she simply said and looked down.

Joon Pyo noticed that Alex's hand was beginning to shake. He'd never seen her like this before. Her usually stone cold exterior had been replaced by a frightened little girl. She stared down at her lap, as her hand continued to shake against the chair arm. Joon Pyo looked away and tightened his jaw. He looked back at her trembling hand, and he very hesitantly reached out and put his hand over hers. She looked up at him, shocked, and he looked away again. He gave her hand a quick pat and rose from his seat. "You should tell your father clearly that you can't marry him."

"It's not that easy, you don't understand!" she protested.

"The Alex I know wouldn't let someone control her life," Joon Pyo said.

She stared at him, and he met her eyes. She looked down, and Joon Pyo turned and left the room. If only he knew…

Joon Pyo prepared for the business dinner. He'd asked Jan Di to attend, but she had class and had to decline. He felt rather guilty having not seen her much lately, despite traveling there for her. He'd agreed to meet up with her after, but he'd gotten the strange feeling lately that she'd been avoiding him. He did his best to shake it off. He adjusted the collar of his tux and headed out to pick up Alex.

Jan Di arrived at her class. She noticed a sign on the door indicating that class had been cancelled. Ji Hoo arrived shortly after, as they were both taking the class. They looked at each other awkwardly for a moment.

"Class is cancelled, huh?" He asked, clearly able to see the sign but attempting to fill the awkward silence.

"Yes," she nodded, looking down.

He shoved his hands into his pockets and cleared his throat.

"I guess I could have gone to that dinner Joon Pyo invited me to," she commented, not sure what else to say.

"Oh, you were invited to a dinner?"

"Yes. A business dinner for his new partnership."

Ji Hoo nodded. He hesitated for a moment. "I could… you there if you'd like. At least drop you off."

Jan Di looked down, blinking. She considered for a moment. "OK, if you're sure you're not busy…"

He shook his head.

"OK, thanks… That's nice of you, Sunbae."

They walked out of the school together quietly. Ji Hoo picked up his white suit and took Jan Di by Ga Eul's to change. Ji Hoo waited in Ga Eul's living room after changing, while Jan Di changed.

Jan Di stepped out in a long white chiffon dress with a sash tied at her waist and lace ruffles around the neckline, which was frankly lower than Jan Di liked. Ga Eul had quickly pulled up her hair into an updo.

Ji Hoo stared at her, love-stricken anew, as she exited, and shoved his hands into the pockets of his suit pants. She looked down and smiled uncomfortably. Ga Eul stood beside her.

"Alex sent me this dress…" She explained.

Ji Hoo nodded. "You look beautiful..." Jan Di smiled weakly. "You look very handsome…" Ga Eul watched the exchange between the two, finding it rather cute. She smiled to herself.

"Hey, you two match!" Ga Eul exclaimed, attempting to ease the tension. They looked to each other.

"Well, have fun, Jan Di!" Ga Eul exclaimed. Jan Di smiled and nodded to her.

Joon Pyo and Alex walked into the hotel ballroom amidst a sea of people. Alex was dressed in a red silk one-shoulder evening gown. They began their meet and greets. Mr. Lee approached Alex and Joon Pyo. "Ah, Joon Pyo, Alex, welcome." Joon Pyo bowed and Alex nodded. "Father."

"Ah, there's Mr. Kwon. I must say, he was quite impressed with the both of you after that meeting. His associate is with him, as well. Let's greet them." Mr. Lee beckoned them toward the two men. Mr. Kwon was looking at them and the other man was turned slightly and speaking to another man. A crowd of women surrounded him.

Joon Pyo and Alex approached the two men. Mr. Kwon, a middle-aged man with a rugged exterior, greeted first. "Ah, Joon Pyo, Alex, good to see you. And this is my associate…" His business associate turned to face them. He was a younger man in his mid to late twenties, with hair slicked, and very attractive.

Alex met his dark eyes, and he grinned, devilishly. Alex recoiled. "Hyun-Woo!

"Lee Ji-Min, well well… Or, it's Alex that you prefer now, right? What a pleasant surprise…you're just as gorgeous as ever…" Hyun-Woo spoke, his tone arrogant and his words as smooth as silk. Joon Pyo looked to Alex, who appeared shaken but doing her best to maintain her composure. Hyun-Woo took her hand assertively. Alex felt the urge to pull it back but instead fumed silently, as he placed a deep kiss on her hand. Joon Pyo watched Alex, concerned.

Hyun-Woo turned to Joon Pyo with a burning gaze. "Hello. I'm Kim Hyun-Woo." The man held out his hand. Joon Pyo met his gaze tensely before putting his hand out and shaking. Hyun-Woo turned back to Alex and stared at her. Alex simply stared back, as a doe cornered by a hungry wolf.

"Pleased to meet you. Could you excuse us, please?" Joon Pyo said suddenly, putting his hand on Alex's back and leading her away from the two men and her father.

Joon Pyo escorted her from the ballroom and out to the garden. She'd begun to shake lightly. He'd never seen anyone stir Alex in such a manner. Once outside, Joon Pyo turned to Alex.

Alex gave a short laugh. "You just shook hands with the devil."

"OK, what's the deal with this guy?" He asked bluntly.

"What do you mean? It was a joke." She walked a few steps away and turned her back to him.

"Alex," he said insistently. "I've never seen you act this way before. Something is clearly wrong."

"I was just surprised, that's all," she said shakily.

"Fine, you don't want to tell me. But we're going to be in business with this guy. Is there something I should know? You told me that he was a bad man. What did you mean by that?"

"It's personal. It has nothing to do with business."

"OK, fine."

"Is the party out here?" Hyun-Woo's voice came from behind them. Alex visibly flinched. Joon Pyo and Alex turned to see Hyun-Woo sauntering up to them, as a jungle cat stalking its prey.

As Hyun-Woo approached, Joon Pyo instinctively stood between him and Alex. They were nearly the same height, Joon Pyo being slightly taller. "Joon Pyo, was it?" Hyun-Woo asked, condescendingly.

"That's right."

"The famous Goo Joon Pyo!" He exclaimed, sarcastically.

Joon Pyo held his head high and stared back at Hyun-Woo. "Why don't you give Alex and me a moment?" Hyun-Woo demanded.

Joon Pyo turned to Alex, her eyes pleading to not be left alone with him.

Joon Pyo hesitated. He cleared his throat. "Actually, I need to discuss something very important with my colleague here. Could you give us a few more minutes, and we'll be right in."

Hyun-Woo stared Joon Pyo down, and Joon Pyo stood firm. After a moment, Hyun-Woo smirked. "Alright. I'll see you in a few minutes."

After he'd left, Alex released the breath she'd been holding. "Thank you." She turned from Joon Pyo and made her way to a stone bench. She sat down and buried her head in her hands. Joon Pyo watched her for a moment before making his way to her. He sat down beside her.

Ji Hoo drove Jan Di to the hotel where the dinner was being held. The drive had been a silent one.

"How have you been?" Ji Hoo finally asked, as he continued looking out at the road.

"Fine," she nodded to herself. "And you, Sunbae?"

"Fine," he replied. Aside from the terrible headache…

He wanted to tell her he missed her, but instead asked, "How is it at Ga Eul's place?"

"It's fine. It's been nice spending time with her."

He nodded and continued to drive.

"Thanks again for taking me," she said after a few minutes of silence.

"No problem."

Jan Di clutched at her wrap. Ji Hoo glanced over. "Are you cold? You can turn up the heat."

"Oh, OK." They reached for the button simultaneously and their hands touched. The brief touch was exhilarating. They retracted their hands quickly.

"Sorry," they mumbled at the same time. They both smiled.

Jan Di and Ji Hoo arrived at the dinner. Ji Hoo got out and opened Jan Di's door. "Maybe I should have notified Joon Pyo. I feel like I'm crashing this dinner."

"Oh, well you can just drop me off here. I thought I'd just surprise him…"

"No, no, I'll at least you in to Joon Pyo…" Ji Hoo held out his arm gallantly. Their eyes met. He gazed affectionately at her, as she slowly wrapped her arm around his and lightly clutched the fabric of his jacket. They walked inside.

Jan Di and Ji Hoo scanned the ballroom, not seeing Joon Pyo. Jan Di stopped someone. "Excuse me. I'm looking for Goo Joon Pyo." The person told her that she'd seen him head outside to the garden and pointed the way. Jan Di bowed, and she and Ji Hoo headed that way.

Joon Pyo sat beside Alex in the garden. She leaned forward, breathing heavily and rubbing her hands together.

"Alex, what is it?" Joon Pyo asked firmly.

She looked at him. "It's really humiliating…" She gave a short, pained laugh.

He continued to look at her.

"Well, you see Hyun-Woo is very charming, but he's also very controlling and manipulative… He always had this strange…power over me…" Alex looked downward, feeling her eyes beginning to moisten. Joon Pyo looked down at her, troubled. He waited.

Alex took a deep breath. "He was abusive toward me," she finally uttered.

Joon Pyo's lips parted and he looked down, wringing his hands.

Alex began to tremble. "When I saw him, it all came back…" She felt tears begin to run hotly down her face. "I tolerated his abuse for years…. I vowed never to let anyone treat me that way again. But here's the pathetic part. Despite all that, when I saw him tonight…I felt myself faltering…"

She wiped the tears and looked up at Joon Pyo. "You must think I'm really pitiful now, huh?"

Joon Pyo sighed. "No, I don't."

Alex's chest continued to heave. She scoffed. "Why are you being so understanding and nice to me?"

"I don't know. I guess I…care about you," he said glancing away. To his surprise, somewhere along the way he'd become rather fond of Alex. He didn't think less of her. He felt bad for her. He'd never thought of her as someone who needed protected, but tonight, he'd felt strangely protective of her.

Alex gave a short laugh. "Are you really Joon Pyo?" She felt a few more tears begin to run down. She was feeling extremely emotional and vulnerable, and he was the last person she wanted to show that side of her to. Still, right now, she didn't care. She felt herself wrap her arms suddenly around his neck and bury her face against his chest. Joon Pyo was taken aback. He froze, not quite sure what was happening. Hesitantly, he put his arms around her back. He patted her lightly, as she sobbed into his chest, and then he held her there.

Jan Di and Ji Hoo exited the hotel doors to the garden. They stopped suddenly upon noticing Joon Pyo holding Alex. He didn't see them. Jan Di stared at them, stunned. Ji Hoo, equally shocked, looked to Jan Di. She quickly rushed back inside before being noticed, and Ji Hoo followed.

Jan Di slowed and walked ahead dazed, as Ji Hoo followed. She stopped a few yards away and leaned against a wall. Her eyes darted back and forth, as she processed what she'd seen.

"Jan Di," Ji Hoo said, touching her arm.

She looked up at him, a look of pure concern on his face. "Are you OK?" he asked.

She nodded, still appearing stupefied.

"I'm sure there's some explanation for what we just saw," Ji Hoo said, always the defender.

Jan Di nodded. "Yes, I'm sure there is. I'm OK. I'm not upset," she said automatically.

He studied her, not quite sure whether he believed her or not.

"Maybe we better go in. I don't want him to think I was spying on him," she said, heading back toward the ballroom. Ji Hoo sighed. He caught her by the arm and turned her toward him. "Are you sure you're OK?"

"Yes, he was just hugging her right? It just surprised me. …I didn't think he even liked her. He always talks like she's annoying to him. But then again, we're talking about Joon Pyo here…"

Ji Hoo tightened his mouth. "Well, let's not jump to any conclusions. I'm sure there's an explanation."

Jan Di nodded. "Yes, but how do I ask him about it? He'll think I was spying on him… He'll think I don't trust him."

"I could talk to him," Ji Hoo suggested.

"No, that's OK. Maybe I should just forget about it." She moved back toward the ballroom.

Ji Hoo sighed and followed her. As Jan Di entered the ballroom she bumped into a man.

"Oh, excuse me!" She bowed deeply.

"No, it's my fault entirely," the man said, grinning at her. "I'm Kim Hyun-Woo. And you are?"

"Geum Jan Di," she bowed to him again. He took her hand and placed a burning kiss upon it. Ji Hoo glared at the man, who hadn't seemed to take notice of him standing behind her. Either that or he didn't care.

Jan Di smiled weakly and politely slipped her hand away. She turned to Ji Hoo. Ji Hoo moved forward and stood beside her. Ji Hoo stuck his hand out, partially blocking the man from Jan Di. "Yoon Ji Hoo."

"Ah, Yoon Ji Hoo, is it? I've heard of you. I've actually seen your orchestra perform. And your grandfather was a great president. Nice to meet you." Hyun-Woo shook his hand.

Ji Hoo nodded. "Thank you. Forgive me, but I haven't heard of you…"

"Ah, well Mr. Kwon of Kwon Electrics, and I are business associates. We're going to be working with Goo Joon Pyo and Shinwha."

Jan Di blinked at Joon Pyo's name. Ji Hoo nodded.

"And what brings the two of you here?" The man asked suspiciously, as if demanding to see an invitation right there.

"Oh, Goo Joon Pyo invited me actually," Jan Di replied. "And I was just escorting her here," Ji Hoo interjected.

"Ahh, you're familiar with Goo Joon Pyo. Friend? Girlfriend, perhaps?" The man shot her a twisted smile.

Jan Di looked to Ji Hoo and then looked down, blinking. She simply smiled back at the man.

"Well, it was very nice to meet you Mr. Kim. My friend and I were just going to get a refreshment, so please excuse us." Ji Hoo put a hand on Jan di's shoulder and led her past Hyun-Woo and into the ballroom. He had a bad feeling about this Kim Hyun-Woo. He'd be keeping close tabs on him tonight.

Ji Hoo led Jan Di to the refreshment table and got her a glass of punch. She drank it rather quickly. He offered her another.

A few minutes later Joon Pyo and Alex entered the ballroom from the garden. Jan Di noticed Joon Pyo, and their eyes met. He approached her, as Alex followed.

"Jan Di, what are you doing here?" He asked, surprised.

"Oh, my class was cancelled, so I decide to come and surprise you. Ji Hoo Sunbae brought me."

Joon Pyo nodded and looked to Ji Hoo. They exchanged a casual nod of hello. "How long have you been here?" He asked, turning back to Jan Di.

"Not long," she said quickly, glancing away.

"Alex and I were just talking in the garden."

"Oh," Jan Di nodded.

"Jan Di, so nice to see you!" Alex interjected. "That dress looks amazing on you!"

Jan Di smiled and gave a short bow. "Thank you. It was so nice of you to send it." Jan Di appreciated the gesture but was growing rather embarrassed by women feeling the need to properly clothe her.

"You must be Alex. I'm Yoon Ji Hoo," Ji Hoo said and held out his hand to Alex.

"Ahh, Yoon Ji Hoo, so nice to finally meet you!" Ji Hoo smiled subtly and nodded. His name was eliciting quite the response tonight. Alex took his hand and shook it firmly.

"Jan Di, did you try the appetizers?" Alex put an arm on Jan Di's shoulder and whisked Jan Di off toward the appetizer table, leaving Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo by themselves.

Ji Hoo shoved his hands into his pockets. Joon Pyo did the same.

"Thanks for bringing her," Joon Pyo said.

Ji Hoo nodded. "So that's Alex Lee, huh?"

"Yeah, that's her," Joon Pyo replied.

"How are you two getting along these days?"

"Well, pretty well, actually. It's strange."

Ji Hoo studied Joon Pyo. "Where were you two?" Ji Hoo did his best to refrain from accusing.

"We were talking outside in the garden."

"Oh, what were you two talking about?" Ji Hoo asked, as casually as he could.

"Ah, well it's a personal matter."


Joon Pyo nodded. "Just something Alex told me in confidence. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason. I was just wondering what business took you outside to the garden alone."

Joon Pyo looked to Ji Hoo. He was somber. "What are you getting at Ji Hoo-yah?"

"Oh, nothing. Nevermind, just idle curiosity." Ji Hoo changed the subject quickly. "So, what's the deal with this guy, Kim Hyun-Woo? Jan Di and I met him." Ji Hoo crossed his arms.

Joon Pyo frowned. "You met him?"

Ji Hoo nodded. "Yes, just now."

"I just met him, too." Joon Pyo said.

"I have a bad feeling about him," Ji Hoo muttered, watching Jan Di talk with Alex across the room. Joon Pyo turned to Ji Hoo and then looked over at Jan Di and Alex.

Across the room, Hyun-Woo approached the girls. Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo watched tensely as Hyun-Woo held out his hand to Jan Di for a dance. They watched her look down and hesitantly take his hand. She shot a glance toward where the two were standing, as Hyun-Woo swept her to the middle of the dance floor. Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo glared from across the room, as Hyun-Woo s his arm around Jan Di and pulled her into him tightly. He took her hand and began to dance with her.

Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo fumed silently as they watched Hyun-Woo maneuver Jan Di smoothly yet forcefully around the dance floor. Hyun-Woo corrected Jan Di's awkward dance moves by roughly leading her where he wanted her to go next. Hyun-Woo leaned in closer, nearly pressing cheeks with Jan Di. Jan Di stiffened and pulled back slightly. Ji Hoo tightened his fist hard at his side. Joon Pyo had wanted to hit the guy since talking to Alex, but now he had even more reason. Joon Pyo continued to seethe and prepared to rush across the dance floor to break the spectacle up, but Ji Hoo beat him to it. Ji Hoo had a more subtle method in mind.

"Excuse me, could I cut in?" Ji Hoo plastered a smile on, as he tapped Hyun-Woo on the shoulder.

"Oh, of course." Hyun-Woo released Jan Di and gave her a wink before walking off. Jan Di looked down. Ji Hoo shot a dirty look at Hyun-Woo's back, as he walked away.

Ji Hoo turned to Jan Di. He took her hand and put his arm around her waist gently. Jan Di released a sigh. The tension she'd been feeling from the dance with Hyun-Woo was immediately alleviated, and she leaned into Ji Hoo. "Are you alright?" He whispered.

"Yes. Thank you for rescuing me, Sunbae," she whispered back, as they began to dance.

Ji Hoo smiled weakly. "Well, I couldn't stand by any longer and watch you be manhandled by that smug, jackass…"

"Sunbae," Jan Di whispered tenderly. She smiled up at him, and their eyes met. Suddenly forgetting the scene in the garden, suddenly unaware of their surroundings and those who were watching them, they danced. Ji Hoo pressed his fingers into her waist delicately and pulled her closer. She felt her eyes close for a second. He looked down at her. She opened her eyes and glanced shyly up at him. And they danced. And time stood still.

Joon Pyo had felt relieved in a way when Ji Hoo stepped in. It had prevented him from making a scene. But now, as he watched them dance, he felt his chest begin to rise and fall heavily. He wasn't sure which was worse, watching some roughly drag his girlfriend around the dance floor, or this…this loving display that was before him now. No, this, he decided. This was worse. His lips parted and he stared at them, realizing immediately that it wasn't over…

Alex made her way to Joon Pyo and stood beside him. She looked up at him, as he watched Jan Di and Ji Hoo dancing, completely oblivious to her presence. Alex glanced over at Jan Di and Ji Hoo, and then she turned back to Joon Pyo. He was still staring out at them. She stared at him, as he stared at them. Unable to handle it any longer, he turned to leave the room.

The whole scene had not gone unnoticed by Hyun-Woo. He stood with Mr. Kwon. He watched Alex stare up at Joon Pyo. He watched Joon Pyo stare out at Jan Di and Ji Hoo as they danced. He folded his arms and turned to Mr. Kwon and whispered to him. Mr. Kwon whispered back, and he nodded. Hyun-Woo grabbed a glass of champagne and took a sip. He watched Joon Pyo slip out, unnoticed by Jan Di and Ji Hoo. He watched Alex follow Joon Pyo, and his eyes burned into her back as she trotted as best she could in her heels to catch up to Joon Pyo.

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I loved writing "Like the Lotus," but in a way, I enjoyed its sequel (Like the Lotus: The Continuing Story) even more.


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grammey #1
Chapter 34: I have read this story several times and enjoyed it every time.
liSSie #2
Chapter 1: As promised, I'm reading now.
jesuisx #3
Chapter 41: Hands down, the best fanfic I've ever read :') you are beyond amazing and I appreciate how all your fanfics are so detailed, precious and beautiful. Thank you so much for keeping Ji Hoo and Jan Di's story alive.
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 41: *sighs* bucket of happy tears falling down my face. Yes, the whole name thing gets confusing to write about, especially when they are minor characters.
seamusmommy #5
Chapter 40: Aigoo, just when I think things will go smoothly. Aish, these 2 dorks and what took JunPyo so long? I found myself shouting back at Jihoo when he asked JunPyo if he should have beat up his Mom's henchmen. Lol. So now what twists will authornim throw at me, tying my stomach in knots?
seamusmommy #6
Chapter 39: I really do hope this isn't JunPyo's doing. He should know by now he won't be getting anywhere this way.
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 38: A very distracting and jealous Jihoo is hard to ignore. Kekeke
seamusmommy #8
Chapter 37: Aaaahhh....aptly named chapter...but really...a giddy JiHoo is just a little too much, don't you think? And yet, my smile is stretching as wide as the table. LOL. I love Harabeoji...yes, Harabeoji, you make sure that boy remains a gentlemen and doesn't lose his head. ;) Phew! I made it. Still cringing at the beginning of this chapter and then grinning like a dork by the end. Resting for a bit and then I'll continue.
seamusmommy #9
Chapter 36: Aish!! JanDi, Jihoo...you're tying my stomach in knots!! Jihoo, my friend...that WAS an ultimatum. And Alex, I already told JunPyo that a few chapters ago, LOL. I told authornim I was cringing. Poor JunPyo, he just hasn't had a chance in all this. Well, focus on capturing the bad guy, JunPyo. That will make you feel better - a little.
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 33: I love Woo Bin. Everyone should have a loving and noble mafia guy in their life.