Pettiness & Confession

Like the Lotus

Ji Hoo slipped his phone into his pocket. "Joon Pyo…what are you doing here?" Ji Hoo asked.

Joon Pyo glanced to Ji Hoo briefly and then fixed his gaze upon Jan Di. "I came to see Jan Di."

Ji Hoo glanced back at Jan Di. He watched her slowly move forward, focused upon Joon Pyo. Ji Hoo shoved his hands into his pockets and sighed. "I'll give you two a moment."

Ji Hoo left the room and headed to his bedroom, a dark cloud followed.

Joon Pyo moved toward Jan Di and stopped before her. He studied her for a moment.

"You're all dressed up," he commented.

She nodded. "We went to the symphony."

"A date?"

Jan Di sighed. "No, it wasn't a date. Ji Hoo Sunbae was working and invited me to go."

He nodded and grew quiet.

"Why did you come all this way, Joon Pyo?" she asked, matter-of-factly.

Joon Pyo rubbed his neck. "I just wanted to see you and talk to you in person."

Jan Di nodded.

"When I said I didn't know if I could forgive you, well…I thought about it, and…I think I can."

Jan Di looked up at him quizzically. "Really?"

"I can't say that I understand, or that it didn't make my angry, but I'm trying to work on getting past it." Jan Di nodded once more.

"Thanks. I'm sorry again…for what happened," she said, looking down.

"I realized that I needed to talk to you and work things out. So, here I am."

Jan Di smiled weakly, and their eyes met. Joon Pyo sighed and pulled Jan Di into a rough embrace. She stood there rigidly and allowed him to hold her. It was surreal, him being there. She took in his scent that had become vaguely unfamiliar to her, but now that he was here it came flooding back. She was still wearing Ji Hoo's jacket, so Joon Pyo's scent mixed with the more familiar scent of Ji Hoo. She lingered in his tight embrace, contrasting the firm but gentle one of Ji Hoo that she'd become so accustomed to.

She was experiencing a powerful cocktail of emotions, including relief that he'd forgiven her, joy at seeing him again, and guilt over the feelings she'd been having for another man only moments before. I don't deserve his forgiveness… She felt herself beginning to cry. He pulled her back and noticed the tears. "Jan Di, are you OK?" He asked, clearly confused.

"Yes." She nodded. "I'm just glad to see you." And she was glad to see him, but she couldn't help but feel the slightest hint of disappointment. He hugged her again. She continued to tear up and leaned into the hug.

They broke the embrace and looked at one another. Joon Pyo leaned in for a kiss. Surprisingly, Jan Di felt herself pull back. "It's late. Maybe we should both get some rest and talk more tomorrow." She was emotionally spent.

Joon Pyo stared at her, perplexed and angered by her rejection of his kiss. But he refrained from confronting her about it and simply nodded.

"How long are you here?" Jan Di asked.

"A few days, at least."

She nodded. "Will you be staying at your house?" she asked absently.

He nodded. "You could stay there, too, in your old room."

Although Joon Pyo's mother was no longer waging war on her, Jan Di didn't relish the thought of being in the same house with her. She still didn't have warm and fuzzy feelings for her. And she never really considered it her room. That time in her life wasn't exactly full of pleasant memories…

"That's OK, thanks." Jan Di smiled weakly.

"OK, yea, I can understand you not wanting to see the Witch. Well, I could put you up at the hotel. I'll give you the finest room, for as long as you need it."

"Really, that's OK. I'm fine here for now," she replied. Joon Pyo frowned.

Ji Hoo walked back in and folded his arms. He looked to Joon Pyo and then to Jan Di. Jan Di recalled that she was still wearing his jacket. That fact hadn't escaped Joon Pyo, either.

"Oh, here Sunbae. Thanks." She handed the jacket to him, avoiding eye contact. He took it and gave her a small smile. Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo exchanged glances.

"Are you staying for awhile, Joon Pyo?" Jan Di asked. "You must be exhausted after such a long flight."

"Yes… Maybe I'll just stay here tonight…," he replied.

Jan Di and Joon Pyo both looked at Ji Hoo, who simply shrugged his shoulders and threw up his arms carelessly. "Sure, Joon Pyo. You can take the couch."

"The couch?" Joon Pyo pouted.

Ji Hoo sighed. "Well, you're not expecting to take my bed, are you? All the other rooms are occupied."

"Aish, alright, the couch is fine."

"Don't worry, Joon Pyo. I'll put some extra layers on the couch, so it'll be more comfortable for you." Jan Di grinned. Ji Hoo smiled and shook his head.

"I'll be back," Jan Di said to Joon Pyo, and she headed to the linen closet to pull out some bedding for him. Ji Hoo met her in the hallway.

"Sunbae, I'm sorry about this. I'm not sure why he's insisting upon staying here."

"I have a pretty good idea." Ji Hoo sighed. "Don't worry. It's not the first time he's crashed here unexpectedly."

Jan Di nodded. "I'll talk to him tomorrow, and we'll work out a better arrangement." Ji Hoo nodded and touched her arm. "Here, I'll take that."

Ji Hoo took the pile of bedding from her and delivered it to Joon Pyo in the living room. He shoved it into Joon Pyo's arms and patted him on the back. "Goodnight!" Ji Hoo said, with an exaggerated smile.

Joon Pyo looked at the bedding helplessly, not knowing the first thing to do with it. He looked at Jan Di, as Ji Hoo walked off.

"I got it." Jan Di took the bedding from him and began to prepare the couch. "So, how have you been?"

"Fine. And you?"

"Fine, too." Jan Di sighed, as she tucked in the sheet. "Do you have business while you're here?" The conversation felt so formal and awkward.

"No, I'm completely available, so we can spend time together."

"Well, that's great, Joon Pyo. But I do have work, school, and the clinic. I'm really busy. I can spend some time with you in my free time."

Joon Pyo frowned. "I came all this way. Can't you just clear your schedule this once?"

Jan Di sighed. "I'd like to, but I really can't. I can't just drop everything because you came." It came out harsher than she'd intended, and she immediately felt guilty.

Joon Pyo scoffed.

"I'm sorry, Joon Pyo. How about lunch tomorrow?"

Joon Pyo sighed and nodded. Jan Di finished the couch and hesitated. "Goodnight, Joon Pyo."

"Goodnight." He watched after her as she walked away.

Jan Di headed toward her room. Her mind was elsewhere, and she nearly bumped into Ji Hoo coming out of the bathroom.

"Oops, excuse me, Sunbae."

"It's OK. It's all yours," he beckoned toward the bathroom.

"Thanks. Goodnight, Sunbae."

"Goodnight." He touched her arm lightly and headed toward his room, releasing a sigh as he walked away. Ji Hoo passed Joon Pyo, who was sprawled out on the couch, with a hand behind his head.

"Ji Hoo-ya."

Ji Hoo turned to Joon Pyo. "What is it, Joon Pyo?"

"What is this arrangement you have going here?"

"I take it we're going to have a conversation about this." Ji Hoo sighed and took a seat in a nearby chair. "Jan Di needed a place to stay. My grandfather invited her to stay here, and I wasn't going to tell her she couldn't. It's that simple."

Joon Pyo sat up. "I see. And how long do you intend to play house with my fiancée?"

"What?" Ji Hoo shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm not comfortable with it."

"You don't trust me?"

"I know how you feel about her, and I know how things can…happen."

Ji Hoo scoffed. "Joon Pyo, I told you that I wasn't going to do anything. You think I have no self-restraint? If there's anything I do have, it's self-restraint!"

Joon Pyo fumed silently.

"What would you have me do, kick her out?"

"I can take care of her. It's my job to take care of her," Joon Pyo replied.

Well, you weren't doing your job very well… Ji Hoo exhaled sharply. "I know that. But she's comfortable here. She likes being here. Maybe you should have a little more trust in your fiancée, if not in me," Ji Hoo retorted. They stared hard at each other.

Ji Hoo sighed. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Joon Pyo."

Morning came. Ji Hoo hadn't gotten much sleep and was in a foul mood from the night before. He emerged from his room and made his way to the living room where Joon Pyo was lying unconscious on the couch in a precarious position. Ji Hoo shook his head and released a sigh. "Wake up, Joon Pyo," Ji Hoo called. Joon Pyo lay there motionless. "Joon Pyo," Ji Hoo repeated. Ji Hoo rolled his eyes and leaned over Joon Pyo. He squinted down at him, becoming more irritated by the second. Impulsively he reached out and gave Joon Pyo a rough nudge, knocking him off the couch.

"Aish, what the-" Joon Pyo landed on the floor with a thud. Joon Pyo looked up at Ji Hoo in astonishment. "Hey, Yoon Ji Hoo!"

Ji Hoo smirked down at him, enjoying his catharsis. "It's time to get up."

Joon Pyo glared and grumbled. "What did you do that for?"

"You wouldn't wake up," was Ji Hoo's smug response.

Jan Di entered the living room, still in her pajamas. "What was that?" She noticed Joon Pyo on the floor and looked to Ji Hoo for an explanation.

"Joon Pyo fell off the couch," Ji Hoo responded.

"Fell? I was pushed!" Joon Pyo shouted.

Jan Di shot an incredulous glance at Ji Hoo, and he simply shrugged his shoulders.

Jan Di sighed. "Well, I'm going to get dressed, and then I'll make breakfast. You two behave yourselves…," she replied, annoyed. She shook her head, as she went back toward her room.

Ji Hoo made his way into the dining area and prepared a cup of tea. He sat down at the breakfast table and picked up the newspaper. Grandfather joined shortly afterward, followed by Jan Di. "Good morning." Jan Di nodded to Grandfather and Ji Hoo. They returned the greeting. Jan Di busied herself with preparing breakfast. Joon Pyo ambled in shortly after and sat at the table, also in a bad mood. He looked to Jan Di. She bid him good morning, and he returned the greeting and exchanged one with Grandfather. Jan Di took two plates in hand and brought them toward the breakfast table. Ji Hoo stood and moved toward Jan Di. "Let me help you," he replied sweetly. Jan Di smiled.

Joon Pyo glared at Ji Hoo and rose from the table. "I'll get them!" He pushed in front of Ji Hoo and snatched the plates, as Ji Hoo prepared to take them. Joon Pyo set them roughly on the table. Ji Hoo and Joon Pyo exchanged a tense stare. Ji Hoo sighed and took the next two plates from her. He set them down in their places, one before Grandfather and one before Jan Di's place setting. Joon Pyo prepared to sit.

"That's Jan Di's chair," Ji Hoo responded callously. "It's OK." Jan Di moved to the next chair. Ji Hoo pulled out Jan Di's chair and beckoned her to sit. Joon Pyo fixed Ji Hoo with a withering stare and took a seat next to Jan Di. Ji Hoo ignored and sat down across from her. Grandfather tightened his jaw, as he watched the interaction.

The four ate in tense silence, with only the briefest of grunts to serve for conversation. Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo took turns glaring at one another and glancing toward Jan Di. Jan Di sighed and focused upon her plate, being cautious to avoid making eye contact with either one of them. Grandfather continued to eat while glancing extraneously between the three.

Jan Di cleared . "Joon Pyo, I'd invite you to come to the clinic with us, but I think you'd be bored."

"No, I wouldn't. Maybe I'll come and hang out there until you get done, and then we can go for lunch."

Ji Hoo rolled his eyes.

"Well, I have one class before that, but I could meet up with you at 12."

"Oh, OK… Let's go to that new seafood place downtown for lunch," Joon Pyo suggested.

"Jan Di doesn't like that place," Ji Hoo interjected, without looking up.

"You're speaking for her now?" Joon Pyo snarled.

"She got sick on it when we went there."

"Oh, you think you know her better than I do now?"

"Yea, I do," Ji Hoo replied assuredly.

Joon Pyo made a fist against the table and stared Ji Hoo down. Jan Di gave each of them a cautionary glance, and they grew silent. She sighed heavily and began picking at her breakfast.

"Pass the salt, please." Jan Di asked of no one in particular, as she stared at her plate. Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo reached out simultaneously for it, their hands arriving at the same time. They each pulled at it, scowling at one another. After a few yanks back and forth, Ji Hoo released the bottle and it tumbled onto the table. "Hey, look what you did!" Joon Pyo shouted. "Me?" Ji Hoo replied. Jan Di put a hand to her forehead and shook her head.

"Ok, that's enough!" Grandfather slammed his fist down on the table. The three were completely silent. Grandfather looked back and forth between Ji Hoo and Joon Pyo. "I'm ashamed of you two! You're acting like spoiled children! I think I understand what's going on here, but I don't know all the details, so why doesn't one of you just fill me in?"

Ji Hoo and Joon Pyo were silent. They stared down at their plates, as two children scolded.

Grandfather sighed. "Ok, should I give my interpretation? Now, I'm no therapist, but it seems obvious that you two have a little rivalry going on here… You two have been friends for too long to let a woman come between you, even one as wonderful as Jan Di." Grandfather beckoned to Jan Di. She looked down, humiliated by the whole thing. "So, I suggest that the three of you talk this whole thing out." Grandfather tossed his napkin down, rose from the table, and walked off.

There was silence. Ji Hoo and Joon Pyo hung their heads and avoided eye contact with each other. Jan Di finally broke the silence. "What's the matter with you two?" She asked, exasperated.

"Nothing." They mumbled simultaneously.

Jan Di sighed. "I don't know what's going on, but you're both really getting on my nerves, so cut it out!" She sighed again. "I guess Grandfather's right. I guess we need to do something about…this."

"I don't like you living here," Joon Pyo blurted out.

"Why can't you just leave her be?" Ji Hoo interrupted, raising his voice slightly.

"You stay out of this!" Joon Pyo yelled back.

Jan Di was a toy being yanked back and forth between two boys.

"Joon Pyo," Jan Di cautioned. She turned to Ji Hoo.

"Sunbae. I can speak for myself." Ji Hoo recoiled as a whipped puppy. Jan Di sighed. "Could you give us a moment?"

Ji Hoo stood and stormed out of the room. Jan Di turned to Joon Pyo.

"Joon Pyo, I understand that you have a problem with me being here. I'd hoped that you would be able to trust me and trust your best friend, but it seems like you can't right now. So, if it bothers you that much I'll find someplace else to live."

Joon Pyo was silent and looked down.

"Now, I need to be going. I can meet you in front of the school at 12, and we can go to lunch. We'll talk more then." Jan Di got up and quickly left the room. Joon Pyo stared after her.

Jan Di and Ji Hoo could feel the tension between them at the clinic. Ji Hoo was quieter than usual, and Jan Di was lost in her own thoughts. She didn't understand what had caused Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo to attack each other as they had. She was quickly realizing that she and she alone would have to be the one to resolve this conflict.

Jan Di and Ji Hoo were both rather dazed and bumped into each other. "Oh, sorry!" they both said simultaneously. They both sighed and smiled at each other.

"Jan Di, I'm really sorry for the way I acted earlier," Ji Hoo said.

Jan Di sighed. "It's OK, but what happened between you two?"

"I guess I was just angry. Joon Pyo and I talked a bit last night, and he said some things that bothered me, maybe because there was some truth to them…"

"What things?"

"It's not important. I just want you to know that I'm not going to act like that anymore. I don't want to make anything harder on you than it needs to be. I was just surprised when he showed up and…"



"I told him I'd move out."

Ji Hoo's lips parted, and he nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to cause more problems. On the bright side, you'll finally have your house back…"

Ji Hoo nodded. "I understand." He seemed really hurt, as if she'd made a choice beyond moving out.

Joon Pyo waited for Jan Di to finish her class. His phone dinged indicating a message. It was from Ji Hoo. Let's talk later, it said. Joon Pyo tightened his mouth and put his phone away. It rang.



"What am I doing? I'm about to meet Jan Di, and we're going to lunch. Why?"

"Why do you need to know where? Aish, fine…" Joon Pyo indicated where they'd be going.

They hung up.

Joon Pyo met up with Jan Di, and they went to lunch. They were quiet after ordering, as they waited for their food to be brought out. Joon Pyo fidgeted and tapped his fingers against the table. Jan Di avoided eye contact. Why is this so awkward?

"Joon Pyo, how is your business going?" She finally asked.

"It's good."

He continued to fidget.

"Is something wrong?" She finally asked.

Joon Pyo sighed. "I'm sorry." Apologizing was still an unfamiliar concept to him.

Jan Di gave a small smile. "It's OK. I know why you were concerned with me being there. Neither Ji Hoo Sunbae, nor I wanted to hurt you… I am deeply sorry." Jan Di's expression was sad. "…And I know that Ji Hoo Sunbae is, too…. Maybe you two should talk…"

"We're going to, tonight."

Jan Di nodded. "That's good. I hope that you guys can work things out. I hate seeing the two of you like this." It was almost more than she could bear. It was almost enough to make her want to run far, far away for their sake.

They sat there in silence again.

"Jan Di, what do you think about coming to New York?"

She stared at him. "When? For how long?"

"Whenever you're ready. Three or four years, maybe. You could go to medical school there. They have some great schools, and I could make sure you get into whichever one you wanted."

"I don't want to do that."

"What? Why?"

"For one thing, I want to make it on my own. For another thing, I want to be here."

Joon Pyo stared at her.

"This is where I belong."

He continued to stare at her. She looked down and fidgeted with her napkin, and the awkwardness continued to wash over them.

"Joon Pyo!" They both turned to see Alex getting out of a fancy limo and strolling over to them. Alex was dressed in a gray skirt suit and looked as perfect as the one other time Jan Di had seen her. Her sleek, shiny hair was perfectly straight, her makeup flawless, and her eyebrows appeared professionally waxed.

"Alex! What are you doing here?" Joon Pyo exclaimed.

"Surprise!" Alex chuckled. "Oh, well I happened to have some business to attend to in Seoul, so I thought I would look you up."

Joon Pyo stared at her dumbfounded, then looked to Jan Di.

"Oh, hi Jan Di! It's so good to see you two together again."

Jan Di looked to Joon Pyo confused. Realizing her blunder, Alex rephrased her statement. She was highly skilled at double-talk, but it was clear to Jan Di that Joon Pyo had told Alex more than she cared for her to know.

"Alex, don't you have someplace to be?" Joon Pyo rubbed his temple.

"As a matter of fact, I do. My father set up a meeting with the CEO of a very big up and coming business right here in Seoul at 1. Actually, he was hoping you'd be able to attend, as well Joon Pyo." She looked at him, hopeful.

"Well, you didn't give me much notice!"

"Yes, I know. It was very spontaneous. This guy worked us into his schedule…." Alex made a disgusted face. "If you ask me he's rather pretentious thinking we can just drop everything at a moment's notice! I completely understand if you can't go, but it would really help if you could…"

"Well, I'm kinda busy right now…"

"Jan Di, you understand, right? It's business…"

"Oh, um, sure I understand…" Jan Di looked between Alex and Joon Pyo.

"Oh, you are the best, Jan Di! So sorry, I know this is completely rude of me! I will make it up to you! If you need a ride, call my other driver!" Alex handed Jan Di a card. Before Jan Di knew it, Alex was literally dragging Joon Pyo off into her limo.

All Jan Di could do was stare after them astonished. She couldn't believe how easily Alex had convinced Joon Pyo to go with her. She supposed that she shouldn't be upset or feel jealous. It wasn't as if they were going on a date. This Alex, she's really something else…

Joon Pyo sat with Alex in the back of her limo.

"Alex, what the hell is this?"

"What? I told you."

"You suddenly come to Korea, the day after I arrive?"

Alex snorted. "Joon Pyo, what are you insinuating? That I came to see you? Do you think I missed you?"

Joon Pyo scoffed. "Well, no, but it's just strange timing."

Alex sighed. "If you must know, I told my father about you being in Korea for a few days, and he arranged this whole thing. It wasn't my idea…"

"Oh." He was silent and looked out the window, feeling guilty about leaving Jan Di there.

"What, are you not glad to see me?" Alex teased.

"Pssshhh! Why would I want to see you?" He turned to the window once more.

Alex smirked. "Don't worry about Jan Di, by the way. My driver will take care of her."

He was silent.

"But, I'm sorry that I spoiled your date. You two made up, then?"

Joon Pyo sighed. "We're working it out, yes."

"Well, good for you," she replied, rather shortly. "…And how are things with your friend?"

Joon Pyo grew silent. Alex looked over at him.

"We fought, but we'll work it out, too. And I don't want to talk about it…"

"I see. Well, that's good anyway… I won't say anymore. Oh, here take a look at these. A little preparation for what you're in for." She handed Joon Pyo an envelope. He pulled out the documents inside.

"This guy is a big deal. He has deep connections… Oh, and a terrible temper, by the way, so watch yourself. I'll be flattering him a lot. It'll be sickening, but it really works."

Alex and Joon Pyo arrived at a large office building and were escorted by guards to a large office.

Ji Hoo sat at his piano, playing softly. He needed to think, and this was always helpful. He'd been feeling depressed all day. Since the morning he'd been floating upon a melancholy sea, but when Jan Di told him she was moving out it had completely sunk him. How could his mood have so completely done a 180 since the night before? He'd been so happy after coming home from the symphony with Jan Di. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been so happy, and now... Why did Joon Pyo have to show up? He clenched his jaw.

Perhaps it's better this way… He thought. He'd been getting in too deep again, and he was quickly losing sight of the shore. Grandfather had been right. He had been acting foolish and selfish... And what kind of friend was he being anyway? He'd gotten his hopes too high once again. He couldn't go through it again. When he lost Jan Di before, it had almost destroyed him. He'd sunk into a crushing depression, no one had ever really known. Yi Jeong and Woo Bin had only had the slightest inkling of what he went through. And if possible, it would be worse this time if he continued to go down this path.

It was clear that Jan Di had made her choice anyway. She'd decided to move out to make amends with Joon Pyo. His hand slipped and the piano made a terrible clunking noise. He slammed both hands down onto the keys, and they shrieked out, mirroring the sound his heart was currently making. Defeated, he buried his head in his arms and lay down on the piano.

Ji Hoo and Joon Pyo met up later that day. Ji Hoo slipped his hands into his pockets and walked toward Joon Pyo. They approached each other slowly, cautiously, as if some explosion would occur. They stared at each other for a long moment before Ji Hoo spoke.

"Joon Pyo, I'm sorry." Ji Hoo sighed. "I'm sorry for the way I acted this morning. I'm sorry for a lot of things. I haven't been a very good friend to you."

Joon Pyo was silent. Ji Hoo continued. "I kissed Jan Di, and that was wrong of me. I haven't done anything since, but secretly I've hoped for a long time that she would leave you and come to me. …I'm not proud of this."

Joon Pyo clenched his jaw and his breathing escalated.

"You can hit me, if it'll make you feel better. I deserve it."

Joon Pyo's chest continued to rise and fall heavily and his arms tightened at his sides, but he made no move toward Ji Hoo. "I'm not going to hit you," he finally said.

Ji Hoo looked at him, truly surprised. He sighed. "I was kind of hoping you would. I thought it might make me feel a little better."

Joon Pyo stared at him.

Ji Hoo took a deep breath. "I never expected to win against you, Joon Pyo. I honestly don't know why I stayed in the game this long. I'm…going to take myself out… Jan Di, she means a lot to me, but so do you. I haven't had many friends in my life…and I don't want to see a 15 year friendship end."

Joon Pyo exhaled heavily. "Neither do I."

"So, what do you say? Do you forgive me?"

Joon Pyo looked at Ji Hoo, indifferent. After a moment he cracked a smile and approached him. Ji Hoo was taken aback when Joon Pyo pulled him into a rough, manly hug. They chuckled and patted each other on the back.

"I can't believe you actually knocked me off the couch this morning!"

Ji Hoo laughed. "Me either. It felt good."

"Ya, Ji Hoo-yah!" They laughed.

Jan Di browsed the newspaper, looking for an apartment. She circled a few prospects and made some calls. Then she went to her room. She sat down on her bed and looked around, and a sad smile crossed her face.

She'd miss it here. She loved it here. She didn't want to go. Yes, it was comfortable, but it was more than that. She would miss her room, the way the warm sunshine would seep in through the shoji screen and caress her early in the morning. She'd miss the smell of breakfast cooking in the morning when Ji Hoo wanted to cheer her up or send her off well for a big test. She'd miss the sound of Ji Hoo playing his violin softly in his room. Sometimes she'd even slip in unnoticed for a few minutes to watch him.

She'd miss Grandfather. She'd miss his stories and his laugh. She'd miss the façade he always put up to mask his truly kind nature. She'd miss having dinner with Grandfather and Ji Hoo and then retiring to the living room for a quiet evening of reading and studying. Most of all, she'd miss Ji Hoo. Sure, she'd see him at school and around, but it wouldn't be the same. She'd miss seeing him every morning when she woke up and each night before bed. She'd miss the sense of belonging she felt here.

She sighed and decided to start getting some things together for when she moved. Although, it wouldn't be a tough job; she didn't own much. As she went through her belongings, she noticed a box tucked away behind the others. She picked up the box and looked inside, realizing what it was. It was her Ji Hoo box. She too had a box of keepsakes of her times together with Ji Hoo. She grew suddenly nostalgic. She went through the items in the box: ticket stubs, the lotus he bought her at the art exhibit, pictures from the wedding contest, the shoes he bought for her in Macau, and more… She didn't wear the shoes often because they were so fancy. They weren't really everyday shoes, and she didn't want to get them dirty; regardless, she loved them. She ran her hand over the shoes. She recalled the memory of Ji Hoo carrying her on his back in Macau after her heel broke. She recalled Ji Hoo slipping the shoes on her that he bought with the first money he ever earned.

Her memories came flooding back to her all at once. She thought of Ji Hoo and a smile crossed her face. She'd been thinking of him a lot lately. It was disheartening how little she'd been thinking of Joon Pyo, comparatively. When Joon Pyo suddenly showed up, it hadn't been the exhilaration it should've been. And she had to admit that a part of her had been a little…disappointed that he showed up when he did. Even now, she wasn't going out of her way to spend every waking moment with him. She hadn't even considered skipping out on her daily routine to be with him. Something about that just didn't seem right…

She found herself struggling with some resentment toward Joon Pyo for not trusting her and pushing her to leave a place where she felt so happy. He hadn't really tried to understand how she felt. Then again, they had never communicated well. It was strange that she was able to share things so much more freely with Ji Hoo than with her boyfriend and that Joon Pyo seemed oddly able to tell Alex personal things about his life.

When Joon Pyo again suggested that she go to New York, she'd immediately dismissed the idea. Didn't he understand how important it was for her to be here, doing what she was doing? She wondered if she was being too inflexible. She could go there. Joon Pyo was right; she could go to medical school there. She could be a doctor there, too. Certainly it would be hard to move away from her lifelong home and go to a strange country. There would be a lot she would miss here, but she should have been willing to consider doing that for the person she loved, shouldn't she? She should be happy to just be around him. But it wasn't what she wanted. She was happy and content right where she was, and she couldn't imagine going elsewhere.

When she thought about going to New York, she thought about what she'd miss. She'd miss her family, even though she didn't see them much. She'd miss Ga Eul. She'd miss Grandfather and working at the clinic. She didn't want to work somewhere else. And she realized that what she would miss most would be Ji Hoo. She didn't want to even think about being away from him. Perhaps the sense of belonging she felt was more than just belonging here in Korea, or here in this house, but perhaps she simply belonged with Ji Hoo. The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning, and she dropped the shoe.

They belonged together… Why had it taken her so long to see? The feeling of euphoria she felt each day, the strong sense of family she felt in this house… She'd thought it was simply because of her closeness with Ji Hoo and Grandfather and because of how kind and welcoming they'd been. Close friends could be like family, right? But perhaps, the real reason she felt like she belonged here was that she belonged with Ji Hoo.

Jan Di heard the door and walked out to see Ji Hoo. He looked weary, and she felt the urge to go to him and comfort him.

Instead, she simply gave him an emotional, "Hi…"

"Hi," he responded weakly, as he came closer. As they approached each other, the air around them seemed electrically charged. He stood before her.

"Where's Joon Pyo?"

"He had some business to finish up with. He'll be back in about an hour."

Jan Di nodded. "Did you two talk?"

Ji Hoo nodded slowly.

"Did you guys work it out?"

Ji Hoo nodded.

"I didn't really get to talk to him. His coworker, Alex showed up and dragged him off to a meeting."

Ji Hoo nodded. "I heard."

Jan Di fidgeted. "Sunbae, can we talk?"

He looked at her curiously. "Sure."

"Maybe you should sit down."

"Ok," he replied, slightly confused. He sat on the couch, as Jan Di began to pace.

"Sorry, I'm a little nervous," she said.

Ji Hoo gave a half-hearted laugh. "What is it? Are you breaking up with me?" Oh, why am I making jokes? He covered his face with his hand and shook his head.

Jan Di chuckled nervously and looked down.

"Yea, how could you? We aren't dating." He sighed. "I'm sorry. Go ahead…" He braced himself.

She continued to pace. Her stomach was in knots. "Well, Sunbae, the thing is…" Oh, why is this so hard to say?

He watched her curiously as she paced. He couldn't help but smile at how cutely nervous she was, despite the aching apprehension over what she was preparing to say.

"Jan Di…," he said delicately. He rose and took her by the arm. She gaped at him, as he sat her down next to him and took his seat once more. He smiled. "Whatever it is, you can just say it," he encouraged gently with slight trepidation in his voice.

She swallowed hard. Ahh, I'm no good at this, she thought. "OK. Well, the thing is, I…lately I've been having these feelings…for you." She immediately felt herself blushing and quickly looked away.

His lips parted and he stared at her for a moment. He leaned forward, his eyes darting back and forth. She's actually admitting that she has feelings for me?

He turned back to her and studied her. She was looking down at her hands, which had begun to shake lightly. He instinctively reached out and took both of her hands in his own. She tensed up.

She continued speaking shakily as he held her hands, finding it suddenly very difficult to look him in the eye. "I...I've been thinking about you a lot lately and the times we've had together…and…"

He listened and studied her intently. He'd waited a long time for this moment, but it couldn't be…and it was killing him… Ahh, what are you doing to me?

"Jan Di, stop," he said suddenly, releasing her hands. She looked up at him, shocked.

This time it was he who couldn't look at her. He turned from her and put a hand to his forehead and sighed. "We can't… We can only ever be friends, OK?" He could barely even say it. He felt a dull ache forming in his chest.

Jan Di's shoulders slumped and she looked down. "Oh." She felt as though someone had just punched her in the stomach. He turned back to look at her and noticed a few tears beginning to form.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, weakly. Ah, I'm so pathetic…

She turned from him, as if she'd be able to hide it. She wiped the tears and faced him once more, putting on her best fake smile. "That's OK. I understand. I just…wanted to tell you, that's all. I wasn't really expecting anything of you." She began to tremble more heavily.

She rose on wobbly legs and turned from him. "I feel so stupid. I don't know what I was thinking," she mumbled.

"It's OK, Jan Di…" He rose behind her. She stood there with her back turned to him, her shoulders slumped. She cleared . "I'm…gonna go do some more packing…"

He agonized as he watched her begin to walk away. He hesitated only briefly before closing the distance between them and wrapping his arms around her tiny waist from behind. She froze suddenly and stiffened at the feel of his arms around her. He desperately wanted to return her affections and confess every thought he'd been having. He desperately wanted to kiss her right now. But he recalled his earlier talk with Joon Pyo. He never thought he'd be choosing friendship when given the opportunity to be with her. He sighed and closed his eyes, internally cursing the bitter irony that she would confess her feelings just as he decided to forget about her.

He buried his face in her hair and squeezed her tighter, taking in the sweet scent he knew so well but had never experienced quite like this before. "Thank you, for telling me how you feel. It's…nice to hear," he whispered against her hair, as steadily as he could muster. It sounded so weak, and he hated himself for giving her nothing more than a pitiful platitude like that after she bared herself.

She nodded slowly against him, still trembling. He reluctantly released her. She glanced back at him. Their eyes met briefly, and then she turned wordlessly and went to her room. In the solace of her room, she lay on her bed, curled up, and allowed the tears to come.

Ji Hoo watched after her. He exhaled sharply and closed his eyes. He tightened his fists, and his body tensed all over. He rushed to his own room and slammed the shoji doors. He collapsed onto his bed and felt himself welling up. There were only a handful of times that he cried in his life. This night would be another.

And they both cried….

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I loved writing "Like the Lotus," but in a way, I enjoyed its sequel (Like the Lotus: The Continuing Story) even more.


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grammey #1
Chapter 34: I have read this story several times and enjoyed it every time.
liSSie #2
Chapter 1: As promised, I'm reading now.
jesuisx #3
Chapter 41: Hands down, the best fanfic I've ever read :') you are beyond amazing and I appreciate how all your fanfics are so detailed, precious and beautiful. Thank you so much for keeping Ji Hoo and Jan Di's story alive.
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 41: *sighs* bucket of happy tears falling down my face. Yes, the whole name thing gets confusing to write about, especially when they are minor characters.
seamusmommy #5
Chapter 40: Aigoo, just when I think things will go smoothly. Aish, these 2 dorks and what took JunPyo so long? I found myself shouting back at Jihoo when he asked JunPyo if he should have beat up his Mom's henchmen. Lol. So now what twists will authornim throw at me, tying my stomach in knots?
seamusmommy #6
Chapter 39: I really do hope this isn't JunPyo's doing. He should know by now he won't be getting anywhere this way.
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 38: A very distracting and jealous Jihoo is hard to ignore. Kekeke
seamusmommy #8
Chapter 37: Aaaahhh....aptly named chapter...but really...a giddy JiHoo is just a little too much, don't you think? And yet, my smile is stretching as wide as the table. LOL. I love Harabeoji...yes, Harabeoji, you make sure that boy remains a gentlemen and doesn't lose his head. ;) Phew! I made it. Still cringing at the beginning of this chapter and then grinning like a dork by the end. Resting for a bit and then I'll continue.
seamusmommy #9
Chapter 36: Aish!! JanDi,'re tying my stomach in knots!! Jihoo, my friend...that WAS an ultimatum. And Alex, I already told JunPyo that a few chapters ago, LOL. I told authornim I was cringing. Poor JunPyo, he just hasn't had a chance in all this. Well, focus on capturing the bad guy, JunPyo. That will make you feel better - a little.
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 33: I love Woo Bin. Everyone should have a loving and noble mafia guy in their life.