Chapter 27: Doubtfulness

Faking crush on me

The first thing comes through my mind, I would die right here right now which I'm fighting hard in the water in hope to stay alive, but I forgot something, when there's a circle of arms are hugging around my body since the beginning.

He tries to calm me down "Hey, calm down.. I'm here"

I still can't make up my mind as I clutch his arm strong that I might peel out his skin with my nails. I keep my weight in balance and still in panic state as my chest rises and fall uncontrollably.

"You just need to trust me, Hana" Daehyun encouraged me again and his voice become weak than a minute ago. I take a chance to look at his face and he is staring down at me sofly. My hand wraps around his neck tight and left his red arm without a single care.

"You" I'm catching my breath roughly "You're insane, I swear you are, Jung Daehyun"

I'm mad and scared. I squeezed our bodies together and realized I'm on my feet already but the water just reached above my shoulders yet I still feel unsafe in this kind of state. I hug him and rest my chin on his left shoulder, calming myself down. 

"I'm sorry.." He apologized, using his lowest tone just to make sure only both of us listening. "I got jealous even I couldn't sleep and thinking about it last night"

I gasp "No. You're not"  

"Yes, I am, Hana"

"I told you, he is nobo-"

"You don't understand" He cuts me off. I press my lips immediately as I manage to relax myself a bit. I take a deep breath when he adds again.

"You just don't understand How was my feeling when I saw you and him yesterday. Especially, when I have no idea who he was to you, it-it's pretty absurd to even think about it that somehow I assumed myself that I was out of my mind" He blurts out. I'm speechless, swallowing down my saliva and wiping my face with my palm.

"But it's just happened" I puase to the air a bit before resuming, "He just gave me a hand, that's normal. Stop worrying such a thing that is not necessary at all" I remark wisely.

Then I noticed he is quiet for a while. I wonder if he is mad or refuse to listen to me any longer, but his hands perfectly still encircled around my tiny body. 

"Fine" His body vibrate, which chicken me out a little. He breathe out slow "Then, tell me why did you jump?" 

"Seriously? Is that the question? She was dying in the water. I couldn't just stay silent-" I found my voice is shaky. My uniform wet and stick into my skin as a cold crawls through inside my body. 

"Even you know you can't swim?" He asked flatly. I give up, I won't answer him again and keep my mouth shut.

I don't get him. He had dragged me into the water just to investigate me? I can't believe this. 

"You're making me fall in love more with you, do you know that?"

I give him some more silences before asnwering him. "I don't know. Please, get me out of here now"

He doesn't move as I told him to, so I tightened my hug on him, before begging "It's cold.. Please" 

My lips are shaking so bad as my teeths violates to each other when I can't bear the coldness. I bet, he has heard them well when a capitulate sigh left his mouth right away. 

I release the hug and let him lead me to the edge pool before lifting me up. I sit there to make me composed myself. He is down in my leg and watching me embracing myself from the cold. My whole body shiver madly and he's guilty now. His face is well showing his expression. Despite I'm irated with what he has done, my heart still want me to let it off. I do understand what he was trying to show me, but it's complicated. He should not do all of this. 

He's right, I should not jump into the water yesterday and Youngjae's thing won't happened in the first place. But I can't let the girl drowning... Ugh it's so hard and this is entirely his fault. He should mad to himself instead because unable to save me first. He should let Youngjae saves the girl. I was expecting him to save me. I really was.. But wait.

I look at him instantly, meeting those eyes. 

Don't tell me.. What I'm thinking is right. He was doing all of this because he's angry to himself. Is that the point? I lost of my words on this. 

He breaks my train of thought by giving me his small smile, and it's the weak one I have ever seen. He comes closer while studying my face "I was failed, I promise I'll do better" A husky whisper comes from his mouth with that bitter expression. 

I just be able to look at him. He climbs the edge and go to the tiny shelves that arranged with tons of towel. He grabs two at once and spread it before wrapping around my shoulder. His uniform is soaked badly yet doesn't bother him at all. 


I come out from the bathroom, and guess what? Same thing happened again that I will go home with gym uniform instead. I put on my blazer which the only thing that will keep me warm and walk pass the door. I almost jumped at the sight of Jung Daehyun outside the bathroom and he is waiting for me honestly with two cups of coffee. He must got them from the machine.

Sighing, I slowly arrange my steps toward him and he pushes his body off the wall he was leaning, berfore handing me a hot coffee he had bought to me.

I hesitate and take them eventually. We both walk out of the block and meet the yellow sun above the sky without utter anything. 

I wrap both of my palms around the cup and it's feeling good. The cold wind passed by and rushing over us causing for us to gasp for breath. I cautiously sip in and close my eyes. 

"Why you still don't trust me?"

I snap my eyes open and glance at him in the corner of my eyes. He's looking at me straight and his face tighten as if he is not happy. 

I don't answer. 

"You didn't even trust me even you know, I was there to protect you" He adds, 

"I.. could have die" That's all I said. 

"But, I was there, Hana" His voice is not that soft. I study his face and seems like he is in hurt by it. I chew on my bottom lip and wordless for a second.

He makes a sigh, "Forget it"

My lips apart as if to say something but I didn't. I'm not sure with my feelings too. I run my gaze away and take for another sips. When we are heading off to the gate, I realized he doesn't even drink his coffee yet.

"Why don't you drink that?" I ask randomly. 

There's a moment, before he lifts the cup and bring up to his mouth. I look at him and surprised to see he is gripping his cup too hard and his hands are shaking. Something hit me. 

He still has not changed from wet clothes since we come out from the pool. This guy! 

"You pabo!" I snort loudly, dragging his arm to follow me. He almost spills out his coffee and forcing his feet to walk faster as mine. He looks sort of confused there but I still take him back to the school block with full of annoyance feeling. 

We reached the locker room and I turn around to face him, opening my palm "Give me your locker key?"


"key.. I said your locker key.. Give it to me" I start to piss off. 

He blinks "What do you want to do with them?"

"You need to change, you pabo.. You're going to die by cold if you're still wearing them. Your uniform are pretty soaked.. Look at yourself"

"I mean you want to strip me and help me change? Seriously?" He is half smile and half smirk. 

I dumbfounded, and smack his head once "Quit with your dirty mind, I'm just going to help you get your clothes. That's all" I can't help but being a little panic. I never thought that. This guy ruined my mood quite fast.

"Oh" he said, after the small groan from being hit by me. He shoves his hand into his pocket and draw his locker key and hand it to me. I roughly take them and start to look around. I see he is walking to one of benches and flop himself down. 

"Yah, what's number of yours?" I check out until the corner of the room. 


I look one by one and after two minutes, it's turn out to be in front of where he is sitting now. I look at him with not impressed expression and ready to curse my heart out to him. He just gives me a goofy grin. 

"You just need to tell me" I say to him and insert the key angrily. I swing open and a folded gym uniform greeted my sight immediately. I pull it out but there's something caught my attention. It'a picture. I take them and observe it in a complete surprised. My eyes wide yet I don't know if this is really belong to him or not since I found them inside his locker. It's truly a picture of me and my sister together- I mean, not really together. There's an enough frame where my sister was laughing with her friends but me, who was the one standing not far from behind, watching them in absolutely a sorrow expression.  

How come this picture was taken? 

"Quick Hana"

Daehyun's voice slaps my eardrums right away and I almost throw the thing off. I hurriedly put it back as turn around and guess what? I have got a free show of Daehyun is pulling off his shirt over his head. I shriek at the unbearable sight and immediately throw his gym shirt straight on his face. 

Instantly, I turn over and close both of my palms over my face. For the sake, he is exactly laughing and partically enjoying himself. I swear, my face is turning red like a tomato. 

But at the meantime, I can't shake the feeling of curiosity about the picture either. It's mainly not myself he is keeping the picture for, but my sister. I just like happened to be in the frame too. 

Jung Daehyun, who are you crushing on? Me or my sister?


On Saturday, I'm watching a popular drama in the television and it's three in the evening. I was bored to death and Soyeong said, she couldn't come over. So, leave me alone here. I sink myself deep in a soft sofa and make a sigh. My parent went out somewhere and left me and my sister together, but she just woke up and now she is taking a shower. I clearly can hear the water is running down with her humming some songs there. 

Another sigh left my mouth before a loud ringtone comes out from my sister phone that sat in the dining table. I ignore it, and it was quiet for like seconds before ringing back and annoying me completely. I growl under my breath when my privacy moment was ruined by it. I lazily force myself to get up and go get her phone on the table. I check the caller ID, and a name of her friend is written there. 

I grab her phone and saunter around before knocking on the bathroom door "Unnie.. Your phone is ringing"


"Your phone is ringing nonstop!" My voice is getting higher that might collapse the whole kitchen room. 

"Tell them, I'll be ready in 10 minutes!"

I tsk in my spot, but pick it up eventually, "Hello"

"Why take you so long, you-"

"Err- I'm her sister who are speaking now"

"Oh, Sorry I thought you're Minjae. Where's your unnie?" She asks on the line. 

"She's in the bathroom now, she said she will be ready in 10 minutes" I nonchalantly murmur.

"Ok then. Tell her, we'll arrive there soon" She informs. I roll up my eyes and just give her a simple response before she hang up the line. I pull away the phone and watch the screen but a text message revealed in front of my face which I believe my sister forgot to close it. I tend to ignore it since nope of them are my business but those words in the text has dragged me to read it because it related with me, I can tell it. 


Hi, this is Jung Daehyun

You have seen me, right? Because I'm Hana's friend. I was the one who was companied her in the hospital that day. I know this is so random, but can we meet? I need to tell you something. Hope you make up your mind and willing to meet me. :)


It's like a bomb dropped down on my head and I feel betrayed by him for real. Through that, I start to doubt on him again. 






BAP is going to make comeback in December and two individual images has been released. Bang Yongguk and Moon Jongup, [EGO] please anticipate of it!! <3



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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 1: New to the story, but he got right to the point. He likes her!! Haha, looking forward to seeing how it works out. But I feel bad for Hana, having an older sister like that & always guessing true motive of ones near her.
Chapter 31: Serioulyyy i kinda hesitate to read this at first..because i'm not in the mood for the second girl//boy charact. And your title chapter is seriously mysterious..i'm glad i finished this right away..not regretting it thoughh..thanks for the beautiful storyy!! Kyaaa..i seriously need a daehyun in my life..
Chapter 30: Jung daehyun, really, you, are the sweetest.
najihahradz #4
Chapter 30: author-nim... did you change the story line?? this is my second time reading this story.. i think this is different from my first reading.. or did i mistook your story with other story?? but i am quite sure of myself about this event.. about soyeong run away fromm her house because of her family problem.. did i remember correctly?? did i or didnt i?? i keep having this confusion in my head.. ahahahah please forgive me if i mistakenly mistook your story with other author story.. anyways, i had finished reading this story again and it felt new and the story is really interesting and good.. i like i LOVE it very much!!!! keep it up dear author...
khushi94 #5
so i read this in one go and i love the story its very well written please keep writing more bap stories