#50 - Jungkook x You

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

Writers Preference - “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”


Word Count: 662



From your spot on the couch, you watched Jungkook pace back and forth in front of you. He hadn’t spoken a word in well over a few minutes, and every time you tried to say something, he held up a finger, silently telling you to stay quiet. Normally such an action would make you feel angry, but right now you’re simply amused.


“So let me get this straight,” Jungkook finally speaks. “You were hanging out with Taehyung during the weekend – the entire weekend – while I was gone?”


You nodded your head and opened your mouth to speak, only for Jungkook to hold up his index finger again to shush you. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest, waiting for him to finish whatever he needed to say. Your boyfriend could be really insufferable sometimes.


“What were you guys doing?” he asked, halting his pacing so he could look at you.


You stood up with a sigh and walked over to him. “Well, I kind of can’t tell you.”


Jungkook raised a brow and scoffed. “You can’t tell me? And why not?”


Biting your lip, you grabbed Jungkook’s hand, hoping and praying that he wouldn’t make this difficult. “I just can’t, Jungkook. But you’re gonna find out soon enough.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?” he questioned, taking his hand back and balling it into a fist at his side. Jungkook has never handled anger very well. “Were you guys doing something behind my ba—”


“Jungkook, don’t you dare! You know I would never do anything like that behind your back,” you yelled. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in. “Look, it was for your surprise party okay. For your birthday coming up. I needed Taehyung’s help with a few of the details, and he was nothing but a gentleman. You know Taehyung wouldn’t try anything.”


After listening to your explanation, Jungkook instinctively brought his hand up to the back of his neck, rubbing softly. “Oh . . . my birthday?”

The next thing you knew, Jungkook’s arms were around you, capturing you in a big bear hug. A grin broke out across your features as you hugged him back. The cute idiot. “Why would you think I’d do anything with Taehyung?” you asked, pulling back just slightly to look him in the eyes.


Jungkook’s attention was anywhere but you as he laughed nervously. “Um, I didn’t. I know you’d never do anything like that. I just . . .,” he trailed off, leaving his sentence unfinished.


You pulled back from him all the way, your mouth hanging open in shock as you fought to control the raucous laughter escaping you. “Wait a minute, Jeon Jungkook. Were you jealous?!”


Jungkook immediately flushed red and muttered something about not being jealous, but you weren’t buying it. You continued laughing, holding your sides as tears formed in the corners of your eyes. “I can’t believe you were jealous! Of Taehyung!”


Jungkook simply rolled his eyes at you, cheeks now bright red and stalked out of the room and into the kitchen where he prepared to help make dinner. All the while you followed him, teasing him now and again about his jealousy. There weren’t very many opportunities where you got to poke fun at Jungkook—normally it was the other way around, so you didn’t feel too bad that his birthday party surprise was ruined. This made up for it in more ways than one. Jungkook eventually had enough and used one of the few methods he knew of quieting you—tickling. The two of you spent a majority of the night like this, teasing and poking fun at each other, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You loved the way you and Jungkook could be so relaxed and joking around each other yet serious and attentive when you needed to be. Your relationship was far from perfect, but you didn’t need it to be. Everything is just fine the way it is.


A/N: Thanks to my lovely friend Bella for helping with this one ^^

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 33: Did you know that you are a very sweet sister? Eventhough it is not related to BTS, I still love it ^^
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Chapter 32: Hoseok & period? Its a no,obviously xD I love that part.I think the girl is younger than him,right? Since she is still learning.
If this is happened to me,it can really brightened up my day <3
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Chapter 29: Why am I happy? Give me a sec because I want to make a list of food that I want for dinner too xD That was the best idea ever!!!
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Chapter 27: What a gentelman he is
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Chapter 26: How sweet of you TaeTae <3 Lets have some fun,shall we? XD
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Chapter 25: I already know who your bias is ;)
Yoongi did all that for 'you'..wow <3
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Chapter 24: It is an interesting story to tell.Okay lets play.Who starts first? ^.^ From where did you get all these ideas? You're a genius!!!