#17/54 - Yoongi x Jieun (You)

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

#17/54 -  Come over here and make me/I don’t hate you, I could never hate you, that’s the problem

Yoongi x Jieun (You)

Word Count: 580


You had been warned time and time again to stay away from Min Yoongi, the guy who supposedly used girls and ditched them when he was bored. You had quickly come to learn, though, that that was not the case at all. In fact, the more time you spent with him, the deeper your feelings for him developed. People often started rumors of their own which would spiral out of control, but Yoongi wasn’t the type to care much about that.


Your best friend Eunjung absolutely hated Yoongi, and would convey that quite clearly on a regular basis. While Jieun did your best to ignore it, there were those times where it really did get to Yoongi. Like now for instance.


Yoongi stood annoyed in front of Jieun in the hallway of her apartment. “Why is Eunjung here? You know she hates me.”


You had decided enough was enough and finally brought them both over to clear up all the misunderstandings that Yoongi never had the will to correct on his own. So far, though, your efforts proved futile. Yoongi and Eunjung refused to even acknowledge each other’s existences, and that made things quite difficult. Especially since lately, you were trying to work up the nerve to maybe possibly ask Yoongi on a date. Maybe. Who knows.


“I don’t hate you, Yoongi. I could never hate you, and apparently that’s the problem. How am I supposed to date you if you and Eunjung are constantly at each other’s throats?” You asked aloud before realizing what you had just said. You slapped a hand over your mouth, refusing to meet Yoongi’s eyes as her cheeks burned with embarrassment.


“Date me, huh?” Yoongi asked with a smirk. “Why wasn’t I aware of this, Jieun-ah?”


“Shut up,” Growling, your words didn’t have nearly as much force behind them as you would have liked.


“Why don’t you come over here and make me, then?!” He raised a brow, eyeing her like the devil he was. While Eunjung sat with her arms crossed over her chest and huffed loudly to gather their attention. “I am still in the room you know.” She said disgusted at the flirting right in front of her.


Tearing your eyes away from Yoongi’s darkening eyes which always drew you in time and time again, you looked over at Eunjung embarrassed. “Sorry, Eunjung-ah,” Your feet had already taken you across the room to your best friend, pulling one of her hands into yours. Lowering your voice to a decibel the other person in the room wouldn’t be able to hear you said, “I realllly li-” Her hand flew out of yours and waved away your words. “I get it, but I’ll kick,” Eunjung’s eyes turned icy as she raised her eyes to Yoongi’s as she stood up. “Your if you hurt her.” Leaning over she hugged you and reiterated that she really would, mark her words.


As she walked out of the apartment, “You can go back to your disgusting display.” The door shut behind her with a click and you began to laugh. Sometimes Eunjung appeared a lot harder than she was. In reality she was just a big softy who cared too much.


“Now, where were we?” The blonde lazily drawled as he lounged on your chair, elbow resting on the arm, palm cupping his cheek, eyes firmly planted on you. A shiver slid down your spine but you squared up and challenged him back, “Shutting you up.”

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 33: Did you know that you are a very sweet sister? Eventhough it is not related to BTS, I still love it ^^
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Chapter 32: Hoseok & period? Its a no,obviously xD I love that part.I think the girl is younger than him,right? Since she is still learning.
If this is happened to me,it can really brightened up my day <3
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Chapter 31: That is so cute!! >.< Then they become friends to best friends to soulmate <3 (I'm just giving you ideas)
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Chapter 30: Snowball fight!! <3 <3 <3
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Chapter 29: Why am I happy? Give me a sec because I want to make a list of food that I want for dinner too xD That was the best idea ever!!!
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Chapter 28: How many times do I have to tell you,I know who your bias is xD So it's their first day together? ^.^
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Chapter 27: What a gentelman he is
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Chapter 26: How sweet of you TaeTae <3 Lets have some fun,shall we? XD
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Chapter 25: I already know who your bias is ;)
Yoongi did all that for 'you'..wow <3
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Chapter 24: It is an interesting story to tell.Okay lets play.Who starts first? ^.^ From where did you get all these ideas? You're a genius!!!