#62 - Yoongi x You

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

#62 - “It’s only one night we’ll just share the bed.”

Yoongi x You (Noona) ~ (this is way too long, is my bias showing?!)

Word Count: 1914


Yoongi had rules. He liked rules. As odd as that may seem for other people to grasp upon seeing his character it was very much true. However, these rules he had were only in regards to other people. Socializing, relationships, eh, he wasn’t the best with them. Some used to say it’s because of his rules but he prefers to believe he’s made these rules due to those problematic past relationships.


1.       Don’t get too close.

2.       Always respect personal space.

3.       Never share a bed with someone he’s interested in.


To Yoongi, these are very important, he lives by them. He would also love for other others to abide by them. That, however, wasn’t usually the case. Especially, not when you had friends like Taehyung and Jimin. They were the worst offenders of his rule number two. They were also his worst offenders of rule number one. It was truly a mystery to him how they both managed to smuggle so much information out of him, from what he likes to eat, to intimate details of his past that he doesn’t really share with anyone. Those two definitely knew or figured it out one way or another. A good thing about the two boys, despite all of Yoongi’s grumbles, is that they were loyal to a fault and he never had any qualms about them sharing any private business. Rule number three was never an issue with them. Why? Have you seen those two? There’s no way he’d ever be interested in them. Which was why it was never a big deal when he found Jimin snuggled against his back in the middle of the night, passed out from consuming too much alcohol due to playing those dumb drinking games he ALWAYS loses at. Really, sometimes Yoongi just wanted to shake some sense into the boy. Taehyung was a pretty bad offender of this too but that was because Taehyung had to always be touching someone. Whether it was their hair or a hand, poking a cheek, thighs against yours as you sat on the couch. Didn’t matter, some part of him had to be touching another or he was uncomfortable. This also led to more nights of someone in his bed when his friends crashed his place to hang out. Somehow, it always ended up being his place. Which meant, he also ended up always cleaning his place that got trashed thanks to his jerks of friends who dipped out. Either as soon as they woke up or were too intoxicated from the night before to awaken at a reasonable hour from their stupor.


Funny, how the third rule he regarded so highly was being broken tonight and from his own lips. Talk about a shocker.


“I said, it’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed.” He repeated himself in a very calm, quiet manner that was the embodiment of Min Yoongi at his finest. Pulling his dark grey beanie off his head and tossing it onto his desk, his large hand ruffled his own hair. It was a nervous type of habit, that most didn’t pick up on. Glancing up from his view of the floor to your eyes, he tried to gauge your thoughts. It had surprised you, as you had been forewarned about Min Yoongi’s rules. The inseparable 95line, Taehyungie and Jiminie had whispered it to you one day when you were all hanging out on Yoongi’s couch playing some MarioKart. It had intrigued you and made you ask about number three since you knew for a fact that Yoongi slept with both of the boys who sat on either side of you. Being quickly corrected that Taehyung and Jimin didn’t count because Yoongi hyung wasn’t interested in them had piqued your interest. It also just made you think that for all the bad boy image people liked to give him, simply because he was pretty grumpy and kind of quiet, that wasn’t truly the case. He was certainly a gentleman.


Frowning to yourself briefly, you nodded at his words. Somewhere down the line you had grown attracted to Yoongi. It didn’t take you by surprise as it was a gradual turn of events. Little by little you became more and more fond, looking more and more only at him. It was actually kind of nice. You felt like you had learned a lot about the man you were beginning to have a crush on and not like it was an instantaneous I like your body so I must like you too. Sure, Yoongi was attractive but he had a different type of appeal, it wasn’t insanely gorgeous that hit your ovaries like a train wreck but much more like fine wine. You appreciated the curves of his face, the sharpness to his jaw, thin but very delectable looking lips, an adorable button nose that sometimes made you laugh because it didn’t fit his bristly exterior. Getting lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice that he had taken a few steps towards you and was waving a hand in your face. “Noona?...Uh, Noona? Are you okay?” Blinking hard, you snapped out of it and back to the present. “Uh, wha- oh, yeah I’m fine.” His rich eyes studied your expression for any trace of  a lie. Taking a step back, he added, “If I make you uncomfortable I can sleep on the floor. Or with Tae and them, I’ll just shove them off the couch.” Yoong’s fingers ran through his hair again but you quickly interjected. “No, no, Yoongi-yah, I just got lost in thought. It’s fine, I don’t mind at all. I mean,” You waved your hand at his king sized bed, “I think it’s big enough.” He chuckled and nodded agreeing with you.


Handing you a shirt of his and some basketball shorts, he left the room to let you change. It had somehow become three in the morning before any of the guys or you realized your weekly video game party had gotten so late that there wasn’t any public transit running. Yoongi’s place wasn’t huge but it was big enough for seven of you to find somewhere to sleep regardless if some took the floor. Which Namjoon and Hoseok were doing. Seokjin was curled up in a chair and the hyper pair were fast asleep on the couch or maybe they were pretending so as not to have to give up the comfy spot. They were known to trick others into it and then continue to play their games until they had their fill. Changing quickly, you dropped your clothes in a neat pile next to the right side of the bed before slipping underneath the covers. A couple raps on the door, and a soft, “Do you need more time,” alerted you to Yoongi being ready for bed. Calling to him you told him no but then remembered the door was locked. It was a habit when you weren’t at your own house. Crawling across the bed, you walked towards the door and unlocked it, letting Yoongi in to his own room. His eyes looked over you in his own clothes. It wasn’t in a lewd way but the thought of him looking at all of your body made your face a little hot. Turning away you quickly jumped on the bed and hid underneath the covers. The actions made the younger laugh. “You’re cute.” He mumbled as he often did, but even still you caught it. After knowing him for over a year, his mumbles were mostly comprehensible to you.


Flopping over you give him a mock glare, “You can’t call your noona cute.” Yoongi’s infamous eye brow raise was going strong. He didn’t say anything but really he didn’t need to. The action had said it all. Normally, he would sleep in just his boxers but since there was a lady, he kept everything on. Getting hot was probably in his future. He hated to sweat in his sleep but it wasn’t as if he had much of a choice. Once settled into bed he turned off the light. He tried to close and eyes and let sleep claim him but that was proving more difficult than he would have liked. You weren’t moving too much but enough that he was aware to your every twitch. Keeping quiet he let you get into a position that you might fall asleep in. It was always harder to find that when you weren’t in your own bed. Except, just as he thought you were good, you moved again. This time your foot brushing against his unintentionally. Yoongi stiffened and was about to wonder if maybe he should sleep on the floor. “Do you need another pillow or something?” He whispered, only to be startled with the close proximity he hadn’t realized occurred during all of your wiggling. “No, it’s just hard to find a good position you know, sorry.” He waved his hand in the darkness as if you could see. Clearing his throat he let out a raspy, “Ah,” of understanding while staring at the ceiling, mentally battling with himself.


Turning his head to the left on his pillow, Yoongi could make out the outline of you lying next to him. You weren’t actually too close, there was a respectable amount of space between you two. “Uh…” he fell quiet and You weren’t sure if he wanted to continue or if that wasn’t meant to go anywhere. Staying quiet, you close your eyes and tried for sleep again. “N-noona..” The stutter didn’t go unnoticed but you didn’t comment on it, more curious as to what he was going to say, especially if the generally very confident in his own skin Yoongi stuttered. Humming in question, you let him know to continue. “I uh- I could hold you if that helps.” The silence between the two of you stretched to an almost uncomfortable limit. Yoongi was staring at the ceiling so hard he thought he might burn a hole through it. He swallowed his own spit because for some reason it kept forming so much quicker than it normally would and what was that incessantly loud beating of his heart? Yoongi didn’t break his rules. He didn’t break his rules for a very good reason. Relationships were fragile and he tended to them up. This was his way to do the exact opposite and it had worked for a good number of years. Except now, he had broken the most important rule of them all.


“Okay.” You said simply, a soft smile on your face that the other person next to you wouldn’t be able to see in the dark. Taehyung had said, Yoongi doesn’t share his bed with people he isn’t interested in but why would he hold someone he doesn’t have the tiniest bit of interest in? It was a sliver of hope, but one you really wanted to hang onto. As you laid your head on his chest, he wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you close. His other hand immediately began running along your hair, it was one of the most soothing motions you had ever felt in your life. Letting out a content sigh you closed your eyes and snuggled just a bit closer, legs tangling with his. Yoongi didn’t say anything but he didn’t have to, the beating of his heart against your ear had said it all. They weren’t such one-sided feelings after all.

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