#35/62 - Jungkook x You

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

A/N: This is the only one that will be this long. Yes, I broke my own rules. However, in the middle of all of my moving/situating I felt really bad about not doing any requests in agessssssssss. Not to mention I had like 20 left at that time. Which is how this one turned into a much longer drabble/flash fiction than it should have be. Hopefully, for all who waited so long (and those who are still waiting) this serves as somewhat of an apology.


35/62 - “You heard me. Take. It. Off./“It’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed.”

Jungkook x You

Word Count: 3221



A chilly breeze rolled across you, making the hairs on your skin stand straight up. Or the ones that weren’t slicked to your skin by the water an annoying person had sprayed you with. The shock of the sudden coldness made you once again wonder how in the world you were out of your bed at three in the morning, wet clothes sticking to your skin while you tried and failed to persuade said person who dragged you out to stop wading in the fountain. “Jungkook! Jeon Jungkook, get out of there already.” How many times have you said this and only ended up back in the fountain with the kid? This time you were putting your foot down. It was getting closer and closer to four in the morning and you were almost completely drenched in water. Somehow the nape of your neck had escaped which allowed for that chilly breeze to give you a good shiver down your spine.


Jungkook was still frolicking in the fountain, singing songs while splashing water at you as he made each revolution. “Aw Noona, come back. It’s more fun.” Wrapping your arms around you, you rubbed them in an attempt to warm up. It wasn’t helping much. After a few more splashes in your direction he reached out his hand to you. Huffing loudly, which was more for show, you took his hand letting Jungkook pull you back into the fountain. “Only one more time around.” Trying to be stern when all you could do is smile back at the adorable grinning excited face directed towards you was hard. “Promise. I promise,” he chirped cheerily. Taking advantage of him trying to please you, you bent down and threw as much water on him as possible. He had very blatantly asked for it afterall.


It wasn’t until 4:07am that the two of you were finally out of the fountain and totally drenched from head to foot. No cabs were nearby and neither of you had phones because they were also very wet. Probably the dumbest thing you’ve ever done but even you couldn’t deny it was one of the most fun. Currently you were pretending to be miffed with a certain Jeon Jungkook. “Aw, Noona, it was so much fun. You enjoyed it. Don’t be mad. I’ll replace your phone somehow.” He tried to appease you while walking along the darkened street with only dim and flickering street lamps to light the way; which conveniently hid your amusement filled eyes. Pouting wasn’t a fair tactic but the little deserved it. “Sure...but really Kookie, we can’t go home and there are no cabs and it’s cold.” Frowning the younger walked behind you and placed his water chilled hands on your arms. Rubbing your arms up and down, he waddled behind.


Lucky for you, he couldn’t see the twitch of your lips turning into a soft grin. Jungkook was mischievous but he could be really sweet sometimes. “There’s uh...a...uh…” Raising a brow you turned to look back at the boy quizzically. “There’s a what? Motel?” He nods, ears burning red. It wasn’t something he would ever propose but given the circumstances they were left with, he didn’t have much of a choice. Jungkook had left his keys at home and you hadn’t even thought about it since the little had woken you up for this nightly excursion. Which means you both were oh so intelligently locked out of your own homes.


Standing in front of a rather shabby motel, you looked up at it as the only option while Jungkook had stopped walking forward. Instead the three year age difference between you was showing. You looked back at the raven haired boy and watched as he kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other. It was almost like he was five again and was doing the dance one did upon needing to urinate. Chuckling to yourself, you called to him, “If you have to go that bad, shouldn’t you hurry inside?”


Jungkook stopped biting on the inside of his cheek, tearing his nervous eyes away from the half lit motel sign to you, hardening in defiance. It had taken him less than a second to process what you had been referring to. “I do not.” He ground out as he briskly strode up to you dropping his fist onto your head. Smacking his arm away from your head the two of you broke into giggles and walked into the motel.


Knowing you were going to be judged and being judged were two different things. The college aged student behind the desk kept giving these dirty eyebrow raises to Jungkook. It was obvious he was silently praising your friend for bagging that, ‘that’ being you. It was honestly disgusting how guys thought sometimes. Jungkook was really good about it though. It was actually kind of cute. He kept you close even though you were the one paying most of the bill for one night. Apparently there were only rooms available with one bed, wink, the kid repeated twice. Jungkook had started to open his mouth to argue but you had placed a hand on his tense arm and said it was fine. Was one night really going to kill you? No. At least you didn’t think so. The two of you had been friends all through high school and now into college as well. Both still living at home respectively, this was quite unusual but it didn’t seem like something to freak out over. Finally, you were able to get a key and directions to the room with yet another raise of his eyebrows.


The quiet chitchat between Jungkook and you had only grown quieter the closer you came to your destination. The slight somersaults in your stomach seemed to be given to you by Jungkook’s contagious nervousness. This was stupid. It’s just a room and it’s just one night. Forcing away the unease you shouldn’t have even developed, you fixed your eyes on the younger male. Tapping his shoulder and then pointing to the key card in his hand. “Uh, Jungkook, wanna let us in? It’s freezing.” The two of you literally looked like two drowned rats with strands of wet hair clinging to your cheeks and neck. Lucky for guys their hair was generally so short it didn’t add any extra chilliness to them for the most part.


“Uh...Oh...ahem...right.” He mumbled as his hand hurriedly pushed the card into the slot. Opening the door took the boy three tries. Each one gaining a more annoyed grunt than the prior. This only made you laugh and ruffle his damp hair as he finally opened it and you walked past him into the room. Immediately he followed and messed up his own hair as if your hand had no right to be there. A petulant child's act.


Taking a quick overlook at the rather small room, the dark green of the walls didn’t help to brighten up the poorly designed room. It had the standard desk, dresser, coat closet, nightstand, two lamps, a chair and a bed. The bed was between a twin and a full. What was that even called? Who knew but a bed is a bed. Peeling off your soaked jean jacket, you managed to place it over the desk chair after a little struggle. Pushing your bangs out of your face you turned to Jungkook who was still standing awkwardly in the entryway. “Kookie, come inside you dork. I’m going to shower. It’s even colder in here.” Too busy making your way over to the bathroom that surprisingly had bathrobes, honestly, you were beyond shocked. Maybe people came here more as a love motel so they started supplying them.


You had never been to one before but you had long learned about them. They were obvious yet discreet and apparently they had vending machines full of condoms or something. That was what a friend of yours had said. Not planning on finding out, you just took his word for it. Once inside the bathroom you began peeling off the rest of your clothing and started the water. The water got pretty hot which you liked a lot as you always enjoyed taking really hot showers at home. Peeking your head out of the bathroom door you found your friend pacing the length of the small room. “Turn on the heat. You don’t want to get sick.” The dark haired boy froze, refusing to look at you but the tips of his ears were red. “Noona,” funny, he really only referred to you that way when he was trying to be cute or embarrassed. “A-are you…” he shook his head quickly and squeaked out an “I will.” Shutting the door again you finally got into the shower. A tad bit amused by the youngers reaction. Though in all honesty you couldn’t blame him. If the roles were reversed you might be doing the same thing. The two of you had known each other for a number of years now and were very comfortable around one another. However, never had either of you been without clothes...in such close quarters...let alone each other's presence.


Trying not to take too long in the shower so Jungkook could get warmed up, you just did the essentials. Okay, maybe you let the hot water run over you a tad longer than need be. It just felt so good though. Stepping out onto the makeshift bath mat aka a towel you laid on the floor, you dried off with the big fluffy white towel provided. Picking up one of the robes resting on a shelf above the toilet, you slipped it on, tying it tight around yourself. You ran your fingers through your once again wet hair in a poor attempt to comb it.


Stealing the blow dryer, you grabbed the rest of your clothes and stepped out of the bathroom. “OKay Kookie-yah, the shower is yours.” Without looking at him you moved over to the desk to try and lay your clothes out hoping to have them dry by morning. Once that was done, you found an outlet for the blowdryer, plugging it in and started drying your hair. Praying there wouldn’t be horrible knots to get through laer. It took you awhile of flipping your head every which way to dry with your hands before you noticed Jungkook still very much in the room. His back to you and still very, very wet. Cutting off the blow dryer, you held it in one hand and stared at your friend. “Jeon Jungkook!” His full name startled him and the boy looked back at you but only for half a second.


“Get out of those wet clothes before you get sick.” What in the world was this kid doing? It wasn’t as if they had many choices right now. The solution was to get warm. “There’s a bathrobe in there for you too. Hurry and get in there.” For a moment it looked like Jungkook was going to argue but he just nodded and shuffled into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him with a click and apparently locking the door too. Chuckling to yourself you went back to blowdrying your hair.


That didn’t last long though because he was back a moment later. “There’s no clothes to change into. I’ll just stay by the heater.” Stopping the hair dryer once more you raised a brow at him and he repeated himself. Letting out a huff, “Stop making me act like your mother. You can’t stay in those clothes and I sure am not nursing you back to health if you get sick. Wear the bathrobe.” Jungkook just shook his head. Walking over to him, you crossed your arms over your chest and steeled your eyes. “Jeon Jungkook. Take. It. Off. Or I will.”


As firm as you were being, it was still a little unnerving to say you’d undress him. It wasn’t as if he was a five year old and you were babysitting. The initial shock on Jungkook’s face quickly changed into disbelief with a tinge of uncertainty. The two of you stared into each other's eyes not relenting. Uncrossing your arms you grabbed the hem of his very large plain blue tee but immediately he pulled our hand off, stormed into the bathroom and called you a “ert!” It was probably one of the funniest things you had yet to see and you didn’t even mind being called a ert. Laughter filled the bedroom and you didn’t really care if he heard you either.


Jungkook took a surprisingly long time in the shower. So much so, that you were already lounging on the right side of the bed near the window, comfortable in the quite fluffy and tightly tied bathrobe. The television didn’t have the best channels but you managed to find a marathon of reruns of an old show you liked. The creak of the bathroom door still squeaked loud enough to grab your attention. Looking over towards the bathroom, Jungkook finally looked more relaxed and was ruffling his wet hair. The white bathrobe was long enough, which you silently rejoiced over. It was your idea to be here but there were still some things that could actually get awkward.


You’d be lying if you said Jungkook didn’t look rather, no, very attractive with his damp hair and glistening exposed chest due to the v-line of the robe. Why was it the girls looked like drowned rats while wet but guys transformed into almost flawless creatures? It really isn't fair. As if it wasn't bad enough their eyelashes almost always seemed so long and beautiful. Being wet somehow enhanced this as well. It just wasn’t fair.


Getting lost in your own thoughts, the hand waving back and forth took awhile to grab your attention. “Nooonaa! Earth to-” Blinking a few times, you refocused only to see Jungkook smirking. “See, this is why I told you no. Now you can’t take your eyes off my handsomeness.” Those cocky words brought you back to the cold fountain you splashed around in. Shaking your head you muttered, “You wish.” He laughed, “You can lie to me but don’t lie to yourself.” So damn, cheeky. What kind of water did he shower in? Was it magical because you could have sworn just a few moments ago he was practically a nervous wreck. Or did taking all your clothes off somehow boost guys confidence level, like, what the hell?!


Patting the spot next to you, “Stop being ridiculous and come watch.” The episode was almost over but it was a funny one. He listened and sat on the side of the bed, the smaller amount of space he could take up too. Already focused back on the show you didn’t notice. Once it ended the yawns you had been stifling came out. Jungkook shut off the television and told you to sleep. He grabbed his pillow and dropped it onto the floor, settling himself down there. Rolling onto your side you looked towards the side of the bed where Jungkook lay thought you couldn’t see him, confused. “What are you doing?” Jungkook stretched out his legs and laid his hands behind his head on his pillow. Eyes closing he hummed before replying. “Protecting my innocence. You’ll pounce otherwise.” Scoffing and rolling your eyes, you hung over the bed to look down at your friend. “Me?!” His lips twitched ever so slightly. “Yes, you. Did you already forget all that ogling you did about twenty minutes ago.” Shocked laughter came out in waves before coming to an abrupt stop. “Jeon Jungkook stop talking nonsense and get up here. He crossed his arms over his chest in a protective way. “We’re both adults...Well, I am.” You grumbled. Staring at him in disbelief, you finally decided on a plan of action.


Rolling back to your side, the younger had thought he had won. Grabbing your pillow you quietly made you way over to his side of the room and threw your pillow down next to him. “What are you doing?” He asked as you had laid down next to him and nudged him to move over a little. “Going to sleep,” turning onto your side you closed your eyes only to feel his finger poking your cheek. “What, I’m sleepy.” He raised his eyebrows at you now. “Didn’t you say something about being an adult.” Sighing, “I am but we paid for this motel we both should be utilizing what we paid for. If you don't then I won’t.” Now it was his turn to sigh. Your eyes snapped shut again but you could feel his gaze on you, almost hear his thinking. It was probably another six minutes of him staring before Jungkook caved. Sitting up, he pulled you up into a sitting position as well. “Come on. I can’t let a girl sleep on the floor.” Moving wasn’t in your plan so you resisted. Running his hand through his hair he added, “It’s just one night. We’ll share the bed.” Smiling you hopped up and crawled into the bed. “Now don’t get any ideas,” He scolded you. Which only made you laugh, especially since he was covering his chest again but with the covers all the way up to his chin. Playfully smacking his arm, “As if I would. Look at how scrawny you are.” Settling down into the bed, back towards him you ignore his protests and puffing of his chest, since you took a jab at his ego.


The next morning, you felt especially warm and snuggled even closer into the covers. A few moments later those covers sleepily groaned. Did covers groan...sleepily? You may have but your voice wasn’t nearly as deep. Ignoring what didn’t make sense in your sleep haze, you wiggled a little closer to the warmth. Only to feel a warmth around your waist tighten, that certainly wasn’t caused by the covers. Opening your eyes slowly, it really was a struggle and your lashes fluttered many times in the process. Once your eyes were open though, you saw more darkness. Moving your head back slightly, another moan reached your ears as well as a color change, milky skin tone was what you thought you were seeing. Sliding your leg up, you felt another lg that wasn’t your own unless you had grown quite a lot of hair overnight.


The haziness of your mind was catching up with what your body was feeling and seeing. You tried to move further away as you came to the understanding as to what you were fully about to see. The weight across your waist only grew heavier as it pulled you back. Something began nuzzling into your hair at the top of your head. “Stop w-wiggling…” Jungkook gumbled, not aware that he was actually saying these words. “Fine, but don’t yell at me when you wake up. This is your fault.” You quietly grumble into his chest as you snuggle closer like before. If you were going to be stuck in that position then you sure as hell were going to be comfortable. Jungkook was like a big teddy bear in his bathrobe, much more comfortable than you would have thought. Might as well enjoy it.

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