#66/13 - Jimin x You

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

#66/13 - Kiss me/The only thing I want is you

Jimin x You

Word Count: 1123 (I’m breakingmy 1000 word rule again ><)


Mirror. Phone. Mirror. Phone. Mirror. Park Jimin had been going back and forth between looking at the mirror in the bathroom he was standing in front of and his phone that rested on the counter for about thirty minutes now. It was a long time to be in your bathroom, let alone to not even be utilizing it in the proper way.

Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum.

He swore that he could hear his heart beating. It was so loud and the anxiety was becoming suffocating. Yet, still he stood looking in the mirror only to look back at the picture of you on his phone. He had secretly snapped the candid when he was walking you home from a movie. The atmosphere then had been slightly strained and at the time you had no idea why. You still had no idea why. Park Jimin had every idea why. It was the whole reason he was standing in his bathroom trying to find the right combination of words without stumbling over them. So far he had yet to stumble and he was growing frustrated. The more he looked at his phone, the more determination he got to figure this out but also the more anxiety because the clock was ticking down. “Come on, get it together Park Jimin. You can do this.” He slapped his cheeks a few times in an effort to regroup himself. He wanted to get his feelings across tonight, which he was meeting you in about twenty minutes. Where had the time gone? At least he was dressed, a deep blue button up with his black skinny jeans since you had mentioned before that they looked nice on him. There probably wasn’t anything he forgot as long as you had said them. Running his fingers through his jet black hair, Jimin let out a breath before starting again.


He had tried all various types of expressions, some seemed too lewd, some seemed too nervous, some just looked plain creepy and by the time he had five minutes left before you arrived at his place he was about to give up. The sting behind his eyes pricked to the surface, he didn’t know how he was going to say anything without looking like an idiot or not saying anything at all, yet again. It had been a little over a month of him failing to open his mouth. The two of you had met at college, became seat mates in class, soon to be study buddies and then casual friends. You got coffee together before class, went to the library. Graduated to grabbing bites together. It was a slow, casual progression of getting to know each other and Jimin had come to realize he was enjoying his time with you more and more each day. You were the first thing he thought of in the morning, the first message he searched for on his phone from the night before when he fell asleep in the middle of texting you a lame joke that never failed to make you laugh. It had been long overdue that he at least try to hint at his feelings for you. Jimin would like to say that he’s tried but every time he starts he just as quickly freezes and redirects whatever it is he was going to say or pull his hand back from taking yours in his.


Ding dong.


. He wasn’t ready. Not ready one bit. Jimin started pacing, scrambling to clean up his already clean bathroom by making the few items on the counter more neat. After about a minute he made himself stop moving, ran his fingers through his hair and took a couple deep breaths. More pep talk, “You can do this. You will do this.” Jimin had always been a little on the pessimistic side and had more than thought about all the various ways you could turn him down. In fact he was about 95% sure that you wouldn’t reciprocate his feelings.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

His heart rate was rising with every step he took to his door. Opening it, your bright smile met his eyes and relief washed through him. You were smiling, a good start and goodness did you look just as beautiful as ever. You always did, at least to Park Jimin. Tonight wasn’t anything special in your mind, just a fun night watching the drama that aired every Thursday that you and Jimin loved and made sure to watch together. He stepped back letting you in. Bringing up your arm you swung a bag in his face. “I brought your gummy worms you’re always bugging me to buy you.” A warmth spread through Jimin’s entire body and he grinned.


“Kiss me.”


The door had barely shut behind you and Jimin was staring into your eyes in a haze. It wasn’t an expression you had ever seen before and you weren’t quite sure how to take it and wait what did he just say? “What?” You asked, wrinkles in your brow formed at the confusion showing on your face. Jimin’s words came out in a rush, “Kiss me. I shouldn’t be springing this on you like this and I didn’t stand in the mirror for forty minutes practicing what to say to you to mess it up but here and I have and I can’t take it back but I don’t want to. Kiss me.” It was undeniable that he was 100% sincere with his words but they came so quick it was hard to comprehend. So, you didn’t. “Okay.” Even though he was telling you to kiss him, it was his way of asking permission. Stepping forward, you reached up and cupped his cheek, Jimin coming in the rest of the way sealing your lips with his. It wasn’t a breathtaking kiss, it was very respectable. Just a brush of his bright pink plump lips against yours.

You were pretty sure he had put on chap-stick before you came too. Much softer than one would think. There was warmth resting against the small of your back as his hands were pressed against you gently. “I can’t say anything right but the only thing I want is you.” All Jimin’s practiced words had flown right out the window. Completely butchered by himself but you were in his arms and not running for the hills. “I-is that..D-did I say too much?” Jimin’s expression clouded with concern and nervousness. It was more than endearing. “Now you are.” Immediately removed his hands only to have you force them back into place and kiss him once more. Jimin wasn’t the only one who had been failing to express their feelings for fear of losing if nothing else a good friend.

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