#6/34 - Jungkook x You; Jimin x You

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

#6 - "Is there a reason you're in my bed?"

#34 - "If you keep looking at me like that we won't make it to a bed."


Jungkook x Jimin x You

Word Count: 831


Flashes of color with intermittent seconds of darkness painted the walls of the living room. Noise of chatter, to loud bangs and crashes of who knew what emitted from the small TV directly in front of the couch. A movie was playing but no one was watching, let alone listening to it. Wandering hands had started with such innocent and shy movements. It always started there right? A casual brush of your shoulder against his, warm hands slipping into each other's, dancing fingers along clothed thighs. One thing always led to another and perhaps tonight you may have wanted such things to happen. Maybe tonight the gaze in your eyes had a hint of something more twinkling in the corner of each pupil. Maybe tonight, they lingered on his pink plump lips just a tad longer than before.

Perhaps, your on and off again boyfriend, Park Jimin, was feeling the effects of your extra glances and even shy advances. Most likely due to the fact that he might have had an inclination to skip down this road with you before the movie even began. It wasn’t as if these nights hadn’t happened before. The two of you just had chemistry, whether you were friends or lovers there was always just a little bit more. The ease at which you both fell back in between those lines, blurring them, was almost like how an alcoholic felt upon taking a sip of their favorite vice. Your clothes were askew, hair hanging over your left shoulder, eyes once again gazing wantonly at those pretty, pretty lips you loved so much and probably always would. Jimin’s hands slid from underneath your shirt to rest at your hips. “If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.” Raising a brow, “A bed? What makes you think that’s happening tonight?”

The smirk that slithered across his glistening lips, moist from the heavy kissing the two of you were just doing, made you tempted to cave at the challenge you had just tossed in his direction. The hands at your waist gripped tighter around you, quickly lifting you up as he stood up from the couch, a hand under your thigh that he guided around his waist. Squealing at him from the suddenness of his movements, Jimin leaned into your neck and started planting little kisses, nipping at your skin and blowing at your ear. He knew that you were sensitive there and ticklish around your ears. “Yah, Park Ji-” He blew against your ear again causing you to break into giggles while your legs kicked at his behind and fists pounding none to hard at his back. “Jimin! Put me down right now.” He, of course, wasn’t listening but carried you to your bedroom that wasn’t more than about twelve steps away if that. Pulling at the hair at the nape of his neck you attempted to get him back only to quickly realize you’d have to step things up. Lips connecting with the lobe of his ear you tugged on it, hard enough to draw a low growl from his lips. Smirking to yourself in contentment, the door to your bedroom opened.

Expecting to be tossed on our bed, Jimin always had a little too much fun tossing you around to show just how not cute he was all the time. Looking over your shoulder to see why he stopped walking, stopped teasing, joking and even talking, your eyes fell upon the last thing you had imagined to see there. “Jeon Jungkook, is there a reason you’re in my bed?” Tapping on Jimin’s shoulder, he placed you down on your feet. The surprise had been a little bit too much for him. It was vastly growing uncomfortable as now Jimin kept looking from a very younger male in your bed to you and back.

The dark haired male, propped up his head on his palm gazing at you with a much too calm expression for the situation you were all in. “Want to try something new, noona?” If there was a semi-truck driving anywhere nearby it couldn’t have swerved fast enough to run you over. How was one even able to respond to such a question especially when your eyes had already searched his expression three times for any hint of a joke. The sheets around Jungkook covered enough but not nearly enough, the muscles in his arm were being accented as well as the outlines of abs he had been working so proudly on. Jeon Jungkook was an attractive male, he knew this, Jimin knew this. The click of your bedroom door shutting, brought you out of the haze of uncertainty you had been in. Looking over to the left, you had thought you’d be staring at empty space but Jimin was already shirtless. Making the decision for you he scooped you up and tossed you into the bed. “Life’s an adventure.”

You could say that again.

A/N: I just want to politely remind everyone that just because you give me two numbers and in this case two different people doesn't mean that you'll get two separate drabbles. If I get inspiration like I did with the above, it COULD possibly turn into one long flash fiction over a small drabble. Thanks loves <3

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 33: Did you know that you are a very sweet sister? Eventhough it is not related to BTS, I still love it ^^
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 32: Hoseok & period? Its a no,obviously xD I love that part.I think the girl is younger than him,right? Since she is still learning.
If this is happened to me,it can really brightened up my day <3
Banghimlo #3
Chapter 31: That is so cute!! >.< Then they become friends to best friends to soulmate <3 (I'm just giving you ideas)
Banghimlo #4
Chapter 30: Snowball fight!! <3 <3 <3
Banghimlo #5
Chapter 29: Why am I happy? Give me a sec because I want to make a list of food that I want for dinner too xD That was the best idea ever!!!
Banghimlo #6
Chapter 28: How many times do I have to tell you,I know who your bias is xD So it's their first day together? ^.^
Banghimlo #7
Chapter 27: What a gentelman he is
Banghimlo #8
Chapter 26: How sweet of you TaeTae <3 Lets have some fun,shall we? XD
Banghimlo #9
Chapter 25: I already know who your bias is ;)
Yoongi did all that for 'you'..wow <3
Banghimlo #10
Chapter 24: It is an interesting story to tell.Okay lets play.Who starts first? ^.^ From where did you get all these ideas? You're a genius!!!