#17/73 - Jungkook x You

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

#17/73 - “We shouldn’t be doing this/It looks like we’re going to be trapped for awhile.”

Jungkook x You

Word Count: 1107


So far this date had been a disaster. D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R. Really. Not only was Jeon Jungkook late to pick you up but he ran over a nail on the road and got a flat tire. Was this his fault? No, certainly not but it was one of those things that made you feel more bad things were going to follow. A downward spiral effect. It truly was. Once they got the spare tire on, they made it to the reservation at a nice restaurant you actually were excited to be going to. Late. Their reservation had almost been given to someone else. Jungkook was actually apologizing profusely to you, to the point you had to tell him to shut up. Yes, shut up. There was only so many times that you could say ‘it’s alright’ in various ways before you got tired of it. Luckily you were able to laugh it off and he smile embarrassed but stopped apologizing. By this time you really just wanted to put everything else behind you and attempt to enjoy the rest of the date.


Dinner was going well until the check was brought to the table. You watched as he searched and searched and searched. No wallet. Letting out a sigh, you pulled out your wallet and took out a card, good thing you had just gotten paid two days ago. Giving your card to the server who raised an eyebrow unable to hide his surprise but scurried away to do his job, you looked over at Jungkook who looked like he was sinking into a deep black hole that he’d never come out of if you didn’t say something. Before you could, he snapped his head up, “I’ll pay you back.” You waved his words away but he only shook his head and said that he would and then continued to grumble that his wallet was still at work, in the back room on top of the shrink wrap machine. He knew exactly where it was because he had told himself to make sure he grabbed it before he left the back room.


The video game store manager had called him in on his day off to work. There was an emergency, the other manager who was supposed to work his current shift, his wife had gone into labor and he needed to get to the hospital. How exactly was he supposed to say no? Jungkook couldn’t, so he came in on the condition that he’d be off work in time for his date. Well, he was going to be but right as he was about to grab his things a rush of kids and parents came in and the store was a madhouse. That’s how it was at the store. You had hours of dead periods and then spurts of extremely busy moments where it left you with tons of work for the rest of the night. That was exactly what had happened.


With this being explained to yourself as you were in his car driving to his work which was actually already closed right now, it was hard to hold onto your previous annoyance. It truly was a series of unfortunate events. Instead of letting Jungkook beat himself up over it you tried to comfort him. “It’s alright Jungkook-sshi, things like this happen. Preferably not on the first date but…” You trailed off, as you smacked him playfully in the arm, smiling at him hoping to lighten the mood. It worked, a small smile was given back to you. Relaxing in your seat, you hummed along with the song on the radio. It was a short drive to GameStop and a moment later they were both going into the store. It had been a five minute argument of whether you should follow him or not. You weren’t sure but he insisted it would be okay. “ We shouldn’t be doing this.” You muttered as you shut the car door behind you. In the end, there you were, your small hand in his larger hand, pulling you through the door. Turning off the alarm with the quick tap of his fingers on keypad in a succession he very clearly knew by heart. Jungkook locked the door behind them and shut the gate so that it looked like it was closed. He kept the lights off as he knew exactly where he was going and wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. This only made you move closer to him. The store wasn’t big by far. It was literally a rectangle with standees in various spots in the already cramped store.


Jungkook pulled out a key that wasn’t actually attached to a lanyard or anything. Unlocking the backdoor, he pulled you in behind him as he dropped the key back into his pocket while flipping on the light after. Or he thought he had dropped it back into his pocket. The shrink wrap machine was only about four steps into the room and there lay a black leather wallet right on top. “Ah ha! I knew I had left it here.” Looking back at you he was all smiles, let’s go. I’ll take you somewhere special to make up for all of this.” Feeling relief that he had found his wallet, you began to smile with him. “Okay, where to?” You asked shyly, wondering where it could be especially since it was already dark outside. Walking up to the backroom door, Jungkook fished in his pocket for the key.




And searched.


And searched.


“.” He didn’t mean to curse in front of you but this was the cherry on top of the most horrible date. He turned slowly to look at you, “So uh, you left your phone in my car didn’t you?” A frown clouded your face already knowing where this was going. Nodding your head, you watched him run a hand through his hair in frustration. “So did I.” Letting out a growl of frustration, Jungkook let go of your hair and slumped to the floor. “I’m really, really, really sorry. It looks like we’re going to be trapped in here for awhile.” He sighed, hanging his head. As odd as it seemed, you began to laugh. It was an ironic type of laugh but truly it was so fitting for the way this date had been going. This might have been the worst date ever but it would still be a good story to tell later. Sitting down next to him, you patted him on the hand he had resting on his knee as you stretched out getting comfortable. “Want to play 20 questions?”

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