#13 - Hoseok x You

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

#13 - “Kiss me.”

Hoseok x You

Word Count: 1283 (I failed again with my word count but I like this too much to find ways to cut things out)


Pulsing lights, bouncing bass, heat sticking to your skin, bodies bumping against you, some on purpose some on accident, noise enveloping your ears to the point that hearing anything was impossible as well as inevitable. There were so many people on the dance floor that it looked like a can of sardines but you loved it. Letting the music fill you and moving whichever way your body wanted to go was so freeing. It was free of thought and truly, you thought too much. Having such a moment when your mind wasn’t going a mile a minute was a beautiful thing. What else was a beautiful thing? This man in front of you. He had dark locks, fringe pushed up showing the beads of sweat sliding down a forehead you happened to find quite attractive. That was something new for you. Liking foreheads? Since when had that body part become an attraction? Now, that’s for sure. His dark eyes were barely seen partially due to him closing them often as he thoroughly felt the music in every pore of his body and partially because you were doing the same. The two of you happened to be near each other. Dancing by yourself, with the person next to you who but your eyes always found their way back to him. You wanted to think that his did too. That was how it felt. There was enough space between you two that it was safe to say neither of you were dancing with each other.


Except you were.


It was completely unspoken but very, very true. The look that he had just given you confirmed it. This had never happened to you before. If anyone danced with you, girls or guys, they were always touching you at some point and very much so in your personal space, not that you minded. Hell, you were at a dance club. If you minded then clearly you were in the wrong place. Dancing was harmless which is why you loved it so much. There was so much that could be shown about a person just by the way they danced and it had nothing to do with judging them. For instance the man with the fringe up was dancing for himself, by himself but with you and he knew dance, trained in dance. What type of dance, you weren’t sure because the music in clubs didn’t exactly allow for you to see other’s official training if they had any. His form was on point and very much showed he danced in his past or presently as that type of thing didn’t tend to leave you. Three songs had passed and neither of you had moved, closer nor further away from each other. Girls and guys alike had interrupted your dancing with each other but neither of you pushed those people away. You were here to enjoy the music, let loose, feel free and be you to your hearts content. The attraction to this stranger was only growing with every song. He was polite, handsome, a beautiful dancer and gave you space. It wasn’t long after the 4th (or was it 5th) song that your eyes started trailing down to his lips on more than one occasion. Stranger had his lips while you were gazing at them like they were a peach you wanted to bite into. That was hot. Raising your eyes back to his, they were closed, he didn’t even know what he had done. Slowly a warmth was growing through the pit of your stomach and you knew this was escalating quickly. This feeling was one you were familiar with.


Dancing your way closer, you appease the growing attraction in you while not infringing on his space. When those dark eyes opened again, they widened but directly after he smiled. Oh, how beautiful was that smile. The club was dark, with red, blues, greens, yellows, oranges bouncing all around but none of them compared to the light he was emitting from that simple smile in your direction. He moved closer showing you that it wasn’t just your imagination. He was dancing with you, he wanted to dance with you and even though he was closer, neither of you were close enough that others would consider you dancing together. It was honestly the most refreshing night of dancing you had had and it wasn’t even over. Not that you wanted it to end either.  After the 6th song, both of you were perspiring and slowing down some. It had been an intense session that maybe you had lingered on dancing simply because he was still dancing. It wasn’t like you to be so forward but your feet were moving before your mind could yell some sense into them. Hi. It was unspoken, the music too loud even if you had wanted to try to speak to him but you were sure that you got a hi back. Silent communication between people was hard to come by but there was some connection between you and the fringe up man. You liked it, that little ball of warmth was only growing hotter and could very potentially turn into a fire if left unattended. His eyes flittered over to the bar and you nodded, following him closely. Some water was a must, yes water not alcohol. It was too hot for anything but. He lead you to a quieter corner of the bar, it was darker as well but you didn’t mind. Your comfort zone had gone from zero to sixty about four songs ago. Dangerous? Perhaps. He ordered two bottles of water making that little part of your mind become smug about following your instincts. Instincts? Let’s be real, attraction not instincts.


“Kiss me.”


The thoughts had filled your head much sooner than even you had expected. The surprise might have even shown on your face and made you wonder if you had actually had too much alcohol tonight. That of course was a no because you hadn’t even been to the bar yet until just this moment. However, your inner mutterings stopped as you gazed at the handsome man in front of you who had tilted his head slightly as if to ask if you had said something. It lasted no more than half a second and his large hand was on your waist pulling you close as his head swooped down and his pink smooth lips brushed chastely over yours. The kiss lasted no more than a second or two and he was ever the gentleman letting you go while the tips of his ears turned pink. Unfortunately due to the poor lighting you wouldn’t be able to see just how embarrassed he was by his own actions. Instead you stared at him bewildered while his smile slowly fell from his lips. Only to see a light go off and a grin form. He laughed and leaned in next to your ear, “I normally wouldn't do that without at least knowing your name,” he shrugged, "but you asked." The teasing in his tone made you blush because you knew as soon as those words left his lips that the words you had thought most definitely were said aloud. Trying to hide behind your water bottle, you were at a loss for words and thoroughly embarrassed. “I’m Hoseok. Do you want to go grab a bite?” His smile stretched from ear to ear and there was this lazy confidence radiating from behind it as well as a warmth that soothed you. Nodding, you lean in to tell him your name over the loud bass vibrating through the entire club and follow him once more, with your hand in his.

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 33: Did you know that you are a very sweet sister? Eventhough it is not related to BTS, I still love it ^^
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 32: Hoseok & period? Its a no,obviously xD I love that part.I think the girl is younger than him,right? Since she is still learning.
If this is happened to me,it can really brightened up my day <3
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Chapter 31: That is so cute!! >.< Then they become friends to best friends to soulmate <3 (I'm just giving you ideas)
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Chapter 30: Snowball fight!! <3 <3 <3
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Chapter 29: Why am I happy? Give me a sec because I want to make a list of food that I want for dinner too xD That was the best idea ever!!!
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Chapter 28: How many times do I have to tell you,I know who your bias is xD So it's their first day together? ^.^
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Chapter 27: What a gentelman he is
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Chapter 26: How sweet of you TaeTae <3 Lets have some fun,shall we? XD
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Chapter 25: I already know who your bias is ;)
Yoongi did all that for 'you'..wow <3
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Chapter 24: It is an interesting story to tell.Okay lets play.Who starts first? ^.^ From where did you get all these ideas? You're a genius!!!