#83 - Jungkook x You

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

83. “It’s always been you.”

Jungkook x You

Word count: 500 (Not sure how that happened)


Jungkook nearly dragged you out of the house, leaving you quite confused seeing as you were just in the middle of studying for a test. You didn’t bother questioning him; you simply shook your head and followed. Jungkook was always mentioning that you guys stayed indoors too much as of late and that he wanted to go out more. You had told him on more than one occasion that he was free to go out on his own if he wanted, but he had other ideas.


As you made their way down the street, your curiosity finally took over. “Where are we going?” you asked, very aware that Jungkook still hadn’t let go of your hand.


Jungkook looked to the side and smiled. “Just this place by the park I came across a couple weeks ago. You’ll like it.”


You found yourselves in front of a small burger joint that you had never noticed before. It must have been fairly new. You didn’t have much time to ponder that before Jungkook tugged on your hand and walked inside.


You noticed Jimin waiting at a table for the both of you. Jungkook must have texted him about this. As you sat down the waitress came by to take your orders, and quite soon after, your food was brought out to them. Nice service, you thought to yourself. You glanced over at Jungkook who was digging into his own food, sighing happily after he swallowed his first bite. You giggled to yourself as you watched Jungkook.


Right as you reached for your burger, a hand that was not neither yours nor Jungkook’s reached onto Jungkook’s plate and took several fries. When you looked back up, you saw Jimin was giving that lovely eye smile while Jungkook shot back an annoyed expression. You simply shook your head at the two of them.


“You have your own perfectly good fries in front of you!” Jungkook said with disbelief—though he should have been long used to it. Jimin simply shrugged brought his focus back to his own food. Just to be a pain, you did the same, stealing a few fries off his plate before he could stop you.


Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned his attention on you. Though the action was annoying when Jimin did it, he thought it was kind of cute coming from you. “You know, it’s always been you,” Jungkook muttered to you under his breath.


You cocked your head to the side. “What do you mean?”


“Who steals my fries when you think I’m not looking—and even when you know I’m looking,” Jungkook responded with another chuckle. “It can only be you, though.” Jungkook noticed Jimin slyly trying to steal another fry and slapped his hand away. “As much as I grumble about it, I still kind of like it.”


You grinned at Jungkook’s sudden cheesiness and leaned over to kiss his cheek, earning you a gagging noise from Jimin. You liked the random cheesiness though. It was cute.

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