#5/51 - Jungkook x You

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

#5/51 – “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?/What the hell are you wearing?”

Jungkook x You

Word Count: 1372


It was the night of your friend of a friend’s party. How did you get yourself into this again? Parties were fun, you enjoyed going since you liked being social especially when a group of your friends were going. What you weren’t fond of was costume parties. Which of course this party was and it wasn’t even a close friend of yours. This very hyper kid named Taehyun? It was his part, you couldn’t even remember his name but Jiminie said he was a great guy and had fun parties mainly because the kid was crazy and didn’t have much of a filter. You however weren’t sure if that was the type of party you wanted to go to. Being at college, you had encountered numerous kinds of parties and some were ones you definitely avoided. There was always good and bad but regardless you would take Jimin’s word for it this time.


A group of you were going to head over together. Some of them were already in the kitchen pre-gaming, while you still needed to finish getting ready. Putting the finishing touches on your gypsy costume, you came out in bloomers, that have very sheer magenta ‘pants’ over them that went to your ankles, lined in gold. While your magenta sequined top was just reached to below your s but was secure around your ribcage and had the same sheer material as traps. There were gold beads strung across the sleeves that hung over your shoulders. It was very pretty and you were completely covered. Slipping on your gold sequined bracelets, you finished the outfit by slipping on the gold ballet flats. It was one of the most comfortable costumes you had ever worn and you felt cute. Your hair was in loose tendrils with these pretty rhinestones sporadically strewn throughout your hair which were on the weirdest type of clip you’ve ever seen but that part wasn’t visible to any onlooker so you were happy.


Stepping out of your bathroom you ran right into Jeon Jungkook. He was one of the newer additions for your group but it had been a good six months now. He had fit right in, getting close with just about everyone including yourself. His eyes dusted over your outfit and a grim line spread across his lips. “What the hell are you wearing?” Taken aback by his harsh tone, you looked to see if there was a drink in his hand. Nope, so you can’t blame his rudeness on any alcohol. “Uh, I’m a gypsy. What the hell are you wearing?” He was dressed up like some celebrity you had never heard of before but apparently was pretty popular or so Jungkook just told you. “He’s popular in his boxers?” You eyed him skeptically but Jungkook just shrugged. Pushing past him, you left him to use the bathroom and went to join the others in the kitchen. Jimin was dressed up like Mickey Mouse and it was much too hard to stifle your laughter as you saw Seokjin wearing a Minnie costume. Smiling at them both, “So, guys is there something you want to tell me? How long has it been a secret?” Jimin didn’t laugh but Seokjin did. Looks like little Jiminie didn’t care for their couple costume. “Esmerelda, we are not together. Thanks to Minnie we lost a bet against Taehyung and have to wear a couple costume the entire night.” This only made you laugh more at the two of them. Seokjin nodded along but still seemed amused even if he was dressed up as a female character. “I’m sure you wished you listened to me about declining that bet.”


There were not so subtle eyes on you and it was a bit unnerving but you ignored it. Instead you went to talk to Minji who was your only girl companion tonight. It was only about five more minutes and then you were all piling into a car to go to Taehyung’s. Squished together you actually had to sit on top of Jungkook’s lap or walk. Considering how rude he was earlier you didn’t really want to but it was either sitting on him, sitting on Minji who was already squished between him and Namjoon or walking. All the guys had been yelling at you to just take a seat so Jungkook is where you landed. His hands, he tried to keep to his side, but for some reason Seokjin was driving a little more intense than he normally did. Jungkook’s hands went to your waist, simply to keep you from falling over but you could still feel his eyes on the back of your head. It was very uncomfortable as you could see his annoyance rolling off him in waves. Confused beyond belief you just tried to talk to Minji and ignore whatever party pooper behind you was having issues with. Apologizing to him for having to sit on him, you crawled out as fast as you could and skipped to the door with Minji on your arm. Everyone dispersed into the crowd doing their own thing. Minji and you hitting the dance floor, which was the living room. You guys danced together, with Namjoon and Jimin with other guys you didn’t know. It was a lot of fun. So, it looked like the party was a good one. Everyone was having fun and while there were some crazies around it wasn’t the type that had people strung out on all sorts of drugs that you personally didn’t like to deal with let alone be around.


Finding your way to the kitchen, you tried not to bump into people but it was very crowded and often required sliding past people. One of those people being Jungkook. He gave you another intense gaze as your chest was pressed against his in your attempt to slide past while another person was sliding past you. “What?” He didn’t say anything which only spurred you on to delve further into what his problem was, “Jealous much?” Okay, so that was a little y and stuck up side but you had already had a few drinks in you and were feeling quite comfortable in your skin. Making your way past finally you made it to the kitchen with Jungkook out of sight and out of mind. Grabbing another drink, probably not the wisest choice since while there was a full bar of liquor open you had chosen the easier option the punch which probably had about five different kinds of liquor in it but tasted amazing. Raising the cup to your lips, someone’s hand brushed against your bare waist. As you whipped your head in that direction the guy who was trying to cop a feel, had his wrist bent back in none other than Jeon Jungkook’s hand. He said something you couldn’t hear to the guy and the other guy scurried in the other direction. Feeling apologetic for before, you shyly thanked him. “That’s why you shouldn’t have worn that.” He grumbled at you while leaning up against the counter next to you.


Glancing up you saw him sighing but the words were already out of your mouth. “But isn’t it cute?!” This was exactly why you had chosen it. Jungkook took another look at you, his lips looked away before turning to face you once more with that grim line he had before the party. “It’s…something. There are too many douchy guys here for you to be here with let alone while wearing that.” It took a moment for his words to register fully but once they did, you tilted your head, looking up at him quite confused, “Wait a minute. Are you…jealous?” The flush that filled his ears was immediate and confirmed the suspicion you hadn’t actually given much stock in. Jungkook had a girlfriend so all of this was irrelevant. Patting his shoulder gently you smiled at him sadly. “Jungkook-ah, I’m flattered and love that you’ve looked out for me tonight but you have a girlfriend. Don’t make a mistake you can’t take back.” With that you squeezed his shoulder once and pushed off the table. You were already too far away to hear him say, “We already broke up.”


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