#50 - Hoseok x You

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

Hoseok x You

Writer’s Preference

Word Count: 1868


Rainy Days


Days off were few and far between when you were an idol. It wasn’t something that Hoseok was upset about, that was just his life. However, when he had a day off that did make it all the more special. It also made for some days where he just wanted to be alone. Living in a dorm with not only one or two other guys like roommates but six other guys and even having to share a room with two other people was a hard life. Don’t get him wrong, he loved living with the other members of his group. They had some hilarious moments, and boy did he really mean hilarious. They also had some awkward moments, some pissed off moments and perhaps too many need to clean moments. It was similar to a zoo in some ways. Most of the fans seemed to forget that while he was their hope and while and crazy that he was also sort of a mom to the other boys. As they liked to complain about his nagging, especially Namjoon who didn’t listen half the time as it was, he couldn’t really deny that he nagged. It wasn’t fair to have only one or two people cleaning in the dorm when there was actually six of them and they all got passes at time for not rinsing their dish off after dinner because they had been so exhausted from the schedule they had starting at five in the morning. If that was always let go, then ew, just ew, Hoseok didn’t even want to imagine how much worse their dorm would be. Living with people was great but it also meant, especially with so many that you didn’t get private time. No one complained that much, but it was a silent agreement that they all needed and wanted their own personal space more than they were allowed.


This was why, on his days off, Hoseok made sure to get some quality ‘Me’ time. It was also why he was happy and reenergized on his day off. It was also why today was a total bust. The happiness he normally had, was gone. Instead he was moping about the house, griping at the others in a nagging mother that may or may not have gotten her period that week kind of way. In fact he had even heard Jungkook grumble under his breath when he thought the elder was out of earshot that “Jeez when did he start his period” and as much as he wanted to snap at the little brat. He didn’t. Hoseok wasn’t a fool, he knew he was being a jerk more than the others really deserved but for some reason he just couldn’t kick this waking up on the wrong side of the bed attitude he had. Announcing to no one, he pulled on his sneakers, grabbed his jean jacket and slipped out of the dorm. Shoving his hands into the pocket of his black shorts, he pulled out the earbuds he was thanking the lord above were still there from where he had dropped them last night on his floor. Placing one bud into each ear, he plugged it into his phone and played whatever came on his random playlist. Epik High’s Excuses came on and it was amazing how the tenseness in his back and shoulder muscles immediately started to ebb away. Slowly, but it was a start. Walking down the street, keep his head down he moved briskly weaving through the people of Seoul as if he had a purpose. Except he really didn’t have a purpose, just to get away, unwind. Perhaps end up enjoying his day.


It wasn’t long until he had walked about four blocks and realized, if he kept this up he might even get lost. Not because he didn’t know Seoul but because he just was wandering wherever his feet, bouncing to the beat took him. Bumping into young woman, he had to stop his fast pace turning back around to help her up. He might be grumpy but Hoseok wasn’t a jerk. Bending down, he pulled out one of his earbuds and apologized, “I’m so sorry. Are you hurt anywhere? Here let me help.” She had been holding some books in her arms all regarding some medical jargon he knew of but wasn’t very familiar with. Being an idol, rapper, dancer and barely having even two seconds to take a dump by himself most definitely didn’t leave him room to delve into the other avenues of education he might have been interested in if he hadn’t found such a profound passion for dance and music. Blobs of clear liquid splattered onto his head, face, shoulders, arms, all over your books. Rain. Well, he didn’t actually mind, it was kind of refreshing, to feel the coolness against his warm skin. Even tempted Hoseok to take off the jean jacket and just stand there in his tank top. The girl he had run into on the other hand wasn’t very fond of rain like he was. “I’m okay.” You might have said that sooner but it was only now registering in Hoseok’s mind. He really was all over the place. After placing four books into his arm, he gently grabbed your hand and helped you stand back up.


As you placed the strap of your messenger back over your shoulder, you gave the stranger in front of you a small smile. “Thank you but can you hold those for just one more second.” Trying to cover your head from the rain, carry your books and grab an umbrella was just too much. Hoseok nodded, “Of course.” ping your bag that was already stuffed to the brim, you dug around for your mini umbrella and pulled it out as quickly as you could. You opened it, raising it above you and the guy in front of you which forced you to take a step closer. “Where are you headed, I can walk you there.” Even though you had been the one knocked to the ground you wouldn’t feel right just leaving him to get drowned by the rain that seemed to be coming down harder with each second that ticked by. “Oh, uh,” his eyebrows raised in surprise, “I’m not really sure.” Hoseok raised his right arm up and scratched the back of his head while you gave him a questionable look. Shrugging it off, you offered one more time before deciding you’d move on, “Well, I’m going to the café down the street to study, I can at least walk you this way if you like.” You pointed ahead of you in the direction he had actually been going before he knocked into you.


Thinking for half a second, Hoseok nodded, “That would be great, thanks.” As much as he was enjoying the rain, it wasn’t every day that people were so friendly. Nodding, you began walking towards your destination. It was only about half a block away. Silence settled between you two as the umbrella was. It took a moment but being a gentleman took precedence over his mind again. Hoseok was already holding your books but he offered, “Let me hold the umbrella, you’re getting wet.” This wasn’t something you could deny, being shorter than him meant that you had to raise your arm higher and made things a little awkward. “Ah, well a little.” His large warm hand was already reaching for the umbrella handle so you let him take it from you. “So..you don’t know where you’re going? Are you lost?” A bubbly chuckle filled the air causing your eyes to follow where it was coming from. The smile bestowed upon you was unlike any other you had ever seen. Just watching him with his wide grin made something warm in the pit of your stomach and made you feel like you always wanted to keep that smile on his face. Pulling your gaze sharply away you tried to snap out of whatever haze you had somehow gotten drawn into because, damn was that a weird feeling about a person you didn’t even know. Actually, you didn’t even know his name. “Not lost just letting my feet take me where they will.” He shrugged, glancing down at the books in his arms. “Medical field, huh? A doctor?” Humming you confirmed his suspicions. “Pediatrician or Neurosurgeon.” Laughing yourself, you added, “Big difference huh?” By now the two of you had made it to the doors of the café that you did almost all of your studying in. The servers even knew you and reserved your quiet little nook in the corner. “Ah, a bit.” He tried to say without sounding so taken aback but he was and you could tell.


“Thanks again for sharing your umbrella.” Hoseok spoke politely as they were almost blocking the entrance to the business. Waving away his thanks, you smiled at him. “Anytime.” It took a second but his raise of one eyebrow made you catch your mistake. “Oh, uh I mean, no problem. Yep, no problem at all.” The flush on your cheeks was only growing darker the longer he smiled at you. Thoughts were running through his head that he would normally decide against for better judgment he’d always say. Today was not one of those days. “This might be a bit forward but if you have some time,” He waved your four textbooks in front of you. Which you couldn’t believe that you had been so lost in his smile you didn’t take your heavy books away from him. “Would you like to have coffee with me?” Reaching for your books out of embarrassment, the offer almost slipped past you but your mind apparently really wanted to hear that offer.


Well, he was kind of cute, there was no denying that. Black hair sticking to his forehead due to the rain, broad shoulders with an adorable smile, it was hard to resist even if you had just met him two seconds ago. “Sure, I think I can spare a few.” Nodding demurely, he stole the books back out of your arms and opened the door to the café for you, waving his arm in front of him as he indicated for you to go first. Mumbling a thank you, you slipped inside already waving to EunSoo at the counter ahead and shaking your head at her devious asking that were shooting all kind of questions to you on who the guy behind you was. The two of you would have to talk later. “If the rain doesn’t let up then I’ll take your offer to share your umbrella again.” The cheeky words made you laugh as well as your cheeks to flush again. Shaking your head, “Who said I would?” You knew that you had but you couldn’t get away with him teasing you completely.


Rainy days might have not been the reason that Hoseok was having a bad day but they had become the reason he might want to enjoy more of them sometime soon. Preferably with the girl he had knocked down along the busy streets of Seoul. Who knew rain could brighten your day.

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 33: Did you know that you are a very sweet sister? Eventhough it is not related to BTS, I still love it ^^
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 32: Hoseok & period? Its a no,obviously xD I love that part.I think the girl is younger than him,right? Since she is still learning.
If this is happened to me,it can really brightened up my day <3
Banghimlo #3
Chapter 31: That is so cute!! >.< Then they become friends to best friends to soulmate <3 (I'm just giving you ideas)
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Chapter 30: Snowball fight!! <3 <3 <3
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Chapter 29: Why am I happy? Give me a sec because I want to make a list of food that I want for dinner too xD That was the best idea ever!!!
Banghimlo #6
Chapter 28: How many times do I have to tell you,I know who your bias is xD So it's their first day together? ^.^
Banghimlo #7
Chapter 27: What a gentelman he is
Banghimlo #8
Chapter 26: How sweet of you TaeTae <3 Lets have some fun,shall we? XD
Banghimlo #9
Chapter 25: I already know who your bias is ;)
Yoongi did all that for 'you'..wow <3
Banghimlo #10
Chapter 24: It is an interesting story to tell.Okay lets play.Who starts first? ^.^ From where did you get all these ideas? You're a genius!!!