#88 - Hoseok x You

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

[disclaimer: I know nothing about Norwegian tradition. This was just the first place to pop into mind for the idea I had, so it’s all just for fun.]


One of the best things about visiting new countries is learning all sorts of new customs. You and your best friend Hoseok promised to travel the world together, even if you just take it one country at a time and not all back-to-back. The two of you found yourselves at a small church on the outskirts of Norway, fascinated by how beautifully it was constructed.


“So, after this is the museum right?” you asked Hoseok, glancing down at the list you made filled with the places you two wanted to visit.


“Yup,” Hoseok confirmed, grinning wide afterwards. “And then the club.”


You rolled your eyes and smacked him across the chest with your list. He’d never pass up a chance to admire the beautiful women—and men even—of any country. Once you finally stepped into the church, your breath was completely taken away. You couldn’t fathom how someone constructed something as beautiful and intricately detailed as this so long ago. You were soon joined by many other couples for the small tour of the place, but you were quite confused when the head of the tour pulled you and Hoseok up to the front of the church and had you join hands. Hoseok looked just as confused as you felt and you turned to ask the tour guide what was happening, but he soon began rambling in Norwegian to the crowd of people.


“Uh, Hoseok?” you whispered under your breath. Hoseok shrugged his shoulders and subconsciously tightened his grip on your hand.


The tour guide draped a sort of blanket over your shoulders, and you watched as the couples in the pews watched you in awe. After what felt like an eternity, applause erupted from the crowd as the tour guide—or so you thought was the tour guide—gestured for you guys to step down and take a seat.


“Congratulations!” a woman whispered as you sat next to her. Finally, someone that spoke English and could tell you what the hell was going on.


“Uh, on what?” you whisper back, almost afraid to hear the answer.


The lady giggled softly and patted the hand that was resting on your thigh. “On your marriage of course!”


You laughed awkwardly and immediately turned to Hoseok with a panicked look. “Um, Hoseok? Don’t panic, but I think we might have accidentally gotten married . . .”


Hoseok looked at you as if you had grown a second head. “What?!” You shushed him and grabbed his hand, leading him out of the church right before another “ceremony” was about to begin.


“Remember when we ‘signed in’ as we walked in? With the tour guide standing right there?” you asked, placing a hand over your mouth. “What if that was the marriage license?! Hoseok, I think we just got married!”


Hoseok placed a hand over your mouth, muttering something about you telling him to be quiet yet here you were yelling. “Melissa, there’s no way we just got married.”


You threw your hands up in exasperation and paced in front of the small church. “Today is Friday, right? Friday at 7 p.m. was supposed to be the tour. None of this marriage business.”


Hoseok’s expression grew sheepish and you simply let your head fall into your hands. “What is it, Hoseok?”


He cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest. “I think the tour is for next Friday . . . at 7 p.m.”


You just stared at Hoseok. Stared and stared and stared. “Well, what are we gonna do?”


“Let’s figure that out tomorrow, my wife,” Hoseok teased as he grabbed your hand and brought it up to your lips. Though the gesture might have given you butterflies—which you wouldn’t admit to under the most unimaginable types of interrogation—you pulled your hand back and slapped him across the chest again. He was truly going to have too much fun with this.

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 33: Did you know that you are a very sweet sister? Eventhough it is not related to BTS, I still love it ^^
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 32: Hoseok & period? Its a no,obviously xD I love that part.I think the girl is younger than him,right? Since she is still learning.
If this is happened to me,it can really brightened up my day <3
Banghimlo #3
Chapter 31: That is so cute!! >.< Then they become friends to best friends to soulmate <3 (I'm just giving you ideas)
Banghimlo #4
Chapter 30: Snowball fight!! <3 <3 <3
Banghimlo #5
Chapter 29: Why am I happy? Give me a sec because I want to make a list of food that I want for dinner too xD That was the best idea ever!!!
Banghimlo #6
Chapter 28: How many times do I have to tell you,I know who your bias is xD So it's their first day together? ^.^
Banghimlo #7
Chapter 27: What a gentelman he is
Banghimlo #8
Chapter 26: How sweet of you TaeTae <3 Lets have some fun,shall we? XD
Banghimlo #9
Chapter 25: I already know who your bias is ;)
Yoongi did all that for 'you'..wow <3
Banghimlo #10
Chapter 24: It is an interesting story to tell.Okay lets play.Who starts first? ^.^ From where did you get all these ideas? You're a genius!!!