#88 – NamJin

Send me a pairing/bias and a number and I’ll write you a drabble

“Don’t panic but I think we might have accidentally gotten married.”

Namjoon x Seokjin

Word Count: 819


          Hangovers are the pits. Whoever thought it was a good idea to recreate the type of experience from the movie Hangover was stupid… ’Oh wait that was me.’ Groaning as the palm of his hand pressed against his throbbing temple, Namjon tried to will himself back to bed. Eight minutes later and he knew this wasn’t going to occur. “Aish,” he grumbled and sat up much too quickly. The room spun like a top, bile rose up into the back of his throat, burning his esophagus. How to dash to the toilet while not falling over, because his legs couldn’t possibly be on solid ground was a mystery to him. An even bigger one was how he managed to be hugging the toilet bowl, up chucking the excessive amount of alcohol last night.

          Last night? Hah, this morning really. Seokjin and he had gone past the knocking out threshold to the all out drinking frenzy until one or both were cut off completely and not just from one bar. As Namjoon wiped his mouth, pieces of unintelligible food, maybe, stuck to his skin. Something scratched against his lip splitting it open. “What the-“raising his hand he saw a ring on his left hand, fourth finger, his ring finger. It was almost comical; a mostly eaten Ring Pop was on him. The poorly made jagged plastic had torn his dry, cracked thin lips. Almost comical, yes, almost because bits and pieces of memory were flashing in his mind as he threw up more of his already pretty empty stomach.

A loud groan followed by a rather harsh thump reached Namjoon’s ears. “Jin hyung? You ugh, you okay?” He was too weak, especially with another wave of nausea hitting him hard, to go check on the older male. The string of profanities that were strewn together let Namjoon know his friend was okay. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?” he chuckled, only to have his head over the bowl once more. Today was going to be a hard day. At least, it was Sunday and neither had anywhere pressing to be. Actually, where were they? A hotel for sure but…this piece of his memory was missing.

          A rather haggard looking Seokjin crawled into the bathroom wrapped in the bed sheet and waving his arms at the younger to move. Namjoon moved over slightly, he wasn’t ready to give up the only thing that didn’t tilt in odd ways just yet. “Move and share or I’ll puke on you.” The older grumbled with quite an aggressive glare. Namjoon moved to the other side, raising a brow. “Someone isn’t a morning person.” The elder ignored him as he was already spilling the contents of his stomach into the shared communal. Feeling a bit bad for his hyung, Namjoon reached over and rubbed his back. Seokjin flinched, slipping out of he others attempt at comfort. “Don’t you touch me Kim Namjoon. You’ve done enough damage.” He chuckled nervously, as this was his fault. They had danced on poles and atop bars last night and that was mild. The worse…well, Namjoon wasn’t ready to relive that just yet.

          Feeling a bit better he decided to try and find some clothes. He was quite nippy in just his birthday suit. On shaky legs, he managed to leave the bathroom floor. It took longer than it should but at least he now had boxers and a shirt on. Picking up a paper on the chair that looked like some kind of official document, re began to read it. “Oh !” Seokjin was grumbling as his head peeked out of their non-swirling paradise, leaning on the door frame, slightly swaying with a big question mark on his face. Rubbing the back of his neck while shaking his head, Namjoon looked from the document to Seokjin, to the document. More curses leaving his lips in whispers. Finally, he stopped but kept his eyes on the checkered carpet. “Uh, hyung, don’t panic but I think we might have accidentally gotten married.”

          The gaze coming from Seokjin was so intense that Namjoon was afraid real lasers would shoot from Seokjin’s eyes at any second. “Are you telling me Kim Namjoon, that you not only ed me raw last night when we don’t have that type of relationship but you ing married me too?” Namjoon raised his eyes to Seokjin’s and grinned showing off one dazzling dimple. Raising his red Ring Pop-clad finger, Seokjin glanced at his left hand only to see a matching green one. “Well, you know hyung, you’re supposed to consummate the marriage…and I kind of always wanted to.” The last of his words were mumbled but Seokjin caught the jist. Taking a few wobbly steps forward, Seokjin growled. “If my didn’t hurt to high hell right now you’d be dead.” Needless to say, Kim Namjoon ended up Kim Seokjin’s slave for the rest of the day.



A/N: I actually had a lot of fun with this one and ended up making it longer than I originally intended but still within the cap. I hope you all enjoy it as well <3

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