Uri Magnae Is Getting Married ???


-noon, at the girls apartment-

“Fiuhhhh!!! What a day!!” Na ra throw himself at the green sofa in the living room.
“Unnie….do you want some tea?” Eun sa asked from the kitchen
“Cold and sweet!!!…and give me big glass…I’m so thirsty!”
Few minute later eun sa come with 2 big glass of cold sweet tea and some cookies.

“So….I guess you had a very nice day today. Am I right??”
“Hmmm….well you can say so….”
“Hohohohoho…..keeping secret from me huh?”
“No…its not a secret..bcause it’s almost nothing actually….it just happen that…me and kyuhyun oppa have a same ice cream flavor. That’s all”
“Is that it??? Really??? I don’t believe it. I’m sure there are more….if not, how come your face red again, huh?…..” *chuckling*
“Yah unnie! Stop teasing me…”
“Okay okay…sorry…but I think, kyuhyun and you are gonna make a cute couple though!!” Na ra run to her room before she hit by a pillow.

-monday morning at the parking area-

“Omo!!! This isn’t happening!!! !!!” Na ra kicked her left front tire.
“Unnie, what’s wrong?”
“Flat tire at the monday morning, and I’m almost late”
“Uh oh….c’mon, I’ll find you a taxi”
They waited near a bus stop when suddenly kyuhyun, kibum and eunhyuk called their name. Eun sa explained why they waited at here and the 3 guys listened to them carefully.

“Wait, I’ll call hyung, who know he can help you noona”. Kibum fished out his cellphone and calling someone. A minute later, one silver sedan approaching them. The driver rolled down the passenger mirror. It’s heechul, he asked what happen. After a quick explanation, he offered na ra to come with him, her office it’s not far from his and it’s one way too. Na ra accepted the offer and said goodbye to the rest.

5minute later a bus came. Kibum and eunhyuk leaving first, because eun sa and kyuhyun took another bus. When their bus came. It’s full already and they tried not to fall down everytime the bus stopped. Kyuhyun tell eun sa to move a little so she can have a space. Suddenly the bus stopped and eun sa lost her balance, with reflect, kyuhyun catch her and pull her quickly. Now, eun sa face is in front of his chest. Kyuhyun tell her to hold his arm, so she can stand steadily. Eun sa gulped and try to remain calm, her hands carefully hold his left arm now.

“Hang in there okay, keep your balance. We’re almost there”. His voice feels so close to her…

‘Oh dear god!!!! Thank you….thank you!!!! I promise, I’d never hate the public bus anymore…never!!!this is soooo perfect…oh gosh!! I almost hug him!!!and his arm..ohhh….it feels warm and save…I think I’m gonna have heart attack now…my god!!!’

Eun sa keep smiling without kyuhyun acknowledgment. Little did eun sa know, kyuhyun actually try to remain calm too and his heartbeat beating rapidly.



to be continued

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