Uri Magnae Is Getting Married ???



-the next day, OASIS restaurant-

Today, youngmi told na ra to come to work after lunch, so she decided to take a lunch in the restaurant near the office. She ordered a dolsot bibimbap and lime juice. She sat alone and reading an interior magazine. She’s not realize that somebody stand beside her. The guy give a hint with the faking cough. She turned her head to the side, and found heechul.

“Hello. Mind if I sit here?”.
“Go ahead oppa”.
“Taking a lunch too?”.
“Yeahhh….I pick this place because I wanna get away from my coworker”.
“Tonight, they planning on some blind date again. And they push me to come, but I just not in the mood for something like that”.
“Any reason? I thought you always like party and for me you are like a mood boosting”.
“Hahahaha….you see, first blind date I was drunk and you had to took me home. Second blind date, I ended up in police station with your boss. And now I have to go for the third blind date?? NO WAY!! I’m pass…I don’t know what will happen tonight. Who knows if I might end up in some strange place out of nowhere or maybe worst”. Heechul show a disgusting expression, made na ra burst of laugh.
“Hahahahhaa…oh oppa….you’re not a jinx you know. Are you saying that the blind date is a curse for you??”.
“Whatever….everything bad, is not good for me”. He shaking his head and shivering.
“Hahahahahahaha….now you sounded like an ahjumma”.
“Yah!! Ahjumma is not me, it’s your boss”. Then they laughing, remember those silly fight.

“Na ra-ssi”. Suddenly heechul call her name in serious tone. She look at him with “what?” expression.
“You know, I want to ask you something”. She still give him a same expression, so he continue.
“I have feeling for you. I like you”. Na ra expression suddenly change into smile.
“Komawo oppa…for telling me your feeling. I’ll remember that. If I don’t have someone else in my heart maybe I can like you too”.
“I know. I just need to take this feeling out of my heart. And whatever your answer is I’m ready, at least I know I’m doing something good for myself”.
“You see oppa, you’re a ‘something’. I’m just not the right girl for someone like you”.
“Yeah maybe. But, we still friends right?”.
“Of course, you always had my friendship. And you are my precious oppa, the extraordinary one. Hehehe”.
“Pabo!”. Heechul playfully punch her arm and they laughing again. The next minute, na ra excuse herself to go back to work. She hug heechul with friendly and bid her goodbye. Heechul watching her from inside the restaurant, until she disappear. Then he texting his friend, informing that he will come for tonight, and he’ll bring another 2 friend. Kangin and hankyung. He think, he might need some party to forget his broken heart.

Back to the office, youngmi told na ra that she need to go to jeju island with so hee tomorrow. Their client complaining about something and it must be fix before wednesday, and youngmi already have a plan tonight. She’s trying to get another project. It’s important and huge project but the client is hard to persuade. She need to handle this, with her own way.

-noon, at campus-

Today, eunsa accompany kyuhyun in the studio. The FRIENDS will be sing again next week. They practicing a new songs. Eunsa really love the songs. It has a nice melody and refreshing. She wait for him in the corner, admiring her boyfriend who’s sing with all his heart.

At the outside studio many girls waiting for them. Usually they just gonna give them flower. Because yesung already told them that FRIENDS is happy enough if they just continue support them. But the girls insisted to gave them something. And sungmin said a flower will be okay.

Yesung and sungmin had to finishing their practice first. Leaving eunsa, kyuhyun and ryeowok at studio. The three got out at same time, a few girls still waiting for them. Handing them a flower and cheering them. Some girls looked at eunsa with annoying look, especially when they saw kyuhyun holding her hand.

Ryeowok need to go to library and doing some errands, so he says goodbye to the couple.

“Oppa…I think your fans is dislike me”.
“Nevermind eunsa-ah….you’re the one who holding my heart now”. And kyuhyun gave her a sweet sincere smile. Her heart become warm and she feel relieve.
“And you holding mine too”. Eunsa say shyly.
“Kaja! We go home now, shindong hyung told me that he’s gonna bring some delicious food today. You should come”.
“Eh?? Jinja??”.
“Yes, why not ? It’s gonna be more fun, tell na ra noona that she should come too”.
“Yes sir!!”. Then she doing a salute move, like soldier. Kyuhyun only laugh seeing his lovely girlfriend.

-boys apartment-

“Hyung!!! I bring eunsa here”. Kyuhyun shout from the front door. And another big voice from shindong replied him.
“GREAT!!! You guys can help me in the kitchen. The others is buying some beer and soda!!!”.
“Let’s go help him eunsa-ah”.

They enter the kitchen and saw a priceless moment. Shindong wear a pink apron like na ra used the other day. He’s cutting some vegetables and humming some song.
“Omo!! Shindong oppa!!”
“Hello young couple!!!”. Shindong greeted them with a cute pose and blink his eyes many times. His action made them burst out laugh and made eunsa blushing too. (‘Young couple he said…oh my gosh!!! Shindong oppa really-really lovely today!!hahaha’) eunsa tell to herself.

15 minute later the others and na ra came. Together they preparing the foods and drinks.    Today is not so full, because kangin, heechul, hankyung, sungmin, yesung and eunhyuk is out. When na ra want to go home, leeteuk stopped her.

“Na ra-ah wait, I want to….”. Leeteuk couldn’t complete his words because his phone ringing and he answer it without see the caller id first. His eyes focus on na ra. Then a shrieking voice came from the other line.
“OPPA!!!! Moshi moshi!!!! Maho-chan desu!!!”. With that loud voice of her, of course na ra can hear her too.
“Huh? Maho?”. Leeteuk have no idea where this girl got his number. Maho kept talking something and nonstop. Leeteuk mouthed na ra ‘chakkaman’. But na ra shook her head and said she really have to go now. She gave him a little smile and got out. Once again, leeteuk feel guilty.


-to be continued-

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