Uri Magnae Is Getting Married ???


-wednesday night, eun sa room-

She just finishing another report when her phone received a message. First, she thought it was her friend, but….no way! It says
(-kyuhyun oppa-) she’s screaming in silent and read the message.

‘Goodnight, are you busy?’ -KH-

(She quickly replied)
‘Nope…wae??’ -ES-


‘Hmm…can I call you, now?’ -KH-
(…And she screaming in silent, again)


‘YES!’ -ES-
(A minute later her phone rang and she push ‘answer’)


“Yoboseyo? Eun sa-ah?”
“Yes…” (‘Take a deep breath girl’)
“Hmmm….sorry if I interrupted you or what”
“Oh no, no oppa… But, what’s wrong”
“Nothing….I just…have you eaten?”
“Yes, about 1 hour ago. You oppa?”
“Not yet, maybe later”
“Careful oppa, please eat well…”
“Hahaha..thank you”
(Long pause)
“Ngghhh oppa…can I ask you something?”
(Eun sa feel nervous and try to composing herself before she talk again)
“Oppa….can I…hmmm…please don’t feel burden or ngghh..I mean…”
“Eun sa-ah…relax, I’ll listen”
“Okay… *take a deep breath again* can I like you?”.
Finally, eunsa said it
(‘Why???!!!! Oh no!!! I never think about this word…I think he will reply with simple answer like ‘yes’ or ‘no’ ottoke??? What should I say too him???’)
Eunsa pulled her hair, frustated.
“Uhhh….because…. I like you….”
(‘I said it!! Oohhhh somebody please hit my stupid head!!!’)
“So you like me? Is that so?”
“Yes, but oppa…please don’t hate me or feel burden, or annoying, I’m sorry I ask you this stupid question out of nowhere…jeongmal mianhe oppa….I just, I just want you to know…that I…I mean…since the first…aisssh!!!! Just forget it oppa…I’m stupid..mianhe, I’m not gonna…”. Eunsa can’t control her words, she’s panicking now.
“Can”. Her words cut by his voice
“Huh?? What? what are you saying oppa??”
“I said, you can like me”
“I CAN WHAT???!!”. She stand up and hold the lamp stand, preventing herself not to fall on the floor.
“Eunsa-ah…my turn now. Listen to me carefully, I said you can like me. I’m happy you asked that question. No, I don’t feel burden nor annoying, I just feel happy, because I LIKE YOU TOO. Goodnight eunsa-ah, see you tomorrow at campus”.

And….he ended the phone…leaving the shocking eunsa…her jaw dropped and jumping2 around the room crazily. She run to her cousin room. Found na ra stare at her like waiting something ‘bad’ will happen.


“Here she goes again…..”.
And…the hugging thing has started again, this time….a jump jump thing also added. She hugged na ra and then she release it, and then hug again, release it, jumping around and hug her again. Hopeless, speechless but happy for her little cousin. But her crazy reaction is just….
“OH NO!!! NOT AGAIN!!!!!”. Na ra screamed as the hugging-release-hugging-jumping start again.

-Kyuhyun POV-

‘Hmmm I wonder if she can hear me clearly and get my point. I just feel free when I said that I like her too. I have no burden feeling and simply full of happy now. I’m sure gonna let siwon hyung know about this, first time’.
Then he write an email to siwon. Simple, again.
“Hyung, my feeling is FOR HER too”. He click ‘send’ and smile widely. Thinking about he’s gonna meet her tomorrow made his heart beat rapidly and he had to take a deep breath, a few times.



-the next morning-

“Eunsa-ah….BE CAREFUL…walking away with those smile on your face, people can think the negative way though…”.
“Ohh…let it be unnie…I’M JUST SOOOO HAPPY!!!!”. She spread her arms and turning around the living room.
“I can see that, SOOOO CLEARLY….hahahaha”.

This morning, seems different, na ra still in her pyjama and flipping the magazines lazily.
“Yah, unnie…you don’t go to work?”
“Huh?? Weird….are you planning to skip out work??”
“Hahaha don’t be silly, no…today is special you know. My company received an invitation about the new opening restaurant and my boss asked me to go with her. Well she made a GOOD decision, bcoz that restaurant is decided to use my concept design. So I’m practically a MUST invited person hahaha”
“Waw!!! Unnie, congratulation!!!”.
“Thank you…so today…I’m just gonna wait here, preparing myself and at 7pm she will pick me up”. A happy smile drawn from her face.
“Good!!! Enjoy your time unnie..I’ll help with anything I can!”.

-canteen, at campus-

Kyuhyun and eunsa sat together. They seems awkward the first, but as time goes on both of them can relax and feel comfortable. A few student who walk passing them, throw a question look, again. But eunsa didn’t seems disturbing or what. Because her mind is FULL of him.
They got home together. And she’s more and more “fall in love” with public bus. Because in the crowded bus like this noon, he will be her knight. Ready to keep her save from falling down or another things.


to be continued

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