Uri Magnae Is Getting Married ???


-the park behind girls apartment-

Siwon and eun sa sat at the wooden long chair. For the first 5 minute they sat in silent. Until shiwon decided to talk first.

“Eun sa-ah…please listen to me. I have to say it all”.
“Fine oppa”.
He took a deep breathe and let it out to releasing his stress.
“The truth is….I like you. If you asked me now, why I like you, I don’t really have the answer. Then I don’t know if you like me too or not. I’m sorry for being a coward because I told kyuhyun to asked you, how’s your feeling to me. When I recall the day you helped with my mom b’day gift, I felt happy. But then when I know you had someone you like and plus with today dinner….I know for sure that I’m not ‘the one’ in your heart. It’s my little dongsaeng.  Or…leeteuk hyung used to refer him with ‘uri maknae’. Am I right?”. Shiwon looked at eun sa with sad but sincere smile.

She felt busted….and sad. She never want to hurt shiwon feelings. But she can’t lie to herself too. For eun sa, shiwon is someone she respect.
“I’m sorry oppa…..”
“It’s okay. I don’t have any burden feelings again tonight. At least I know you like the right guy. Not some randomly guy, hahahaha. But eun sa-ah….be careful…kyuhyun had a lot of fangirl. He might be shy and never realize his charm, but the girls know…right??”. He winked at eun sa who’s still looked at him seriously.
“It’s true that I like him. But I don’t know if he had same feeling too. I know, a LOT of girls at our campus like him. But I had to make sure something”.
“Make sure that he love you too….”
“Hahahaha….don’t give me sad face like that. You guys need one perfect moment to make sure that both of you are on the same page….anyway…I had to go back now, tomorrow I’ll be busy for sure”.
“Hmmm where do you want to go oppa? America?”.
“Yes, I want to expand my ability and my knowledge”.
“For how long?”.
“I don’t know…a year maybe, maybe more…who knows”.
“I’ll pray for you oppa. I know you can make it! And…..I hope you’ll find the perfect love for you”.
“Thank’s eun sa-ah…..”.
“Thank’s too oppa….”.

And with that both of them feel relieved and no burden anymore. 3 days later, shiwon go to america. Before he leave, he said something to kyuhyun. “Make sure your feeling is for her too”. And since then, kyuhyun promise himself that he’ll not disappointed his hyung and his own feeling. But everything need time to build it.

-flashback to one day before-

Not only shiwon but heechul feel something different to at that farewell night. He asked leeteuk the day after, about his feeling. Then he’s right. They both like the same girl. And heechul is not someone who gave up easily. He said to leeteuk that he will continue like her until someday she’ll choose him or him (leeteuk). Hearing this, leeteuk only smile and ready for sportive competition.


-to be continued-

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