20 question on way home

Uri Magnae Is Getting Married ???

The special chapter for 20questions. Each of them have 20question to ask anything they want. Play carefuly because you never know what the last question is. They played this from outside the campus main gate until they reached the apartment.

“I’ll ask first. What are you doing back there?”

(Eun sa)
“Ngghhh…the truth is, I was crying bcoz I’m upset and angry with my report. Next, and you oppa, what are you doing??”

“I’m just passing through when I realized there’s someone in student hall”

(Eun sa)
“And how do you know that it was me?”

“Hey hey hey…you asked twice. It should be me this time. I’ll answer you if you let me ask you twice too. Ok?”.

(Eun sa)
“Fine oppa”.

“The answer is….I just know that it was you *playful grin*….okay now my question, one, do you like shiwon hyung? And two, when is your birthday?”

(Eun sa)
“Yah, oppa your answer seems un-convincing. Hahaha…hmmm first, I like shiwon oppa, I respect him. *she looked at him carefully, but he seems fine*  Two, in december….hehehe. My turn!! When are you gonna singing again?”

“Eun sa-ah..there is 31 day on december…more specific. Hmmmm about that….maybe soon. We’re preparing another song. And now, do you like chicken or fish ?”

(Eun sa)
“Hahaha…you have to guess it oppa, it’s only 31 day *wink*.  Hmmm I prefer chicken. How about you? Rice or ramen ?”

“I think…..rice. Hmm which is better, summer or winter?”

(Eun sa)
“Summer I think…we can play all day long and if it’s too hot I’ll eat a dozen of ice cream!! Hahaaha. You oppa…spring or fall?”

“Spring…I like to see the flower blossom and fresh feeling when the wind breeze passing through is…amazing!!. My turn, milk or yogurt ?”

(Eun sa)
“Milk…hehehe…. Hmm do you like playing game oppa? Like computer game.”

“Yes…I can play for a whole day..hahaha. Okay, romance movie or horror movie ?”

(Eun sa)
“Both…depend on who’s the actor, story and my mood *grin*”…are you a dreamer oppa?”

8. (They walk to the bus stop)
“Not really…but I have a dream…and imagine something sometimes. You? Are you a dreamer?”

(Eun sa)
“Yes…because it made me happy. Oh oppa!! I want to eat topokki!!”. Suddenly eun sa run across the street and order 1 portion of topokki in foodstall. Kyuhyun smile happily and tailing her.

9.(At the foodstall)
(Eun sa)
“Do you want some oppa?…here’s the question. If you have a chance to change your past, would you change it?”

“No, because I believe there’s reason for every story in my past. And I can learn from that. How about you eun sa?”

(Eun sa)
“Me?? Hmmm….I want to change some things…if it’s for good reason, why not. Oppa…do you believe love at a first sight??”
(‘Oh no! I hope my question is fine for him’)

“Hmmm….yes *soft voice*…and you, do you believe it too?”

11.(They left a food stall)
(Eun sa)
(‘Whattt??? He believe it?? Yess!!!’)
“Yes…..I do believe it. Oppa, what is your imagination if you had to describe love in another word?”

“I never think of it before….maybe clef. You know, it’s like a music key. How about you?”

(Eun sa)
“Pandora box. You never know what is inside , every time you open it you’ll open the another box, it’s complicated but excited *smile*. So…when is your first love oppa?”
She glance at him for a while.

“Wahhh…it’s a long long time ago…I forgot her name, but she’s my piano teacher at junior high school”. And you?
(‘Aishh this girl made me nervous)

(Eun sa)
“Hahahaha what oppa??? Your piano teacher?? *laughing hard* And for me is…a boy who always pulled my hair at elementary school. Hmmm oppa…what are you afraid of?”

“HAHAHAHA you mocking my first love story,and your mine is more funny. You loved a boy who bullied you huh?? *nudge her shoulder* Let see….afraid?? Hmm anything that make me scare…*evil grin* and you? What are you afraid of???”

(Eun sa)
“Yeahh…I guess we’re even…we both had a lame first love story. Hahahahaha…oh…afraid, of course ghost!!!! Okay next question, hmm oppa, what is your ideal type of girlfriend?”
(‘Pabo!!! Are you thinking his answer will be “you”…pabo!!’)

*nervous cough*
“Hmmm nice girl who can understand me and love me only. How about you, ideal type boyfriend?”

(Eun sa)
“First, he must be taller than me. Second, he must love me too. Hehehehe…. Oh, we almost arrive oppa. Next, if you have to choose between smart and wealth, what are you gonna be?”

“Smart. You know, smart people are look richer than the wealth people. They had a strong aura and charisma. Eun sa-ah do you have someone you like?”. He stare at her with his oh-so-sweet-eye

16. (This time they off from the bus and walk to the apartment)
(Eun sa)
*faster heartbeat*
“Yes….(‘Omo!! Why suddenly he ask something like this’!) Why oppa?”

*smile* “no, I just want to make sure. Then…are you happy to like him?”

17. (They passing through the coffee shop)
(Eun sa)
“Yes” (‘ohhh….this is make me nervous’) “why oppa ?”

“I’m just curious. So, did he know that you like him?”

18, 19 (In front of the girls apartment)
(Eun sa)
“I…. I don’t know, I’m not…..really sure. Wait oppa, why you asking this thing?? Are you like someone ???”
(Her heartbeat getting faster)

“You ask me 2 question again. First, I just want to know. Second, yes…”
His eyes starring at her now.
“My turn. This sunday, are you already have a plan?”
*eun sa shook her head quickly*
“Then…would you go out with me??”
She can feel her own heartbeat suddenly stop. And she’s like run out of oxygen. Then she nod like a robot.

“Okay, I’m gonna pick you up at 8′o clock. Is lotte world sounds fine for you?”.
Again, she replied with the same action. Nod like a robot.
“Good, now…I have to go back, see you on sunday. Bye!!”.
Kyuhyun left her alone, standing still in front of the lobby door. Until na ra came and approaching her.

“Eun sa……” Na ra call her again, but she still like in the other world…she shake her shoulder, but eun sa stay still.
“Yah!! Park eun sa!!!”
“……I still have 1 question…..” Eun sa muttering something that make na ra become confused.
(‘What happen with this girl?? Is she knocked her head or what??’) Then, suddenly eun sa look at her and scream.
“Unnie!!!!!! Unnie!!!!! Kyaaaaaa….!!!!!! Oh god !!!…..”. Then she hugged her, tightly and jumping.
“Hey hey….what happen???!!! Eun sa-ah…why you acting crazy like this??”. But it seems that eun sa still in her own happy world.
“PARK EUN SA !!!!! Yah!!! Stop it now!!! Stop jumping and stop hug me…I…. Can’t …..breathe…..”. Eun sa reaction is still same like before. Na ra doesn’t have any choice then. She just wait until her cousin stop by itself.



to be continued

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