
Hidden Love

Busker Busker - Cherry Blossom Ending


Seyong actually didn't leave right away after you close the gate. He had actually waited for some time that is until he saw Key really comeback from work. He watched Key entered the house and finally, he walked away from the wall he had leaning against on. 

Whistling a song, he walk with his hands in his pockets. His mood was nice today. He felt a better than he were actually in the morning when he finds out that his father had came home drunk.

Speaking of drunk, he was walking until he met eyes with a person. *Yong Junhyung?*

He seems speechless at that sight of Junhyung. As far as he knows, Junhyung isn't the type that would get drunk. 

"Junhyung....?" He uttered, slightly has no idea what should he do.

Junhyung stopped and stumbled to the front but luckily he didn't fell.

"Are you okay...?" He asked in concerned. Although Junhyung is obviously is his rival to win ~~~~'s heart, he still think of him as a friend too.

Junhyung smirked. He hold his fingers out motioned at Seyong that he's definitely fine. Seyong shook his head and approached him. 

"Where have you been these days?" Seyong slung his arm around his neck and helped him getting to the way back home. Junhyung just smille slyly.

"You know, there's not much time left... when you thought...." he paused. Junhyung was in a deep thought for a while before he continued again.

Seyong looked at him inquiringly, "What is it?"

Junhyung snapped back to reality and turned to him. "I can count on you, can I?"Junhyung smile, amused. *Why did I even ask this stupid question like a girl at him?* 

Seyong really did getting anxious by times. "What? Just tell me already. Where's your key?" Seyong held out his palm waiting for Junhyung to hand him the gate's key.

Junhyung pulled out his arm off from Seyong. He stuck the keys into the padlock. The padlock click open. He pushed the gate bigger. "Get in, I've got some issues to tell you." He invited Seyong in.

The two get in. Seyong looked around the house. He was taken aback when he saw the house furnitures were covered in white fabris sheet. He was about to ask him why when Junhyung gestured him to the kitchen.

Without saying anything much, he comply. He take a seat at the table. 

"I'll get you drink. Soju? or just plain coke?" Junhyung pulled the fridge open. Seyong shook, "Just a coke." Junhyung nodded and took out a can of coke from the fridge.

"Here you go..." He slide it on to the table to Seyong. Seyong nod, "Thanks."

He smirked, "No problem, doofus." Seyong gaped at him. *Bwoh?! Ungrateful bastard don't you?* He glanced at Junhyung in irritation all written over his face. He snapped back at the condition of the house.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, "What happened to your house? In auction? Because you didn't pay for the rent?" 

Junhyung gulped sourly at the last guess. "I'm not that stupid." He retorted. "Sure you don't." Seyong raised his eyebrow and take a sip of the coke again. "Then....?" Since Seyong still didn't get the answer, he demanded to know the answer.

There was a silent for a while. Seyong didn't bother to ask or said anything because Junhyung seems like he's still wondering, should he tell him or not. It's not that he doesn't want to tell ~~~~. He's just afraid how he will confront her later on. He won't be able to do it too so.

"I'm going back to the States. America indeed." He spoke after a brief silent those two make. 

Seyong paused. "America?" He inquiried. Junhyung looked at his cans coke, and founded himself slightly nodding.

As if being electric shock. Seyong sat up in alarmed. "And have you told ~~~~~?"  

Junhyung turned and looked at him. As if like Seyong knows how to read the expression or not, he knows that looks. "No? What are you thinking about??" He snapped, ticked off by seconds right now.

"I-I can't." Junhyung stuttered. He had expected this coming. "And what are you planning to do?" Seyong asked with gritted teeth. 

"I don't get it, why won't you tell her? How about her? Your bestfriend, your- your...." He find himself can't uttered the word in front of him. Junhyung waited for him to say it this time. "...What?"

Seyong inhale deeply with a loud sighed emitted from his mouth. "Your soon to be girlfriend." He looked away. He can't confront this man about this. He can't believe it he had just said it.

Junhyung was clueless at first that's it until he realised what he had said. "What the hell are you talking about...?" Junhyung looked as if he tried to think of what should he say next.

"....I saw it. I hate to admit this, I-I saw you two kissed during the camp," he can't looked at this guy. How he hated himself. Like a man with no guts, he try his best to avoid his eyes.

"Y-You d-did?" 

Seyong nodded once, twice, "I did."

There was another tensed silence filled the air at that time. "...Just please don't tell her at this moment." Junhyung sounds like as if he's begging him. Seyong felt guilty gush all over him. He can't betrayed him because he had a reason if he only tell him. He also can't do this to you because you're like a pure gold. He can't hurt you.

"When are you leaving?" Seyong finally looked at him and asked him.

"Next Wednesday, 11.15 A.M." Junhyung replied flatly.




Chapter coundown! :D 

Next is the last chapter *sob sob*


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I am beyond furious right now! Chapter 42 was supposed to be update or had updated but it didnt! SHEESH! I'm so disappointed. The content for ch42 is gone!!


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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 54: Awwww.....done reading this! Loveeee it. :)
Chapter 54: So abrupt this ending i was specting more drama about the people who break into Jun house, well..
Por fin!aleluya! Update soon xd
mprincess #4
kyaa, update sooon.. (:
Update soon please.
fantasticHello #6
Ahh.I hope *me* can forgive Junhyung.But actually it's good that I already knew about his feelings about me.hahaha
Update soon.
fantasticHello #7
Oh no.Oh yes!Thanks for the nice update.I wish me and Seyong would break up.lol
Just kidding.Update soon!
fantasticHello #8
Haha.You really love Exo. LOL
Well,I'm craving for me ang Junnie's moments.
Update soon!
And maybe more junhyung and the girl ^^