
The Last Single Girl


The biggest responsibility of a woman is being a Mother. Not every woman is given that great honor, and the ones who does, go through a needle whole every day just to get by. But their love, it can cross the widest ocean and climb the highest mountains.

A few weeks more and I’m going to see my baby boy already. This pregnancy is one heck of an experience, but there are far more good things than bad.

A couple of days ago, the nursery room Jiyong and Yuna decorated is finally done. Its walls are colored Ivory and Black, just what I agreed to. The beautiful baby bed with light blue sheets is personally picked by Jiyong, along with other stuff he bought all throughout my pregnancy. My feeding chair is especially made in my liking, and the DIY led lights on the ceiling that gives the illusion of bright shining stars, by Yuna, looks really amazing. Yong will surely have fun under it.

“Oh” I saw a post-it note on the refrigerator door (it’s been almost a month since the last one).

I’m going to be in rehearsals maybe till the wee hours. Noona will be there in a couple of hours Please, don’t do crazy things with her, like watching horror movies. If you want, you two can go to Dolce Vita, but be sure you’ll behave there (I know you. I have a strong feeling that you’ll walk around the property and stay by the lake for hours). Call me if you need something. See you when I get back!



This day is going to be so much fun! Jiyong is letting me out of the apartment to somewhere far. Maybe he realized that I badly need some fresh air. Also, some time with myself before the baby comes coz once he’s here, I wouldn’t even have a minute to myself.

I spent an hour and a half on the couch, watching TV. Dami Unnie arrived with a bag of organic snacks once again and forced me to try a bread that tastes bland. She got into this organic food thing after her best friend asked her to try it. Then, she tried injecting it into the family but we’re not big fans at all.

“Jiyong called me and said that he’s letting you go to Dolce Vita today” she said while munching on a bowl of grapes.

I excitedly nod. “He finally let me to a two hour drive”

“True!” she took a bite of the organic apple she’s deliciously munching, “That kid, he’s so protective that if I were you, I’ll surely rebel and break his insane rules”

“Aigoo Unnie, you know him. He overthinks and exaggerates sometimes” I said, and she rolled her eyes.

Honestly, Jiyong being so protective is fine with me, especially after seeing how much he cares for me and my baby. Yes, he may go overboard at times, but he’s considerate.

“The nursery is spotless!” Unnie walked out of the room after checking it.

I nod in agreement. “Yuna and Jiyong teamed up really well”, then I sighed in frustration.

I still can’t help but be frustrated every time I think about the two. They really have chemistry. If only Yuna is single.

Unnie laughed. “Yah! Jiyong told me that you want to hook them up. What’s the matter with you?”

So he did share it with his sister.

“Have you seen them together?” I asked.

She nodded and joined me on the couch again. I faced her fully. “There’s chemistry, right?” and she shook her head. “What? Unnie! They complement each other physically. And, given that they’re both creative people, I’m sure they’ll click”. My voice is too pitchy to think that I’m just explaining.

After staring at me for a while, “Areumie” she called, still not taking her eyes off mine. “Please be honest with me”


“Sure Unnie!”

She take a breath and exhaled with a smile. “Don’t you feel any love for Jiyong anymore? I mean, romantic love”

Dr. Nam have asked me this question over and over again in the past, and I never give her a decent answer. This time, I guess, I have to.

I sighed. My head suddenly filled up with thoughts. I know I will speak out the truth, I’m just gathering myself up. “The truth is, I still love him…”

Oh, there it goes.

“…as a girl who wants a boy. Thing is, my situation is just too complicated that I don’t want him to be in this mess with me” my heart is about to explode. For the first time in a long time, I’m finally speaking what’s really in my heart. “I’m a very heavy load Unnie, and Jiyong is so kind to carry me on his back, same with the family. You guys are so good to me, to the point that sometimes I feel ashamed of myself already. I don’t want Jiyong to take responsibility of my baby because it’s just not right. If he’s going to have children, I want them all to be his own flesh and blood, not just because he was given no choice but to accept one. I’m sure he can feel and see that I still love him, and that love will never fade. We are happy where we are now, and this is where we should stay”

All Unnie can do is hug me. She still want to ask other questions but didn’t for some reason. Maybe she heard enough or maybe she doesn’t want me to be emotional anymore.

“He will forever love you, Areumie, even when both of you find other partners in the future. You’re his one great love. Girls after you will surely have a hard time getting that badge off you coz even the girls before you never did”

Hearing this, my heart melted. Jiyong and I didn’t last long, but he is also my one great love. Yes, I’ve found him. Well, he may not be ‘the one’, but he’ll forever be in my heart. No man can kick him out of his throne.

“And…”Unnie reached for my hand and squeezed it a little, “You are part of our family. You’re no stranger. We are happy to take care of you, and we will do the same to your baby”

My emotions played the very pregnant me for hours. Unnie even has to crack corny jokes in the hope that I’ll lighten up. It worked a little, but not enough to completely get me out of being hormonal.


Dr. Nam unexpectedly called me. “Hey! How are you doing?”

Still a bit emotional. “Good. I’m near to popping out” I said, while rubbing my stomach.

“Oh yeah! Your little boy is going to see his Omma soon” her happy tone made me smile.

If only I can describe the bursting happiness I feel whenever I think of my baby, and finally seeing him. I wonder what it feels like holding him in my arms. Who does he look like?

“So…” there’s something more than checking on me. I can sense it.

Dr. Nam cleared . “As much as I hate to disturb you, the Neuro Department needs you”

This is something serious. I mean, they wouldn’t call me for work when I’m on leave if it isn’t.

“We have two year old conjoined twins transferred from a hospital in Daegu to ours. They’ve been here for over a month now. Tests and observation has been done, we gave a go signal for surgery. We need you at the simulation because you’re one of the best, your guidance is badly needed”

High-risk. This surgery can go from one way to another. I’ve never seen them yet but I can easily tell. I’ve participated in separating conjoined twins in the past as well. These children needs help.

“When is it?” I asked, already preparing a good reason to convince Jiyong and the family to let me participate.

“It’s today. Sorry for the short notice coz at the very last minute, I’m battling with myself if I’m going to count you in or not” Dr. Nam answered with a sigh.

“No. Don’t apologize. I’m actually glad you counted me in”

And I’m off to the hospital. It took me some time to convince Dami Unnie to permit me to go. As for Kwon Appa and Omma, they pity the children, so they allowed me to help. Jiyong on the other hand, doesn’t know anything yet. I think Kwon Appa is going to be the one telling him. Cross fingers, he’ll not throw a fit.

I asked Unnie to just drop me off instead of walking me inside the hospital. She is heading to her shop while waiting for me.

The moment I stepped foot at the Neuro department, Doctors greeted and asked me how I was, immediately after, we get into action. Simulation is where we run through every detail of the surgery as if it’s the real thing. We correct the wrong, and improve.

“Baby A’s heart rate is dropping” I said through a microphone, while looking at the monitor.

Chill guys, baby A is just a dummy same with baby B.

“This is stressful” I whispered to myself while trying to decipher what went wrong. “We need to close the veins as fast as possible or else baby B’s brain will have a clot” I’m feeling so much tension that the real baby inside me is moving extra crazy.

The clock continuously tick and we’re finally done. The simulation is a success. All that’s needed are the twins and a lot of prayers for things to go well as planned. They will be two angelic individuals in a few days. Too bad, I cannot participate in the actual surgery.

“Death” I said after checking on who’s calling me.

I’m with Dr. Nam in her office, discussing the simulation (this is how Doctors sometimes are. Instead of gossiping, we’re still on work mode).

“What?” she asked in confusion.

I showed her the flashing screen. She chuckled. “Sure death”

Here we go…

“Hi Jiyongie! What’s up?” I need to play this cool or else, he’ll be spitting meter long fire like a real dragon.

“Don’t... ‘what’s up’ me”. Oh, there it is. The first wave. “What the heck were you thinking? Why did you go there when you know so well that you’re more sensitive now than ever? You’re weeks away from your due date, damn it!”

Ok Areumie, explain. CALMLY.

“Jiyongie, this is a call of duty. Yes, I’m already there, I shouldn’t put myself into so much given my condition, but how do you think can I say no? They need me. And, it’s not that much anyway”

It calmed him down a bit. I know he can feel what I feel and that he’s also thinking of the babies, just that he’s worried for me.

“How is it? How are you feeling?” the anger has faded and the fire, extinguished.

I take a deep breath and feel myself. The baby is still making weird movements. “The simulation went well. We were able to polish the procedure. Everybody is more than ready to get to it. As for me, I feel good. Just a little tired but I can still function. Don’t worry”

He sighed. “Please rest once you get home. Noona will stay for the night for you to have company. I’ll be here till early morning tomorrow”

Like before, G-dragon is working his off day and night again, and I’m so happy for him because he’s on a roll once more, a very enjoying place for him.

We hanged up minutes before Dami Unnie arrived. She got some clothes for me to wear post-birth, from her shop. I must say, I’m looking forward to no baby bump and no back aches, just larger s.

Once home, all I can do is lie on the couch while feeling my baby boy moving round and round. I asked Dr. Lim through phone about it and she told me that this happens, especially when the due date’s already near. However, if he continues this crazy moving, I need to be rushed to the hospital for further check-up.

“Alright baby boy, it’s time to sleep” I keep on rubbing my stomach, while praying for the baby to chill and let the weeks slip smoothly. Giving birth early has its pros and cons.

Fortunately, he stopped after I ate a whole bowl of strawberries for a midnight snack. Unnie is already sleeping beside me, while I toss and turn in bed because I feel so uncomfortable.

“Oh!” I sit up upon hearing the front door open. Jiyong is home at last. I’m pretty sure he’s dead tired.

And because I can’t sleep yet, I decided to go out of my room. I saw him on the couch, feet up on the table, with the television on.

“Hey!” I said, walking towards him.

He jerked up. “You’re still awake”

I joined him on the couch, carefully sitting down. “Can’t sleep. I feel so uncomfortable”

Worry is all over his face. “Do you want a glass of water? Food?”

I smiled. “Water”

Jiyong dragged himself to the kitchen and as I try to find a comfortable spot on the couch, I felt some kind of liquid trickling down my thigh.

“Oh my!” my eyes go big in shock. “My water just broke” I shouted, and soon after, I started having contractions.



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Chapter 125: lmao i knew he was there when she went over to mark's
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 125: Oh my...
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Chapter 23: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Chapter 124: Please go after him he needs you areum... I want the kwon family together again plz...
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Chapter 124: Awww she should go after him
Chapter 123: oh this isn't good at all...
not in front of their kids too
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Chapter 123: Oh boy, this isn’t good
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Chapter 122: Freedom!!!! Finally!!!!!! I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 122: he's here!
now how will their conversation go?
thanks for all the updates :)
happy holidays!
Chapter 120: time skip again, wow a year and a half went by
finally his marriage is over and done with!