
The Last Single Girl


Setting my thoughts aside, I headed to the hospital where tons of work needs to be done, and it’s only morning. I bet I’ll be busier in the afternoon.

“Doctor Jeong, the board has decided to send you to London for a seminar” Doctor Lee said, she called me to her office in between my rounds.

The perks of being a Doctor, you get to see the world through seminars abroad. Drag is, only a day in the one week given is a free day. I’m lucky to squeeze in short shopping trips after a session. But then again, this can be counted as a vacation.

“When do I leave?” I asked. She gave me the invitation, “In three days”

Woah! This is the shortest notice I got. Oh well, whether I like to go or not, I don’t have a choice.

A week away will be very refreshing, though technically I’m still working, at least I’ll get to breathe different air and be in a different environment.

“Miss Amelia Simons called, Doc. According to her she’s a college friend. I told her you’re in a meeting, and will inform you about her call after” my assistant said when I checked in on her. “Did she leave her contact number?” I asked, curious as to why I’m being contacted by her.

Truth is, in my five years in the university, I can count with my fingers the numbers of friends I had. And, Amelia is not one of them. As a matter of fact, she bullied me after I replaced her as the top student of the Med Department. In all fairness to her, she really is intelligent. Too bad, I’m more than that (give me this chance to brag *wink*).

“Hi Elle!” she greeted, after I introduced myself. Her voice hasn’t changed, it’s still high pitched. “My assistant told me you called” I sounded so much like a Doctor, “What can I do for you?”

She giggled, “Well, I called to invite you to our batch reunion”. The excitement in her voice is so rich, I felt excited for a second. “It’s going to be two weeks from now at UM (University of Melbourne). I, together with Baley and Shane are the organizers. I know you’re busy, we all are” she chuckled, “And it’s a short notice, but it’s going to be a fun get-together! Of course, we can’t leave out the flag bearer of our batch. I really hope you can come” she finally finished talking.

Felt the bitterness there? It seems like this woman still can’t get over her loss, ages ago! And I’m suddenly in demand. Looks like these upcoming weeks will be fully packed.

Thinking of it, I can take two weeks off duty, for I hadn’t filed for any leave this year yet. Thing is, I’m not that good leaving my patients for long.

“C’mon Elle! It’s been years since you last joined the reunion! We have it every two years and you only showed up once. Don’t you want to go back to your college years and reminisce crazy memories?”  Amelia is so pushy.

To answer that question, I’m not as thrilled to bring back ‘crazy memories’ because 1. The craziest thing I’ve done in college is give up my ity, 2. I did nothing but study. The times I socialize are whenever I’m in class, answering questions from the professor that my classmates cannot answer, 3. The few times I went to the club with my friends I never let myself get drunk because I don’t want to deal with a hangover the next day. I don’t like reunions simply because I’m just not into throwbacks.

In the end, and just to shut Amelia’s mouth I agreed to go. Yes, I’m going to Australia after my seminar in London, and it’s so insane of me.

“Book me a flight from London, after my seminar, to Melbourne” I told my assistant before I leave for my rounds again. Jiyong will surely be shocked once I tell him about this.

Hours passed with my plate so full. It’s like a buffet. A patient who is in remission from Cancer came in for a check-up, just to find out that it has come back. He’s a teenager (16), totally devastating. As always, bad news goes with good news. The infant that was admitted for Pneumonia is now released. These are the times I see the balance of life.

After work, I decided to surprise Hong Shik since he’s been bugging me for two days now to see him perform in a newly built lounge bar in Itaewon. So, in my pro-outfit (mustard yellow long sleeves button-up, black pants and closed toe high heels), I drove to the bar and arrived just in time for his performance. For some reason, he doesn’t look as bright as I remember him. Maybe he’s worn out from performing night till dawn almost every day.

Sitting at a table near the stage, I ordered a glass of blood orange and a bowl of fries with melted cheese with mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise dipping sauce (Jiyong hates these trio).

First song: Severely – FT Island *It was very good. I’m kind of addicted to how it was arranged*

Second song: Rainism – Rain *Not that fond of the arrangement, but still good*

Third song: I’m going crazy – Se7en *So-so. I prefer the original*

Fourth song: Eyes, Nose, Lips – Taeyang *This is one of my favorite songs and Hong Shik gave justice to it, JJANG!

At this point, my fries have run out. I’m controlling myself not to order another bowl again.

Fifth song: Demon – Jay Park *Nailed it!*

Sixth song (last): Bang Bang Bang – Big Bang *Hmm...how do I say this? It was fun, but not as fun as hearing Big Bang sing it*

Hong Shik’s performance time is longer than usual, and he did a really great job. It’s just now that I noticed his mad guitar skills.

“You’re here!” he went straight to me after going off stage. I smiled, “Surprise!” I sounded so playful. He settled next to me with his guitar in an upright position in between his legs. I can smell cigarette on him. “You’re eating!” he said as if in shock, upon seeing the empty bowl of fries on the table. I giggled, “Do you want me to order food for you? Are you hungry?”

In most of my dates, the guy always pays for the food and whatever comes next to it that needs to be paid. I offer to pay half though, but they insist, just like Jiyong who gets mad whenever I pay for our meals or some things he shopped for when we’re shopping. There’s this one guy though, that made me pay for our food after leaving me with another girl on our date (you know who he is), he , BIG TIME!

Hong Shik said he doesn’t want to eat, but he ordered drinks for us. I’m on my second glass of punch. I’m going to need the restroom badly to pee from time to time, for sure.

Something doesn’t feel right. Unlike the first time we met, he is not talkative. I try to get the conversation going, but it goes downhill faster than my brain can think of what more to say. If this goes on, this second date is not going to be fun at all.

“Hey” I nudged him with my elbow and he looked at me, half smiling. “You sick?” Instinctively, I touched his forehead with the back of my hand, “You’re not hot” I said, frying my brain thinking of other reasons why he’s not in his element.

“Do you have a problem?” I faced him fully and smiled “You can tell me”

From the way he looks at me, I can tell that there’s something he wanted to say. At this point, I cannot help but have crazy thoughts. Is he going to tell me he doesn’t want to meet me anymore? Or, he’s got another girl that is much better than me?

This is driving me insane!

“What?” I’m growing impatient. He was startled. I sighed heavily and reached for his hand. “C’mon, tell me. Getting it out of your system will make you feel better, trust me”

I gave him enough time to gather himself up until he started. “My Omma and Brother and I were kicked out of our apartment” I gasped in shock. “Our landlady doesn’t want to give us a month to settle our rent. She wants it on hand this morning but our savings are not enough. So, she kicked us out. Omma and my Brother are with one of my Hyungs. The problem is, he and his wife can only take the two of them in, leaving me without a place to stay. My other Hyung said he can take me in just for tonight because he and his wife are only living with his in-laws”

Now I know why he’s so glum tonight. He’s homeless, and I feel so bad. Good thing his hyung took in their Omma and Dongsaeng, at least they have a place to stay in already.

“Ah!” I snapped up. “You can stay with me”. I looked into his eyes, trying to read what’s running in his head. “That is, if it’s fine with you to live with a girl”

It’s not likely of me to offer my apartment to people, especially to a man. One of my million rules, as a matter of fact, is no man other than Jiyong can stay in. But, Hong Shik needs my help, and taking him in is the only way I can think of right now.

Surprised by my offer, he stared at me, making me feel really awkward. I think I even blushed. “It’s not likely for a girl to offer her home to a guy, but this is the only option for now, I think, because if you’re going to rent, you won’t be able to pay your debt as soon as possible. Don’t worry, I will not ask money from you. I’m here to help”

If Jiyong can hear this, he will drag me out of the bar and scold the heck out of me. He will surely tell me how stupid I am, but I hope he can understand since my intentions are clean. I’m here to help, nothing more, nothing less.

Hong Shik is speechless. He’s considering. If I were him, I will grab the offer since I’ve got no place to go at all.

“Aren’t you even a bit scared to take someone in, someone you just met?” he asked. I dig deep in me for the answer, taking some time. “No, because even if we just met I’m already comfortable with you and believe me, it’s never like this to most of the guys I’ve had the chance to get to know”

My piece made him agree. He decided not to go to his other gig and move in with me instead. We drove to his friend’s house first where his things and some of his family’s are. There are three huge boxes. According to him, what’s inside of each basically sums up their whole apartment.

This is the very first time I brought a guy home. None, from the many guys I’ve met has ever been here.

Opening the door, “I’m sorry for the mess. I don’t have time to tidy up” I walked in first, turning the lights on. My haven welcomed him in the plainest way.

“Waaa” he looked around while I head straight to the refrigerator for a glass of water. I got one for him as well.

At the counter island, “There’s nothing in here that’s interesting” I told him, and he joined me. “You’ve got so many books” he said and I gave out a sigh. “I love to read”. If only he knows what kinds of books are in the first shelf, he will surely get shocked for all of them are medical books.

“Oh! I don’t know where to store the boxes. I’m sorry it’s taking a lot of space in your living room” he said and I pointed at an empty corner, hoping that the boxes can fit there. “You can put them there. My storage room is small and it has a lot of things in it already” I said and helped him carry the boxes.

The air in the apartment is awkward, which is expected for this is the first time we’ve been alone, as in just the two of us.

“How long have you been friends with GD?” he asked while I’m cutting apples to snack. “Twenty years” I replied, and I heard him gasp. “We’ve been friends since ten years old”

“All the while I thought he’s best friend is Taeyang” he said and I called him to the couch with the plate of messily cut apples on the center table. “They are really the best of friends. Their closeness and ours are not that different. I’m Taeyang’s girl version in Jiyong’s life” I chuckled and he does too.

“You must’ve been through heaven and hell together” he continued “Twenty years is no joke”. I take in a breath and exhaled heavily. “We’ve been through heaven and hell and back. He’s family. We grew up together, learned together, and got hurt and cried together”. Thinking of all the things Jiyong and I have gone through is making me emotional.

To my shock, Hong Shik pulled me closer to him. Odd, but being in his arm is like being in Jiyong’s. For some reason, I loosened up and wrapped my arm around his waist. This is the closest we’ve been.

“Thank you for taking me in” he said in the softest voice I heard of him. I looked up at him with a smile on my face. “No problem”. Another shocker, he kissed me on the lips.


That’s the door.

“Einstein! I….”



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Chapter 125: lmao i knew he was there when she went over to mark's
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 125: Oh my...
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Chapter 23: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Chapter 124: Awww she should go after him
Chapter 123: oh this isn't good at all...
not in front of their kids too
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Chapter 123: Oh boy, this isn’t good
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Chapter 122: Freedom!!!! Finally!!!!!! I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 122: he's here!
now how will their conversation go?
thanks for all the updates :)
happy holidays!
Chapter 120: time skip again, wow a year and a half went by
finally his marriage is over and done with!