Uh Oh...

Mail Order Leo

When you got back you deposited the groceries on the table and quickly set to putting them away. You had stopped on the way back to grab a late lunch snack and coffee at Leo's favorite cafe, but that choice hadn't been the best for your groceries. You opened the fridge and put the eggs away first before storing everything else in its proper location, leaving you with a clean kitchen. Leo was staring at the star fruit on the counter with curiosity.

“We can cut that after dinner,” you said, running a hand through your hair. “In the meantime, do you want to start cooking? I want to hop in the shower real quick.” It had been hot and humid, a weather combination that you weren't particularly fond of.

“Okay,” he said, agreeing to both statements. He turned his attention to the shelves as he visualized what he needed. “Call if you need me... or want me.” He glanced at you and met your gaze briefly, raising an eyebrow. The offer, it seemed, was a serious one. Before you could respond, however, Leo noticed your expression and smiled softly. “Or maybe next time.”

You smiled back, appreciative of both his flirtation and gentle retreat. “Maybe,” you responded, before slipping into the bathroom to slow your pounding heart. You leaned against the door for a second and bit your lip at the thought of Leo joining you. Maybe it would be best if you showered with cold water.

You reached awkwardly to the side of the dress, looking for the zipper. The angle was difficult, but you had done it countless times before. This time, however, it was being stubborn, and by the time you got the top hook undone the zipper itself was well stuck on the fabric and you were blushing furiously. Limiting options weren't really a preference, but there you were, stuck in your clothes. And since you had already told Leo you were going to shower, you couldn't say “never mind” without a raised eyebrow and quiet interrogation. With a sigh you went to the bathroom door and pulled it open an inch, spying Leo in the kitchen turning on the stove top. You bit the inside of your cheek but pushed open the door all of the way anyway.

Leo looked back to you in surprise as you reappeared in the room. You were expecting him to immediately make some joke about getting in the shower with you-- sometimes you wondered how he could do that when otherwise he was so quiet and polite-- but instead he came over, seemingly concerned.

“Are you okay? Is the shower not working?”

He was overreacting, but then again you were being a blushing idiot, arms firmly crossed over your chest. With a sigh you turned around and presented him with the stuck zipper.

“Can you undo this, please? Its stuck and I can't reach.” He was your boyfriend, you reminded yourself. This shouldn't be a big deal.

“Oh.” Leo seemed a bit taken aback, surprised. “Sure.” He fiddled with it for a moment before the zipper came free, sliding low enough to present him with your .

“That's fine!” You jumped away, back towards the bathroom, and swung the door closed behind you. “Thank you!”

“S-sure,” Leo mumbled, but you had already escaped.

Regardless of whether it was a little cooler than usual, you took your shower quickly; you were getting hungry, and even in the bathroom you could smell whatever Leo was cooking. You rubbed your towel through your hair quickly when you got out to at least make it stop dripping. You grabbed your bathrobe off the hook in the door and turned the knob, not willing to take a chance with a sticky zipper again. You would put on something more comfortable instead, so you went towards your room.

“She isn't available--” you heard as you stepped into the hallway; that was Leo's voice. Someone came over? Being that you were in only your bathrobe, you waited behind the corner. From here, you couldn't see into the entryway, but you waited a second to see who it was; you would be able to hear them.

“I'm not here for her.” It was N's voice, the same happy tone as usual, though it paired strangely with his words. You gained clarity for just a second, knowing that he had been coming, but what he was saying confused you again. “I'm here for you.”

You felt Leo's growing icy demeanor all the way from where you were standing. “I already told you I'm not interested.”

“You're a cyborg. Certainly, your... affections can change?” You heard N push his way inside and close the door behind him. “She doesn't even have to know.”

What the hell, you thought, leaning around the corner to see if you could get a peak of them despite your less-than-appropriate outfit. You could just barely see the two of them, N smiling deviously as he took a step closer to Leo.

“I told you, I'm not interested.”

N took yet another step closer, running a hand up Leo's chest. You made a small squeal of a sound, but it appeared that no one heard you, and you stifled it, afraid to interrupt. “But,” he leaned forward and whispered in Leo's ear, just barely loud enough for you to hear, “You haven't tried me yet.”

N jumped forward and smashed his lips against Leo's, shock running through both you and Leo. Without thinking you to jumped out of your hiding spot and rushed to Leo's side to pry that bastard off of him. What the hell was happening?! Before you could make it there, Leo gathered himself and responded, shoving N back so hard that he flew into the door with a bang and slid to the ground. Leo looked down on him coldly, and ice you have never seen in his eyes, while N looked up at him a bit dizzily.

“You can see yourself out. Don't come back.”

Leo turned away from him to see you standing there, dripping wet in your robe with your mouth halfway to your knees in shock. He looked nearly as startled to see you there as you were to see him.

“Nothing happened,” he rushed to clarify, “N just--”

But all you could focus on was the way his pink lips formed the words. N kissed those lips.


How was that chapter?? :3

Sorry to interrupt your reading yet again, but after some great inspiration from leebona101 I'm contemplating keeping Mail Order Leo going. I would probably start another story anyway, though, and update this one more slowly. Any thoughts?

Thanks for being such awesome and dedicated readers, if you made it this far then please go get yourself a cookie! You're all the best. I hope you continue to enjoy :)

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coming here to read this again after watching the kdrama absolute boyfriend starring yeo jin goo and min ah.
Chapter 64: such a lovely story! saving this as one of my favourites :)
144 streak #3
Chapter 64: This was such a cute story!! I really liked all the sweet moments.
First off I have to say that "Absolute Boyfriend" was the first manga I ever owned and has a very special place in my heart, I literally sobbed at the end and I am dying to reread it, but don't know that I could ever put myself through that again, but I love it so much. That said, when I came across your story, I was excited and nervous to read it, I honestly didn't want to, but I decided to take the chance because I absolutely love the plot. THANK YOU for not letting your story end like the original series, I don't think I could've taken it. I loved this, I loved it so much I've added it to my list of favorite VIXX stories, I loved it! I'm fairly new to VIXX and I've been trying to decide if I wanna write for them, so I've been going around looking for different interpretations of Leo and yours is one of my favorites so far. I read another story of yours and didn't realize it was you until I just skimmed your list of stories. You have yourself a new follower! Thank you again and I hope you come back soon, I'm hoping to request if you still take them! (By the way, I would've gladly taken Ken as my b/f, the girl who let him go was insane, clearly, his nose is one of the best things about him.)
Number2elf #5
Chapter 59: Rawr ;) ^-^
Number2elf #6
Chapter 58: Yay happy n :)
Number2elf #7
Chapter 51: I hope this isn't because of N
Number2elf #8
Chapter 35: I really need to stop binging stories... I especially want to continue reading this one
And that plot twist!! Very creative
Number2elf #9
Chapter 1: Ah this sounds kinda creepy but im interested in reading :p
Have you read cinder? It kinda reminds me of iko
Chapter 63: This story was really cute and I liked your take on the whole use of robots~