Trap is sprung

Angel Of Darkness

It was a wonderfull morning. Or atleast we assumed it was morning. We all got up to have breakfast, Dara and her mother cooked while Chanyeol and I set up a table and chairs so we could all sit. We talked, got to know one another and I got to find why Dara was the person she was, cause she was raised by a wonderful family. I turned to look at Dara to see a smile on her face I had not seen before. She was happy, happy to have us all together. I knew that in this world, a moment of happiness is usually short lived but I decided that I would do all I could to make her smile like that everyday. As we were finishing our breakfast someone entered the tent. As soon as Mrs. Park noticed the man who entered the tent she seemed worried. Dara looked at the man confused. Chanyeol stood up for the man to greet him.

"Chanyeol, you are to report tomorrow morning on the edge of the camp for a supply raid. Pack what you need and be there first thing." The man told Chanyeol his orders and left. Mrs. Park then began to weep, worried what tomorrow would bring. Dara stood up!

"Your not going! I will go!" Dara stated.

"You cant!" Mrs. Park cried as she held onto Chanyeol's arm.

"I can and I will! No need to send him out there. Jaejoong and I could survive out their more then anyone. I will go!" Dara exclaimed.

"Dara you can't!" Her mother cried as she came to hold her daughter in her arms.

"The hell I cant!" Dara shouted.

"No, you can't." Chanyeol soon spoke. He turned to his sister with eyes of worry but kept a stern look on his face as he told her no.

"They banned women from going out into the ruins. So even if you volenteered, you wouldnt be allowed to go." Chanyeol shared. Dara shook her head as she held her mother, Mrs. Park in her arms as she cried. Chanyeol turned away and grabbed his bag, starting to grab his things. I was just about to speak when Dara blurted out again.

"No, you are not going! I will go down to see Mr. Kim Rae Won and give him a piece of my mind." Dara began but Chanyeol stopped her.

"No! Your not! If you did, then more people would try to do the same thing. We would be without supplies as everyone would complain about why they have to go. So just stop. Your only going to make things worse if you do!" Chanyeol explained. Dara sat back down, tears welling in her eyes as she was stunned. Her brother had became the man of the house and was telling her what would happen. He told her no, told her she couldnt go even if she tried and their was nothing she could do about it. Mrs. Park began to cry again, slowly helping her son pack for what could be his last time here. I had listened to his words as well as the man who delivered the orders. It made sence to me know. I stood up which caught everyones attention.

"Its obvious that this run will be dangerous and you cant be out there alone, atleast not without someone who has been out their longer then a week." I turned to look at Dara as she realized what I was doing.

"I will volenteer to go on this mission and have your back!" I exclaimed. Chanyeol nodded to me, respecting my decision. Dara knew I would have his back and make sure nothing happened. But it wasnt enough to ease her mothers heart, but as long as I brought him back alive, she would be ok.




"I will volenteer to go on this mission and have your back!" Jaejoong exclaimed. The man smiled as he had been listening to the conversation since the man delievered the orders for Chanyeol to go. Satisfied with the result, the man carefully left so not to be heard and made his way to Mr. Kim Rae Won's tent. Rae Won was sitting in a tub which he had brought in for a bath. He sat in the water, washing himself when the man entered.

"Mr. Kim Sir."

"Yes what is it?" He asked as he continued to bathe.

"Chanyeol's ordered were dilievered as you had asked Sir." He shared. Rae Won looked up at the man, looking for the answer he had been waiting for.


"Jaejoong volenteered to keep an eye on Chanyeol as you assumed he would." Rae Won smiled happily. His plan was working and it would end with success. He stood from his tub, grabbing the towel that lay on the stand next to the tub. He wrapped it around himself as he smiled happily.

"Good work now just make sure you tell Goon Heo that I dont want them returning from the raid. Despose of them as he wills, I dont care how its done just as long as they dont come back!" He demanded. The man nodded, taking off with his new orders. Rae Won smiled as he walked over to his table with his maps, it wouldnt be too long. Soon Jaejoong and Chanyeol would be out of the way so he could take Sandara for himself. Her mother would be heart broken which would only end with her giving up on life which would leave Sandara with nothing. Funny how finding a man who was scouting in the woods, getting information out of him before ending his life would lead him to that man's family, mostly his beautiful daughter. And no one suspected a thing.




Chanyeol and I had long finished packing what we needed. Chanyeol was nervous, scared possibly but I knew he was a smart kid, and knew how to handle himself if needed too. Mrs. Park was sad, she cried most of the day and wanted to do nothing but spend time with Chanyeol before he would have to leave tomorrow. Dara and I decided that we would spend sometime together. I could tell that Dara was worried but not for the reasons her mother was.

"What is it?" I asked. She looked at me then around the camp as we walked around, mostly just staying away from the tent to get a break from her mother's cries. There was many cries going on. Many families had recieved the news that they would be leaving and that meant that some of them would not be returning. Dara looked around to notice something that kept bothering her.

"Something is not right about this." She stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked her which she sighed, looked around and then finally answered.

"This supply run! Something is off about it." She answered. It wasnt an answer I was looking for.

"Care to ellaborate?" I asked which she did.

"Before, when we would go on supply runs, it was volenteer work, but if we need extra hands we would ask, not demand or order around. And from everyone's reactions it seems like they all know their sons or husbands wont be returning." She shared her thoughts.

"Like they are saying their final goodbyes before they are lead to death?" I asked. She nodded, still looking around her as we continued to walk around the camp.

"But I have another feeling, like I am being watched and anyone I am with is being watched." She expressed. I looked around and noticed the eyes of the military men that worked for Rae Won. I had noticed it for a long while now but I never wanted to concern Dara with this but apparently she felt their eyes on her for a while now.

"I know! They have been watching us since the begining." I shared. We kept quiet as we tried to just enjoy our time together but it was hard with the eyes that followed us as we walked. It was distrupting. We finally decided to return to the tent and enjoy one last dinner with her family till Chanyeol and I would return, but something told me that would be something that wouldnt happen right away. The night was a quiet one, other then the cries of those who couldnt help but feel heartache. We had dinner, no one spoke which was strange. Then it was time to sleep! I didnt sleep! I couldnt, not with the feeling in my gut that something bad was going to happen. I looked at Dara and her mother. They were sound asleep, exhausted from tears and worry. I turned to Chanyeol who was awake.

"Cant sleep?" He asked me. I nodded. We laid there, looking at the ceeling of the tent, not speaking as we let our thoughts take over. I was sure he felt worried, scared and possibly feeling death breathing down his neck. Hours went by and Chanyeol and I knew it was time to go. Dara and her mother still slept. I leaned over and kissed Dara on her forehead before we left. We walked to the area we would all meet. We were assigned to our groups, Chanyeol and I with a group of three other men. We were given the locations we need to go, and then we were off. We entered the ruins and I felt an uneasiness take over me. Something was wrong! We carefully and quietly walked down the street. I looked around, seeing nothing but I spotted the little boy ghost from Hwang Mae Hee's graveyard. He was the boy she sent to send a message for me. This time he was looking for me. He began to come toward me, none of the others noticed cause he was a ghost. I patted Chanyeol's shoulder. He turned to me.

"I need you to pretend to be talking to me." I told him. He looked at me confused. The boy was then next to me.

"Mr. Angel sir.... uh Jaejoong! You shouldnt be here!" He stated. I nodded, knowing we shouldnt but I had to protect Chanyeol.

"I know we shouldnt but I cant leave them to fend for themselves." I replied to the boy. Chanyeol was even more confused.

"Who are you talking too?" He asked in a whisper. The boy and I ignored him.

"No, you shouldnt be here! There is a nest up ahead and the other humans are heading away from here." He explained. I looked up at the men with us. I realized they were all who opposed Rae Won except one. I turned to the boy.

"Did Miss Hwang send you with this information?" I asked. He nodded.

"The man with you, he is a murder. He is only sent out to kill those with him. He is going to kill you and the others." I turned to look at the man. He was looking around at his surroundings but he was not as tense as the rest. He knew this area and he knew where he was going.

"Tell me, what is it he is planning?" I asked the boy.

"I checked the area, he plans to lead you all to the nest, and if the demons dont get you, there is a group of men further back behind yall, read to kill any that return other then that man. Please Angel Sir, you must leave now!" He begged. I turned to Chanyeol who still was curious as to what I was doing.

"We are walking into a trap." I whispered the infromation to him.

"What?" He nearly shouted which I shushed him. The man looked at us for a moment, wondering what we were talking about. I waited till the man looked away to continue.

"He plans to kill us all! We need to find away to escape." I shared.

"What about the others?" He asked. I was just about to answer when we turned the corner. The ghostly boy began to yell.

"YOU NEED TO RUN NOW! ESCAPE NOW!" Turning the corner we all came face to face to a huge four legged creature whose jaws could break bones with one bite. His eyes were fixed on the first man up front. I turned to look at the man which the boy had warned me about. He pointed his gun at me.

"RUN!" One of the men screamed. Chanyeol pushed me forward to run, not noticing the gun pointing at me as the man pulled the trigger. The bullet passed me and hit Chanyeol's arm. All the men pulled their guns and began shooting as they ran. The man who shot at me took off, not worried about the others as they tried to fight for their lives. I quickly looked at them knowing I could not save them as well as Chanyeol. So I spread my wings and grab Chanyeol and with all my might and power, I lifted us both of the ground and flew as fast as I could out of danger. The ghostly boy led me away from the creatures, leading us down safe passage ways till we had to stop. I looked at Chanyeol as he bled. He looked at his hand that he had held down on his wound, noticing the blood.

"Jaejoong!" He called me. I looked at him seeing him. He was loosing alot of blood. Without hesitating I took my sleeve and ripped the fabric, then I wrapped his arm, putting pressure to stop the bleeding. Chanyeol gasped in pain as I did this but I couldnt do anything now. For now this had to do till we were in a safer area. The ghostly boy motioned to me, telling me it was safe to leave. I picked up Chanyeol who finally let the sight of my wings hit him.

"You have wings?" He asked.

"No time for this!" I stated as I held onto him and lifted us both. I followed the ghost boy till he finally lead us back to Hwang Mae Hee's graveyard. Mae Hee had been impaciently waiting, worried till she finally saw us coming.

"Thank the heavens your ok!" She stated till she noticed Chanyeol.

"Who's that?" She asked.

"This would be the girl's brother." I shared as I sat Chanyeol down, leaning him against a grave. She watched as I began to grow my nails to a long pointed state before I used them to dig into his gun shot wound. Chanyeol screamed in pain. It was a good thing the creatures never came near the graveyards for they didnt enjoy the smell. The ghost boy watched with fasination as Hwang Mae Hee turned away so not to watch. I pulled out the bullet and took my water bottle and cleaned the wound as best I could. Then I quickly wrapped his arm with another piece of cloth so to protect the wound. Chanyeol was weak from all the pain and blood lost. I turned to Hwang Mae Hee.

"Where is the nearest hospital or medical shop?" I asked. Before she could the answer the boy answered.

"Oh I know follow me!" He began to run ahead. I turned to the ghostly woman.

"Will you watch over him?" I asked.

"Not like I can much of anything else." She stated. I quickly followed the boy to what looked like a store filled with pills and bandages. He made sure I grabbed what I needed, puting them in my bag before I headed back. Chanyeol was in and out of unconscienceness  when I got there. I quickly used the clear liquid that looked like water but smelt bad on the wound then I sewed the wound up before wrapping it again with a clean bandage. Once I was done I finally took a breathe. Chanyeol looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you hyung!" He called me. I looked at him confused.

"I am Jaejoong!" I stated. He chuckled at me.

"Yes you are but your also my hyung!" He stated. I didnt bother asking anymore since he was so weak. I turned to Hwang Mae Hee and bowed.

"Thank you for your help!" She shook her head at me.

"Dont bother thanking me, just find away to get rid of the creatures and bring back the sun so the rest of the spirits can finally move on. I am getting a bit tired of them." She stated which was just her avoiding the fact that she did something nice for once for someone else. I didnt push the matter any more. I looked arond the place, looking toward the camp.

"What of the other groups?" I asked Mae Hee.

"I sent a few of the other spirits to watch them. They didnt lose anyone except of one other group. They lost two members. But yours was the one they wanted dead, and that guy who shot your friend is the only survivor." Mae Hee shared. I nodded, knowing that last bit before I asked. So it was a set up. I was the initial target but Chanyeol was hurt because I was next to him. I looked to the camp knowing Mrs. Park would be crying and Dara would be not believe their words. It was a trap and it had been sprung. But it didnt catch its initial prey. I would have to mend to Chanyeol before we made any attempts to return.

"You know Jaejoong, there is another camp." Mae Hee shared. I turned to her noticing she had a plan already for me.

"Go on..." She smiled at me as she shared the details of this camp who had taken survivors and some of them were survivors that were left for dead by the military that had taken over the camp Dara was in now. Most of this camp knew how the military group worked and knew that they would find more survivors. This would help tremendously to fight back. A war was started and this battle was lost but it would not be the last.




After much begging from one of my readers, asking for another moment with Jaedara together, it had finally happened... But I did enjoyed tourturing her, trolling her many times after her begging. Well I guess it finally happened.... but now with this chapter, there is now more going on! Nothing last forever though! But Can Jaejoong get back to the camp? Can he save Dara and her mother or better yet the whole camp and where is this other camp at? Will Chanyeol live? I guess we will all find out!

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It still amazes me how this story still gains fans even after 3 years! I am happy to provide you all with a story to enjoy. Thank you all for reading my story!


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It will be my first time reading Jaedara fanfic.. Hwaiting!
juzwannaread #2
Chapter 51: This one's a really good read. It's a series of well-knit twists and turns. Technically, I must be honest that it needs a lot of editing to pass as a literary piece. But since I'm beyond nitpicking on bits of technicalities and have learned to 'read by ear', I say that you got a story-teller's imaginative mind there. Kudos!
jennypish2012 #3
Chapter 51: Daebak! You're a good writer authornim.. Thank you.. Hope you write more..
Chapter 51: What a great story that I experience a heartbreak! Good work, I can't wait to read another story from you.
jhazza_min #5
Chapter 51: what a beautiful story! ^^ thanks a lot for sharing this to us. you're a great author. u didn't disappoint me at all. hope u'll write more jaedy/ jaedara fics.
jhazza_min #6
Chapter 51: what a beautiful story! ^^ thanks a lot for sharing these to us. you're a great author. u didn't disappoint me at all. hope u'll write more jaedy/ jaedara fics.
jhazza_min #7
Chapter 51: what a beautiful story! ^^ thanks a lot for sharing this to us. you're a great author. u didn't disappoint me at all. hope u'll write more jaedy/ jaedara fics.
Chapter 51: i don't know if i would hug you or pummel you
this one great ending !
and i tell you i hate sad ending!
Mirume #9
Chapter 22: Wow ! Authornim i don't know that your an Otaku like me.. amazing ! I love every chapter of this story..
mihyun84 #10
Chapter 51: Great story. I hope u write more jaedara stories