Reentering the Rehab Center

The Imperfects

[3rdPerson PoV]

Everyone sat low in the back of the truck, they all sat silently, and thinking about how this would end, however, their thoughts vanished as the car came to a sudden stop, skidding a bit. When they finally stopped, Jaejoong and the other four who were sitting up there with him climbed out and helped the other nineteen in the back get out, and then they divided into their four groups.

“Let’s get moving.” Said Jaejoong, he lead the two groups that were traveling underground to the hidden entrance to the underground passage way. He jumped down, followed by the others, all getting greeted by the cold water flowing towards the rehab center. They advanced forward on numb legs.

Two hours passed without them knowing, they eventually got to a narrow stairway which headed towards the ground.

“Come on you guys…the entrance to the center is up here…” said Jaejoong, the boys all nodded and continued on their numb legs, walking ups the spiraled staircase.


Meanwhile with the other group, they reached the rehab center finally, seeing that there were no gaurds out, however search lights shone over the yard, not leaving one area in darkness for more than five seconds.

“This is going to be hard…” said Yunho, “but we need to get over there…even if it alerts the guards…”

The oldest male then grabbed ahold of the chain link fence, swiftly climbing it and jumping down to the other side, the others all glanced at each other, climbing over too, but clumsier than Yunho. They all then wondered into the yard, Yunho was the first to step into the path of the search light, as soon as he did, the sirens began to blare and gaurds flooded into the yard.

“Yoochun, Junsu, and I will hold these guys off…” said Yunho, “Get into the clinic and help the others gather the doctors into the same room.”

The younger boys all nodded and slipped past the large herd of guards heading for the three, who were standing there, bracing themselves for a fight against many gaurds. As for the three, being surrounded, they began to punch/kick their way through the numerous gaurds, but they were nowhere near getting through.


Sunggyu glanced back as he ran through the halls of the clinic, making sure the other eight were still following behind him. He noticed that Sungjong, who was last kept glancing over his shoulder at something and Sunggyu let the other boys pass, going to Sungjong with Woohyun, the three all stopped running, seeing exactly what Sungjong was looking at. Men holding knives were heading straight towards them.

Sunggyu pushed Sungjong, “follow the others…Woohyun and I will find a way to temporarily stop them, be sure to get to the basement to find the others!”

Sungjong nodded and began to run again, as did Woohyun and Sunggyu, both of whom were glancing around in a slight panic, looking for something to stop their oncoming attackers. Sunggyu, unknowingly, passed up Woohyun in the darkness and in his trance of looking for something in the dark halls, which were lit by the dim light of the moon which was shining outside.

A sudden thud from behind woke Sunggyu from his daze, he looked back seeing Woohyun lying on the floor, the men baring knives far too close for Sunggyu to feel comfortable, without thinking, he ran straight after the men, punching and kicking the two holding knives, ignoring the sudden pain that hit his right shoulder.

Sunggyu soon landed on the floor with a pain filled grunt as the man punched him in the stomach, with out with knife. As soon as Sunggyu landed on the ground, the two men were pulled back and slugged in the face, both collapsing in a heap of unconscious limbs, Sunggyu looked up seeing Yunho, Yoochun, and Junsu standing above him, he was shocked that they got done fighting with all the gaurds in just that short amount of time.

“We don’t time to just sit here…” said Yunho, helping both the boys up, and pulling them both down the hall, “The gaurds will find us in just a small amount of time. Yoochun agreed as did Junsu and the group fell silent again.


Meanwhile down in the basement, Sungyeol sniffed the cold air, feeling his dinner rising back up into his throat, he nearly gagged as the smell continued to get worse.

“That is the smell of the rotting I told you all about…” said Jaejoong; they all had stopped running, since the floor was covered in ice, as were the wall, making it too slick to run, “That smell is the Dr. Lee’s experiment.”

“And that heart beat sound?” asked Myungsoo, straining his ears to hear more of the sound.

“I don’t even know…” Said Jaejoong, glancing around in worry, as the groups came closer to the end of the hall, the smell got worse and the heart beat like sound was louder, being accompanied by a heart monitor sound.

Sungyeol shivered a bit and Myungsoo pulled the older boy closer, wrapping his arm around his waist. Chunji began to shiver, not from the cold, but from fright. The four boys were in the back, following behind Jaejoong, Seungho, Joon, GO, Thunder, Mir, Changmin, and Junho.

Suddenly, the ice below the four boys began to crack rather loudly; the boys all automatically looked down to see the piece of ice below them slowly chipping away and falling down into a dark area.

“Guys get off of there now!” said Jaejoong, the four nodded quickly moving, Chunji and L.Joe got off of it safely, however for Sungyeol and Myungsoo, the two slipped, both falling into the dark tunnel.

Jaejoong stood worriedly at the edge of the tunnel, “Seungho, you and your group continue on this path, be careful of traps and other passages, if there happens to be a fork in the road, follow the paths with the SL symbols on the door frame.”

Seungho nodded and his group continued on.

“Are you guys ok down there?” called Jaejoong, his voice echoed a bit through the tunnel.

However, his call was replied to by Myungsoo saying, “Yes…but you might want to come see this…”

“We’ll be down in a minute.” Said Jaejoong, “Changmin you down first.”

The younger male nodded and hopped into the tunnel, followed by L.Joe and Chunji. Jaejoong didn’t jump in right after them through; he glanced around in the dim hall way that was lit by a weird blue light. He could have sworn he heard some one’s breathing coming from the direction that they just came from, but he could see anything in the very dim light. He saw something move out of the corner of his eye, but when he looked over he saw nothing.

He shook his head thinking he was paranoid, he then jumped into the tunnel below, landing on the stone tunnel and there was an odd and soundless stream of water that pushed him farther down and to the others.

 Changmin helped him to stand up in the freezing knee deep water, however, the younger male’s eyes weren’t looking towards him but towards the end of the hall, which was lit by a green light, you could clearly see the streams current pushing that way, but there was absolutely now sound of water, just the louder version of the pulse they heard before.

Jaejoong then took lead again, heading closer and closer to the end of the tunnel, noticing that the water was slowly getting deeper; he knew that they were at the point of no return. He knew that they couldn’t turn back now, no matter how much he and the others wanted to, they couldn’t. He took a deep breath as he walked closer to the green light, he couldn’t hear his own thoughts any more, the pulsing sound took over his sense of hearing and he walked closer to the entrance on shaking legs. His breath was taken away from him as he gasped at the sight he saw.


Hehehe, decided to update twice! :D


Things are getting interesting right? I discovered I write mistery/horror/action stories/parts a lot better than the romance/fluffy/ty ones, what do you think? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Also, this story is still really close to its end despite me throwing things, that I didn't originally plan, into the story. So, do you like the way this is going? Well, if you don't, sorry...:D


A Geeks Abnormal Life won the poll, so I guess I'm going to start prewriting it, after I'm finished prewriting the rest of these chapters...(Which is soon) anyways, I'll start posting the story after this one is finished...

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Vanja77 #1
Great story
Hi my dear
What a nice fic you have here. Thanks for updating and finish this story. I would say that infinite boys have a very tragic past, especially Sungyeol... still good job author-nim! THANKS.
Yours Sangela
lineth #3
I love this story so soooo much! it's just really beautiful.
love it, just beautiful <3 7(^0~7)
Chapter 37: Wow, this story was really interesting! I felt so.bad for.the.poor boys especially poor baby sungyoelie!!!!!! Amazing.job author-nim
Chapter 5: out of 'em all. sungyeol has the most serious problem for me.
Chapter 3: it's quite ironic how myungsoo is now the talkative one. haha~~
Chapter 2: i love how myungsoo's temper easily bursts to shreds.
makes him look hot. ^^
but he give in in the end.
i hope you won't mind if i read this and comment.
this looks good.
Wow, great story :)
MaximumDBSKSUJUlover #10
Heey i just read youre story and its awesome!!!!! but i really hope you would upload a geeks abnormal live. i looked trough youre stories and i didn't find it. i really really really wanted to read it though