Roller Coaster

Bus Stop Strangers


The line for the roller coaster CNU wanted to ride was getting shorter and shorter, leaving you feeling rather sick. Normally you didn't mind roller coasters, but you had watched this one make its rounds repeatedly and you had heard the screams of people who regretted getting on.


Before you knew it, you were at the gates, waiting to board the ride. You took a deep breath as the roller coaster cars pulled to a stop and its occupants quickly jumped out, shaking and looking pale.


You glanced at SanDeul as he beckoned you forward, indicating that you should sit first. You let out a slow breath and walked forward. SanDeul sat beside you, looking super excited. CNU was obviously happy as he gave everyone a thumbs up with a wide grin on his face.


“You're going to regret it,” you mumbled to him as the bar was pressed down close to your lap. You shut your eyes as the roller coaster started moving forward. SanDeul grabbed your hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. You opened your eyes slightly and looked over at him.


“This will be fun,” he claimed with a bright smile.


Seconds later he was crying for his mother and squeezing your hand tightly. CNU and GongChan had their arms in the air and were shouting happily whilst Baro and JinYoung had their heads bowed and were muttering to themselves.


Finally the ride came to an end. Your legs felt like jelly as you stumbled out of the car. CNU and GongChan were talking about riding the coaster again as they headed down the exit ramp. You held onto the wooding railing as you started down the ramp. SanDeul linked his arm with yours.


“That wasn't too bad,” he stated.


“You were screaming like a girl the whole time,” you said. You felt a little queasy but the feeling was subsiding slowly.


“Of course I was! It was scary,” SanDeul laughed easily. “But it was made less scary with you by my side.”


You felt the blush that crept over your cheeks and tried your best to ignore it. SanDeul noticed your pink cheeks and poked them. You swatted his hand away, your blush deepening.

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skydream #1
Chapter 48: Wow~ a great story!!
skoreafan #2
Chapter 48: awesome story! can't believe i actually read all of it :D it's so good and feels so realistic!!
DeulJongSica #3
Chapter 48: I--- I never expected that ending O,O I really thought their gonna brake up.. Speechless XD
daehyun90 #4
Chapter 48: i really love this story!!!!^^
Chapter 48: and oh~ actully, I cried at the *i nearly thought* break up part.. it was really heartbreaking. i felt the same feelings as the girl. *cough*ME*cough* TTwTT
Chapter 48: I love this. i really do author-nim. :)
even though at the last chapter, it went *not exactly* too fast, i think. but nonetheless i love the ending! it was absolutely GOOOD. That’s my Sanduckie~ mischievous cutie :)))) sooo cute && super sweet..
Thank you sooo much for sharing this story! <3
My heart really stopped beating for that second. Almost cried at the break up portion, luckily they didn't break up, ^^v anyways, love the story ^^ keep up with the good work, HWAITING! ^^v
I like super junior and all the other groups you mentioned too ^^
I really liked it at first~

But the ending was just.. idek..

It was really good!

I understand..

Writers block.. forgetting you had a story..

I've been there :]

Good Story~

Such a nice story!!