Chapter 29

Just Another Fangirl

We took another way to school since we had a lot of time. And besides that, there were almost no one so we could hold hands. We walked through a part that was forrest-like and also very beautiful.

"Oppa, when do you got time?" I looked at him.

"I'll go tomorrow to Japan for MV shooting so only today and after Sunday"

"Right..." I sighed.

"Let's do today something" he suggested with a smile.

"Actually I wanted to buy furniture so that I could finally live in my condo..." I mumbled.

"Then let's buy furniture!" he smiled.

I nodded with a smile.

"And back to the Japan thingy... You have to call me every night alright?"

"Of course! If I get the time I'll prepare something for you" he put one arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

He kissed the top of my head.

"Smell~ Nice smell~" he said in english.

I hit his chest lightly while I was blushing.

"Cutie, Smile"

I looked up with a confused expression only to see him taking a selca with his phone.

"Yah! When will you take a normal picture?"

"Normal is boring. I love your confused and blushing look" he looked at me with a smile.



I was sitting with the Kingkas in the cafeteria. Jungkook was on my right, on my left was Sungmin and next to him was Taejoon. Infront of Jungkook was Donghyuk, infront of me Minwoo and then Jungmin.

"I have one question" Sungmin started.

"What is it?" Donghyuk asked while eating.

"(y/n)-ah, what's your ideal type?" he turned to look at me.

I choked so Jungkook patted my back.

"You're stupid" Taejoon slapped the back of Sungmin's head.

"Yah! Tha's a serious question" Sungmin did the same as Taejoon.

"Actually I was wondering too what her ideal type is" Minwoo confessed.

"See?" Sungimn lifted his head in victory.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked still a bit coughing.

"I don't know...." Sungmin mumbled.

"And what is your ideal type?" Taejoon leaned on the table to look at me.

"You want to know that too so why did you slap me?" Sungmin whined.

"Shut up" Taejoon shortly said.

"Say it with words~" Jungmin sang.

"Umm..." I started.

"Take your time" Minwoo nodded.

"Many details?" I asked as soon as I thought of something.

"As many as possible" he nodded again.

I didn't think properly for one second and then my mind let loose. I took a deep breath and said everything I could think of Jungkook. Of course every good thing about him there aren't even bad things about him.

"And now find someone like that" Sungmin said skeptically.

Jungkook elbowed me and I realized what I said. I got red and let my head hang low.

"She's blushing!" Taejoon pointed out.

All of them looked at me while Jungkook covered my face with a tissue.

"Eyy~" all of them said in the same time while Jungkook just smiled and even patted my head.

That he touched my head didn't make my blush go away but the opposite.


After school I went to his dorm. None of us could drive so we needed the help of someone.

"Where do you have to go?" Jin asked.

"Fur- furniture" I rubbed my neck awkwardly.

"Aigoo~ you two will finally live together" Jin clapped his hands as if he was praising little kids.

"Hyung~ no!" Jungkook frowned.

I tried my best to hide the blush on my face. Jungkook picked up a pillow and threw it into my face.

"Stop blushing"

"I will drive" Suga came in while holding up a hand.

"And with whose car?" Rap Mon walked in.

"Manager Hyung's" Suga simply answered.

"Can't just Manager Hyung drive us?" Jungkook asked.

"Why do you even need a car?" V asked.

"How should we get the furniture into her condo?" Jungkook asked back.

"Shouldn't you pack your stuff for tomorrow?" Rap Mon questioned.

"We will fly to Japan in the evening so i have the whole day to prepare" Jungkook reasoned out.

"You will skip school?" I pouted.

"Always stay the good girl, got it?" he messed up my hair with one hand.


In the end Rap Mon drove. I just couldn't get why everyone had to come with us.

The boys were fooling around and that didn't really help me find the furniture I wanted. There were 3 fans that wanted a picture with BTS and as they got closer I had to step away and act as if I didn't know them.

"Cutie" Jungkook whispered while the others were distracted.

I linked arms with him and walked away with him. We came to the part were the couches were.

"Let's try that" he smiled while pointing to a white couch.

We both fell on it at the same time and laughed quietly while looking at each other.

"Just imagine having a movie night" he closed his eyes.

I admired his face quietly. How he had a small smile on his lips with closed eyes. He turned to me and opened his eyes before grinning while a small laugh escaped his mouth.

"How much does it cost? I think I'll buy it" I said looking around for a price tag.

"The first thing you're buying after 1 hour has passed" he laughed while standing up.

"Where are they?" I heard J-Hopes voice weakly.

They were searching for us.

"Let's run away from them" Jungkook suggested.

I nodded and then he took my hand, pulling me around. We hid behind a wall. Comes out these were closets.




rite after BANGTAN DAY~

U deserve kisses bcoz you all are DAEBAK ;*

I should go on with the other ff's but this and the sad ver are just the most interesting nao XD

Author-nim throws hearts and sparkles and kisses at u ♥



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can you update author nim ? um waiting for your update huhu
Chapter 39: Aaahhh the feeellllsssssssssssss soooooo flufffffyyyy
smartrat #3
Chapter 39: I'm in love with all the chapters!!
shinilzu #5
Chapter 11: in chapter 10 (the part where she went to her mom's grave and after that) i think i would be crying out of tissue if you make it longer but thank god u make it short xD
Ileeny #6
Chapter 38: Update plz
Chapter 25: Wahhh!! Theyre together!!! Chanks Author-nim!!!
Chapter 24: OH. MY. VEGTABLES. THEY KISSED!!! I LOVE YOU AUTHOR!! MUAH!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 19: They arent getting worser!!! They are getting better! I wuv the story by the way!
Chapter 38: Seriously Jungkook is so cute being jealous XDD totally ship tjis couple !