Happy Weekend Date : The Morning Rides

My Best Friend or My Crush?

It was the weekend and Minwoo had invited you to go on a 'date' with him to Lotte World. You happily agreed, as you had nothing else to do. As you were getting ready, you remembered that you needed to text Kwangmin that you were going on a date. Why? Here's the reason:


"Yeah. Minwoo said I should become his fake girlfriend .. so that we could see Youngmin's reactions to everything.. and if we see that he's extremely sad, then he's jealous, and he would come running for me." you said.

"Really? I don't think so. But anyway, from now on, I'll help you as well. Whenever you go out on dates with Minwoo, tell me and I'll make Youngmin go there with me. I'll make sure that he watches you. Arasseo?" Kwangmin said.

"Dae!" you replied, with a happy tone.

*Mianhae Youngmin... You're going to have to suffer a lot now.. But it's for your sake.* Kwangmin thought to himself.

~*End of Flashback*~

You quickly dressed up in a white, fluffy dress and and sparkly white flat shoes, that matched with the dress. After that, you texted Kwangmin.

To: Kwangminnie ^^

"Minwoo and I are going to Lotte World today! If you guys are coming, I suggest you come around... 10AM? Since Minwoo and I will arrive there at 9:45AM. Anyway, have fun snooping around! Hehe!"

From: ~~~~ ^_~

As soon as you had sent the message, around ten seconds later, your phone buzzed.

To: ~~~~ ^_~

"Arasseo! I'll have lots of fun snooping around! Just make sure you don't kiss Minwoo anywhere else except his forehead or cheek. Why? You'll find out.. soon. Anyway have fun!"

From: Kwangminnie ^^

You smiled at the message and continued getting ready. By the time it was 9AM, you had finished and you left the house. Outside your door, was Minwoo, dressed all casually. He was wearing an orange cap, with orange clothes and white sneakers, with orange shoelaces. "Gee, you sure love the colour orange don't you, Minwoo?" you teased.

He giggled and nodded. "You look quite good today." Minwoo complimented.

You blushed slightly. Then after you locked the door, you left with Minwoo. Minwoo held his arm up for you to link it with him, and you hesitated for a while, but then agreed. You linked your arms with his and you both merrily began to walk together to Lotte World, like a true couple.

"Yah! Youngmin! You want to go to Lotte World with me today?" Kwangmin asked his brother.

"Hah? Ani. Go yourself. I'm too lazy and I feel tired. Leave me alone." Youngmin said.

"YAH! You're coming with me, and that's a fact! Now hurry up and get ready!" Kwangmin said, throwing clothes at Youngmin for him to wear.

Kwangmin left the room and left Youngmin in there, to get ready. He grumbled and then sat up from the bed and began to dress himself up.


You and Minwoo had finally arrived at Lotte World and both of you were puffed out. You had had a race to see who got to the Lotte World entrance first and Minwoo won. You obviously would've won, if it weren't for the dress you were wearing. You pouted while Minwoo smirked. Both of you walked up to the ticketman and asked for two tickets. You were about to get your wallet out and pay, when Minwoo said, "It's alright, I'll pay."

You felt guilty, but you knew that Minwoo wouldn't change his mind, so you just bit your lip and nodded. Minwoo smiled and then paid the ticket salesman and gave you the two tickets, while he got his change back. You and Minwoo both then entered the entrance into Lotte World. You smiled like a little child and 'wow'ed to everything you saw. You hadn't been to an amusement park in ages, and you loved it.

Minwoo was just watching you, giggling to himself at your cuteness. *Heh, she's so cute.. Wait, what am I saying? Aish, Minwoo, don't you even think about trying to fall in love with her!* Minwoo scolded himself.

After you calmed yourself down, you and Minwoo decided to go to the merry-go-round first. Starting with the slowest and steadiest ride is much better. You and Minwoo lined up for the merry-go-round and waited for only around.. 15 seconds. You both boarded the merry-go-round and decided to sit in a carriage. Minwoo sat on one side, while you sat on the other. Little kids surrounded you and wondered why such 'big' people were on something so small and childish. You laughed and Minwoo shortly started laughing as well.

The ride started moving slowly and you and Minwoo just kept talking to each other. Time flew right past by and *POOF*, the ride had already finished.

You and Minwoo got off the merry-go-round and then decided to go on the roller coaster. Both of you rushed to the line, before it got any longer. Luckily, it only took you around 20 minutes until it was your turn. Before you could go on, you were waiting for a few more people in front of you. You started getting a little bit scared, because everyone was screaming and it was going ao fast. Minwoo noticed that you were shaking a little bit in fear and gently chuckled to himself.

"I never knew you were scared of roller coasters!" Minwoo teased.

You turned your head to him and faked a smile. "Ha-haha... Yeah. I'm scared of them now..." you stuttered.

Minwoo stopped chuckling and then looked at you. It looked like you were truly scared, and he felt a bit sorry for you. He then wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a hug. "It's alright, ~~~~. If you get really scared, you can just hold onto my hand. I promise nothing bad will happen to you." Minwoo assured you.

You slowly nodded and smiled. When Minwoo said that, it sounded like he would be so protective over you, which you sort of liked. Just then, it was your turn and you were scared again. But remembering what Minwoo said, gave you more courage to go and have a try. You and Minwoo sat down at the very front of the row and tied yourself to the seatbelts. Before the ride started, you quickly squeezed Minwoo's hand tightly and kept it like that. Minwoo giggled at you, being so scared, while you were embarrassed.

The ride started moving slowly, and you were getting even more scared every second. It started moving upwards and you were scared. It reached the top and then stopped. You were getting ready to scream for your life. The roller coaster sped down the hill and everyone was screaming their lungs out. Especially you. Minwoo was also screaming, but not as loud as you. A text message was sent to you during this, yet you couldn't hear it.

In just a minute, the ride finished and you hopped off quickly, with Minwoo following behind. You both sat down at a bench nearby for a little rest. Minwoo said that he needed to go to the restroom for a bit and you just nodded. Minwoo left and then you sat there, alone. You decided to take your phone out, incase you had missed any calls or messages from anyone.

New Message From Kwangminnie ^^

*Shoot! Kwangmin must've sent me the message during the roller coaster ride!* you thought.

You looked at the message rushingly...

To: ~~~~ ^_~

"Hii! Youngmin and I are in Lotte World's entrance already. Where are you and Minwoo going next?"

From: Kwangminnie ^^

You quickly messaged him back before Minwoo came back.

To: Kwangminnie ^^

"Minwoo and I are going to eat lunch now! Go to the cafe called 'The Coffee Friends' or whatever it was called. I'm just waiting for Minwoo to come back from the restroom and then we'll be there shortly."

From: ~~~~ ^_~

You sent the message just as Minwoo came back from the restroom. "Mianhae! Did I keep you waiting for too long?" Minwoo asked.

You shook your head and replied. "Aniyo."

Minwoo smiled and then linked his arms with yours. "Let's go now, shall we?" he asked.

You happily nodded and walked together with Minwoo to the cafe called 'The Coffee Friends' to eat lunch.


I'm sorry if my story is getting boring ;~;

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mio_meow #1
Chapter 25: wow!!! this chapter really make me cry :')
Chapter 36: Youngmins ending<3
Chapter 36: Can you make a sequel when you have time? Because the ending doesn't seem finished.
kwangminshypika #4
Chapter 32: Awh I'm so touched about Youngmin(':
like youngmin's end but Minwoo's better i think because i love minwoo that's why it's better :D Love autor <3
Loved the story but i didn't read youngmin end YET
Danieea #7
I've done reading! ^_^ I love youngmin but I chose to end up with minwoo ^__^ <3
I don't know I should end with Minwoo or Youngmin :D
i love the youngmin ending but haven't read the minwoo ending
minionsbanana #10
Interesting ending!♥<br />
But I will go with Minwoo ending since I want to end with Minwoo haha♥