
My Best Friend or My Crush?

The next day, Eunmi decided to spy on Sulli one last time, incase she could get other information to tell Youngmin and Kwangmin. During lunch time, she followed Sulli and Minwoo, who were making their way to the cafeteria. Once they arrived at their usual table, Eunmi sat on the table behind them, so that she could listen to everything they were talking about.


"I have to go to America soon." Sulli said.

"That's great." Minwoo said, smiling.

"Oh.. I wonder if it really is.." Sulli smirked.

"What do you mean?" Minwoo asked.

"Just because I told you to break up with her and be with me, doesn't mean that after I leave, you can just go back to her." Sulli said.

"Why not?" Minwoo asked.

"She's lost all her trust in you." Sulli stated.

"..." Minwoo couldn't think of anything to say.

"Really..?" he finally managed to say.

"Yes. I mean, who wouldn't be pissed off if their EX did that?" Sulli smirked, emphasizing the 'ex'.

Minwoo's face hung down. "I... I can't go back with her? I can't even... explain it to her?" Minwoo mumbled.

"Of course you can explain it to her, but she probably won't believe you." Sulli said.

A tear rolled down Minwoo's cheek. "So.. I did this all for nothing.." Minwoo murmured.

"No. You did it for a very good reason." Sulli said, smiling innocently.

"How...?" Minwoo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You saved the girl that you truly loved. I mean, if you had rejected me, since I'm the CEO's daughter, I would've been able to take ~~~~'s house away, and she couldn't attend school, and she would never ever get a job. Basically, she would become a pauper." Sulli explained.

"That's true.. but there's nothing in it for me. Nothing good happens to me in the end." Minwoo said, sulking.

"If you really cherish ~~~~, then you won't regret your choice." Sulli smirked.


*What!? So Sulli made Minwoo break up with ~~~~, and if he rejected her, then she would've ruined ~~~~'s life! No wonder..* Eunmi thought.


~*Ring Ring*~

"Alright I'm going to go now." Sulli said, as she got up and left a sad Minwoo sitting there.

*I should go find Youngmin and Kwangmin and tell them NOW..* Eunmi thought, as she rushed back to the classroom.


You were talking to the Jo Twins as usual, and then when the bell rang for the end of lunch, the three of you walked back to class. Before you entered, you heard a girl yell, "Youngmin! Kwangmin!"

The three of you turned around and then saw a nerdy - looking girl running towards you. "Is there anything we can do to help you Eunmi?" Kwangmin asked.

"I .. I need to talk to the both of you for a minute. Sorry ~~~~, but could you go inside the classroom first?" Eunmi asked.

"Okay.." you said.

You waved goodbye to the twins and then went into the classroom. *What was that about?* you thought.

Before you could sit down in your seat, the queenkas came up to you and blocked your path. *Oh no.* you thought.

"Would you please move?" you politely asked.

"I'm sorry but we can't." one of the queenkas said.

"Alright then, what do you want?" you impatiently asked.

"We just have to tell you something." another queenka said.

"What is it?" you asked.

"Come to the rooftop after school today." one girl said.

"Why?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Minwoo needs to explain everything to you." the queenkas fibbed.

"I don't have anything to say to Minwoo." you said.

"But he needs to desparately tell you this." one of the queenkas said.

"I don't really care." you said, rolling your eyes.

"Not even if it involved talking about you and Minwoo's relationship?" the queenkas raised their eyebrows.

"What exactly does he need to talk to me about?" you questioned.

"He needs to tell you why he broke up with you. In full detail." one of the queenkas said.

*So he finally will explain everything to me..?* you thought.

You thought for a while and then reluctantly nodded your head. "Fine." you said.


"BWOH!?" Youngmin and Kwangmin yelled through the corridor.

"SHH!" Eunmi shushed them.

"Are you serious!? They're planning to abuse ~~~~?" Youngmin yelled, anger boiling through him.

"Youngmin, calm down. Eunmi, are you sure?" Kwangmin asked.

Eunmi nodded. "And also.. I need to tell you something else too.." she said.

"What?" the twins chorused.

"Minwoo didn't really break up with ~~~~." she stated.

"...BWOH!?" they yelled again.

"SHHH!" Eunmi shushed again.

"What do you mean!?" Kwangmin asked.

"Sulli threatened Minwoo. She said she would ruin ~~~~'s life, take her house away, she would've gotten expelled from school, and she would never get a job." Eunmi explained.

Youngmin and Kwangmin's mouths were gaping. "I knew it." Youngmin said.

"Knew what?" Eunmi asked.

"I knew that something was up with Minwoo. I knew that he wouldn't just suddenly break up with her like that. I knew that he loved her.. just as much as I did.. and that he wouldn't ever leave her.." Youngmin bit his lip.

"Youngmin..." Eunmi and Kwangmin said.

"A - Anyway, we'll need to go save ~~~~..." Youngmin said, as he wiped a tear away.

"Yeah." Eunmi and Kwangmin said.

"Thank you Eunmi, for telling us." Kwangmin smiled.

Eunmi then blushed. "Y - You're.. welcome." she said.


Youngmin and Kwangmin had planned on telling you to not go to the rooftop after school, but then the teacher had arrived just before they could. The lesson passed by very quickly, and then the bell rang.

~*Ring Ring*~

Students left as soon as the bell rang, all hurrying to the bus. You remained behind, as so did Eunmi and the twins. You then made your way to the rooftop, while Youngmin, Kwangmin and Eunmi slowly followed you. When you opened the door, you quickly stepped inside, and before the door would get locked, thew twins and Eunmi slid inside, and hid behind the back of the wall.

You looked around for Minwoo, but could see no sign of him. *Where is he?* you thought.

You then heard a clicking sound of a door getting locked. You turned your head around to face the door, only to see the four queenkas, holding basketfuls of tomatoes and eggs, a basketful of glass pieces, and metal bats. "Welcome.. to our little .. game." one of the queenkas said.

*. I fell for their stupid trap..* you thought. 


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mio_meow #1
Chapter 25: wow!!! this chapter really make me cry :')
Chapter 36: Youngmins ending<3
Chapter 36: Can you make a sequel when you have time? Because the ending doesn't seem finished.
kwangminshypika #4
Chapter 32: Awh I'm so touched about Youngmin(':
like youngmin's end but Minwoo's better i think because i love minwoo that's why it's better :D Love autor <3
Loved the story but i didn't read youngmin end YET
Danieea #7
I've done reading! ^_^ I love youngmin but I chose to end up with minwoo ^__^ <3
I don't know I should end with Minwoo or Youngmin :D
i love the youngmin ending but haven't read the minwoo ending
minionsbanana #10
Interesting ending!♥<br />
But I will go with Minwoo ending since I want to end with Minwoo haha♥