Best Friends Stand Up For Each Other

My Best Friend or My Crush?

That night, after Minwoo left your house, you couldn't sleep. You were hugging your pillow tightly, grinning like an idiot. *I can't believe we're an official couple now...* you thought.

The next day when you opened your door, you saw Minwoo there, as always. But this time, you were both smiling at each other, happily. "Good morning ~~~~!" Minwoo greeted.

"Good morning Minwoo oppa!" you greeted back.

"You ready to go to school?" Minwoo asked.

You happily nodded. "Oh wait, I forgot one thing." you suddenly remembered.

You darted back into house, leaving Minwoo with a confused expression. After a few seconds, you came back with two lunch boxes. "Here!" you passed one to Minwoo.

He took it, and looked at it frowning. "Thanks.. but, I have my own?" he questioned.

"Don't worry, the one I gave you was for dessert, after we finishing eating our lunch." you said.

Minwoo lit back up into a smile, "Thanks ~~~~!" he yelled.

You smiled and then linked your arm with Minwoo's. Both of you skipped happily to school together. When you arrived at your classroom, you saw the twins, sitting down. You darted over to them, and then greeted, "Hi guys!"

The twins turned their heads around, and when they saw you, they smiled. "Hi ~~~~!" they chorused.

Minwoo walked in and then greeted them as well. Youngmin and Minwoo were on great terms, even though they had both loved you. The four of you talked until the bell rang. Lessons were boring as usual, and you just finished the work by yourself, not listening to how the teacher explained it. It continued like this for the next two hours. *hurry up and let us eat lunch already....* you thought.

~*Ring Ring*~

*Yes! Finally!* you thought.

You hastily packed your things up and then waited for Minwoo. Aftr he finished, you both said goodbye to the twins and then dashed to the cafeteria. You both sat down at your usual table and then you took your lunch box out. Minwoo did the same and then you both started to feed each other. People from other tables were watching both of you in envy, especially the queenkas. While you were feeding Minwoo, you overheard one of the queenkas say,

"I know she's prettier, smarter and better than us and all, but I heard that she wasn't officially Minwoo's girlfriend until recently. She was just USING him to get closer to Youngmin. Isn't that kind of cruel? And then she rejected Youngmin in the end, because she fell in love with Minwoo. That's just... cruel!"

When you heard that, your head fell. *Do I not deserve him...? Does he think that way as well?* you thought.

"That's not for you to judge. ~~~~ has the right to choose who she wants to be with, so shut your mouth before any violence happens." you heard a familiar voice.

You looked up and saw Youngmin, glaring at the queenkas. *Youngmin...?* you thought.

You watched the queenkas as they started backing away. They nodded and then dashed off, away from the cafeteria. When Youngmin was about to go back to his table, you yelled, "Thanks Youngmin... oppa." you thanked, smiling.

Youngmin looked at you with a did-she-just-call-me-oppa look. He then smiled and when back to Kwangmin. Minwoo smiled at you as you sat down. "You sure have a great best friend there ~~~~." he stated.

"Yes, I sure do" you smiled.

Where Youngmin was, he was smiling like a fool. *She calls me oppa now. I don't regret anything anymore. Having her by my side is enough...* Youngmin thought.

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mio_meow #1
Chapter 25: wow!!! this chapter really make me cry :')
Chapter 36: Youngmins ending<3
Chapter 36: Can you make a sequel when you have time? Because the ending doesn't seem finished.
kwangminshypika #4
Chapter 32: Awh I'm so touched about Youngmin(':
like youngmin's end but Minwoo's better i think because i love minwoo that's why it's better :D Love autor <3
Loved the story but i didn't read youngmin end YET
Danieea #7
I've done reading! ^_^ I love youngmin but I chose to end up with minwoo ^__^ <3
I don't know I should end with Minwoo or Youngmin :D
i love the youngmin ending but haven't read the minwoo ending
minionsbanana #10
Interesting ending!♥<br />
But I will go with Minwoo ending since I want to end with Minwoo haha♥