A Way To Make Youngmin Happy Again?

My Best Friend or My Crush?

*Ring Ring*Ring Ring*

The bell rang for the final class of the day. You were dragged out to the next classroom with Minwoo, leaving a sad Youngmin.. You felt so sorry for him because you usually walked to the next class with him, but then remembered what the benefit of the 'act' was. Youngmin was still packing his things up and Kwangmin was waiting for him.

"Yah.. Can't you be more quicker, Youngmin!?" Kwangmin said, tired of waiting for his older brother.

"Oh.. mianhae.. I'm almost done." Youngmin replied with a sad tone.

"...Hey, why do you sound so... sad..?" Kwangmin asked, getting worried.

"Oh it's... nothing." Youngmin replied.

Since Kwangmin knew that he wasn't going to get any answers out from Youngmin, he stopped asking.. for the time being. Youngmin finally finished packing up and then the two twins walked together to the next class. 

When they entered the room the teacher hadn't arrived yet, so they quickly sat down in their seats. You were talking to Minwoo and when you saw both of the twins walking to their seats. You immediately stopped talking to Minwoo and waved and smiled at them. Kwangmin smiled and waved back, but Youngmin had no expression on his face. He just looked away from you and sat down in his seat. You were surprised that Youngmin didn't reply and Kwangmin was just SHOCKED!

Kwangmin knew that Youngmin loved you a lot, so why didn't he smile and wave back at you? Minwoo also saw this and another little smile came to his face. *Oh yes! Youngmin is finally starting to act up now! But I hope he doesn't confess to ~~~~ that early.. I still wanna make him even more jealous.. and . Hehe.* Minwoo thought. 

The teacher had just come in and then everyone else sat down. The lesson had begun. You weren't paying attention to the teacher because you were thinking about why Youngmin didn't wave back at you. You were positive that he saw you, so why didn't he reply back? You decided to secretly text Kwangmin about it. You made sure the teacher wasn't looking your way, and then you got your phone out.

To: Kwangminnie ^^

"Hey.. do you know what's up with Youngmin? He's been acting weird ever since last class.."

From: ~~~~ ^_~

You desparately hoped that his phone would be on silent, and luckily, it was. Kwangmin felt a vibration in his pocket and carefully took his phone out. He looked on the screen and it said:

New Message From ~~~~ ^_~

Kwangmin looked over to where you were and you just waved back at him. He smiled and looked to see if the teacher was looking. After the teacher wasn't looking around his area anymore, he began to read your message. *So she knows there's something weird about Youngmin too?* Kwangmin thought. He replied to your message ASAP.

To: ~~~~ ^_~

"I have no idea what's wrong with him.. But.. It looks like he's sad.. Could you try to cheer him up? I'm sure you can do it ~_^"

From: Kwangminnie ^^

You felt a vibration in your pocket. You took your phone out and looked at the message. You looked at Kwangmin and gave him a what-should-I-do look. Kwangmin just secretly chuckled and went back to the lesson, leaving you with a pouted face. *Heh.. Anything would be fine if it's YOU, ~~~~...* Kwangmin thought.

Youngmin looked at Kwangmin to see him secretly smiling and wondered why. Then he glanced over at you and saw you pouting. *What's up with these two? And most of all.. what's ~~~~ and Minwoo's... relationship..?* Youngmin sadly thought to himself.

After you stopped pouting at Kwangmin, you decided to think of a way to make Youngmin happy, and maybe even CONFESS to you. *Hmm.. Should I just ask him why he's sad? No no, that's kind of.. weird ... Hmm.. I can't think of anything, argh! Hmm.. maybe I'll just.. try hug him... ONCE. Y-yeah.. it'll be awkward, but I'll do it. I'll do anything to make Youngmin happy again..* you thought to yourself.


=^= I won't be updating for a while D:
I got 2 assignments to do ~_______~
Sorry but I promise I'll make it up to you >_____<

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mio_meow #1
Chapter 25: wow!!! this chapter really make me cry :')
Chapter 36: Youngmins ending<3
Chapter 36: Can you make a sequel when you have time? Because the ending doesn't seem finished.
kwangminshypika #4
Chapter 32: Awh I'm so touched about Youngmin(':
like youngmin's end but Minwoo's better i think because i love minwoo that's why it's better :D Love autor <3
Loved the story but i didn't read youngmin end YET
Danieea #7
I've done reading! ^_^ I love youngmin but I chose to end up with minwoo ^__^ <3
I don't know I should end with Minwoo or Youngmin :D
i love the youngmin ending but haven't read the minwoo ending
minionsbanana #10
Interesting ending!♥<br />
But I will go with Minwoo ending since I want to end with Minwoo haha♥