Best Friends Forever

My Best Friend or My Crush?

You were always eager to go to school so you could meet Minwoo. But today, you honestly weren't..

"~~~~, can I talk to you?" Youngmin asked.

You slowly nodded, while Minwoo who was sitting next to you, bit his lip. You got upfrom your seat and told Minwoo to wait where he was in the cafeteria. He obediently nodded and then you followed Youngmin. He ended up taking you to the rooftop. When Youngmin stopped walking, you stopped as well. He turned his head around.

"~~~~, I have something to tell you, will you listen?" Youngmin said, nervously fidgetting with his fingers.

"Sure, what's up?" you replied.

*Come on Youngmin. Get it over and done with. This will be a great load off your shoulders.* Youngmin thought, as he took a deep breath.

"I like you. No, I love you. I've loved you this whole time. I know what your answer will be to my question, but... Will you go out with me?" Youngmin confessed.

Your eyes widened at his confession. *He liked me this whole time...? Just like I did? But... as much as I would like to say yes..I don't have that feeling towards him anymore..* you thought.

Minwoo was hiding behind the rooftop door, listening to every word. *This is the end, eh? Well. I had a great time 'pretending' to be your boyfriend, ~~~~. I guess it's back to being the -* Minwoo's thoughts were cut off when you heard you say,

"I'm sorry Youngmin, but I can't accept. The truth is, I liked loved you as well. Minwoo offered to helpme, but resulted in me falling in love with him. If you had told me before, I would've happily accepted.. but now, I'm's too late." you confessed.

Youngmin's eyes widened. "Really now.. I - I guess I was too late then.. thank you for explaining this to me thought. One more request. Can I take Minwoo's place as your best friend?" Youngmin said, on the verge of crying.

"Sure. I would love to have you as my best friend. But, I don't even know if Minwoo likes me back or not..." you said.

"I'm pretty sure he does. You'll get it out of him soon." Youngmin assured.

"Thanks Youngmin, for understanding." you said.

"It's fine." Youngmin shaked.

Minwoo couldn't believe what he had just heard. *She... likes me?* he thought.

~* Ring Ring*~

The bell rang for the end of lunch. Minwoo hurriedly ran to class and then sat down, thinking deeply about what had just happened.

Youngmin held his hand out. "Let's walk to class together?" he offered, trying to put on a smile.

"Sure." you smiled, as you took his hand.

The two of you walked to class in silence.

*I guess I was too late... if only I had the courage to do it earlier.. then things wouldn't end up like this... Well, I will never stop loving her, no matter what. Be happy with Minwoo, ~~~~... Saranghae.* Youngmin sadly thought, loosening the grip on your hand.

*I'm sorry Youngmin, I really am...* you thought, tightening the grip.


Sorry for the short chapter!
To all people who chose Minwoo. HERE YOU GO!
To all people who chose Youngmin. I'M SORRY!!!

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mio_meow #1
Chapter 25: wow!!! this chapter really make me cry :')
Chapter 36: Youngmins ending<3
Chapter 36: Can you make a sequel when you have time? Because the ending doesn't seem finished.
kwangminshypika #4
Chapter 32: Awh I'm so touched about Youngmin(':
like youngmin's end but Minwoo's better i think because i love minwoo that's why it's better :D Love autor <3
Loved the story but i didn't read youngmin end YET
Danieea #7
I've done reading! ^_^ I love youngmin but I chose to end up with minwoo ^__^ <3
I don't know I should end with Minwoo or Youngmin :D
i love the youngmin ending but haven't read the minwoo ending
minionsbanana #10
Interesting ending!♥<br />
But I will go with Minwoo ending since I want to end with Minwoo haha♥