Forgotten Memories

My Best Friend or My Crush?

When the ambulance arrived, they came out onto the rooftop with a stretcher. Carefully, they lifted Youngmin's body up and placed him on the stretcher, and began to move back down to where the ambulance was. You, Eunmi and Kwangmin slowly followed behind, and once you were at the ambulance, the three of you hopped in.

During the ride, you did nothing but sniff, sob, and cry. You couldn't stop blaming yourself for what had happened to Youngmin. "I.. I can't believe this. I did this.. to Youngmin.. I made him like this.." you kept muttering to yourself.

Kwangmin and Eunmi looked at you, feeling worried and sympathetic. Clearly, there was no way to stop you from cursing yourself. All Eunmi and Kwangmin could do, was give you a little group hug. "Shh.. It'll be alright. Youngmin will be alive." Eunmi said.

"Yeah.. Youngmin.. he has to live. Without him, my life wouldn't be.. complete. I wouldn't have my wonderful, happy twin with me again. It would feel weird without him. He'll live.. for all of us. Don't worry." Kwangmin said.

Hearing those words, you calmed and softened down a bit. "O - Okay.. T - Thanks.." you said.

Kwangmin and Eunmi smiled at you, while you gave them back a little weak smile.

One of the nurses were checking Youngmin's condition, and then said that he would need a surgery for his head. They would need to stitch it up. You bit your lip at the thought. *I ... I'm sorry Youngmin..* you thought.


After half an hour of riding in the ambulance truck, you finally arrived at the hospital, and Youngmin was moved to one of the rooms. You, Kwangmin and Eunmi wanted to go inside, but the nurse told you to wait outside, as it was surgery conditions. The three of you bit your lip and nodded, and decided to wait. Eunmi had to call her parents, telling them that she would be home late because of an accident, and her parents allowed her to stay in the hospital. You and Kwangmin just sat down, desparately waiting.

During the wait, you, Eunmi and Kwangmin had fallen asleep. Two hours later, when the nurse came outside to tell you that you could go visit him, she saw the three of you sleeping soundlessly. She smiled and then mumbled, "They look so cute when they sleep. Young people these days.." and she left.

Ten minutes later, you woke up and looked at the light on top of the door. You saw that it was turned off, and immediately you got up from Kwangmin's lap. Eunmi's head thudded onto Kwangmin's lap, which made her head hurt, and she yelled, "OW!"

Kwangmin also felt the loud thud and then woke up from Eunmi's scream. "What happened?" he asked.

"Look! Surgery's finished. We can go inside!" you whispered.

The three of you unlocked the door, and then huddled inside. Inside, you saw Youngmin, unconscious, but still alive. You rushed over to the nearest seat next to him, and then lifted up his hand, and held it in yours. "I.. I'm sorry Youngmin.. I'm really sorry.. M - Mianhae.." you mumbled to yourself.

Kwangmin and Eunmi walked over to where you were, and took two seats nearby and sat down in them. A few minutes later, Eunmi and Kwangmin had fallen asleep again, but you hadn't. You were sitting down next to Youngmin, clutching onto his hand, and crying. The nurse came into the room, and was shocked to see you there, crying. "Um.. Miss? Is there something wrong?" the nurse asked.

You quickly let go of his hand and wiped away your tears. "O - Oh. It's nothing." you said.

"Alright. Well... I have good news and bad news." the nurse said.

"Tell me." you desparately asked, curious about what the bad news was.

"Well. The good news is that.. Youngmin is alive." the nurse chuckled.

You let out a small little sigh of relief. "W - What about the bad news?" you heard someone say from behind.

"Oh, Kwangmin and Eunmi, you're awake? you asked.

"Yeah. Ten seconds ago." Kwangmin smiled.

"So what's the bad news?" Eunmi asked.

"Well.. Because Youngmin suffered a very big hit from whatever weapon or object it was, he has lost.. certain memories." the nurse explained.

"...BWOH!?" you, Kwangmin and Eunmi all yelled.

"SH! Please be quiet! This is a hospital!" the nurse said.

"M - Mianhae. Please continue." Kwangmin said.

"Well.. the memories that he has lost.. is someone called ~~~~. Do you know who that is?" the nurse asked.

You gasped in shock. Kwangmin and Eunmi gasped. "B -Bwoh..?" you asked.

"Ahh, are you ~~~~?" the nurse asked.

You slowly nodded. "W - What has he forgotten about me?" you asked.

"He.. he has forgotten everything about you. About loving you, about ever being friends with you. Youngmin has lost no other memories, but only about you." the nurse explained.

You fell onto the floor, crying. "No.. Youngmin.." you muttered.

"How long will this last for?" Eunmi asked.

"Forever. He will never get the memories back, unfortunately. I'm sorry." the nurse said.

Your crying could now be heard through the echoing corridors. 'I ... This is all my fault.." you said to yourself.

"Miss, do you need some water?" the nurse asked.

"N - No.. I'm fine..." you said.

"Alright then. Well I have to go. Please stay here as long as you want, but I do suggest you go back home soon. It's getting quite dark." the nurse said, and then closed the door.

Again, you started crying, and this time, you didn't stop. Kwangmin and Eunmi were both slowly starting to cry as well. You then stood up and then looked at Youngmin, with your tear - filled eyes. "I... Youngmin.. he forgot.. everything.." you said.

For another few hours, you were crying, while holding onto Youngmin's hand. Kwangmin and Eunmi cried themselves to sleep, while you just continuously kept crying.

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mio_meow #1
Chapter 25: wow!!! this chapter really make me cry :')
Chapter 36: Youngmins ending<3
Chapter 36: Can you make a sequel when you have time? Because the ending doesn't seem finished.
kwangminshypika #4
Chapter 32: Awh I'm so touched about Youngmin(':
like youngmin's end but Minwoo's better i think because i love minwoo that's why it's better :D Love autor <3
Loved the story but i didn't read youngmin end YET
Danieea #7
I've done reading! ^_^ I love youngmin but I chose to end up with minwoo ^__^ <3
I don't know I should end with Minwoo or Youngmin :D
i love the youngmin ending but haven't read the minwoo ending
minionsbanana #10
Interesting ending!♥<br />
But I will go with Minwoo ending since I want to end with Minwoo haha♥