The Girl In My Dreams

My Best Friend or My Crush?

It had been a few weeks, and Youngmin was still in hospital, as whenever he got up from the hospital bed, he would have a wobbling headache and fall down. Youngmin had finally started to trust you more, and you always came everyday to give him the notes from class and everything. Of course you still hung out with your boyfriend, Minwoo, but you never stopped thinking about how Youngmin was doing. You and Youngmin had also gotten more closer to each other.

One day, as you came to the hospital, you knocked on the door, and heard no response. You carefully opened the door, and then saw Youngmin sleeping. You smiled and walked inside, and looked at him closely. You noticed something strange about him. He was sweating hard, and it looked like he was having a nightmare. You quickly touched his forehead and then felt that it was super hot. You decided to go get a tub of water and wet a towel.


What is happening in Youngmin's dream:

"Youngmin! Let's go eat lunch at the cafeteria with Kwangmin!" 
"Youngmin, let's go to class now! Don't want to be late now, do we?"
"Ahahaha, I'll see you tomorrow Youngmin!"

"No.. don't.. stop showing me images of this girl..."
"I don't even know who she is.."
"Who is she? She.. looks vaguely familiar..."
"Stop it! I ... I .."

"Youngmin, I love you only as a best friend.."


"AH!!" Youngmin screamed, as he woke up from his 'nightmare'.

He looked at his surroundings, and then saw that you were next to him. "Youngmin? Are you okay? Did something happen?" you asked.

"No... N - Nothing... Nothing at all." Youngmin said, as he wiped a drop of sweat from his forehead.

Then he laid back down onto the bed, and then just sat there for a while, deeply thinking about the dream. *Why does this dream keep popping into my mind when I'm sleeping? Who is this girl? She looks familiar... but her face is blurred so I can't see her.. ARGH!* Youngmin thought.

"Oh here are the notes from today's lesson!" you smiled, as you handed him your notebook.

"Thanks." he smiled.

It was quiet for a while, as Youngmin examined through the notebook, until he asked,

"Hey.." he started.

"Yes?" you replied.

"I've been having these dreams.. and this girl.. who looks vaguely familiar keeps appearing in them.." Youngmin said.

Your ears perked up. *Is he possibly.. starting to remember? YES!* you thought.

"Mmhmm? Describe the girl to me and what the dream is about?" you asked.

"Well.. it gives me a blurred face of her, and then she keeps saying things like, "Youngmin, let's go eat with Kwangmin! or "Let's go to class now Youngmin!" and "I only love you as a best friend..." Youngmin explained.

*Yep. He's remembering.. But.. 'I only love you as a best friend...' I feel so guilty.* you thought.

"Do you know who it is?" Youngmin asked.

*Of course I do.* you secretly smiled.

"Um.. Well.. I don't really know.. I don't remember you confessing to anyone." you lied.

"Oh.. okay." Youngmin said.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was now the afternoon, and Youngmin was doing the homework that you had given him, while you were reading a book. You both then heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" you said.

The door opened, and inside came.. Minwoo. "Minwoo oppa!" you brightened.

You went over to him and then hugged him. "What brings you here?" you asked.

"Oh, just decided to pay a visit." Minwoo winked.

"Ahh! I see." you replied.

"Yo Minwoo!" Youngmin waved.

"Hi!" Minwoo replied.

For a few hours, Minwoo and Youngmin were talking, while you continued to read your book. After Minwoo and Youngmin had run out of topics to talk about, Minwoo then said, "Can I talk to you for a while, ~~~~?"

"Sure." you said, motioning to go outside.

Minwoo opened the door and then you went outside the room first. Minwoo then followed, leaving Youngmin inside, confused. *Whenever they talk to each other, they're always hiding it from me.. I wonder what they talk about..* Youngmin thought.

Because Youngmin couldn't take it anymore, he slowly slid out of bed, and then tried not to fall down on his way to door, so he could eavesdrop. When he reached the door, he immediately sat down, and tried to not make a noise. He then pressed his ears against the door, and then listened.


"I think Youngmin is finally starting to get some memories." you said.

"Yeah, I realised too. He told me about his dream." Minwoo said.

"Oh I'm so happy!" you exclaimed.

"Haha, I am too." Minwoo smiled.


*Memories? Memories about what? Memories about who?* Youngmin thought.


"I hope he remembers me soon..." you said.

"Yeah... Then it will be like what it was before Sulli even came." Minwoo said.

"Mmhm. She ruined this whole thing, which caused the queenkas to rage.. And then.. because of me.. Youngmin protected me from that metal bat.. and ended up here.." you said, feeling guilty.

"Aww. It's okay. It was all Sulli's fault in the beginning.." Minwoo comforted you, as he hugged you.

"Yeah.. you're right.." you said.


*So.. I was protecting ~~~~? And.. I lost memories? Of her? What? Really? I'm.. I'm so confused.. SO let me get this straight. I protected ~~~~ from the metal bat that was about to hit her, and then ended up in the hospital, which leaded me to memory loss about her. THAT'S. IMPOSSIBLE. THAT MEANS ~~~~ IS THE GIRL FROM MY DREAM!?* Youngmin thought.

As Youngmin heard your footsteps coming, he quickly ran back into the bed, and pretended to be doing his homework. You opened the door and then Minwoo followed in, to get his things. "I have to go now.. I'll see you soon Youngmin!" Minwoo waved goodbye, and then left.

"Bye!" Youngmin waved.

"So, what did you and Minwoo talk about?" Youngmin asked.

"I.. I ... We.. Uh.. We just talked about what happened at school today.. yeah.." you lied.

*Heh. I can see through all your lies now.. Now I finally know who you are.. But I still don't remember something... Something.. Really important.* Youngmin thought.


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mio_meow #1
Chapter 25: wow!!! this chapter really make me cry :')
Chapter 36: Youngmins ending<3
Chapter 36: Can you make a sequel when you have time? Because the ending doesn't seem finished.
kwangminshypika #4
Chapter 32: Awh I'm so touched about Youngmin(':
like youngmin's end but Minwoo's better i think because i love minwoo that's why it's better :D Love autor <3
Loved the story but i didn't read youngmin end YET
Danieea #7
I've done reading! ^_^ I love youngmin but I chose to end up with minwoo ^__^ <3
I don't know I should end with Minwoo or Youngmin :D
i love the youngmin ending but haven't read the minwoo ending
minionsbanana #10
Interesting ending!♥<br />
But I will go with Minwoo ending since I want to end with Minwoo haha♥