Break Up

My Best Friend or My Crush?

The next morning, you were back in happy spirits. You got up and did your daily routine. You went downstairs to eat breakfast. After that, you made two lunch boxes again, one for you and one for Minwoo. You packed your bag up, and then opened the door, to see no one standing outside to greet you. *Hmmm, that's strange. Minwoo would always be here...* you thought.

You decided to walk to school yourself, just incase Minwoo had to go there urgently.


*No... Please, I don't want this to happen.. I don't even know how much this will hurt ~~~~..* Minwoo thought, as he arrived at the school's front gate.

Just as he was about to open the door to the corridor, someone called out his name. "Minwoo oppa!"

He turned around and saw you, waving and smiling at him, with your normal angelic smile. *Crap..* Minwoo thought.

He did a little wave, and then ran into the corridor. He went to the boy's bathroom and then decided to hide in there until the bell rang for class.

*Hmm? Is something wrong?* you cluelessly thought.


~*Ring Ring*~

Minwoo got out of the boy's bathroom, sighing a sigh of relief, until he heard someone fakingly cough. He looked up and saw.. Sulli. Minwoo rolled his eyes and then asked, "What do you want?"

"Is that how you treat your 'girlfriend'?" Sulli smirked.

Minwoo rolled his eyes again. "You're not my girlfriend. You're my blackmailer.." he stated.

"Of course I am. Now, have you made your decision?" Sulli asked.

Hesitantly, Minwoo nodded, biting his lip. "Oh good." Sulli said.

Then she linked her arm with Minwoo's, and started dragging him towards the classroom.


You were waiting in the classroom for Minwoo's arrival, and when you saw the door open, you perked up to see if it was Minwoo. Instead of seeing her beloved boyfriend, she saw the twins. "Hi!" you waved.

"Hi!" the twins chorused.

Then you put your head back down on the desk, wondering about the weird morning you had just had. *First Minwoo didn't walk to school with me, now he didn't exactly.. talk to me. What's gotten into him lately? Even yesterday... all those weird questions..* you thought.

Again, you heard the door open and then you perked your head up. This time, you saw Minwoo and yelled "Op-" but you stopped.

There, linking arms with Minwoo, was Sulli, smiling brightly like an angel. Upon seeing that, your heart felt like it had just got stabbed. *Is this why Minwoo didn't talk to me...? Is this why Minwoo asked me yesterday that question? Is this what.. he was doing all along? But.. he said for a good reason.. so does that mean theres a good reason for this..? Does this mean.. we're breaking up?* you thought, as tears almost came out of your eyes.

When Minwoo saw you, he was about to smile, until he remembered that he was restricted from talking to you, according to Sulli.



"From now on, you can't talk to ~~~~ at all. You have to stay by my side always, and if there's ever an argument between me and ~~~~, you'll always be on my side. Everything you do, it has to be for my sake. Got that?" Sulli ordered.

"Arasseo arasseo, can you let go of my arm!? Aish, I wish you could just go study abroad right now.." Minwoo replied, with a irritated face.

"No can do. Now hurry up, we're almost at the classroom." Sulli said.

*Sigh.. I wish.. this all never happened. I wish this was just a nightmare...* Minwoo thought.

~End of Flashback~

*This is seriously the worst situation I have ever been in...* Minwoo thought, as he held back the urge to wave and say hello to you.

On the other hand, after you saw Minwoo with Sulli, you looked away and never looked back at him. You decided to talk it out with him at lunch break.


~*Ring Ring*~

The lunch bell rang. You packed your bag up, and Minwoo had too. Before Sulli could go to him, you dashed over to him and dragged him with you to the cafeteria. Minwoo just followed, not hesitating one bit. But, he was in fact, very worried about what Sulli would do. *I wonder why she is dragging me to the cafeteria.. I just hope that Sulli won't do anything.. I mean, just talking to her like saying that we're breaking up should be something Sulli wants..* Minwoo thought, biting his lip.

In a matter of seconds, you both had arrived at the cafeteria, and you took Minwoo to a little corner, so that you could not be seen by anyone. You dragged him with you to the corner, let him go, and he went flying to the end of the corner. After he regained his balance, he looked at your face, and the first thing he saw was your angry, irritated, and almost tear - eyed face. Minwoo stood up and without saying a word, tried to leave.

Before he could leave, he heard you say, "Is this why you asked me those questions yesterday..? Why didn't you just tell me that you liked Sulli? Why did you have to make me go through more pain than I already am in...? Is this fun to you? Playing with my feelings... "

Minwoo turned around. As much as he wanted to say it was all a lie, he couldn't. He bit his lip, and hesitated saying, "Yes. It's really fun." he said.

You turned around, with your now fully tear - eyed face. "Fine. If you really want it that way.. I won't wait for you. I will never wait for you to come back to me, even if it's for a good reason. You could've at least told me why you wanted to break up with me. I ... I regret loving you.. No Minwoo." you said, as you ran past him with tears rolling down your cheeks. You ran so fast, that you bumped into two people.

The first person was Sulli, and as you got up, when you saw her, you bowed and then started running again. Sulli smirked, as she made her way over to Minwoo, to see him sniffling. She went up to him and then hugged him. "It's alright Minwoo. I'm here now.." Sulli smirked, while she sounded so innocent while saying those comforting words.

The second person you bumped into was Youngmin. You got up, and when you saw Youngmin, you unconsciously hugged him. Youngmin was just shocked to see you do this, and decided not to ask anything from you at the moment. Instead, he just hugged back, saying it was going to be alright. "~~~~.. It's going to be alright.. Don't worry..."

*What happened? Did Minwoo do something to her? What has he done..?* Youngmin thought, while hugging you tightly.

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mio_meow #1
Chapter 25: wow!!! this chapter really make me cry :')
Chapter 36: Youngmins ending<3
Chapter 36: Can you make a sequel when you have time? Because the ending doesn't seem finished.
kwangminshypika #4
Chapter 32: Awh I'm so touched about Youngmin(':
like youngmin's end but Minwoo's better i think because i love minwoo that's why it's better :D Love autor <3
Loved the story but i didn't read youngmin end YET
Danieea #7
I've done reading! ^_^ I love youngmin but I chose to end up with minwoo ^__^ <3
I don't know I should end with Minwoo or Youngmin :D
i love the youngmin ending but haven't read the minwoo ending
minionsbanana #10
Interesting ending!♥<br />
But I will go with Minwoo ending since I want to end with Minwoo haha♥