Return of Jin Shi Yuan?

SOLD to U-Know Yunho !

Chapter 42



-Press Conference-

"Hello everyone, we are 2AM!" the group introduced themselves.

"Hello everyone we are, DBSK!" Yunho and Changmin introduced.

"Hello everyone, I'm SM Entertainment's producer, Park Yoochun. It's nice to meet you." Yoochun said.

"And I'm Kim Seoyeon, a former Taiwanese-Korean singer." Seoyeon introduced herself.

After introductions, everyone was bombarded with questions but luckily, everyone handled it well until...

"Kim Seoyeon, aren't you returning to the industry? Won't this ruin your image as an idol? You've been in scandals with Yunho before but you both denied it. Yet, you've dated his best friend, Shim Changmin. Don't you think you're too ridiculous?" one of the reporters asked.

"To start off, yes, I've been in scandals with Yunho but never once have we dated." she said. "Changmin and I dated and I truly loved him. However, we broke up due to personal reasons. Since my debut in Korea, everyone knew that Yunho and I are childhood friends. Whether or not we end up with each other shouldn't matter. Haven't you heard of 'distance makes the heart grow fonder'?"

"What are you talking about?" the reporter pushed.

"I did like Yunho before, truthfully. During the time I dated Changmin, I did like Yunho. But as our relationship continued I learned to let go and accept Changmin. After I broke up with Changmin, I reflected back on my actions, and thought 'Yunho was the person I've known since I was young. Whether his fans will bash on me,  hate me, etc., it's their opinion. Yet, they can't stop us from dating because we're human. We can date whoever we want. We can love whoever we want. With that, if Yunho and I decided to date, you don't have the right to call me a '', '', '', etc. because it was also Yunho's decision to date me."

"So are you or are you not dating Yunho?" another reporter asked.

"We are no-" Yunho said but Seoyeon cut him off.

"We're dating." she said grabbing his hand. "I like him whole heartedly just like how I liked Changmin whole heartedly."

Yunho stared at Seoyeon until reality hit him. She chose him. She didn't even hang with Changmin one last time. She chose him just like that. Changmin stood behind staring at the two with sadness but he was happy for his hyung. Yoochun, on the other hand, smiled. Even if he placed his bet on Changmin, he knew somehow, the two childhood friends would end up with each other.

"What about your career? Aren't you returning to the music industry?" another reporter asked.

Seoyeon just smiled and walked off the stage with Yunho following behind as well as the others.


[Waiting Room]

"Are you serious you're choosing me?" Yunho asked, shocked.

Seoyeon smiled.

His eyes widened. "Are you sure sure?"

Changmin smacked him on the back of his head. "Dummy, if you keep asking her that, she'll end up going back to me. Right Seoyeon?"

Once again, she just smiled and walked off.

", she's planned something." Yunho cursed.



"What's the catch?" Yunho asked.

"What are you talking about?" Seoyeon innocently asked.

"I know you're planning something Kim Seoyeon." he said.

"You, Mr. Jung Yunho, are going to prove JaeJoong-oppa wrong."

"What?" he confusedly asked.

Changmin sat still in his seat shaking his head. 'That .'


[Seoyeon's Place]

"I'm back!" Seoyeon called out.

"Yah! You're not serious about getting back with Yunho are you?" JaeJoong quickly asked her.

She smiled and showed him their intertwined hands.

"." he cursed.

"Hyung, I'll be a good boyfriend." Yunho said.

"Oh really now?" JaeJoong asked.

Yunho nodded.

"Then prove it."


"You must date her for at least a year to two years before you marry her."


"You got me?"

"Anything else?"

"No PDA in front of me."

"Oppa!" Seoyeon cried.

JaeJoong ignored her. "Cheat on her again, I'll kill you."

Yunho nodded.

"Make her sad and you won't even be able to be seen out in public."

His eyes widened. "What?"

"I'm kidding!" JaeJoong said, laughing. "HAHAHA. You should've seen your face."

"Hyung, you're cruel." Yunho called out.

"Ah! Before I forget, no sleeping with Seoyeon. Not even laying next to her for a second.  Who knows what you'll do."


"My rules."

"You're her cousin not her brother."

"I'm related to her. Take it or leave it!"

Yunho sighed. "Fine."

"I thought so." JaeJoong said, smiling. "Glad you see it my way."


HAHA. I updated eventhough I'm supposed to do WHAP homework. xD ! Yeahh, this story will end soon. Probably 2-3 chapters left? I felt it was too long so I wanted to shorten it. Sorry to all you Changmin fans out there! I might do an alternative ending for you guys? Vote below on whether you want an alternative ending or not! && OHH~ I wrote an "about me" on my tumblr. If you guys want to check out, I'll attach the link below. The pictures are ugly because I used webcam to take the photos. So lame -___- LOL. I know I'm not really "opened" to people on here because I don't really talk to my readers but in my opinion, I'm not as "opened" to my friends either. I mean, a lot of people see me as an "opened person" but there's also a lot of things my friends don't know about me and I've known most of them since I was in elementary school and I'm only a second year high school student. So yeahh, if you guys want to know more about me, go ahead and read it! If you follow me on tumblr, I might follow back depending on how much you post in a day. Honestly, I follow KPop blogs but I don't like my dashboard being spammed with 238947289 korean guys especially since I don't post much. xD

About Me





@myfishyx - I'm feeling a lot better now! Thanks :D ! But I hope my voice would be back to normal so I could record myself rapping tomorrow for the SBS Star Audition l:
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I love both endings~*-* and i love the way you write!<3333333
QueenB_doll #2
i was keep LOLing read this chap coz of the 180 degree situation with yunho's part..seoyeon was being so romantic around changmin, but with yunho,,awww..i pity yunho..LOL, anyway nice chap :D
I like both endings. They're both cute
Yunho gosh
QueenB_doll #5
bwahahaha..what a funny spouse,, i love the begging yunho wasn't at all, i like the ending bytheway hehehe..
QueenB_doll #6
whoa!! i always have this thought in my mind that jae loves her too much as a cousin..n this chap gave me answer..tnx for the update, update more 'K ;D
QueenB_doll #7
whoa!! i always have this thought in my mind that jae loves her too much as a cousin..n this chap gave me answer..tnx for the update, update more 'K ;D
Aww poor Jae :'(