We're official! Too bad fanboys/fangirls.

SOLD to U-Know Yunho !

Chapter 25



"I love life." Seoyeon said with a huge smile plastered on her face when she headed downstairs for breakfast.

"How so?" JaeJoong asked her.

"A few days ago, you said you hated it." Junsu added.

Seoyeon glared at her brother. "Kill joy."

"So, care to tell us why you're happy today?" JaeJoong questioned.

"Changmin oppa and I will reveal to everyone we're dating!" she happily said. "It's a good thing Yunho and I didn't reveal we're dating or things would get out of hand."

"Yah..." Junsu said concernedly. "You know if you tell everyone you're dating, you have to be extra careful of your actions right?"

Seoyeon nodded. "I know."


[10:05 AM]

-Somewhere in Seoul-

"You two are dating?" reporters asked.

Seoyeon and Changmin nodded. "We've dated for some time now."

"Did Yunho set you two up?"

"Aniyo." Seoyeon replied.

"I confessed to her and asked her out." Changmin added.


Hours later, news of the couple were spread quickly and things turned out not so well. Yes, there were many who supported the two's relationship. However, there were also many who would bash on each other. Seoyeon's fanboys would attack Changmin's cyworld and left hateful comments. The same thing happened to Seoyeon from Changmin's fangirls.


[Yunho's POV]

"Oppa! Look, Changmin and Seoyeon admitted that they're dating!" Yuri shouted.

I hurrily dashed to the living room where she was watching TV and stood in front of the TV.

It's been announced that DBSK's Shim Changmin and solo artist, Kim Seoyeon is now dating one another. The two have admitted that they've been in a relationship for quite some time now. Changmin even confessed he was the one to make a move and asked her out. Many fans are quite supportive of the two. However, there are some who are bashing on each sides saying they're not right for each other. Regardless, we hope the two will be happy with each other and continue a beautiful relationship.

"No way." I said softly.

"Maybe Changmin oppa does care for her." Yuri said.


"Haha! I can't believe my fanboys actually attacked you." Seoyeon laughed.

Changmin glared at her playfully.

"Yah! How can you laugh at me like that?" Changmin asked, pouting. "That's not nice."

"Aww come on, your fangirls leave comments much worst than my fanboys." Seoyeon replied.

Changmin looked at her worriedly. "What'd they say?"

Seoyeon shrugged. "What every fangirl would say? . . The list goes on..."

"You're not upset?" he asked.

"When I first stepped into the entertainment industry, I wasn't used to such things so I would cry my eyes out. Now, I've realized it's something celebrities must all endure." she said and looked Changmin right in the eyes. "The only thing that can stop us from being with each other is not our fans but those around us."

"Jagiya..." Changmin softly called.

Seoyeon approached him and gave him a hug. "But I know we'll be able to continue this relationship. Like I promised you, I'll learn to love someone else. That someone I've chose is you. And so, I'm determined to continue this relationship."

"I love you." Changmin said.

Seoyeon nodded. "Although I don't love you, I know that I really like you. Maybe one day, I'll be able to say those words to you as well."

Changmin smiled. "I'm glad you're willing to give me a chance and make this relationship work."

"Changmin-ah, don't leave me." she softly said.

"I won't." he replied and leaned towards her lips to give her a kiss.


"Yah! Quit being all lovey dovey!" JaeJoong said throwing a pillow at Seoyeon and Changmin which caused them to pull away from each other.

Seoyeon groaned. "Oppa~"

"If you're gona make out, do it in your room!" he cried.

"No!" Junsu butted in. "If they make out in Seoyeon's room, it could lead to another thing."

"Hyung~ I'm not a ert!" Changmin whined.

"But you're a man." Junsu retorted.

Seoyeon rolled her eyes. "Forget them."

"Dinner's ready!" Yoochun yelled.


-Yunho & Yuri's Side-

Throughout the whole day, Yunho couldn't think straight. His mind was occupied with the news of Changmin and Seoyeon dating. He didn't think Changmin would actually go for her. More importantly, he didn't think Seoyeon would go out with Changmin.

"This is too much." Yunho said to himself.

Yuri looked at him. "Oppa, are you okay?"

Yunho shook his head. "I'm just tired."

"Are you sick?"


"Should I leave first?"

"No, stay with me." he said.


"Changmin-ah, do you want to stay over?" Seoyeon asked him.

The two were in her room watching 'Romance Town' and it was already 1AM.

"Ah, what time is it?" he asked.

"1AM." she replied.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt." he said. "Should I sleep here or the living room?"

"You could sleep here." she replied. "Just wake up extra early tomorrow so oppa won't kill you."


Seoyeon laughed. "I'm just kidding."


[Next Day]

"Yah! Shim Changmin! What the is this?!" Junsu shouted as he slapped the younger male several times before the male woke up.

Changmin slowly opened his eyes and saw a scary Junsu.

"H-hyung!" Changmin cried.

"Yah! Why the are you still here?" Junsu yelled.

"O-oppa?" Seoyeon asked, yawning. "What's wrong?"

Junsu pointed at Changmin. "Why is he still here? Most importantly, on your bed?"

"I told him to sleep over." she replied casually.

"Why couldn't he sleep in the living room?"

"Because his back would hurt if he slept on such a small couch!" she answered. "Oppa, you're overreacting."

Junsu sighed. "Fine, you win. But next time, he's sleeping in the living room."

"Nah, he should sleep with you."

Junsu glared at his sister. "Get up and head out for breakfast."


The next day at SM Entertainment, Yunho and Changmin would barely talk to each other. Everyone around them thought it was awkward since the two were quite close. However, most understood why. Seoyeon. They didn't think badly of her. In fact, they felt sympathy for her. They knew everything that happened. They knew that Yunho cheated on her but they couldn't tell her since it was none of their business. Now that Seoyeon was with Changmin, a lot of the staff believe that she would be happier with him. Especially if she ever finds out the truth between Yunho and Yuri.


[Changmin's POV]

How am I going to tell Seoyeon we have double date tonight?


"Oppa, let's go on a double date!" Yuri said as she held onto Yunho's arm. "Please?"

Yunho smiled. "I agree. Don't you Changmin?"

"Hyung..." I softly said.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked, smirking.

I shook my head. "I'll tell Seoyeon."

*End of Flashback*


"Double date with the devil?" Seoyeon cried. "Yah! Why'd you agree?"

"I felt pressured!" I cried helplessly. "Please don't hurt me!"

Seoyeon looked at me for awhile then her expression softened.

"Arasso, for you, I'll go." she said.

I smiled. "Thanks jagiya."


@QueenB_doll - Yeah! One-sided love... It . Poor Changmin ]:

@abbyraea - LOOL! I know right? Such a confident person! LOOL. Yeah, when you're in a relationship you can get 'bored'. In some cases, I've seen it happen with my friends but when you're bored, you just break up with the person and tell them you don't have the same feelings as you did before. Cheating on people pisses me off ]:< ! When are you starting school? I start next Tuesday 8/16. I'm getting my classes tomorrow! So nervous especially since I didn't do my summer homework. I hope I don't get that class. LMAO!

@myfishyx - It's okay, I know how you feel. But some guys are just s and have no brains so they feel like cheating is okay -.-;;

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I love both endings~*-* and i love the way you write!<3333333
QueenB_doll #2
i was keep LOLing read this chap coz of the 180 degree situation with yunho's part..seoyeon was being so romantic around changmin, but with yunho,,awww..i pity yunho..LOL, anyway nice chap :D
I like both endings. They're both cute
Yunho gosh
QueenB_doll #5
bwahahaha..what a funny spouse,, i love the begging yunho kekekeke..it wasn't at all, i like the ending bytheway hehehe..
QueenB_doll #6
whoa!! i always have this thought in my mind that jae loves her too much as a cousin..n this chap gave me answer..tnx for the update, update more 'K ;D
QueenB_doll #7
whoa!! i always have this thought in my mind that jae loves her too much as a cousin..n this chap gave me answer..tnx for the update, update more 'K ;D
Aww poor Jae :'(