his name

Is this how love feels like?

 Still Mi Sun P.O.V

I run after him. “excuse me, excuse me! Hey! you—“ he turned around and look at me “—you, yeah you”

“Yes?” he said.

“er....may I know your name?” I asked.

He looked at me for a moment, then took a step closer. “you don’t know my name?”

*well duh, or I won’t be asking you* I wanted to say, but I just shake my head.

He tilts his head and look at me. “what?” I said, pulling his blazer tighter to me, but something pricks my hand. “ouch…”

I look down to see what it was; it was something in blue…

*Oh! Nametag, right, why didn’t I think about it*

“your name is……….” I said, reading his name tag.

“jung jin young?”

“hmm.” He replied.  *hmm? Is that’s all you can say?*

“okay, jung jin young-shii, thank you for your blazer, I will return to you in a while” I bowed and quickly walked off before the bell rings.

*blue name tag.* I thought. *he must be a 2ndyear student.*



Jin Young P.O.V

While walking back from the staff room, I saw two boys laughing and talking. Asking what were they doing, they said nothing and left. When I was just about to leave, I saw a girl standing alone next to a row of lockers. Feeling suspicious, I decided to ask what is she doing there, and I found out that she was only wearing her white P.E shirt with our school skirts. She was also still in her jogging shoes.

“what do you want” she said. She looks…….angry.

“Why are you dressed like this?” I asked her.

“er…I just finish P.E” she replied.

“Where is your school shirt?”

“well you see, I was changing, and then my friend—“ she shook her head. “erm..sorry but I need to go now.” She bowed and walked pass me. That’s when I realized something.

“your shirt is wet” i said. She did not stop walking. I can see her pushing her long hair behind to cover the back of her wet shirt, while her hands are hugging her chest. I took off my blazer and put it on her head. She stopped walking. She looked at my blazer then to me, and gave me back my blazer.

“I don’t want your—“

“I don’t know what happen to you” I said, taking the blazer that she just push it to me. “But I can’t let a girl walk around the school looking like this.” I put my blazer on her back and look at her.  She was also looking at me. I can see fear in her eyes. What exactly happen to her? “Wear this and get change quickly, araso?”

She nodded at me.

 I smiled at her and walked off.

*wow, she has beauty eyes. wait a minute, those eyes, they look familiar...*

“excuse me, excuse me!” her voice broke off my thoughts. “Hey! you—“ i turned around and look at her

“—you, yeah you”

“Yes?” i said.

“er....may I know your name?” She asked.

I looked at her. Is it her? Is she the girl from that day? “you don’t know my name?” I said without thinking.

She shook her head.  *ahh, of course she don't you idiot*

I tilt my head and look at her face. Omgosh, it is her! Did she not recognise me?

“what…” she said, and start doing something to my blazer.

“your name is…” she said, looking at my name tag.

“jung jin young?”

“hmm.” I said

“okay, jung jin young-shii, thank you for your blazer, I will return to you in a while” She bowed and walked off. I took the opposite direction. Then the bell rang.

*ahh recess* and I continue walking to the cafeteria. *she really don’t know me?*

brown hair, deep voice, calm face -> jung jin young. haha! xP 


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Joon_A #1
Chapter 73: Yeah..its been awhile..i just found 'is this how love feels like" and finally I just finished reading it....OMG I love it so much,I really love all the endings
*this is my new acc.,I forgot whats my old username and password so I make a new acc.
Btw,excellent story ;)
khatz17 #2
Chapter 42: i really want her to be with baro :-P
BlackPearl96 #3
Chapter 2: Hi, I keep seeing this story and it makes my interested every time. But every time I realize it can't read the font :/ I may be the only one but it would be much appreciated if I could enjoy your story like the others, please change the font author nim
Chapter 72: Hello!! New subscriber and new reader here~ \(´▽`)/ hbshjsahsahjsahsajhsd I love your story!! ♥ like seriously how do you do that.. I was blushing from beginning until the end!! I love all the endings ;_; cant express it well but the point is I love this story very much! Thank you for making this author-nim!!
gongchan. gongchan. gongchan.
Thank you all for reading! =D
Daenaelysa #7
ohgawd I liked Gongchan's more than Jinyoung's even though I'm Jinyoung biased. CHANNIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME.
congrats on completing your story!! i hope mine becomes as successful as yours is!!! <3<3<3<3<3