
Is this how love feels like?

Mi Sun P.O.V

I’m seriously starting to think sandeul has a thing for juri. As for juri, she seems pretty happy being around sandeul too.

Now, sandeul is writing songs while juri is playing some notes on her guitar.

Chaerin was fixing her hair into a ponytail as she has volleyball practice later. Gong chan was pretending to read a book but he’s actually looking at juri this whole time.

“Man, gong chan need to act fast.” Baro, who was sitting in front of me said.

“Can’t you do something about it?”

“Me? Like how?”

“I dunno. You’re a man, you should know.”

He laughed. “Don’t look at me. I’ve never dated before.”

“How about a crush?”

“Erm….oh yeah, how do you do this question?”

“Don’t change the topic.”

“Come on, math first. We have exams coming up in two weeks.”




Baro P.O.V

It was after school. The six of us stayed put in our classroom to do some revision. Well, except for juri and class rep.

Everything was perfectly fine until mi sun mention about crush. My heart won’t stop beating fast. Crush huh. I didn’t really have one I guess. But how would you know whether you have a crush on someone?

“Mi sun…” gong chan came over and put his head on her shoulder.

She patted his head while continuing explaining the question to me.

“Wanna sit?” she asked gong chan, he nodded. She shifted over and they shared a chair.

Obviously the chair was too small for two people, so gong chan was holding her waist with his left arm and another on the table.

Every time gong chan and mi sun stay close like this, I can’t help but to feel envy about them. Maybe gong chan should just date mi sun, they look cute after all.

I suddenly feel jealous after thinking about it.

“…….see? “


“Baro, if you keep doing that I’m gonna stop tutoring you.”

“Do what?” gong chan ask.

“Every time when I’m explaining something, he seems to be thinking about something else.” She laughed.

“Ooo..maybe he’s distracted by your beauty!”

“Now that’s just weird, channie.” Mi sun said.

So call me weird, because I am always looking at your face instead of the book.

“Anything else?” she smiled at me.


Oh no not my heart again, I keep having this feeling every time she smiles at me.

“Er no. Thank you.” I took my book and turn back to my seat so that my back is now facing her.

I put my hand on my chest and breathe in.

Heart! You need to calm down!

“Juri, let’s go before we’re late.” I heard chaerin said.

“Okay.” Juri start keeping her guitar while sandeul keep his books.

“Bye!” chaerin waved at us and took her bags. But before she could take it, sandeul came up took her bags from her.

“I’ll take it.” He said. Chaerin blinked her eyes but let him take it.

I saw gong chan standing up and went to juri.

“I’ll take your guitar.” He said.

“I’m fine. You don’t have to walk all the way downstairs.”

“Oh, I’ll take it.” sandeul said and sling the guitar back to his shoulder.

“Thank you bunny.” Juri said and patted his head. He grins at her and starts hopping out the classroom.

“Bye! See you all tomorrow!”

“Good luck! Don’t hurt yourself!”

“We won’t. Bye!


“Don’t you guys have practice?” Mi sun asked me as she stood up.”

“Yeah. But it starts late today.”

She nodded. “I’ll be in the library then.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, turning back to face her.

“Yup. Exams coming up in two weeks anyways.” She laughed.

She just repeated what I said to her just now. Aish this girl.

I saw her walking to gong chan’s place and gave him a back hug. He smiles at her as he messes her hair. She pouts at him and sat on his lap, grinning.

“Yah what have you been eating? You’re heavy!”

“Lalala~” she sang and messes his hair.


They look like a couple messing around with each other. He pushes her off and she almost fell.

“Are you trying to kill me?’ she screamed with both of her hands around his neck.

“That’s my line, you pig.” He said, putting his arms around her waist for support.

She messes his hair again and start flipping his math book that is on his table.

“Oh you’re done! Let me copy your answers.”

“Mehrong!” he said, causing mi sun to laugh. “It’s been a while since you last sat on my lap.”

It’s been a while? You mean she always sits on his lap?

“Really? I should do it more now, since you said I’m heavy.”

“I was just joking. You’re never fat.”


Gong chan leans his head on her left arm while mi sun continues flipping his math book.

I turn my head away after realizing I was staring at them for a very long time. But I can’t help but to think that how I wish I was gong chan right now.

Wow, hold on baro! Why do you want mi sun to sit on your lap all of a sudden?

I turn back towards them and saw mi sun writing something on gong chan’s book while he tries to take the pencil away from her.


I put my hands on my chest and breathe in again. This weird feeling, it’s coming back again.

Don’t tell me… Is this how you feel when you have a crush on someone? Does this mean that I have a crush on mi sun?


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Joon_A #1
Chapter 73: Yeah..its been awhile..i just found 'is this how love feels like" and finally I just finished reading it....OMG I love it so much,I really love all the endings
*this is my new acc.,I forgot whats my old username and password so I make a new acc.
Btw,excellent story ;)
khatz17 #2
Chapter 42: i really want her to be with baro :-P
BlackPearl96 #3
Chapter 2: Hi, I keep seeing this story and it makes my interested every time. But every time I realize it can't read the font :/ I may be the only one but it would be much appreciated if I could enjoy your story like the others, please change the font author nim
Chapter 72: Hello!! New subscriber and new reader here~ \(´▽`)/ hbshjsahsahjsahsajhsd I love your story!! ♥ like seriously how do you do that.. I was blushing from beginning until the end!! I love all the endings ;_; cant express it well but the point is I love this story very much! Thank you for making this author-nim!!
gongchan. gongchan. gongchan.
Thank you all for reading! =D
Daenaelysa #7
ohgawd I liked Gongchan's more than Jinyoung's even though I'm Jinyoung biased. CHANNIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME.
congrats on completing your story!! i hope mine becomes as successful as yours is!!! <3<3<3<3<3