Chapter 27

Turning Point

From: Krystal :) [ 4 39pm]

You take care too :) 

Amber kept reading the text that Krystal sent the day before, which was the day she had left Busan to Seoul. She was on her way to the company then, with Lay driving beside her and updating her about the news that he heard in the company. Suzy was still locked up in her room and Amber did not have time to check on her as she stayed awake through the night to settle the problem, she barely had one or two hours of sleep. 

Their problem was that in the absence of Amber, nobody was in charge of making final decision and Granny Liu could not do much since her body did not allow her to overwork. She understood that Amber had to stay in Busan to bring Krystal back so she did not want to bother her at first, but things got out of hand and it was her last resolution to call Amber back. The huge investors thought that ALNO was not capable anymore and they ended up rejecting the contracts and deals which caused ALNO to lose quite a huge sum of money, though just a small drop in stock market. 

"Is everyone there already?" Amber asked as they strode toward the conference room. Lay checked his watch and nodded. "Should be. You're a minute late." Amber groaned and rolled her eyes, she quickened her pace and Lay dashed forward to open the door for her to enter. The key personels stood up upon seeing Amber and Amber raised up her palm to ask them to sit down. 

"I am sorry. Traffic was bad." Amber said, Lay passed her stack of files and he set up the laptop for Amber. 

Ryeowook got up from his seat and went to the front to whisper a few words to Amber and Amber nodded. "You may start now." she said to him. 



The meeting went on and on for almost the entire day and they barely ate anything. The others were complaining about how they did not have lunch and dinner while Amber could not care about her growling stomach. Lay had passed her some snacks to eat but they were mostly untouched. She already had three cups of coffee and when the secretary brought another cup in, Lay told her to keep it away from Amber as he did not want her to have caffeine overdose. 

It was already close to midnight and the conference room was only left with Amber, Lay and Ryeowook. The rest had already gone home as Amber asked them to, but they had to report earlier than work time the next day. She jumped when she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket and she put away her file to fish out her phone. She gave a tired smile when she saw the name flashing on the screen. 


"I heard that you're still working." 

"Did you call home?" Amber smiled. Lay noticed the smile and he shook his head with a lazy grin. 

"I... just wanted to know how are you."

"I am fine, Krystal."

"That's good." 



"Why aren't you sleeping?" Amber asked, looking at her watch with a frown. 

"I... I will sleep soon." 

"Okay. Have a good rest. And... I don't think I can be back tomorrow. Help me to inform Jessica. I am sorry." Amber sighed, rubbing her face with her palm. 

"It's okay. Rest well too."

"Yeah. Good night."

"Good night." 

For the next few minutes, the two did not speak  Amber listened to the sound of Krystal breathing and a few random noise that was made when Krystal shuffled around. She was contented like that. Then she heard someone else's voice. "Soojung, sica unnie is going to be mad if she finds out that you call her, y'know." 

Amber frowned. The voice was familiar. Then she remembered, Im Yoona. "Krystal?" She called over the phone and heard Krystal hummed in response. "Are you... is Yoona with you?" 

"yes." Krystal said it in a tone of whisper. 

Amber frowned even deeper. She looked at the time and decided that it was time for her to go home. She knocked the table with her knuckles to get the two guys' attention and she asked them to go home. Lay packed up the files while Amber continued talking on the phone with Krystal. "Are you two sleeping together?" 

"there is no more extra room." 

"Okay..." Amber sighed out, she could not stand the thought of having Yoona by Krystal's side on the bed. She should be the one. 

"Are you going home now?" 

"Yeap. I am just waiting for Lay to tidy up things and I will head home afterwards." 

"okay..." Amber could hear something was off from Krystal's tone. 

"Hey are you okay?" 


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Um... I am tired now. Bye, Amber."

"Okay... Tell Jessica if you're not feeling well, okay? And, good night. I... miss you." Amber said and could feel her cheeks getting warmer as she only received a soft hum from Krystal. Then, they two hung up and Amber walked out with Lay and Ryeowook to the car park. 




Amber got back home half past twelve and she threw her briefcase on the sofa, someone would tidy it later. She stretched and yawned as she walked into the kitchen. Even though she had so much coffee in the afternoon, she still felt sleepy. She grabbed a can of isotonic drink from the fridge and opened it. The cooling sensation flushed away her lethargy and she placed the empty can on the counter. She recalled her conversation with Krystal just now and felt that something was really wrong about Krystal's tone. 

A pair of arms slowly s around her waist and Amber almost died from shock. She spun around and saw Suzy looking at her. "Wow you scared me!" Amber exclaimed and put her palm over her chest. She could feel it beating nervously and it was not a good feeling. 

"I thought you're not coming back." Suzy said, she looked at Amber intently and Amber felt uncomfortable. "But you came back, for me." Suzy smiled and hugged Amber close to herself, she nuzzled at Amber's neck and sniffed in the scent that she had missed over the past few days. "I miss you so much, Am." She whispered and rubbed her cheek against Amber's chest. 

Amber wanted to push her away but then she decided not to. She just missed her, that's all. She was her girlfriend after all. "Why aren't you sleeping?" Amber asked, she didn't know where to put her hands at. 

"I was waiting for you." Suzy said. "Am, I am sorry. I shouldn't have showed you the video..."

The video. Amber looked at Suzy from the corner of her eyes but Suzy could not see it since she was hugging Amber so tightly. "It's okay. Everything is good now." Amber said. She felt Suzy finch and her suspicion arised. "How did you get the video, anyway?"

Suzy pulled away but still held onto Amber's hands in front of her. She looked down at their hands and said, "I was... taking photos of myself but then I saw them hugging in front of the mansion... So... I just taped it down and wanted to ask her why did she do that but you... saw it." 

Amber narrowed her eyes slightly. As far as she remembered, even though she was tipsy that day, Suzy said that she wanted to show Amber something and she did show something. But that video suddenly popped out from nowhere on the screen. Suzy must have thought that Amber was too drunk to remember the details that day so she twisted the story a little. But it only added on to Amber's suspicion and defence. 

"Alright. Let's sleep now. I still have to wake up early tomorrow." Amber said, rubbing Suzy's arms and Suzy smiled gently at her. She nodded. and held Amber's hand in hers, "I will put the water bath for you and wait for you to finish bathing." Amber just nodded. 




Krystal tossed and the bed. She could not put her mind at rest. She knew that Amber was going to be at home anyway and Suzy would be there. She could not help but feel jealous at the mere thought of it. Her mind kept replaying the smirk on Suzy's face when Amber stormed out of the house that day. That day when she discovered that Jonghyun and her were hugging outside the mansion. She admitted that it was her fault to hug another guy in front of Amber's house, but she only saw Jonghyun as a reliable friend, no romantic feeling was attached, though she had just found out about Jonghyun's feeling for her. She was glad that Jonghyun still regarded her as a friend and promised her that he would let go of his feeling because he knew that Krystal belonged to Amber. Unlike Suzy.

However, she could not contain her smile when she recalled her conversation with Amber. The girl said that she missed her. She wanted to say that she missed her too but she did not have the courage to say it. She was scared that Amber would laugh at her for missing her but not going back with her. It was stupid enough. She called because she was worried. She heard from Granny Liu that Amber worked through the night the previous day and she worked till late at night again that day. It was not good for her health. She did not want Amber to tire herself out and fall sick. And, she certainly did not want Suzy to be the one taking care of Amber when she was sick. 

Yoona snored beside her and she pulled up her blanket closer to her neck. The night was chilly cold. Weirdly, when Amber was by her side that day, the night did not feel long and cold. Her heart missed Amber. But she could not say it, yet. She was not sure about whether it was the right time for her to confess, even though Amber had already done it by implying it, somehow. They still had Suzy in between them. 

Her heart almost raced out of her ribs when her phone vibrated, the screen flashed in the dark. She grabbed her phone from the night stand and opened the text with anticipation. 

From: Amber [ 12 46am ]

I hope you're asleep already. I miss you very badly, really. This may be silly to you, but I actually want you to be by my side right now. I want to crawl back to your bed at this instance but... Busan and Seoul are too far apart, I would probably be dead if I crawled there. :P Give me a few more days and I will fly back to your side, okay? Meanwhile, rest well and take good care of OUR baby. I will bring you to eat good food when I go back, okay? And, don't forget the maternity clothing :) sweet dreams xx

Krystal's lips curved into a sweet smile and she held her phone close to her chest. She tried to imagine the words coming out from Amber's own tongue and how soothing they would be. She chuckled through her nose at herself as she realised that she was ridiculous. But, isn't everyone like that when they are in love?

She put away her phone and did not reply as she did not want Amber to nag at her for still not sleeping at this timing. But soon, her eyelids began to droop and her lips were still in a curve when she drifted to deep slumber, her mind thinking about Amber and only Amber. 






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will update soon!! SORRY


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snackplate #1
Chapter 42: This story is by far is developed nicely. I will still be thankful if it ended here. Thank you author ?
babySavie #2
Chapter 12: What the hell? She mistaken a leg with a hand?
glorifel_velasco #3
Hi author hope you'll continue to write this story because its a good one and one of the best kryber story,,
Chapter 42: Awieeeeeee!! Waiting for the next chapter!:D I'm so happy for them!!*claps
Chapter 36: Yes please!!! It would be great to read another kryber fic from you.:)
Chapter 34: Thank you very much for this chapter! Saved by Nana. She's a joker. Waaaaah my eyes are tired from the tears u know??
Chapter 32: Dang.. Whats wrong with me?? I keep on bawling at this.. My tears just won't stop!!!!!T^T
kris214 #8
Chapter 42: I just read it today- but i skipped to the chapter 7.
CaesarC #9
Chapter 42: 2016 and I'm craving for another update!
My most favorite kryber fanfic ever ;)..!!!!!