Chapter 22

Turning Point

"Now what?" Amber tossed her phone on the bed and looked at Lay who was busy tapping on the aquarium, startling the fish. Lay turned around and smiled, "Go home." 

"What? You asked me to text her and then you are telling me to go home?" Amber's voice raised a notch. 

Lay chuckled. "Of course. You still have Suzy to deal with, remember? Plus, you have to ask where is Krystal since she isn't telling you." Lay figured out. He watched in amusement as Amber's eyes lit up, seemed to have a clue of what she was supposed to do. "Now, let's go." Lay urged, walking to the door and Amber immediately got up to follow after. 



Jessica sent Krystal back home after their lunch before she headed out to do a grocery shopping. Krystal was all alone in the house and she stared at her phone, hoping that Amber would initiate a text so that she could talk to her. But no. Amber did not. She flicked through the channels on the television and dazed at the screen, millions of thoughts running through her mind. 

She felt her baby kicking thrice in a row, it made her smile. She placed her palm over her belly and gave it a few gentle rub, she felt her baby moving about inside of her. "Are you protesting now?" she asked her baby, chuckling sadly as the baby kicked as if in response. "I don't even know what does your dad... or mom want. One moment, she doubts me. The next moment, she wants me by her side. I mean, it isn't fair to me." 

"As silly as it sounds right now, I actually thought that she liked me... but who am I to kid with right? She has Suzy, she is so pretty. Look at me, just an ordinary girl that she would not even look at if we ever walked past each other in a crowded place." she lamented. After realising that her baby was not kicking anymore, she sighed. "Even you don't want to listen to me." Then she laughed at herself because she was actually talking to an unborn baby. 

*Ding Dong*

She jumped. Her heart started beating frantically. It can't be Jessica because she has the key, why would she press the doorbell? Was it her? 

The doorbell rang again and this time, she took in a deep breath to summon all her courage before she got up from the sofa, dragging her feet to the door. As there was no peephole, she could only open the door to reveal the person behind it. Her trembling hand reached the door knob and turned it clockwise, slowly pulling the door inward. She was looking down, afraid to meet her eyes. 

"Krystal Jung." 

Her head snapped up, eyes widened - not in horror but in surprise. 

"Jonghyun oppa?!" 




Suzy smiled upon seeing Amber but Amber disregarded her existence, completely ignoring her as Suzy asked her string of questions about her day. She rummaged through her wardrobe and packed a few clothes into a backpack. She pushed Suzy away by the shoulder with a little force when Suzy asked where was she going. Amber held onto her bag and walked to the table, she picked out her cheque book and stuffed it into the bag as well. 

She did not turn back even though Suzy kept yelling for her to come back, even when the long-haired girl collapsed onto the ground, crying. 

"Everything done?" Lay asked, eyebrow arched up as Amber came back into the car. Amber nodded, tossing the back pack onto the backseats. "So where is she?" 

"I asked grandma, she said Jessica came. So I figured she went to her place. That's in Busan, for god's sake." Amber explained. She did not know why did Lay even want to help her with her mess but she was thankful for him. He was an easy person to be with. "And, about Suzy, I did not do what you told me to." Amber added when she steered out the corner. 

"I knew it." Lay smirked. 

Amber remained quiet and focused on the road, she had a long way to go. 

"Because you would not kiss a girl that you no longer have feelings for just to coax her. I know, Ambro." Lay continued. Then he looked out of the window too because he saw that Amber's expression change slightly when he said that. He knew that  Amber knew herself, that was all she needed to know. 


A few hours of driving was not bad. Since both could drive, but Lay ended up driving all the way to Busan because he claimed that Amber should conserve all the energy so that she could fight for Krystal later. From what he heard, Jessica was a tough one. "Is it here?" Lay asked, decelerating the car as it approached a small but cosy house. Amber nodded. She stretched and yawned. It was late evening already because there was a slight traffic jam. 

And all of a sudden, she felt her heart racing against her chest. When Lay was already out of the car, she was still inside, sitting still as if her limbs were not in her control. She could not move even though she wanted to see Krystal so badly. The slap that she gave Krystal suddenly flashed through her mind, she stared down at her right hand and suddenly felt sick to her stomach. She hit the girl that she liked, that she cared for. She was a bastard. 

Lay gave her some moment and then tapped on the window to break Amber's train of thoughts. It was not the time to back down. "come on." He urged. Amber swallowed the huge lump in and opened the car door. She left her backpack at the backseat as she figured that there's no way that Jessica would allow her to stay over at her house. 

"Are you ready?" Lay asked, rubbing his palms together. Amber gave a few rapid nods and looked at the apartment in front of her. The place where she had promised Jessica that she would not make Krystal cry and come back here again. But she failed to keep her promise. She despised herself so much. "Everything will be fine." Lay assured, patting Amber's back. 

Amber took a few minutes to calm her nerves before she reached for the doorbell. Her shaky finger pressed on the doorbell weakly but it managed to ring. She heard footsteps behind the door and her heart almost stopped beating when the person who opened the door was none other than her enemy - Jonghyun. 

"What are you doing here?" Jonghyun crossed his arms in front of his chest, staring Amber down. Amber suddenly felt so small. So Jonghyun had been with Krystal since the day before? Did he come to find her or did she ask her to? Were they cuddling on the sofa and watching romance movie together? Were they laughing at how stupid Amber was because she thought that Krystal would go back to her? 

Lay coughed. "Who are you?" 

Jonghyun looked to Amber's side and said, "why does it bother you?"

"Because we are looking for her fiancee and it turns out to be you answering the door." Lay said with steady tone. 

Jonghyun knew that he was not in the place to stop Amber so he jerked his thumb to his back, "she's inside." 

"Who are they, jonghyun?" A girlish voice asked and slowly revealing herself beside jonghyun. "Bastard! How dare you come here!" 

Amber was pushed down on the ground by Jessica who had a sudden burst of anger upoin seeing her face. "Jonghyun, close the door. Go in and make sure she won't hear us." Jonghyun looked at Amber who was still on the ground with Lay helping beside her and shook his head before he went in, did as what his noona asked him to. 

After making sure that the door was closed securely, Jessica folded her arms in front of her chest and watched as Amber get up from the ground. "My, my. Look at you. Are you trying to act all pathetic now so that Krystal's heart will be softened?" 

Amber bit her inner cheek and stayed quiet. She remembered what Lay told her on the way to Busan: Remain silent no matter how harsh things come at you. 

"Why aren't you speaking now? Aren't you here to apologize and ask Krystal to go back with you?" Jessica scoffed. 

Lay was intimidated by Jessica, indeed. But he masked his fear by putting on an expressionless face. Amber, on the other hand, decided that it was time for her to speak and she said, "Yes I am here to apologize and ask her to go back with me." 

"Perfect. Just as what I thought." Jessica smiled sarcastically. "But how about no?" 

Amber clenched her fists and Jessica noticed it. "Why? Are you going to hit me too?"

It stabbed Amber right on the heart. Her fists relaxed and she bowed. "I am really sorry for what I have done. I didn't-"

"You didn't know what you were doing because you were drunk. Yeah yeah that was all she told me and all you can say." Jessica finished Amber's words. She tapped her foot impatiently on the ground as Amber became mute again. "Don't you want to know why is Jonghyun here?" She asked on purpose. 

Amber looked up and her shoulders dropped. "yes..." She said it like a whisper. 

"Because I know that he will not hit Krystal and will care for her. Because I know that he does not have another girl competing with Krystal for his attention. Because I know that he will love the baby, too." Jessica spat. She saw Amber's mouth went open and close a few times, trying to say something but nothing came out from her. She sighed in disappointment, she thought that if Amber was sincere and certain enough to ask Krystal to go back, she would let the matter off this time. But Amber did not say anything other than gaping . 

Jessica turned around, reaching for the door knob and she heard Amber saying almost weakly. "I will wait here. Till you let me talk to her. I will." Then, Jessica pressed her lips together as she went into the house. Amber and Lay stood still in front of the door. Amber heard laughter from the house and she could recognise it. It was Krystal's. She was happy. Was she here to take away her happiness?


Amber looked at Lay as if he could read her mind. "W-what?" She asked

"Don't think that you're losing, you're almost there. Continue fight, Ambro." Lay stated and rested a palm on Amber's shoulder as he gave her an assured smile. Amber nodded and the two of them went back into the car. 



JongHyun's POV

"Yah oppa!!" Krystal whines when I splash the water to her face. She wipes her face with the back of her hand and stares at me. "You're messing the kitchen instead of doing something properly." She complains. 

I laugh and she bursts out laughing too because I fell onto the ground as I laughed. Now, the entire kitchen is in a mess because of me. But at least she is happy. Jessica-noona is still outside talking to Amber, I guess. I admit that I didn't want to see her here, but she is Krystal's fiancee and the baby's mother afterall. She has the right to see Krystal, but Jessica has a bigger right to stop her from seeing Krystal. 

"Oh my, what happened?" Jessica asks in shock when she sees that the chair is sprawled on the floor, the floor is wet and so are my shirt and face. "Aish, Krystal, go and sit down. You will fall." She assists Krystal to sit on the other chair cautiously and I get up. "Jonghyun, go and change into some other clothes, you will fall sick." 

"Everybody falls." I say with a shrug on my shoulders and Krystal giggles quietly. I wiggle my eyebrows at her and suddenly realise that I have no extra shirt. "Erm, noona. Do you have an extra t-shirt for guys because..."

"Ah... I don't think I have any. You can just take off your shirt and leave it there to dry. It will only take a few minutes." Jessica noona says, pointing to the drying machine at the corner of the kitchen. I nod and take off my shirt awkwardly, this is the first time I am changing in front of girls. I have my back on the two girls and toss the wet shirt into the machine. "Come and clean up the mess now." Jessica noona orders. I nod and grab a piece of rag to dry the floor. My face gets heated up because I am wiping the area near Krystal now. She is not looking at me as she is talking to her sister who is now making dinner. I avoid looking at her legs and get up when the floor is dried. 

"Alright, leave it there and come and give me a hand." Noona says again and Krystal laughs. "You're treating her like a servant unnie." 

"What? I asked him to come and he doesn't have to work at oppa's shop today so he has to compensate his working hours here okay? you don't mind right, Jonghyun?" Noona asks, one hand on the frying pan handle and the other holding the spatula which is pointing at me. I let out a nervous chuckle and nod obediently. She is not someone whom you can mess around with. 

"See." She flashes Krystal a victory smile and Krystal shakes her head. 

She still doesn't know that Amber was here. She was bathing when Amber came. "Jonghyun, it is too late to go back to Seoul now, how about you stay for a night and head back tomorrow?" Noona states, not a suggestion but a firm order. I get the hint that she might have something to tell me so I agree on it. Krystal frowns and asks, "but we don't have anymore extra room." 

"You can sleep with him." Noona says with an indifferent tone and I feel blood rushing up my neck. "Just kidding. You will sleep with me, Krys. And you will sleep in Krystals' room." 

"Don't let your imagination run wild, young man." She whispers at me as she walks past me to get the sauce. I scratch my nape and look down as I am more than embarrassed. 



Amber's POV

Lay suggested that we should book a hotel to stay for the night and come back tomorrow morning, but I am not going to do that. I don't want Jessica to think that I can't even stay up for a night to wait for Krystal. I am not that weak. Suddenly, I feel my stomach grumbling and I realise that I have not eaten since yesterday's morning. I just kept drinking through the night at Minho and Kai's club. 

"You need it." A cup of instant noodle appears in front of my sight and I look beside me. "I bought them from their neighbour." He raised his cup of noodle up as well. I give him a weak but appreciative smile. "He still hasn't left?" He asks as he slurps his noodles. 

I shake my head, looking at the warm cup in my hands. "He must be staying." I say and my voice is thick because I have not been talking much. 

"Do you think that she knows you're here?" Lay asks, blowing air to cool the hot noodle. 

I shrug. "Maybe, maybe not."

We fall into silence and I watch out of the window. The light is still on, they are still awake. It is already 10 11pm and usually, Krystal would have been asleep at this time. Maybe she is chatting happily with Jonghyun. "Eat up." Lay reminds me and I nod. The lightning flashes and spllits the nightsky into half, then the thunder roars. The dark clouds start rolling in quickly and soon, it begins pouring. My view becomes blur when I look out of the window but the light is not longer on. 

I finish the cup noodle and have never realised that it tastes so good. I have always thought that cup noodles are for poor and beggars because they are so cheap, what nutritions do they have anyway? But times like this, I wonder if Krystal would be disappointed if she ever knew my thoughts. I know that she has never been satisfied with what I am thinking because they never make her smile. She probably thinks that I am a spoiled brat, even though she said that she doesn't. 

"Throw it here." Lay says, holding out a plastic bag for me to dispose my empty cup. "Now, rest well and tomorrow we will ask their neighbour if we could borrow their bathroom to shower and wash up. God, we stink." 

I chuckle softly and push back my seat to lie down. He does the same and I turn the air-condition lower, increasing the temperature. It reminds me of that time when I brought Krystal back from this place and she slept beside me in the car, the place where Lay is lying now. I put an arm behind my head and close my eyes, trying to stop thinking about her even for a moment and just sleep. 



No One's POV

Krystal flipped from her right side to her left. She couldn't fall asleep. She wondered why didn't Amber come and find her like what she said in the text. Was all she said a lie? She looked at her side and saw that her sister was already sleeping soundly, how she wished it was Amber. She sighed and held her palm on her chest. Why did it ache when she thought about Amber? It should not be aching so badly because she knew that Amber would not care. Maybe she would, but for awhlie and the next moment, she would treat Krystal like an old toy again. 

She got up and went out of the room to grab a glass of water. The thunders were fierce. She was a little scared so she quickly finished drinking and wanted to go back to the room when she saw lights emitting from the outside. Her curiosity brought her to the window facing the road and she pulled the curtain apart, the rain was hindering her from getting a clear view of what was outside. But she knew it was a car. She felt something fishy but did not dare to go out to check alone. 

The car was parked in front of her sister's house, out of all the other houses. She wiped away the condensation on the window and squinted to get a clearer view through the falling rain. She saw nothing. Nobody was inside the car but the car engine was roaring. Should she call the police? Or maybe it was just her neighbour's car and it was raining so heavily so they decided to wait for the rain to stop first? 

In the end, she drew back the curtain and turned around to walk back to the room. The thunder echoed through the silent night and Krystal had a shock when she saw her phone's screen lit up in the dark. She reached for it and opened it with anticipation when she saw the sender's name. 

From: Amber [ 11 34pm]

Are you sleeping alone? Are you scared of the thunders? Find your unnie if you're scared, okay? Have a good rest and... I will be waiting. 

Krystal frowned as she tried to figure out Amber's text and then she realised that the car outside could be Amber's. Who else who would waiting outside her sister's apartment? Furthermore, Amber knew that she was with her sister and it was thundering now, in Busan. She smiled and placed the phone near her chest, as she looked out of the window at the car. Indeed, the more she looked at it, the more the car looked familiar to her. 


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will update soon!! SORRY


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snackplate #1
Chapter 42: This story is by far is developed nicely. I will still be thankful if it ended here. Thank you author ?
babySavie #2
Chapter 12: What the hell? She mistaken a leg with a hand?
glorifel_velasco #3
Hi author hope you'll continue to write this story because its a good one and one of the best kryber story,,
Chapter 42: Awieeeeeee!! Waiting for the next chapter!:D I'm so happy for them!!*claps
Chapter 36: Yes please!!! It would be great to read another kryber fic from you.:)
Chapter 34: Thank you very much for this chapter! Saved by Nana. She's a joker. Waaaaah my eyes are tired from the tears u know??
Chapter 32: Dang.. Whats wrong with me?? I keep on bawling at this.. My tears just won't stop!!!!!T^T
kris214 #8
Chapter 42: I just read it today- but i skipped to the chapter 7.
CaesarC #9
Chapter 42: 2016 and I'm craving for another update!
My most favorite kryber fanfic ever ;)..!!!!!