Chapter 5

You're the cause of this

'Him' Her jaw dropped.

I pointed to a familiar doll looking guy seadted by himself at the Table 12 near the window.

'Are you kidding me?' She laughs off taking my answer as a joke.

I shook my head. 'Do you think I am joking?' I asks her while showing here my deadly serious looking face.

'So you're not????' Her eyes goes D.O ( some random thing. Nevermind. ) I then nodded my head exaggeratedly.


Our co-workers suddenly look at our way when Shairah squeals like some crazy fangirl.

'Omo omo!!! Introduce me to him!!!' Here we go again.... I just continue my work ignoring my crazy friend..

'Hey! Have you forgotten the golden rule?' She wiggles her eyebrow as if I had really hide a nasty secret from her.

'Excuse me miss, I had just answered your question. Is that even a secret?' I smirk catching her offguard. If there's still no comeback in 5 seconds, then I had won this battle.




2... I mentally celebrated my victory. Yay!!!





'Yeah because you didn't tell me earlier that, HIM!!! THAT GUY SEATED OVER THERE!!!!!!!!' She suddenly screams and I had to shushed her by putting my palm over . The customers had look our way giving us those What-is-wrong-with-you-two look. Luckily, Luhan didn't look on our way. *Sigh*

'Hey! We might get fired, so shut your mouth.' I reminded her.  She obediently nodded and did the zipping mouth action.

'So does this mean that you'll introduce me to him?' She giddily asks ready to celebrate if I'll say what she wants to hear from me. I just hum a reply just to end this nonsense conversation. And the coast is clear again...


'Good morning sir, can I take your order now?' I ask the customer seated beside Luhan's table which was Table 10.

I quickly jotted down his order. 'Is that all sir?' and finish :)))

I was turning my way when I had caught Luhan looking at me. He flashes me his smile and I had to smile back at him.


'You're waiting for someone?' I ask while holding my pad in my right arm. He nodded as a response.

'Yes. I'll be meeting someone today.'

I nodded. 'Oh. Have fun and call us if you want to take your order already.' I said out of nowhere.

'Yup! Take care and don't force yourself too much.' I was taken aback by what he has said. What?


I questioningly look at him.

'I mean, don't force yourself too much causeyou still need energy to finish our masterpiece.' He retorts back. I had to clear my thought to ease the awkwardness that I felt.

'Oh. Kamsahamnida for the concern.' I bowed.

'Cheonmaneyo.' And then I make my getaway to get rid already of the situation.


I felt something new when I heard him talk like that to me. Talking to me with concern.

What the heck is this feeling?? Maybe google will answer it.







A/n: That'll be all for now guys! enjoy reading and don't forget to make some comment so that I'll know where and what to improve. It won't hurt. I swear!



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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
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Thanks for the new updates :D
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kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
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