Chapter 2

You're the cause of this

Your POV

Days and weeks had passed and you had observed that those two guys were always going for a bubble tea at your cafe.

You find it odd and cute. The way they laugh among themselves and play is such a nice scene.

After a few weeks of observing them, you had concluded that those two had a very strong bonding (a/n: HunHan <3 <3 <3 )

If the cafe where you were working at is giving freebies to their loyal customer, you're very much sure that those two will always be winning.

'Here's your order sir' I set their order at their table.

They smiled back at me.


'Yah! you two! you're no fun at all!' A baby faced giant guy hollered from the door of the cafe as he point at those two loyal customers of us. (a/n: He's pointing at HunHan)

My friends and I were startled by the sound of his very deep voice. His friend had seen us so he bowed as a sign of apology for his friends part. They were companied by a short chubby face guy and a guy with a tanned skin.

I had observed that they were a bunch of goodlooking guys.



'Yah! Baozi! Get off of me!'

'Kai, You lazy '

'Park Chanyeol!!! that's my food! Get your own'

Their table was full of ruckus when those 4 had joined them.

After awhile, they had decided to occupy the bigger table that can be occupied by a dozen of customer.


'Just give us the family set' The Giant guy ordered.


Few moments later.....

another 6 guys had entered the cafe and joined the crowd of those guys.

Again... the noisy cafe had gone a lot noisier than ever....

Oh God... Let their be peace in this cafe.



It was now already 5 pm and the cafe was still filled with those noisy bunch of guys.

Oh shoot... Our manager is always dropping off every 5pm to visit her cafe.


The wind chime has rung indicating an entrance of a customer.

'Hey, boss is here.' Haola informed me.


'How was the cafe guys?' She asks us as soon as she entered the kitchen.

'It was getting busier ma'am' Soojing unnie (Head worker) answered.

'Glad to hear that.' She flashes us her friendly smile.

'Keep up the good work guys' Then, she exits the kitchen.



'Hey Kris! You're here with your friends' We heard our manager yell happily.

'She knows them?' Shairah asks me. I shrugged my shoulder.


They had chatted for a while.

Oh... She knows them.


Naila's POV

Manager had called me to give the Table 12 their receipt.

'Don't worry guys. This will be for free.' My jaw dropped. Huwattt???? FREE???

I look at her confusedly and she seems to realized it.

'Oh. This guy here is my nephew and they're his friends' She told me while pointing to a fierce looking guy. He's handsome

'Hi. I'm Kris Wu and I'm the nephew of Aunt Lei' He introduced himself. I blushed by the way he look.

I bowed as the other guys introduce themselves.


'You're very welcome here guys. Be sure to always visit, ne?'

'Ne.. Aunt Lei' They answered in chorus.

"Naila, told Soojin that they'll not be paying for their foods' Manager told me.

I obeyed obediently.



So, does this means that they'll always be visiting this cafe?

I blush by just the thought of it.

Get yourself, Naila.

I slap my face a few times.




A/n: how was it?

please share me your thoughts so I can improve myself.

I'm very open to any criticisms guys. Just feel free ^^

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I'm having a writer's block >_


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A cold city man :3
A cold city man :3
Chapter 26: Kris- THE FOREVER COLD GUY -_-
Thanks for the new updates :D
Flirty Baekhyun :D
Chapter 12: next ud please? HAHA! I hope i will the partner of sehun :)))
Chapter 1: dont worry Ms.Author , It' not boring actually... Fighting!!!
kiligenes to the bonesss~~~hihihihihi!!!!!
I wish I was Farisha<3
Chapter 2: JJANG!!!!!!!!!!:D