Chapter 33

You're the cause of this

It’s been a week and a half long since the last encounter with Luhan at Lei’s café which didn’t quite end well.

Though I always see him around the campus, we got no chance of exchanging words as I always avoid him at any cost. We only held eye contact for a second and go on our separate ways afterwards.

I still feel guilty for behaving like that so I should not feel sad if he’s not making any move on approaching me. But I’m doing the right thing, right? I am keeping a distance between him and I or more likely I am distancing myself for him and helping out a friend; and so far, this is the only help that I can give to Seohyun and the solution to my problem.

I am afraid.

I am afraid that I might get hurt.

I am afraid that he’ll see the feelings deep in me.

I am afraid that he’ll find out that I’m madly in love with him.

I am afraid that he’ll avoid when he knows that and everything will never be the same again.

As much as possible, all I want is to play safe.


I am trekking the path to the laboratory to hand my project to my Philosophy teacher who told us to search for him there, passing by the Music and Arts Department.

I wandered my eyes at my surroundings and drink in the sight of unfamiliar faces.

I let my eyes lingered for a while at the kiosks in hope of recognising some faces there and I saw two familiar figures on one of the kiosks. It was Luhan and Seohyun. They were clearly happy, sitting side by side so close that I am literally feeling the suffocation of their distance in my lungs.


My feet stopped on the spot. Though I really want to get moving, my feet don’t really know how to cooperate with me at this moment. That’s why I ended up staring at them from afar.


I thought they were just casually talking by themselves but I was so wrong.

When Seohyun landed a short kiss on Luhan’s right cheek, that’s when I took control on my feet again and walked away from the scene hoping that no one sees me standing there like a fool.


That afternoon..


Shairah and I were walking on our shift at the café. “Far, I think I forgot my books at my locker. Can you please give me a second to get them?” I nodded and looked for a seat nearby as Shairah run off back to the campus.

I sat at the seats located near the road so that Shairah will see me easily when she passes by.

I put my books beside me and put my backpack on my lap, cradling it like a baby.

I breathed in the afternoon cool air and stared at nowhere as I wait.

The cars passed by swiftly and the sound of engines roared on the seemingly spacious street.

A few students walked by as they made their way to God knows where; some were chatting animatedly as they discussed their plan for this Friday night.


I tipped my wristwatch and saw that three minutes had passed since Shairah left me here.

I made myself comfortable on my seat as many thoughts started to flood my mind.

Today and this week are really tough one; both in terms of school matter and personal issues.


Finals are approaching so soon and majority of the professors gave their mind-bugging test reviews and there were many notes to review at and things to remember. Since that this will be last year before I graduate, the pressure is also very high and demanding. The thesis and all those case studies were also not letting me off the hook so I really have to stay up very very late to study and finish all the things that have to be accomplished. However, aside from the pressure from the school, personal issues were also not letting me go without killing my mind. Though I tried my very best to not let them invade my attention, they still always get their way on eating me.


“Farishaaaaaaaaaaa” A deep voice owned by no other than Park Chanyeol interrupted my thoughts.

He together with Jongin, Tao and Sehun who each held a skateboard on their arms approached me. I took the books beside me and put them on my lap in order to make a space for the four of them to sit at.

Tao greeted me eagerly, waving his hand animatedly. Sehun flashed me a small smile before sitting beside Tao who sat on my left side. Jongin muttered a low “Hi” and stand there, inspecting his skateboard. Chanyeol pushed me further beside Tao who wailed at Chanyeol for settling himself on the small space on my right side. 


It was silent for good five seconds as everyone, except for Jongin who is now riding his skateboard in circle, looked at each other. Simultaneously, everyone, still with an exception of Kim Jongin who is now too engrossed on his skateboard, laughed at our state. Tao is giggling like a girl as he hit Sehun several times while Sehun hit Tao back with much force that Tao somehow ended up frowning at the strength used on his arms. Chanyeol is almost rolling like a buffalo on his seat as he’s bent on his knees, hands clapping like a seal. These guys seriously laughed like there’s no tomorrow.


When we recovered on our state and gained composure, I and Chanyeol sat watching Tao and Sehun who had gone to ride their skateboard around with Jongin chasing the two.


“Why aren’t you riding yours?” I asked Chanyeol who’s spinning the tire of his skateboard with his index finger.

“I’m so tired of falling again and again from this crazy and uncooperative skateboard of mine. See this?” Chanyeol raise his arms and showed me the scratch on his arms. They were still fresh and needed to be cleaned. I poked on one of the red bruises near his elbow and he winced at that.

“Wait, let me check if I can help you with those.” I rummaged on the contents of my bag and fortunately I brought with me a small pack of cotton buds and a bottle of disinfectant. I took them out of my bag and placed the books and bag out of my lap in order to tend to Chanyeol. His face clearly shows uneasiness as I uncapped the bottle of the disinfectant and pour some on a roll of cotton buds.

“Oww oww ow” He yelped in a not so manly voice as I dab the cotton with disinfectant on his bruises. I didn’t contain the giggle that escaped from my lips at the sound. I hurriedly cleaned his bruises and tried not to laugh loudly at his reactions. By the time that I am fixing the band aids on his bruises, he was pouting at me.

“There you go, already clean and safe!” I tapped my fingers on the violet bandages on his arms and he only stared at me. He just kept staring at me as I spoke on him. He only blinked when I snapped my fingers right on his face.

“Come on, now you can play with them.” I told him as Sehun, Tao and Jongin were riding their skateboards around gracefully. Chanyeol is about to protest when I shooed him away.


I laughed so loud on my seat as Chanyeol struggled on his skateboard.

Unlike the three maknaes who were moving around the place gracefully, Chanyeol was clearly having a difficulty on balancing his awkward limbs on his skateboard. He kept on wiggling on his skateboard like a child learning to walk.

I didn’t contain the boisterous laughter that came out of my mouth as Chanyeol finally landed on his on the hard asphalt. His skateboard was wheeling itself away from his giant owner who is wincing in pain at the hard collision of the ground with his .

The maknaes laughed at their hyung who scolded them.

They mocked him by circling around him on their skateboard.


Clearly entertained at the scene, I approached Chanyeol and helped him on his feet.

He gladly took my hand and almost hit the maknaes who easily dodge the big palm aimed at their heads.

I run for Chanyeol’s skateboard and gave it to him. “Isn’t that an insult on me?”

“What?” I asked, amused at him.

“You, getting my skateboard for me.” He pouts.

“Aww. It’s okay since Chanyeol, the big baby is hurt.” I spoke to him like he was a toddler and his frown only deepened.

I pinched his cheeks and stretched them widely. He tried to shake off my hands but was in vain.

“I didn’t know that you’re such a baby not until now.” I chuckled heartily.


A clear of a throat interrupted us.

We looked at the source of the voice and saw Shairah standing there, caging her books on her embrace, sporting an amused smile on her lips.


I awkwardly took off my hands that were pinching Chanyeol’s cheek and my cheeks were heating up uncontrollably.

“Oh, we’re going now. Bye Chanyeol.” I said hurriedly and dragged my friend out of that place, not even forgetting to fetch my books and bag that was splattered on the seats.


Luhan’s POV


“Oppa, appa told me to invite you on a dinner tonight.” Seohyun told me as we were sitting side by side on one of the kiosks at the Music and Arts Department.

“Does uncle misses me so much?” I joked as Seohyun pursed her lips at my words.

“I don’t think that’s the case.”

“Omona! Don’t tell me he’s out to kill me.” I received a spank on my arms at Seohyun at that.

“Yah! Appa can’t do that to you. He loves you so much that he sees you as his son already.” Seohyun pouted and crossed her arms.

“So now you admit that your father loves me more than you?”

“It’s not that!!” She refuted. “Aishh. Can you just please accept appa’s invitation, can’t you?”

I chuckled at Seohyun’s pissed face before nodding my head. She squealed and threw herself on me, kissing me on the right cheek while I was caught off guard at that.

“Yah.” I told her, disentangling her arms on my torso.


Later that night at Kang’s Residence…


I arrived at their doorstep with a basket of fruit on my right hand.

One of the maids took the basket of fruit on my hands as I entered at the house or more likely mansion.

Aunty Seora, Seohyun’s mother, greeted me warmly; hugging me the tightest as she kept on talking about how much he misses me and how handsome and tall I am now that I’m already a man.


Not long after and Uncle Junghyun, Seohyun’s father, emerged on the stairs on his dark suit.

He hugged me too tightly and patted my back twice, asking me how I am doing.

We shared stories for a while; them asking me about anything and me occasionally asking them about stuffs. Uncle Junghyun and Aunty Seora were my second parents here in Korea. They and my parents were good friends since way back to their high school days so it’s not a puzzle anymore why I am this close to their family.


Halfway on our conversation when Seohyun walked down on the stairs hurriedly.

Aunty Seora panicked at the sight of her daughter running down the stairs like a little kid, excited to throw herself on Santa.

She kisses her parents both on their cheeks and sat beside me, automatically linking her arms on mine.

I squirm on my seat as Aunty Seora complimented us. “Hon, don’t you think that they look perfect together?” Uncle Junghyun nodded happily and jokingly says, “How about we arranged a marriage on you two?” I awkwardly laughed at that and scratched my nape.

“I think tha—“ Seohyun cut my words. “Appa, don’t make Luhan uncomfortable.” And Uncle Junghyun laughed at that and changed the topic, much to my gratefulness.


When the clock struck to 7:15 pm, we were settled before the long dining table where a copious number of mouth-watering dishes were laid out for us to eat.

After saying our grace for the food, we started eating.

Aunty Seora kept on placing vegetables and meat on my cup of rice telling me to eat more vegetables.

Though I’m not really fond of eating vegetables, I still tried to eat them.

Uncle Junghyun told me also to invite my parents some time when they decide to visit Korea and I nodded, not really sure whether my parents will have time for a dinner like this.


Dinner ended well.

Uncle Junghyun and I were at the living room playing chess, while Aunty Seora was eating fruits by our side watching the game intently. Seohyun was nowhere to be found.


*move move move and game*

“Uwaah! Luhannie beat you again hon.” Aunty Seora said as Uncle Junghyun took a kiwi on the bowl of fruits on Aunty’s bowl.

“Luhan’s mind didn’t even waver for a bit." Uncle pats my back while I bow at the compliment.

“Aigoo, if only we can adopt him as our son..” Aunty said pinching my cheeks.

I smiled and rubbed my cheeks secretly.


“Do you want some tea, son?” Aunty asked, standing up from the sofa. I nodded and excused myself for a while.

I walked outside and sat on the edge of the fountain at the backyard where a bed of beautiful and picturesque flowers were neatly trimmed.

The moon is cascading its light with the stars from above and I opened my phone and called Xiumin.

Halfway on my conversation with Xiumin, I felt a presence beside me.

I looked at the person and saw Seohyun smiling at me.

When the call ended, I faced Seohyun who is staring at the flowers.


“Why are you out here, Seohyun?” I asked her as she straightened her back.

“I was looking for you.” She said, tapping her right toe on the Bermuda grass.

“It’s cold out here; we should go back to the house now.” I said standing up but Seohyun caught my wrist and motioned me to stay seated, I obeyed.


“I have something to say to you, Luhan.” Seohyun spoke after a moment of silence and my ears caught on her addressing me on my name without the word oppa on it.

She visibly cringed when a gust of cold wind suddenly passes.

I took off my coat and put it on her. She thanked me before talking.


“What can you say about appa’s words a while ago?” She asked and I pondered for the words that she’s pertaining to. I thought it for a while before getting what she’s pertaining to.

“You mean the arrange marriage thing?” I asked and she nodded, looking at me straight in the eye.

“I don’t think Uncle is serious with that and I don’t think I’—“

“But what if appa is serious?” She cut me. I stare at her.

“That’s impossible Seohyun.” I told her, sensing a tension forming between us.

“But what if I like you? No. I love you.” She confessed in a straight forward manner that I was thrown on my seat.

“A-are you serious?” I dumbly confirmed and mentally face palmed myself when she nodded, her face showing no doubt of quirkiness.

“Why me?” I asked her again for the umpteenth time; thoughts of the things that occurred during the past suddenly flashed back on my mind and the image of Farisha smiling at me flashed on my mind.

“I love you ever since I met you Luhan. I fell in love with you the moment I was born and I keep on falling for you deeper on each passing day.” Seohyun’s eyes moistened while speaking and I freeze on my seat.

“You are the reason why I avoided relationships and the sole reason why I came back here in Korea. Are you also feeling the same way for me too, Luhan?” I was taken aback by the confession that when I opened my mouth, nothing came out.

Seohyun kept on looking at me expectantly that I don’t if what will I say next will do her justice.


I held her shoulders and steady her body that is shivering because of the cold or because of her confession though I most likely believed that is because of the latter reason.

I cleared my throat before speaking. “Actually Seohyun, I don’t share the same feelings with you.”

I mentally punch myself at my words for sounding so harsh. Seohyun’s eyes were b with tears and I panicked.


“Please don’t cry, Seohyun.” I pleaded her as she sniffed.

“I only see you as a sister and a friend. And I think it’s best if we stay like this.” I wiped the tear that rolled on her cheek the moment my words spill out from my mouth. Curse myself for being so bad with words.

“I’m not the right guy for you Seohyun and you don’t deserve me.”

“Who is she?” She spoke on her hoarse voice and I looked at her questioningly.

“Who is the one that you love? I know that someone already owns this that’s why you’re rejecting me.” She poked my left chest, pointing at my heart.

I stuttered for a response as I panick.

She’s really my childhood friend, she can read my mind.

“Don’t worry Luhan, I’m not the immature Seohyun from before who can’t accept rejection. I just want to know who manages to take you heart this time.” She smiled sadly at me.

“It’s Farisha.” I lowly muttered and the look she has wasn’t what I am expecting.

She seems relieved? I don’t know if that’s really it but why?


“I knew it.” She muttered and hugged herself tightly on my coat. I looked at her.

“You’re so obvious. The way you look at her whenever she leaves the two of us and the way you act whenever she’s around and the jealousy on you face whenever one of your friends is laughing with her, clearly shows that you like her. Wait, is it still a like or already love?” Seohyun peered and I am clearly shocked at the 360 degree shift on her persona.

I embarrassedly rubbed my nape and smiled at her.

“Aigoo” She ruffled my hair. “Can I ask for a last favour?”

“What is it?” Then, she hugged me tightly, a pregnant silence was heard.

Not long when I hear her sob and felt her tears staining my polo.

I rubbed her back comfortingly until she gained composure.


“Thank you for treating me so kindly though I’ve been a pain on your neck sometimes.” She said, standing up on her foot.

“Are you okay?” I asked her one last time and she nodded.

“Come on, let’s get inside. They must be looking for us already.”

And just like that, I proved to myself that Seohyun really changed after all these years.

She became a mature lady of her age and I’m proud at that.


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I'm having a writer's block >_


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